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Natural Language Processing: Right path towards E-Commerce Conversions

Natural Language Processing: Right path towards E-Commerce Conversions


Today, Ecommerce is growing at faster pace than ever thought of. Marketers are ever so wandering to tune into what is latest and introduce them into the world to selling. Smarter tools like Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, IoT are there to furnish everything automated and quicker than what Humans can do. Natural language processing commonly known by the term NLP is a component of AI that helps computer programs to understand human speech and then function accordingly.

Bigger commercial portals are already on the brink of utilizing NLP on their websites and apps. NLP is a meaning based search that allows shoppers to search products in their own language and getting relevant results. Given below are the best means to apply NLP in Ecommerce.

Tips to apply NLP in Ecommerce:

Product Description

Awareness of the product means looking at the actual term and identify with the primary item and the descriptions that have secondary importance. NLP recognize the words in the primary data. When an item is searched, it checks for perfect name and doesn’t take into account the terms that do not match even if it means item having more adjectives.

After the primary product is recognized, NLP applies machine learning to understand the description that is important elements to seek individual items.

Linguistic Nuances

NLP in ecommerce site – searches and recognizes similar terms based on the choices of an individual. Shoppers may be searching for one item with different terms. NLP should have the capability to identify that these are one item only that give same results regardless of the terms used.

NLP is a powerful tool that should also help identify the synonyms; it should even let go off the dissimilarity in the spellings. Consumers are really annoyed when they do not get the item they are looking by putting a search term especially when they know that the item is present in their list. Most commerce site cannot really afford to miss out on potential conversions. Hence, NLP should be geared up to correctly predict what the user might be looking for.

NLP Personalization

Most organizations today are combining NLP with personalization approach and this is proving to get bigger benefits. Customer expect customization at every step of their shopping journey, they had prefer a physical store than virtual since they get personalized attention. Online searches also offer the same benefit but nothing befits the satisfaction of touching and feeling the product and then buying it.

Brands prepare customization based on the user preferences that are previously seen in their shopping. The main aim here is to give great shopping experience to the users.

Facebook Messenger for Ecommerce to sell more Physical Products

Facebook Messenger for Ecommerce to sell more Physical Products


We already know how selling online is critical to brands objective of using social platforms for selling. Today, consumers are looking much more than traditionally what it used to be. They need someone to resolve their confusions, solve their queries and address their unique needs. Hence, one may wonder how you do that. It is in fact, part of a learning process for brands and people are using and finding varied mediums to buy and interact with the brands. The recent research suggests that 32% of online people showing interest in mobile ad get converted on a desktop and over 60% of consumers shop from one device and continues on other. The data is quite fulfilling to pay deeper attention to what is missing here; consumers today are using different devices for different things and purposes. The best way to bridge the gap here is by the means of Facebook Messenger Marketing and the results are astonishing!

Facebook Messenger is simply great for your Ecommerce marketing since it allows one-on-one interaction with the prospects. The users can converse with the brands the way they want and are comfortable in. Facebook is a powerhouse that can help to convert the prospects into actual customers. Facebook messaging has taken Ecommerce to bigger heights by making available brands wherever and whenever the customer desired. The huge popularity of messaging apps have created demand for Chatbots that converse intelligently with the users and give answers for general questions asked. Chatbots are going to be hugely popular in the near future providing greater relief for organizations to do automated work of chatting and resolving queries of the customers. Given below are three tactics that will help to sell more physical products on Facebook messenger:

    1. Retargeting through BOFU (Bottom of your funnel)

Bottom of your funnel are the audiences that are close to purchasing your product, it includes the people who have visited your website, the people who have chosen a product and put it in the cart and the people who have checked out your product. These are good enough reasons to realign marketing strategy and give your prospects the offer to come back and buy the product. You can retarget the people to buy by offering them coupon code that they can use for buying or redeeming the discount.

Given below are simple steps to get more BOFU sales using Facebook Messenger:

Setting up your Facebook Campaign

Create a new Ad campaign within Facebook Ads page and set objective to “Traffic”


In the Ad set window, edit the placements excluding all except Facebook feeds.


Set the traffic destination to Website or Messenger.


The target should be on people who have already visited your website and excluding who made the purchase.


Next step is to Optimize your Ad delivery for Link Clicks and not Conversions


With this new Campaign and Ad set, it should be configured correctly to create the Ad. You have the choice to select any type of Ad, just make note to select “Messenger Text” under “Destination” given below:


Write a message that explains your users that they get a Coupon when they reply to your message with the word “Coupon”. Given below is how your finished Ad looks like:


When the user sends the message, they will receive pre-written message given below:

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If you follow the above processes, you are almost half- done.

Setting up the Chatbot

For setting up the Chatbot, you will have to log into your ManyChat account and click on Automation option given on the left side.


Add “Coupon” as the new keyword


Also change the targeting message to “Message contains” as keyword, it should look like the image given below:


Also, you can add common misspellings that the user may have typo. You can write automated message that includes coupon code and link to the shop.


Your automation step is complete here. As the user types the word “Coupon” in response to automatic Facebook message, they get automated response with the coupon code:


The campaign is powerful enough to track people who have abandoned your shopping cart, it sends coupon code with the link to your product to complete the purchase. Facebook messenger campaigns are running high and dry with good click through rates.


By this stage, you may already be seeing a high ROI Facebook messenger remarketing campaigns

Adjusting Timeline to Maximise Revenue

The common questions marketers come across is, that the brand may miss out on revenues if they keep offering coupon to all and in any case consumers are going to buy the product. For this, there is an easy way out,brands can adjust their timelines to target only those people who abandon their carts more than three days ago.

You can check what works best for your brand and for your customer to get you maximum benefits with overall good results.

The above is smarter way to optimize your bottom funnel.

    1. Automated Onboarding Message

The main focus in this is to focus on how you can use Facebook Messenger Chatbot to increase the engagement with brand new visitors. Customers are looking for information online so when they ask some query they are looking for a human touch response but that would not always be possible. Hence, onboarding messages are used that will shoot when the user asks common questions. The Onboarding messages are used to answer common questions like FAQs, Provide information, Help people find information they are looking for, Brand engagement. Given below is a good example of an automated Chatbot message:


Let your prospects know that their message has been received and they will be answered shortly, you can send them useful links based on their queries.

To setup this inside – ManyChat, click on “Automation” and “Main menu”


Finally, you will be able to check which buttons are getting most clicks.


The information can be used to make your options useful by identifying what your visitors are looking and creating.

    1. Shopping Platform Integrations

Facebook Messenger is one of the most basic shopping platform integration used for order confirmation. It is available on Shopify platforms. The below image shows how it exactly looks like:


The best thing about this type of order confirmation is that it triggers a good response from your customers by keeping them engaged with your brand.


You can also send money through the use of Facebook messenger by sending peer to peer payments. Facebook is working on process where users can store their credit card information for quick payments. This will help the users to see the ads on feed and with one click; they will be able to make that purchase.

Facebook messenger for Ecommerce is at a very early adoption stage and not much of your competitors may be using it. As it gets more popular, you are more likely to see lower response rates but as far as your brand conversation goes you can see good click through rates. These metrics are sure to fall down once people starts getting too many of messages just like it did for emails.

Get to know how Photos can harm your Ecommerce Conversions

Get to know how Photos can harm your Ecommerce Conversions


Traditionally, brands hardly paid attention to giving customers visual credit to make their purchases. But, today the scenario has entirely changed; photos have become an integral part for converting your potentialities into realities. May it be brands, clothing, marketing plans, selling, purchase or whatever? Photos and images entirely drive sales and this is the reason why social media platforms have become a greater marketing tool for brands. Brands are putting up their visual ads; videos on social networks and customers are increasingly viewing and sharing the visual content. Bigger domains, make use of visuals to display their products, customers can choose their color, pattern, fabrics on models online and buy their products. The important element for brands today is to vouch for customer attention that comes a hardy way due to increasing competitions. Lets check some of the ways through which brands can unknowingly spoil their product image and avoid conversions:

Stock Photographs

Some cases, the stock photos do well but not always as customers have already explored many places before landing up on your page. The pictures actually do very little to promote your brand. The photos need to be effective to attract a buyer’s attention. Different people foresee a different image and hence a different thinking. Limiting the stock photos will help represent your brand in a better way.


The above image was almost found on 1500 websites, shoppers see every detail when it comes buying and hence small images don’t always magically work. Customers are always looking for clearer view and genuineness in the product-detailing page. Brands should be aware that customers would view the zoomed image for better viewing hence such options is to be kept. If you feel, that particular image doesn’t necessarily go with the context of the page, than you can add caption on the image for good understanding by the customers.

Coolibar have always used images that go well with their product line. Brands should avoid photos that are blurred or are not properly cropped. Sometimes there are photoshop failures, like blurry image or some elements may be cut-off from the main image or removal of some important things, product images are not properly used, etc.

Eyelet Cover up

The above image shows how the leg of the model was cut off in the editing process. The source is Huffington post. For any image where the brands are trying to demonstrate, it is best idea to make use of real photos. They can even go for candid photography that will help represent the brand idea and image. Sometimes, stock photography is overused and it raises many a questions about the product and brand services.

Dr Berg

The image shows a representative, but so many times this image has been used that represents a call center. But ideally, would it be possible for a person to work for so many call centers at a time. It is best idea for brands to take reviews from several people before finalizing the product photos.

The best photographs for representing any brand or for marketing purposes is to avoid artificial stuff. Like over staged photos of people, the people who are not acting in the image should be avoided. The body language and the pose of the models are highly important in showcasing the brand image. If people see that models are uncomfortable wearing some clothing for a clothing brand, they will avoid buying the product.

Sometimes, the crowd photography is used by brands to convey the message of happy customers. But these photographs do not always convey that message. A stock photography should anyway be avoided and with crowd in side it might send an unrealistic message.

A testimonial page should best consist of a customer posing with the product for better understanding for other potential customers. Some customers would be glad to pose with the product and your reviewers will enjoy watching the pleasure the customer is having in using your product.

Stock photos are not counted as authentic because it describes unrealistic expectations from a brand. Actually speaking, masses do not use the same product so isn’t it a bad idea to represent a crowd in your brand image? Personalization everywhere is the key. So even it takes a good share of pie in photography image too.

Original photos are always the best regarded, so replicating from duplicate photographs is nearly a bad idea. Copying other brands image may lead to copyright issues and if the brands copy it could be possible that the image was a big mess and gave bad results so even the brands copying will have the same bad luck. So being original is the best way to turn potential audiences into real ones and set real par expectations by the customers and give them the trust for buying your product.

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