Guidelines for Conducting an Effective Flash Sale in E-commerce Development
Define Objectives
Select Products
Limit Duration
Manage Inventory
Early Promotion

Flash sale FAQ
What do you mean by flash sale?
A flash sale is when a product or service is discounted from its original rate for a short term. The goal of a flash sale is to increase impulse buys and drive sales
What is the best day for flash sales?
The best days for a flash sale are Black Friend and Cyber Monday. These holidays are when customers spend more in general. But you can run a flash sale any day, any time, to attract more shoppers.
Is a flash sale good or bad?
Flash sales are good for many reasons. They: • Increase customer loyalty • Get rid of excessive inventory • FOMO drives sales
How do I do a good flash sale?
1. Decide on the purpose of your sale. 2. Choose the right products. 3. Keep the time period short. 4. Promote your sale early. 5. Check inventory. 6. Prepare for shipping.