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Knowing three Cs of Search Engine Optimization

Knowing three Cs of Search Engine Optimization


With social marketing at its highest grade, it’s become important to know in and out of SEO basics before you start doing one or get it done. SEO definitely has huge ranging benefit if you are looking forward to get more visibility on search engines. Given below are the important 3Cs, core concepts to keep in mind for a successful SEO strategy:


Content is indeed the market king when it comes to online texts. HTML Text is highly important on the key pages to get higher visibility on search engines. Search engine spiders are programmed to check for codes in the images, text or flash animation. If there is no code attached, it will never know what it depicts. Even the sites with frames are difficult to get traced by spider since they cannot locate multiple frames and can only index single frame.

Website indexing means the spider looks for HTML text that is understood. It is highly important to embed the target phrases on a regular basis. You can use the phrases in the headline, body and at the bottom of the page. You can emphasize the phrases in the body of the text by making it bold, italics, underlined or giving it a hyperlink for other relevant content.


Often times, the source code behind website is quite larger and clumsy because of the propagation of the use of database driven CMS editors. The web spiders may get difficultly to deal with certain programming languages like Javascript which actually makes building and managing the website easier. To ensure that the site is properly indexed, you need to make sure that the website is designed according to acceptable Web Standards.

Complying with web standards would mean that the site is accessible to wide ranging browsers and speed; this will directly enhance the visitor experience. For source code optimization, make sure that every page has keyword optimized title, ALT tags and META tags. The keyword phrases should be similar to the ones that you used for body of the content. Even domains with keywords are great beneficiaries.


There may be times when you use keyword phrase reasonable number of times in the body and tags of a particular page and the result would not show your page even in the first 100. Why? There are certain elements that affect the way search engines functions. You need to build credibility to push yourself on the top from the noisy competition below. You can build your credibility by acquiring links from relevant industrial sites that are popular and search your target terms. The more relevancy and popularity the linked site has, you get higher link credibility with the search engine.

The best way to gauge the success of your SEO campaign is to monitor and analyze the traffic of the site. You can make use of freely available tools on Internet that will tell you which phrases generates the traffic from search engines. The above 3 Cs of SEO will most likely give you increased search engine visibility and outreach.


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