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Top Ecommerce Trends to include in your Marketing Strategy

Top Ecommerce Trends to include in your Marketing Strategy


For a successful e-commerce marketing results, it is highly important to have a good marketing strategy and you need to start planning for it now. As Ecommerce continues to grow at rapid speed, the markets are ramping up with faster ecommerce growth than initially targeted. It will eventually lead to more dissatisfaction amongst customers, losing out on leads and non-satisfactory UX. To avoid this trauma, it’s highly important to stay in tune with the fierce market competition. The mega global trends have huge implications and are not going to be grounded too soon. The marketers will have to integrate latest trends in their planning with a focused approach taking into consideration analytics and great optimization techniques in an effective manner.


Given below are few of the greatest trends that can be included in your marketing campaign for fastest results:

Trend 1

Asia specific eCommerce progression


4 Key Reasons to Sell On Amazon

4 Key Reasons to Sell On Amazon


1. Shoppers Often Begin Their Search on Amazon

A recent study by BloomReach stated that shoppers are twice as likely to start product research on Amazon than Google. As this trend continues, it’s inevitable that customers will search for your product on Amazon, whether you decide to sell on its marketplace or not. Nearly 9 out of 10 customers check Amazon even if they find a product they want directly on a retailer’s site. I have seen dozens of instances where selling on Amazon led to growth on branded sites. We’ve all been there: just before purchasing an item we pull out our phones to check the reviews on Amazon.

2. Amazon is a Great Additional Sales Channel

While conventional wisdom is that you should focus solely on a “direct” relationship with your customer, and mitigate reliance on retailers generating most of your revenue, as discussed, Amazon is a great sales channel to utilize in addition to your own Shopify site. Chapter 2 The Opportunity in Marketplaces 6 Often the worry is that Amazon will cannibalize all of your sales but the reality is that you can often maintain a healthy branded website in addition to Amazon. If done correctly, Amazon can become a great complement to your Shopify business very quickly.

3. Amazon Can Help Shoppers Discover Your Brand

Amazon can help build a sales funnel of potential customers who can eventually shop on your branded site. Many successful brands have launched on Amazon, and eventually get customers to purchase the same or additional items on their own site. For example, Casper Mattress has healthy reviews on Amazon but has almost 9x more reviews on their own site. The positive reviews on Amazon give Casper strong credibility for those considering buying on Casper’s site, and it also helps Amazon customers discover Casper’s recommended products. Additionally, there are several value-added services offered on that can win over customers from purchasing on Amazon.

4. Amazon is an Open Marketplace

If you don’t create a listing for your brand on Amazon, then be prepared that a third-party seller can create it. Should you trust an unknown party to manage the content, pricing, and exchange with customers on behalf of your brand? I assume most of you are shaking your head saying “no”, and with good reason. For example, below are customer complaints about a Shark Tank product being sold by a third party seller with no affiliation to the brand, and with a list price nearly 3x the price on the brand’s store.

Mobile – First Indexing of Ecommerce Sites

Mobile – First Indexing of Ecommerce Sites


Mobile-first indexing has been a popular topic over the past few months. We’ve seen a lot of articles on the subject, discussing how it may impact site appearance in search results. It’s important though not to confuse mobile-first indexing with ranking – remember the basics of indexing and ranking when it comes to this topic.

  • Indexing vs. Ranking

Search engines perform two main tasks – indexing and ranking. The mobile-first index means that mobile pages will be crawled first, and Google will revert to desktop pages if no mobile page is available.

The factors Google use to determine search rankings include mobile usability (mobile friendliness). Mobile-friendly content will be ranked higher in search results when a user is searching on a mobile device – this has been a factor that’s been around since 2015.

Keyword rankings differ based on whether the searcher is using mobile or desktop. This is due to Google ranking factors and roadblocks that exist in their mobile results, such as mobile page speed as a ranking factor and the intrusive interstitial penalty


  • How Can Ecommerce Companies Adapt?

The obvious: Make sure your site is mobile optimized

The first step you need to take, if you haven’t already, is to switch to a responsive website as soon as possible. There are other options for optimizing your site for mobile, including having a separate mobile site, but responsive design is generally recognized as being the easiest to maintain.

To check whether your site is currently mobile friendly, check out Google’s mobile-friendly testing tool.

Mobile Friendly test

Start thinking mobile-first With their move to a mobile-first index, Google is effectively stating that mobile is leading the way in search. If they haven’t already done so, brands need to follow suit.

Thinking mobile-first doesn’t mean mobile-only. As we discussed in the previous chapter, desktop still has a key role to play in search and the overall conversion funnel for many industries.

A mobile-first strategy will take into account the types of searches typically undertaken on mobile, and will develop content best suited for those searches.

Google’s micro-moments explain the typical search intent behind different types of query, and show how this might affect the search results returned in each case.

Google’s micro-moments

As an example of how ecommerce companies can implement strategies to target mobile users, a search for ‘contact Shopper Stop’ on mobile should return options to contact the company quickly and easily.

Through the use of click to call markup, ecommerce sites can provide search engines with the data they need to offer this feature in their results:


  • Report on Performance Between Mobile and Desktop

Reporting on desktop vs. mobile performance is easily and clearly accomplished in Google Analytics.

Measuring rankings and organic channel performance for mobile separate to desktop can give you a better picture of how things are working across both channels. As search usage continues to shift toward mobile, this will become increasingly important.

The vast majority of ecommerce sites need to adapt and work to improve the current situation of how their sites perform for mobile users. When designing a mobile-friendly site, certain mistakes keep popping up, even among top e-commerce sites.

We searched for the most common mistakes made on mobile websites, and found that the vast majority of sites were plagued by significant problems.


  • The five biggest errors we found were:
  • 4xx error codes, which impact a user’s ability to utilize or access the site correctly.
  • Slow page loading speed, which will drive users away and negatively impact SEO.
  • Issues with mixed content, which will negatively affect user experience and reduce confidence in your website.
  • Missing or empty title tags, preventing Google from identifying the content correctly.
  • Redirect chains and loops, which prevent users from getting to the correct destination quickly
Why Search and SEO is Important ?

Why Search and SEO is Important ?


Before we can understand why search is important, we need to take a step back and understand why people search.


  • Why People Search?
    In the early days, people searched to find a list of documents that contained the words they typed in. That’s no longer the case.

Today’s searchers search to solve problems, to accomplish tasks, and to “do” something. They might be searching to book a flight, buy something, learn the latest Taylor Swift lyrics, or browse cat photos – but these are all actions. Or, as Gates referred to them, verbs.

When a user starts a search, they’re really starting a journey. Marketers love to talk about something called “the consumer journey.” It’s just a fancy way of referencing a user’s path from the inception of their task to the completion – and most of these journeys start with a search.

The consumer journey has been gradually playing a larger role in search over the last decade. Originally depicted as a funnel wherein users move from awareness to consideration to purchase, this old consumer journey has become outdated (although we still use this model for illustrative purposes and to make persona research easier).


  • The Evolution of Search & the Consumer Journey

The modern consumer journey no longer represents a funnel, but looks more like a crazy straw – with various twists and turns representing the various channels, mediums, and devices that users interact with today.

In order to fit this new model, search has had to evolve from simply words on the page to understanding the user intent at each phase of the journey. Search is no longer just about keywords, but has evolved into providing the right content to the right user at the right time in their journey to help them accomplish their task.

For the users, it’s all about the verbs. For search marketers, it’s all about helping the user on their journey (and, ideally, influencing them a bit along the way.)

Sticking with the crazy straw model, today’s consumer journey no longer happens on a single device. Users may start a search on their mobile device, continue researching on their tablet or work laptop, and ultimately purchase from their desktop at home.

Search isn’t just limited to computers or phones. Users can now search from a variety of devices, including watches, smart glasses, bluetooth speaker assistants, and even kitchen appliances. In today’s world, even my fridge has its own Twitter account and search marketers need to be cognizant of how various devices relate to each other and play a part in a user’s search experience.

There’s some healthy debate as to whether this has always been the case, but in today’s always on hyper-connected world, SEO has morphed into what we’ll call “real marketing.”

Gone are the days of hacks, tricks, and attempting to reverse-engineer algorithms.

Today’s SEO focuses on:

• Understanding personas.
• Data-driven insights.
• Content strategy.
• Technical problem-solving.

The 3 Main Tenants of Any Marketing Strategy or Campaign Search touches all three of these areas:

1. Attract.
2. Engage.
3. Convert.

But search concentrates heavily on the first phase: Attract.

“If you build it, they will come” may apply to baseball fields, but it doesn’t work with websites.
It’s no longer enough to have an awesome product. You must actively attract customers via multiple channels and outlets.

This is why, despite some claims to the contrary from clients or design agencies, every webpage is, in fact, an SEO page.

If a webpage is involved in attracting visitors, engaging visitors, or converting them, there should be an important SEO component to that page.

  • The 3 Main Tenants of Any Marketing Strategy or Campaign

    OK, users, journey, search, verbs, got it. Users are important and many of them start with a search, so search is important.

But why is SEO important? Isn’t SEO just a developer thing? I heard there was a plugin for it. Can’t Google and Bing just figure out my website?

We started this story with a Gates quote, but it was Google rather than Microsoft that took the philosophy to heart.

Things like Hummingbird, Panda, Penguin, RankBrain, Mobilegeddon, Possum, Pigeon, entities, and AMP essentially have all been attempts by Google to adapt its search algorithm to move from words to actions, and help users accomplish whatever tasks they may be focused on but they aren’t that simple to understand.

SEO has come a long way from the days of meta data. Sure, there’s

a lot of best practices involved that “should” be covered by the development team or a plugin (or built into a framework cough cough angular, react, I’m looking at you guys) – but often they aren’t.
Today’s websites are more application than they are a website, and applications come with lots of fancy features that don’t always play nicely with search engines (hi again, angular and react.)

  • Good SEO Today

A good SEO can not only focus on content, but also help:

• Navigate through multiple versions of the same page.
• Solve tech issues that render content invisible to search engines.
• With proper server settings.
• Integrate with social media, content, creative, user experience, paid search, or analytics.
• Find ways to speed up your site.

A good SEO professional not only understands the searcher, but the competitive landscape as well. It isn’t enough to just understand the user’s task, search marketers need to understand what other options are in the marketplace, and how they can fill the gap to provide a better solution for the user’s task.

We’ve come a long way from keywords on pages to full-service marketing. SEO pros get to wear multiple hats as they help connect development, information architecture, user experience, content strategy, marketing, social, and paid media teams. It’s a game of give and take all in an attempt to create something that works for search engines and users.

There are plenty of cautionary tales about things as simple sounding as a site redesign or new CMS system causing a site’s traffic to drop or disappear leaving businesses scrambling. The simple fact of the matter is, most website changes these days affect SEO and only by including SEO up front and throughout the project can a business hope to see positive results.

  • So Why Is Search Important?

Search matters because users matter.

As technology continues to evolve, SEOs will constantly deal with new ways of searching, new devices to search on, and new types of searches (like voice search, or searches done by my oven) but the one thing that will remain constant is why people search. The verbs aren’t going away.

One day we might be overrun by AI or upload our consciousness into the singularity – but until then we’ll still need to solve problems and accomplish tasks – and some form of search will always be involved in that.

#BeyondTheBasics – Social Media!

#BeyondTheBasics – Social Media!


What was communication before the domination of digital media? Very few of us would remember, isn’t it? Come on, we all know how Social media has taken communication to a whole new level. It’s safe to accept that people’s experience can make or break future business through more than just word of mouth.

And that’s exactly why it’s really essential to hold an upstanding image online as well as communicate effectively through social mediums.

Pro-Tip : If you are going to be on social media platforms, do it right or don’t do it at all.

How , you ask? Go beyond the basics. These crucial steps are sometimes neglected by advanced social media users too. Check out what we think can help you best :


1. Make sure your social profiles are complete and up to date:

Many of the people who see your business (or personal) profile on a social network are seeing you or your business for the first time.

What they see and read – their first impression – will influence what they think about your business and/or you personally.

That first impression will play an important role in determining whether they want to know more about you, or not.

Ever tried googling about yourself? Ever noticed the social networks that rank on the first two pages? Well, pick those & make a note of it to further scrutinise.

Visit each profile to make sure all of your information is filled out and up to date. This includes updating your website information if you’ve added anything new, such as a blog or an online store; adding your location; adding your story or journey in brief; and also your interests to help like minded people connect better.


2. Be consistent with your branding & communication:

This is so important – you must pin it ! Ensuring that your branding represents your business well and is consistent across all your online networks and print materials is often overlooked.

However, it’s supposed to be well taken care of as visitors would like to easily recall your website, your social networks even if they see some print advertising.

Consistent branding also means that your profile picture is consistent across your various social networks. Whether your logo or your photo, ensure you’re using a high quality, professional looking , share image across all social networks.

Remember : You want people to be able to easily recognize your brand (or you) on not just one social network but everywhere your branding or image appears. Including when they meet you or visit your office or store.


3. Cross promote your social profiles:

Nobody can promote you as better as you can. Whether it’s adding links from one social profile to others or giving redirects on blogs, or promoting in your email signature , smart cross promotion can take you a long way.

For example : Instagram helps you connect to Twitter , Facebook & Tumblr; YouTube offers a spot for Twitter , Facebook & Google+; Google+, allows you to link to as many of your other social profiles as you choose.


4. Respond / Engage with your customers frequently:

There’s no better way to connect with your user at such ease than at social media. This means communicating with your customers quickly and in a timely manner. Not responding three days later because you don’t check your social platforms that often is not acceptable.

Social platforms are almost as important as your website because of the way people communicate. It’s easy to discuss the good and the bad with just a button click away. Even if we know that the person on the other side of the account may not be a manager, it is their job to maintain customer satisfaction. Of course, this increases the power any consumer has with messages via instant communication, along with reviews that are being left.

Again, each network is somewhat different as to what is acceptable but as with most things customer related, faster (within a few hours) is always better.


5. Check your email contacts for new people to connect with on social networks, and do this periodically:

Who better to follow or befriend than the ones you’ve already engaged with. If nothing this leaves you with an opportunity to reconnect. Whether it’s been a few months or a few years since you last checked your email contacts for new people to connect with on social networks, it’s always a great idea to initiate now.


6. Stop buying followers and fans:

If you thought simply inflating your number of social followers shall guarantee you success, you’re surely mistaken. Much to your surprise, social networks like Facebook are already removing fake likes from pages; and tools for Twitter are exposing accounts with a high volume of fake followers. So remember that it’s not worth it – fake followers and fans will do nothing for your engagement or your bottom line.


7. Use Google Analytics to measure your social media efforts:

Wait! Before you get started on that you must first set up goals in Google Analytics & only then use the new social reporting features of Google Analytics.
This shall ensure that you are getting results from your social media marketing campaign. You may not be able to measure some benefits of social media like engagement and the resulting consumer loyalty with your social media followers, but you can measure how much traffic social media brings to your website and how much of that traffic results in conversions.

This data shall act as a fuel to your upcoming marketing strategy & give you the much needed push for your plan of action.


8. Evaluate , learn & keep improvising as you go along the way:

Who’s a better teacher than your past act? Whether it’s a rewarding attempt or a failure, your activities prove to become a foundation of your next step. Each move that you make teaches you something new, the key is to keep a watch out. Evaluate all the efforts you’ve taken so far, draw some learnings out of them & improvise to strive better.

Remember , innovations & adaptations are always well embraced by the consumers. No matter what’s that one new thing you’re attempting, make sure you’ve thought through it.


9. Persevere to succeed:

Real progress or growth with social media is a slow, steady and sometimes a little painful. This is especially true when you are just getting started with social media. Like most anything of value, social media requires time, attention and especially perseverance to produce results.

To wrap things up, you can’t overlook that social networking doesn’t work on autopilot. You should guarantee that no stone is left unturned along a brand’s image. Social networking has turned into a foundation of digital marketing. While it doesn’t make a difference what industry you’re in, it is a device you ought to utilize each day to communicate with customers.

So, don’t wait, get started today!
Need help with your social media marketing? We offer a variety of digital marketing services based on the unique needs of business clients. Wave us a hello in comments below or write to us at :

Time To Say Hello To Instagram Stories!

Time To Say Hello To Instagram Stories!

Ecommerce Technology

The audience was just getting hooked to the various filters & dynamics of Snapchat Stories that we got a sweet surprise from Instagram! Ever since its launch, it has spread like a wild fire. Whether its personal endorsements, daily routine updates or brand announcements, both the viewers & the uploader are equally in awe & love of this darling feature!

What is the BIG DEAL?

While, in the beginning Instagram received a lot of flak for copying “Snapchat”, it definitely has a lot more to offer. Honestly, the biggest difference is that unlike Snapchat, users can add text and stickers, draw on them, and even include a link or mention other users. It’s the last two features that help Instagram’s version stand out, though.

With the ability to add links and mention users Instagram creates a culture of inclusion, rather than secrecy and exclusion that is often the draw of Snapchat.

S vs I

With the ability to add links and mention users Instagram creates a culture of inclusion, rather than secrecy and exclusion that is often the draw of Snapchat.

Instagram Stories are also searchable and appear publicly on a profile if a profile is set to public. This stands in contrast to Snapchat, which doesn’t have “profiles” for users to see previous content or view Stories. You must follow someone on Snapchat to discover his or her content.

That’s not all, more recently, Instagram moved Boomerang directly into the app. Now, users can create a Boomerang directly in a Story.

So, how do we LEVERAGE this?

One of the most important reasons for businesses to use Instagram Stories is relevancy in your followers’ feeds. Since Instagram updated the feed to be & algorithmic in June of 2016, having stories always appear at the top of a follower’s feed helps your brand remain top-of-mind. Popular Stories also appear at the top of the Explore page, helping gain an even wider reach.


The most common mistake that content creators or users make is missing out on opportunity of building a larger audience.

You’re creating Stories, but do you think that’s enough? Well sure, you can use relevant hashtags and tag as many people as regular images but that’s not the key.

Check out our recommended tactics and strategies below :

1. Repost or prepost content from your Stories to your feed

About to have an event? Post an announcement image to your regular feed letting users know to be on the lookout for the upcoming Stories that are sure to come.

Create a great Story? Before you post it, press the “save” button in the lower right and post it again as a regular image. You can save images after posting them by opening your Story and swiping up. If you’ve posted more than one image, it will save as a video slideshow.

2. Go live often

Alongside other popular trending Stories in the Explore page are the “Top Live” posts. Live video is becoming an arms race and Instagram is pushing it just as hard.

If you’re going live and providing great content, more people are going to tune in. These videos often rotate as more viewers tune in, and live videos end. So by going live often, you’re giving yourself a chance to appear and gain more followers.

Dr.Pradeep Gadge, diabetologist in Mumbai is often seen interacting with his audience LIVE on Instagram on various topic linked to #Diabetes.

3. Mention people

It’s no secret that people love attention, especially on social media. Give the people what they want by using the mention feature in your Instagram Stories. You can tag customers, followers, or those who inspire you with a personalized message. This sends a notification to the user who will more than likely see the content. Be careful with this one, though. You don’t want to wear out your welcome by over-tagging people.

IISM , India’s Pioneer in Sports Management Education, using the tag feature to promote the sponsors for their Life@IISM initiative :Junoon Sports Fet

4. Give out all the relevant information

Where was this picture taken? How beautiful was the location? Were you eating some amazing food or dancing to your favourite album? These little details can intrigue your audiences to know more & engage.

Softsens Baby, organic baby care product & apparel comapny using the LOCATION feature to promote its store at Banglore.

5. Gain more followers

This one seems pretty straightforward because it is. The more followers you have, the more potential your Instagram Stories have to be seen. Follow other users, use relevant hashtags on regular posts, and engage with the content of those you would like to follow you back.

6. Create great content

Again, not groundbreaking but still the best way to organically grow your following. The more accounts that are watching your Stories, sending messages, and engaging with them in other ways, the better chance your brand’s account has of appearing on the “Explore” page alongside other trending Stories.

Use interactive gifs, ask some cool poll questions, conduct a Q&A , just ensure your content is driving the user towards you & not pushing them away.

Binaryic, a digital marketing firm, interacting with their audience by using the POLL feature..

7. Sponsored Instagram Story Ads

This one is more indirect, but running ads is a good way to increase both followers and engagement on your account. Plus, it can provide a boost to your algorithmic score. In turn, this can make it more likely that your Stories will appear on the Explore page.

SoulTree- Organic beauty,skin & hair care provider promotes its festive offer with Sponsored Story Ads

What’s Next?

Strategise :

Use this knowledge to develop a strategy for promoting your brand, inviting followers behind the scenes, and broadening your audience with high-quality live video and stories.

• Define A Goal :

There are many creative ways brands are using Instagram already. Ultimately, it comes down to what your campaign goals are for Instagram.

  • Do you want to help a promotion gain a wider audience?

  • Are you attempting to drive more traffic to a blog post, landing page, or video?

• Get, Set, Go!

Whether you’re a casual Instagram user or leading a social media team looking for more ways to engage your audience, Instagram Stories can benefit you and your company.

Now is the time to capitalize on a well-thought-out strategy before your competitors do. Engage your audience more with Instagram Stories and be sure to drive them to a relevant, dedicated landing page.

What’s your take on this? We’d love to know, share below!

The country’s come together to save God’s Own Country

The country’s come together to save God’s Own Country


Kerala are witnessing their worst floods in almost a century and the entire nation has come together to ease the pain of God’s Own Country. The nature’s fury has seen a loss of five hundred civilians while a number are being reported missing each passing day. The scare of epidemics have increased after the rains have subsided with a number of patients reported with Rat-fever and other communicable diseases.

Heavy rains which started on August 8 has seen widespread loss of life and property. An estimated loss of INR 19,500 crore has been identified. The floods which have bee the worst since the 1924 floods in the state has put the entire region on red alert. Transport services have been badly affected with both air and train services suspended. Northern district of Kerala are critically low on even the availability of clean water.

the county

The Central Government launched massive relief operations after the Cabinet Secretary together with senior officers of Defence Services, NDRF, NDMA conducted meetings with Kerala Chief Secretary. In corresponding actions and what became one of India’s biggest relief and rescue operations, 40 helicopters, 31 aircrafts, 182 teams, 16 medical teams, 58 NDRF teams and 7 companies of Central Armed Police Force were deployed along with 500 boats. Local Fishermen came out in huge numbers to support the relief teams, more than 4500 fish workers helped in rescue operations with 669 boats. They rescued almost 65000 people from different parts of the country.

the county

Extensive digital initiative and campaigns were setup by the government, NGOs and private companies in the follow up of the natural disaster. While the Prime Minister announced an immediate relief fund of INR 500 crore in addition to INR 560 crores allotted to the SDRF and INR 100 crore sanctioned by the Home Minister. This was an intermediate relief with government assuring more relief funds after damages have been successfully analysed.
The Govt. Of Kerala started an online donation website which helped raise INR 1031 crores as on August 31. Different states also came together with a combined relief fund of INR 212 crores.

the county
the county

Corporates joined hand-in-hand with the government and NGOs to setup donations on their platforms and help out with the relief ad rescue operations. Big players like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Flipkart, BigBasket, Airtel Payments Bank and Paytm integrated donation links on their websites and app.

the county
the county

Major Oil companies(BPCL, HPCL, IOCL) of the country also donated a combined sum of INR 25 crore. Star India created a campaign coming together with superstars like Kamal Hasan, Irfan Pathan and Arjun Kapur in a series of TV commercials urging people to donate generously. The campaign gained huge traction all around the country and people came out in large numbers for donations.

the county

While donations have been pouring in from all around the country, the ground work from volunteers and NGOs have touched and saved millions of lives. ‘Goonj’, an NGO has been at the fore front of relief operations with volunteers supplying relief materials collected from all over the country to the worst affected areas. Volunteers have been working tirelessly arranging and transporting these relief materials in addition to helping out in relief operations. Relief material counters have been setup in almost all mojor cities of the country asking people to donate things useful in daily life like utensils, candles, match-boxes, food supplies, etc.

the county

Goonj also partnered up with BigBasket which created a special donation kit worth INR 146 with essential items. Zomato also teamed up with Akshay Patra Foundation to ease the distress of Keralites.

the county
the county

The relief and rescue operations for the Kerala floods have been one of the biggest disaster relief operations in the country’s history. Government, Non-government and private institutions have all come together creating massive awareness programs, digital campaigns and providing relief materials to the state. The selfless community service has moved a lot of people and urged them to donate whole-heartedly.

the county

While the rains have subsided in the region, Kerala is still far from coming back on its feet. The huge loss of lives cannot be countered however a small step from each one of us could prove to be a long way in helping out those in distress and pain. #AllForKerala

Business Lessons from Auto-Anna

Business Lessons from Auto-Anna

Case Studies

Inspiration comes from the most unlikely of sources. Annadurai, a 26 year old autorickshaw driver and more commonly known as the Auto Anna is giving successful corporates a run for their money with his innovative marketing and customer techniques.

A share auto driver who runs in OMR-Thiruvanmiyur area, Chennai, rose to national and international fame with his incredible marketing strategy helping him give three Ted-Talks in the process. Anna earns around INR 2500-3500 per day and ends up spending INR 12000 on newspapers, magazines and other amenities he offers through his auto-rickshaw. Up to date with technology and himself being technology savvy, Auto Anna also keeps an i-pad and a laptop for his customers. His eye-catching auto-rickshaw is Wi-Fi enabled and fitted with a small screen which displays important news clips of the days. Anna saves these clips when he’s back home watching news.

Anna’s customer retention would put big firms to shame with customers, mostly IT professionals waiting hours to take a ride in his auto. He is active on social media handles and has more than 12000 likes on Facebook while also running his own website.

business lesson

Auto Anna rose to overnight national and international fame after his story went viral on Facebook by a group called – ‘Photos That Shook The World’. The post was shared more than 10000 times all around the world opening up unexplored and rewarding paths for Anna. He also featured in a short-film on a prominent YouTube channel – Pocket Films.

The short-film garnered 200000+views with more than 6000 likes. While the love has been over-whelming for Anna, he feels the customers who ride through his rickshaw are gods. It’s because of them that he’s able to take care of himself and he wants to put in the extra effort to give back to his customers in whatever way he can.

business lesson

Anna received more than 2000 calls o the day his story broke out on Facebook and was up all night receiving and acknowledging them.

business lesson

Auto Anna’s strategy and customer relations is a handy lesson for even the biggest of companies who struggle with consumer expectations and retention. Anna who started transforming his regular auto-rickshaw by putting daily newspapers for commuters. He slowly and steadily started modifications by adding magazines, integrating a display and Wi-Fi. To help riders who didn’t have a mobile or laptop, he bought a tablet and soon upgraded to an I-pad.

Anna’s customer loyalty schemes are also innovative. He started a customer relationship contest for regular customers with a quiz of five questions. The winner takes home INR 1000. Similarly, every rider boarding Anna’s auto gets a token. The customer can redeem the tokens for cash, 20 tokens give you INR 250 back, 30 tokens give back INR 500. Anna truly believes in giving back to the community and plans to sponsor the education of at-least ten homeless children in addition to opening an old-age home.

business lesson

Anna’s customer loyalty schemes are also innovative. He started a customer relationship contest for regular customers with a quiz of five questions. The winner takes home INR 1000. Similarly, every rider boarding Anna’s auto gets a token. The customer can redeem the tokens for cash, 20 tokens give you INR 250 back, 30 tokens give back INR 500. Anna truly believes in giving back to the community and plans to sponsor the education of at-least ten homeless children in addition to opening an old-age home.

The success and growth of any business are imperative to innovations and technological advancements and Auto Anna keeps striving to experiment new things to offer his customers. He is presently working on an app which would book auto rides in advance, order food on the way and help build a community of auto-rickshaw drivers.

Anna’s approach to a meagre business of running an auto-rickshaw has already transformed a number of lives and given unforgettable experience to countless commuters every day. He is an inspiration for everyone who have lost heart and run out of ideas in increasing and expanding their businesses. He story helps us understand it’s the little things you do for your consumer that creates a massive difference.

Landing Page Optimization

Landing Page Optimization


Before understanding the importance and impact of landing pages, it is essential to understand what it is and how it works. A landing page is a standalone page created especially for marketing or advertising purposes. A visitor lands up on this page after clicking on a Google Adwords ad or any other click bait. The landing pages are created with a single objective to get the user click the Call-To-Action (CTA). Many people confuse the landing page with the homepage. While homepage is the opening page of any website giving insight about the site containing a number of links, the landing page usually contains only one link (CTA) to take the user to another designated page. Adding a landing page to a website helps drive traffic and acquiring leads and advertises the expertise of the website.

Optimizing the landing page is a long and complicated process but it is extremely essential to Search Engine Optimization (SEM). If done wrong, landing page optimization could have adverse effects on the traffic of the website but a few pointers could boost quality score and incoming traffic like never before:

  • One main Call-To-Action (CTA)

The purpose of a landing page is to get the user to take action. A laser focused landing page with a single CTA button which caters to the expertise and domain of the website converts better. Using benefit-oriented CTA also goes a long way in appealing to users, e.g. using “Get Free Sample” in place of “Download” or “Add to Cart and save 20%” in place of “Buy Now” instantly attracts people and could boost in traffic and actions taken.

  • Benefit-Oriented headline

A recent study showed that benefit oriented headline increases conversion rate by 4.3%. Users are always drawn towards freebies and benefits. The positive effects of the products rubs on the consumers.

  • Understanding Customers

The landing page needs to be in-line with the motivation, needs, desires and frustrations of the customers. The design needs to be user-centric and eye-catching yet simple with only a single CTA.

  • Relevant Content

Content is probably the most crucial part of any page and is more relevant in the case of the landing page. After creating the content, one needs to assure if it successfully answers the relevant customer questions. What is the product about? Does the page provide necessary information? Will the user trust the webpage? Is the time-taking long enough to frustrate a new user? These are vital questions which make or break any website. A lot of websites design with place-holders like Lorem Ipsum in place of real copies and content. Creating the content should be a priority and the design should be in line with the content and not the other way around.

  • Design

The look and feel of the landing page is what attracts a new user in the first place. A visually attractive design which is pleasing on the eye helps get new traffic and marketing through word-of mouth.

Optimizing a landing page is a time taking process which requires a team effort including a graphic designer, content developer and the IT team. There are a number of potential bottlenecks which could disrupt the traffic of the website but if planned and executed right, landing page optimization could do wonders to your website and business.

Flipkart to shut down Ebay India

Flipkart to shut down Ebay India

Ecommerce was one of the first ecommerce giants of the country. It was launched back in 2004. However, it couldn’t hit off the roof with the coming of Amazon and Flipkart; life will come a full circle when closes operations on August 14.

With Walmart’s biggest ever $16 Billion investment for 77% stakes in Indian giants Flipkart in May, minor shareholders like Naspers and eBay have sold their holdings in the company and the announcements are a way to move ahead. eBay had acquired 5.44% ownership of Flipkart back in April 2007 after a cash investment of $500 million and selling Flipkart had acquired $1.4 billion from eBay, Tencent and Microsoft.

With Walmart’s acquisition bringing a fresh infusion of $1.1 billion, eBay plan to launch a new platform which will focus on cross-border trade. They’ll not be in direct competition with Walmart and Flipkart but Amazon who also do cross-border trading with Amazon Global Products Marketplace.

Meanwhile, Flipkart will be launching its new platform for refurbished goods to replace eBay. Flipkart CEO Kalyan Krishnamurthy conveyed the same to all the employeesin an email.

“Based on our learnings at, we have built a brand-new value platform launching with refurbished goods – a large market which is predominantly unorganised. As part of this launch, we will be stopping all customer transactions on on 14 August, 2018 and transitioning to the new platform,”

“We will keep evolving and bringing newer formats, categories and features which cater to the needs of our value-conscious middle India. The new platform has a different value proposition compared to Flipkart and will cater to a different target audience. We are committed to investing in this independent brand,” he pointed out.

New investments have also opened up doors for Flipkart who are facing stern competition from Amazon in the e-commerce sector. Spreading into an unorganised furbished goods sector is a bold move which could bring unexpected results. Despite facing curbs from the government who are proposing a bill to mandate the e-commerce industry, investments are pouring in for Flipkart and Amazon who have emerged as the leading players in the modern retail sector and marketplace.

Govt. increases export incentives to Rs. 5 lakh/consignment

Govt. increases export incentives to Rs. 5 lakh/consignment


To boost exports and encourage small scale e-commerce platforms, the government has increased the export incentives from Rs. 25000 per consignment earlier, to Rs. 5 lakh per consignment now for sales taking place through online platforms. The increased incentive will provide major boost to exporters and the relaxed norms is set to benefit handloom products, books, leather products, fashion garments and toys.

The Government of India introduced the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) through the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) in April 2015. It seeks to promote export of notified goods manufactured/ produced in India. MEIS is a major export promotion scheme of GOI implemented by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.Rewards under MEIS are payable as a percentage (2, 3 or 5%) of realized FOB value of covered exports.

The low cap earlier at Rs 25000/ consignment often resulted into mismanagement of export data with exporters opting to categorize the product as a gift since they would have to file a shipping bill and go through customs. A cumbersome task for small scale exporters with low-value shipments. The increased incentives would attract more small and medium scale exporters and the governments expects the change to bring and encourage more number of exports which boosts local handlooms and products.

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