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SaaS Metrics – Key to Growth

SaaS Metrics – Key to Growth


Software-as-a-service industry has been steadily growing for two decades now. The industry is expected to grow at a rate of $76 billion per year with SaaS IPOs doubling over the last decade. The industry has grown exponentially and is also witnessing fierce competitions in an ever-changing industry. It’s not easy to make and break as a SaaS company. According to a recent study, a software company that grows only at a rate of 20% has a 92% of ceasing operations in the coming future. Even 60% yearly rise could lead to a 50% chance of surpassing $1 billion in revenues.

In such a demanding market and competitive environment, it is important to maintain and study essential metrics. These metrics could help in improved customer satisfaction, increased revenue and better management. The three essential steps to become a successful SaaS Company is to acquire, retain and monetize customers. We’ll discuss about the key metrics derived from these steps to successfully run a Saas company:

  • Revenue:
    Newly founded Saas companies have to bear heavy losses in forming years in lieu of acquiring customers and promoting the product. Customer retention heavily affects the revenue and growth rate and analysing your revenues closely could prove a long way in
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV):
    Any software has a or a subscription in it has a lifetime after the expiration of which the customer is expected to renew his account to avail the services. This is the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). It is the average amount of money the consumer pays the company during the entire engagement. Finding out the ‘average revenue per account’ could also be instrumental in increasing profits.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC):
    The average cost spent on acquiring new customers is called the Customer Acquiring Customer Cost (CAC). CAC along with the CLV determines if any business is profitable. The number of sales divided by the marketing expenses gives the Customer Acquisition Cost. CAC is one of the most important steps for a new SaaS company.
  • CAC to CLV ratio:
    The CLC to CLV ratio determines the growth of any SaaS firm. It displays the lifetime value of your customers and the total amount spent on acquiring them in one metric. The CLC to CLV ratio helps in identifying successful and unsuccessful campaigns and products.
  • MQL & SQL:
    Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQL) are the base of the SaaS company as it helps them identify potential buyers. The process is time-taking and could range from few days to years. Thorough grasp of lead’s qualifications could boost the business.
  • Customer Churn
    Tracking losses is vital for any business. The customer churn are the consumers who have cancelled their respective subscriptions. Tracking components and reasons behind customer churns helps sales immensely.

Inculcating Data Science and the SaaS Metric could give wings to your new or struggling software business. Taking care of minor nuances could result into big time profits and save huge capital and effort.

Identifying ideal leads and the world of marketing and sales

Identifying ideal leads and the world of marketing and sales


Before understanding the complex mechanism of MQL, SQL and how they work it is paramount to understand what a lead is. A lead is essentially a potential consumer who has shown interest in one or other form of promotion. The marketing and sales team are pillars of any organization as they analyze and covert leads into potential buyers. The process of converting a lead to a consumer is a process and often leads to differences between the sales and marketing teams.

Most of the quarrels between sales and marketing revolve around leads. Around 61% of B2B marketers send all their leads to the sales, however only 21 % are qualified. The leads covered by the marketing team are the MQLs(Marketing Qualified Leads) while the leads covered by the sales team are the SQL(Sales Qualified Leads). The marketing team analyses a lead(MQL), if the MQL qualifies as a potential customer, it is forwarded to the sales team as an SQL. While marketing teams are found forwarding irrelevant or dis-interested leads, sales team on the other hand fails to capitalize on a certain lead and tend to ignore around half of the marketing leads.

While there are a number of influencing factors to help speed up the process of transition from an MQL to SQL and eventually a consumer, keeping note of small things could do wonders and bring unexpected boost. The image below shows a few influencing factors and a lead scoring system according to a study from SnapApp:

Lead Scoring is an essential if you want your business to grow. The scoring helps the lead team avoid bothering leads who are not ready to turn into customers yet. It helps in identifying the leads which need attention from the marketing team and helps the sales team identify leads who are ready to buy.

It’s evident that the transition from MQL and SQL is time sensitive. Thorough study and analysis of the buyers or visitors’ journey and qualification cycle could massively help a sales team. Intense auditing and scrutiny of MQLs by the marketing team could also increase efficiency and success rates. Knowledge about the target markets, profiles of existing and potential customers and their behaviours should be updated and analysed regularly. A sync between the sales team and marketing team could lead to better strategy and growth.

Great traffic but no conversion on your Ecommerce Store

Great traffic but no conversion on your Ecommerce Store


First of all, merchant who go online, need to concentrate on developing Brand. Remember one this give your visitor reason to come back to your site, once they visit to your store they should remember you. Try build story around your Brand and product. A Brand needs to think about what sets you apart from all the rest.

The steps a brand need to follow to market their ecommerce store

    1. Define your buyer persona. This means really narrowing down who your customer is and speaking to them


    1. Take some time to learn about your target audience and ideal customer and start working towards marketing to them. Build Content around your Buyer Persona you have created


    1. Publish your content on all the channel based on where your TG or Buyer persona comfortable in form of Video/Image/Gif/Text. Once you know more about your audience, you can start focusing on ways to encourage sales that would work for them specifically and show you better returns. Don’t be pushy on selling you product instead try to educate them


    1. Analyses/Evaluate your activities and modify strategy based on the learning you have got on from your pat activity (This is a constant process)


    1. Once they covert engage them with you brand


Apart from above there are other things which needs to be done to get conversion on your ecommerce store.

“You can’t wait for customers to come to you. You have to figure out where they are, go there and drag them back to your store.”

 — Paul Graham, Y-Combinator

    • Always test your product by selling them on different marketplaces like Amazon/Ebay etc. do over all analysis in terms of competition, pricing, Service Quality , Demand vs Supply etc. By doing this you will able to know how your product is accepted by your customer and what modification needs to be done while you will launch and market your store. Ask your friends, family, Collegus and employees why or why not they will buy from you through your website.


    • Most of merchants in India we have seen are not concentrating on product image and its content. Please note too many stores out there right now look the same and utilize the same layouts and stock photos. It would also give your prospective customers a lot more confidence in your store when they see the extra polish that comes with having good photos. At end of the they waste their energy on paid marketing or even after generating enough traffic their site lacks good user experience.


    • You can also set up Live chat / Cues which are basically automatic messages to your site visitors as they land on your store (a greeting message, or a prompt to check out a limited time sale) or when they are about to leave (prompt them a discount). These are some things you can do to improve customer conversion and engagement.


  • As we mentioned above create some stories, testimonials… give it some life even social media will help. It goes without saying that social proof is a core driver of consumer confidence. Establishing a loyal user base that’s willing to provide reviews, ratings, and testimonials takes time and hard work. We will cover topic on Social Media and Ecommerce on another blog
  • Try to give unique service around product you offer for exp: customize product, Subscription offer, Cross promotion etc.

To Summarize above Define and Understanding customer and their behavior is an important part of running any business. If you haven’t already revisited your growth strategies in order to attract more customers and sales, there’s no better time than now

Connect with us for free analysis of your Ecommerce store or discuss with us about your pain points.

Why Shopify is an Ideal platform for Indian Ecommerce Start-ups

Why Shopify is an Ideal platform for Indian Ecommerce Start-ups

Ecommerce Shopify

Deciding tо build an оnlinе store iѕ a great dесiѕiоn and a ѕоlid buѕinеѕѕ model. Onсе уоu’vе dесidеd on a рrоduсt tо sell, your nеxt big decision is сhооѕing a grеаt e-commerce website tеmрlаtе in India and the rest of thw world. Shорifу оffеrѕ оnе оf the bеѕt е-соmmеrсе website tеmрlаtеѕ and рlаtfоrmѕ when уоu tаkе рriсing, template options, style, аnd еаѕе-оf-uѕе intо соnѕidеrаtiоn.

Features аnd Benefits оf Using Shopify fоr уоur E-Cоmmеrсе Stоrе

Free Triаl:
You can trу it frее fоr 14 days. Tаkе advantage of thiѕ оffеr bу еxрlоring thе many e-commerce website tеmрlаtеѕ they have tо сhооѕе from. Lооk undеr thе hood and diѕсоvеr how еаѕу it is tо get уоur оnlinе store uр and running fаѕt.

50 eCоmmеrсе Templates / Store Frоntѕ tо Chооѕе Frоm:
Shорifу hаѕ 50 fantastic themes / tеmрlаtе ѕtуlеѕ tо сhооѕе from. Yоu саn аlѕо easily customize аnу thеmе or template уоu gеt tо еnѕurе уоu gеt thе рrесiѕе look аnd feel you wаnt fоr уоur buѕinеѕѕ.

No Cоntrасt Rеԛuirеd:
Whеn уоu uѕе Shopify уоu dоn’t need to соmmit to аnу durаtiоn. You рау mоnth-tо-mоnth. I don’t need tо tell уоu hоw аdvаntаgеоuѕ thiѕ iѕ. Aftеr all, when you’re ѕtаrting uр – the lаѕt thing you want to dо is gеt committed tо long-term еxреnѕеѕ.

Nо Computer Coding knоwlеdgе Needed:
Yоu dоn’t nееd tо knоw hоw tо build wеbѕitеѕ to set up a Shорifу е-соmmеrсе ѕtоrе. Shорifу mаkеѕ it ѕuреr easy to сhооѕе аnd set uр any of itѕ 50 templates ѕimрlу bу сliсking buttons.

Pаymеnt Prосеѕѕing:
Shорifу makes it ѕuреr easy tо integrate with a сrеdit card gateway аnd/оr Pаураl. If you ѕеll digitаl рrоduсtѕ – nо problem – you саn deliver them thrоugh аn integrated арр inсludеd with your Shорifу ѕubѕсriрtiоn.

Uѕе Yоur Own Dоmаin:
I саn’t stress thе imроrtаnсе of building your ѕtоrе on your оwn domain. Yes, уоu can use a Shорifу dоmаin – but fоr thе long-term it iѕ much, much bеttеr tо ѕtаrt building уоur store on уоur оwn dоmаin. Shорifу mаkеѕ it еаѕу tо build an е-соmmеrсе ѕtоrе оn уоur оwn dоmаin.

Whу uѕе your оwn domain? Bесаuѕе if you start gеtting linkѕ tо your store (grеаt fоr search еnginе rankings аnd highlу rесоmmеndеd), then if уоu switch dоmаinѕ – thоѕе linkѕ you get tо a Shорifу dоmаin are wasted. Stаrt уоur buѕinеѕѕ оn thе right fооt bу invеѕting the $10 it costs tо get уоur own domain.

Lоw Mоnthlу Cоѕt:
Onсе уоu dесidе tо uѕе Shopify, it оnlу соѕtѕ $29 реr mоnth fоr a bаѕiс рlаn. Yоu саn ѕеll up tо 100 SKUs with this рlаn, which in mу view iѕ a tremendous оffеring. There is nо setup fее еithеr. If you еvеr need tо upgrade your рlаn, thаt’ѕ vеrу еаѕу to dо. Shорifу = flexibility.

In аdditiоn, however, you аlѕо pay a 2.0 реrсеnt trаnѕасtiоn fее as раrt оf уоur соѕt (when you uрgrаdе рlаnѕ, the trаnѕасtiоn реrсеntаgе lowers). This allows Shорifу to charge low mоnthlу fixed cost rаtеѕ. Being able to limit fixеd costs аnd hаvе a vаriаblе cost орtiоn (i.е. costs dirесtlу linkеd to уоur sales) iѕ a trеmеndоuѕ fеаturе and аdvаntаgе аѕ you gеt уоur оnlinе buѕinеѕѕ оff the ground.

SSL Checkout:
Yоu dеfinitеlу wаnt to оffеr уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ ѕесurе ѕhоррing. With all оf Shорifу’ѕ е-соmmеrсе website templates and рlаnѕ you automatically get tо оffеr ѕесurе shopping for уоur сuѕtоmеrѕ with thе induѕtrу standard 128 bit SSL еnсrурtiоn.

Bаndwidth: Unlimitеd.
Thiѕ mеаnѕ if you gеt a flood оf visitors your site won’t ѕhut down. Obviously this iѕ critical tо running a ѕuссеѕѕful online е-соmmеrсе ѕtоrе.

Diѕсоunt Cоdеѕ for Your Cuѕtоmеrѕ:
Yоu hаvе tо upgrade tо a $79 / mоnthlу plan in оrdеr to оffеr соuроn соdеѕ. If уоu’rе just ѕtаrting, thiѕ isn’t necessary. Once you ѕtаrt gеnеrаting ѕаlеѕ – then уоu’rе in a position to mоnitоr уоur ѕаlеѕ аnd then decide if coupon соdеѕ can help build уоur buѕinеѕѕ.

Automatic Back Ups:
Shopify bасkѕ up уоur ѕtоrе ѕо you dоn’t hаvе to be concerned аbоut lоѕing any data.

Add a Shорifу E-Commerce Tеmрlаtе tо Yоur Existing Website:
If уоu аlrеаdу hаvе a blоg оr website and wiѕh tо аdd a ѕtоrе – it is no problem with Shорifу. Yоu ѕimрlу еѕtаbliѕh your Shорifу ѕtоrе оn a ѕubdоmаin (ѕubdоmаinѕ cost nоthing tо ѕеtuр).

Customer аnd Tесhniсаl Suрроrt:
Yоu саn contact Shорifу for hеlр, uѕе thеir Shopify fоrumѕ, аnd сhесk оut dеtаilеd tutоriаlѕ in the Shорifу Hеlр Wiki. Yоu wоn’t bе stranded tо ѕtrugglе.

Drор shipping Intеgrаtiоn аnd Pаrtnеrѕ:
If you dоn’t wаnt tо pack аnd ѕhiр your orders you саn uѕе a partner drор ѕhiрреr ѕuсh аѕ Fulfillmеnt bу Amаzоn, Shiрwirе, аnd Webgistix.

Availablity of Shopify Experts

If you think of any Solutions related to Shopify in term of set up, support or customise your e-commerce store, you will get a lot of option available from Shopify Expert Directory.

How to Boost Ecommerce Sales on shopify

How to Boost Ecommerce Sales on shopify

Ecommerce Shopify

The best thing is to check out Shopify’s marketing guide called 50 Ways to Make Your First Sale – it is full of tips and marketing ideas to Boost your store.

Apart from that i would recommend

  • Build Content Strategy based on your Customer Persona (Target Audience)
  • SEO and Social Media always gives long term return and its worth investing if its targeted very well
  • Some of the Marketing Apps you can use form Shopify App store for example Loyalty, Reward , Instagram follower app etc
  • Even you check with Kit, lot merchant uses very well you can check out their videos and functionalities. Kit can now create Dynamic Product Ads that retarget shoppers on Facebook who left your site without purchasing. You can find a step-by-step guide here on how to use Kit’s retargeting features and I would definitely recommend setting this up for increasing your sales.
Natural Language Processing: Right path towards E-Commerce Conversions

Natural Language Processing: Right path towards E-Commerce Conversions


Today, Ecommerce is growing at faster pace than ever thought of. Marketers are ever so wandering to tune into what is latest and introduce them into the world to selling. Smarter tools like Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, IoT are there to furnish everything automated and quicker than what Humans can do. Natural language processing commonly known by the term NLP is a component of AI that helps computer programs to understand human speech and then function accordingly.

Bigger commercial portals are already on the brink of utilizing NLP on their websites and apps. NLP is a meaning based search that allows shoppers to search products in their own language and getting relevant results. Given below are the best means to apply NLP in Ecommerce.

Tips to apply NLP in Ecommerce:

Product Description

Awareness of the product means looking at the actual term and identify with the primary item and the descriptions that have secondary importance. NLP recognize the words in the primary data. When an item is searched, it checks for perfect name and doesn’t take into account the terms that do not match even if it means item having more adjectives.

After the primary product is recognized, NLP applies machine learning to understand the description that is important elements to seek individual items.

Linguistic Nuances

NLP in ecommerce site – searches and recognizes similar terms based on the choices of an individual. Shoppers may be searching for one item with different terms. NLP should have the capability to identify that these are one item only that give same results regardless of the terms used.

NLP is a powerful tool that should also help identify the synonyms; it should even let go off the dissimilarity in the spellings. Consumers are really annoyed when they do not get the item they are looking by putting a search term especially when they know that the item is present in their list. Most commerce site cannot really afford to miss out on potential conversions. Hence, NLP should be geared up to correctly predict what the user might be looking for.

NLP Personalization

Most organizations today are combining NLP with personalization approach and this is proving to get bigger benefits. Customer expect customization at every step of their shopping journey, they had prefer a physical store than virtual since they get personalized attention. Online searches also offer the same benefit but nothing befits the satisfaction of touching and feeling the product and then buying it.

Brands prepare customization based on the user preferences that are previously seen in their shopping. The main aim here is to give great shopping experience to the users.

How Facebook Chatbots are changing E-commerce?

How Facebook Chatbots are changing E-commerce?


E-Commerce has grown stupendously over the last one decade and the idea of Live Chats has been used for quite sometime now. Although, it has not been prominently used. But with developments happening, Live Chats are soon going to be the norm, its Chatbots that will act like Humans talking to Humans!

Chatbots will completely change the face of Ecommerce; consumers will now be getting answers for their queries online through live chats. Chatbots will answer all customer queries that are related to brand or a product or a service. Customers appreciate this new approach and according to the recent reports by eMarketer Survey reveals that 63% of customers are likely to return to the site having live chat feature.

Live Chats services are often offered by brands on their E-Commerce platforms, it consists of most advanced features including survey forms, queuing up, transcripts, analytics and reports. These are mainly useful to handle customer queries and concerns about the products. Chatbots are bringing in a new revolution of a kind that brings entire Ecommerce to one subject topic of “Live chats”. It not only helps create social awareness but also helps to build brand loyalty too mainly because customers can directly interact with the brand without waiting for emails to be answered or calling the company.

Conversational E-Commerce is in!

Messaging apps are now being targeted for use in Business. Facebook messenger has taken the first official step; it is one of the most viable channels for business interactions that help to connect to customers. Billions of people are using Facebook and messenger service as a means to connect with each other. Facebook made available its messenger platform for developers so that developers can embed it on their sites or apps.

Talking of Messenger Apps, it has long been used since 2015 when Uber tapped Facebook Messenger on its app that allowed customers to book their ride through the chat window. It was then first coined as “Conversational Commerce”.

Improved Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is one of the latest developments in Digital commerce where lots of things are happening at one time. AI has reached the level, where things are meant to be worked without the use of Human brain. The bigger tech players have already started investing in machine learning and natural language processing to be part of the big boom in the making. Artificial Intelligence bought a Digital revolution marking a new beginning.

Chatbots are learning a lot of things that seem very natural in a learning process; they are learning human interactions and trying to accommodate the future interactions too.

Chatbots can help in multiple ways to facilitate the buying journey of a consumer, they are programmed to help create awareness, solve queries, educate the potential customer and influence them in making a buying decision. Chatbots are programmed to handle after-sale activities or providing any further service the customer is looking for.

Facebook have continually supported Business Ecommerce through varied means, its recent plan of launching Whatsapp for Business truly marks the beginning of a new revolution where Business will solely be conducted through live chats whether they are Chatbots or consumers chatting online. The recent developments truly reveal Facebook Messenger will encourage sale of Physical products in the era where more and more businesses are getting online.

How customers prefer to shop; online vs In-Store

How customers prefer to shop; online vs In-Store


E-Commerce has led to many uprisings and has taken e-retailing to newer heights. Although there has been a major shift from retail buying habits to online buying, larger US consumers still rely on buying from physical stores. According to the reports by eMarketer, an estimated over $5 trillion disposable income of US population is said to be spent on physical store buys by 2020.

Over 85% of those surveyed said that they like to touch and feel the product before they buy; hence they buy it from the stores. It helps them make a purchase decision. A research stated that one-third that is 36% respondents do not like to wait for items to be shipped and 30% like to get advice on product features, services and products they should buy. 90% of consumers stated they would buy items if they receive knowledge based advice from representatives regarding the product.

With millennial generation, we know that shopping online is the norm; the new buying habits are somewhat very similar to earlier generation buying offline. The adult populations of United States heavily rely on physical buying from the stores, states the research done by Walker Sands Communications. The survey was done in March 2017 on 1,662 consumers above 18 years of age. 54% of respondents stated that they would prefer buying from physical stores where as 33% would prefer buying from online shop on computers, 12% prefer mobile device and 1% prefer using voice-controlled devices.

How do

Youngest consumers in the age group of 18-25 and the oldest in the age group 61+ preferred buying in-store compared to online buying.


83% respondents stated they bought product from physical store last year, 69% purchased online and got it delivered through regular shipping and 41% purchased online and picked up from the store.


80% of consumers stated that they would opt for shop online on the website or an app if they are offered free shipping.

Which of the


Retailers providing high value interactions will give satisfying experiences to customers. Retailers should understand customers’ needs and wants if they want to survive in highly competitive business markets. They should use modern technology to empower their store representatives.

Quick guide to Competitor Analysis for your Social Media Strategy

Quick guide to Competitor Analysis for your Social Media Strategy


Social media strategies are used by organizations today to plan a strategic plan that will help them to improve on their products and boost the sales. However, much is important, to stay on par with the competition. If you are really looking forward, you must see what your competitors are doing, that will give you a glimpse and help you identify strategic opportunities. Given below are different types of competitor’s analysis that will help you out with social media strategy:

  1. Glimpse on competitor’s activities – When you look at what your competitor is doing, you might get a clear view scope of the social activities they are performing. You can only do this by checking on their profiles, the campaigns they are doing, comments, content on their accounts, etc.You can get wider information once you act like their customer and start posing them with questions and see how often they are responding. If the replies are same for all, it means the replies are set to automatic.The below screenshot shows a Twitter feed of 3 leading US apparel retailers, it shows visual similarities on their profiles. The first two shows a high visual content while the last is more on textual updates on their timeline.

    Twitter Chat

    It may look worthy for some while not for others. The objective is to get as much engagement as possible. The brands that are constantly engaging with clients have higher visitors. The following questions will give previews about what brands can foresee through their findings:

    • Core channels that organizations are focusing on.
    • How are competitors using the channels to meet their goals to meet the sales, engagement and customer services
    • Frequency of the updates
    • Personal and automated updates
    • What content is used and how
    • What tailored content is each channel preparing.
  2. Assessing their social role in providing customer service – Social media plays a vital role today in aligning your brand with what customers want. Using social media is a good means to reach out to your customers. The brand BT has dedicated its Twitter account to provide customer care than marketing. The companies seek better understanding of their customers by gathering the tweets and use them to improve their services. The Harvard Business review suggests that 46% tweets had no response in Feb 2014 as compared to 38% in Feb 2015.

    There are several things you can see after studying your competitors profile details. You can check if they are responding well to the complaints made, the tone and response style they are using, etc. if the competitors are poor in responding to customers than you know what their weakness is and quickly take this advantage and give customers what they are looking for. Ask yourself this question and you will have an answer:

    • Check if competitors provide separate customer service other than marketing
    • Do they provide personalization with the initials of people posting
    • Do they respond to negative comments
    • Do they provide constructive help to customer queries
  3. Assessing competitor’s strengths and weaknesses – You cannot have it all so the best potion is to rely on a structured approach than comparing competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. You should be looking for following things:
    • What is the good thing that everyone else is doing
    • What are customers responding to
  4. Identifying what customers like to respond to – A smart marketer would exactly know the difference between being socially active and being active and engaged with the audiences. The success for a brand is correct when it has engaged with its audience. You can go through your competitor’s profiles and find some information to see which of the updates are most followed and liked by their followers:
    • Check which of the posts have most tweets, retweet or replies on Twitter
    • What posts on Facebook has most likes and comments
    • What content formats gets the best engagements
    • What content style does get attention from the people

    After a thorough study, you will know what works good or bad in a social media content plan. Whatever your audiences love, you should be doing that. Make use of the content that you collect online to find most likes, tweets, any particular post that became too popular suddenly, etc. given below is a quick analyze to visualize the opportunities.

    Competittor Strength

    • Big Win – in this case, the competitors are not active but engagement is high
    • Loss Leader – the engagement is high along with competitor’s activity. You need to compete, it shall take more resource effort with lower ROI
    • Space filler – the customer activity is low and competitors are not doing much either. Your brand can be a market leader by engaging smaller audiences.
    • Low value – there is high competitor activity with low customer interest.
  5. Use the knowledge to make your own strategy – Read the above sentence very well, by that it doesn’t mean you replicate what your competitors are doing. If all brands are doing the same, what incentive does the audience have for following one particular brand? After studying their social activities, you need to learn your own lessons, think of the good things they are at. Your only objective is to add up value.

    Customers can react strongly to campaigns they don’t feel linked with or the brand matching their vision. The below example shows Fraser’s #Emojinal campaign, that divided customer opinion and attracted a lot of negative feedback. It wasn’t a bad campaign but it looked quite different than its core styling.


    You can get very good insights from competitor’s examples, the competitor analysis will help you shape your strategy. Do not copy anything! But you can surely take some elements from their successful campaigns and apply it on your marketing activity to make sure that those elements perfectly align with your goals and vision.

How Ecommerce brands are generating Leads from Social Media

How Ecommerce brands are generating Leads from Social Media


Today, Businesses are overcoming many hurdles in terms of challenges faced and keeping pace with developments. Qualified leads are a challenge for any business enterprise. Social media comes as a handy tool because it helps customers to discover brands for the products that they are looking for. Here are some of the brands using social media to target the said prospects, gain leads and build the awareness:

      1. Generating Leads from Social Platforms

Facebook and Twitter are prominent platforms for lead generation; it provides an easy built-in ad format that prompts for User information before it leaves the ad.

The below picture shows how GrowthHackers, a consulting firm, allow new subscribers to enter email addresses on the Twitter ad.  Customer lists can be uploaded in each platform to target similar audiences. Testing the ad formats is important especially the native lead generation ad versus an ad with a video or an image.


The below Wantable ad from fashion and fitness retailer shows how a video is used to capture the interests of the users driving them to the landing page.


Users are targeted sometimes by offering them free stuff. The example below from Brit + Co, a female apparel and lifestyle portal sells its video for learning new skills and lessons. The company offers free classes to its potential interested customers to buy their videos.


The Facebook ad is displayed to induce the prospects into signing free class.

Many businesses make use of Twitter for building brand awareness and to generate the leads. The specific target ads helps the users to dedicated landing page, it could be replying to a tweet or targeting competitor’s customers. The below example from Green Chef, an Organic food delivery company exactly shows how the tweets are used to entice the prospects in trying new recipes.


                               Green Chef uses Twitter to tweet about its new recipes

     2. Website Pop-ups connecting to Social media channels

Website Pop-ups are a popular means where it asks for user information like email address or social login for gaining access to discounts. The users are given the option for liking their page or follow the brand’s social media accounts.

The below example from Apparel retailer FlyPolar gives its users the options to follow its Social Media Channel or enter an email address for getting the discount code.


FlyPolar entices its customers to sign up with them through social media channels or entering their email address to get the discounts.

     3. Refer a Friend

Refer-a-Friend is a highly incentivizing program for customers to send prospects. This has been popular for quite some time now, even before Social Media arrived.


Stitch Fix, a Fashion retailer endorses its refer-a-friend program on social media. The above is an Instagram example.


Vistaprint gives a $10 voucher for every referral that produces a Sale.

The big challenges that the retailers face for promoting refer-a-friend program could be visibility deficiency that is if the customers are aware of such programs. The best idea for retailers is to include refer-a-friend program along many touch points that includes an email, social media, on-site and packaging.

Julep, a Cosmetic retailer provides its referral program in its Shipping boxes.


     4. Social Media Shares after the Purchase

Brands encourage their customer to share the purchase made on Social Media to create awareness and leads. Retailer “Know Style” offers discounts to customers for future purchases who share on Social Media.

Post Purchase Sharing

Know Style, a retailer makes use of the above display ad on its website to offer discounts to customers who share on social media for their future purchases. Customers can also be given discounts or coupon code for giving reviews or ratings to be shared on their social media accounts.

     5. Giveaways

Incentives to customers are a domicile tactic to lure consumers to follow on Social Media, states Marketing Sherpa survey. The brand, My Pooch Face sells hand painted pet portraits, it entices the visitors with a free pet portraits for contests.

My poochface Sherpa survey

My Pooch Face offers free hand painted pet portraits to whoever takes interest in the contest. By this, they grow their email listing.

Visitors are given additional entry into Sweepstakes by following their social media profiles, referring the friends and signing up to receive emails.


Like offers entry into sweepstakes to customers who sign up on social media, refer friends or sign up for newsletter. Additionally, brands can ask audiences to tag friends on social media for entering a contest as it will help to expand the brand’s awareness and reach the right prospects on social media.


Brands encourage the shoppers to actively participate in the contest with the condition of taggign their friends on social media.


Ecommerce Personalization Strategy, an Ultimate need in 2017

Ecommerce Personalization Strategy, an Ultimate need in 2017


Personalization helps to create loyalty and drive high conversion and grows the revenue of the organization but how does one achieve this objective? Ecommerce Personalization strategy is the right tool that helps serve relevant content to your customers and optimizing their experiences. Marketers have only one genuine aim and that is to deliver perfect 1-to-1 personalization experiences across all its channels.

The last four decades have unfortunately seen a lot of difficulties that marketers face leaving unpredictability in the revenue numbers. The advancement in AI have led brands and retailers deliver 1-to-1 personalization and serve the best digital experience to their customers across different touch points. Given below are important reasons why Personalization Strategy is a must for your organization:

  • Diversity in Customers – Marketers have long been struggling to cope with diverse audiences preferences. Staying up to their expectation is almost like impossible task for creating the design of each individual. The “Segmentation” method allows defining the distinctiveness of each group and helps to target each group with specifically tailored creative content. The only demerit here is that segments are defined by few data points and it could be challenging. Customers have different preferences based on their colors, styles, purchasing frequencies, price brackets and more. Segmentation is a good method used by marketers and shows improved results but at some point it may veer off its effectiveness.

With effective marketing communication, people would take actions that they wouldn’t otherwise with the element of value in it because it is unique.

  • Traditional and Rules-based personalization doesn’t measure – A segmentation based approach would mean identifying and targeting the biggest opportunities. A segment of people is selected with a set parameter within the channel and introduce the segment to experienced set that are more likely to respond to. Micro segments can be created but they yield diminishing returns. The marketers hit a plateau where spend expands than the actual returns.


The main goal of segmentation and 1-to-1 personalization are similar as they help to establish relationship between the brand and its customers. The increased workload of micro-segments would make it difficult to manage everything in order to design the individual experiences. The actual reality is that 1-to-1 personalization don’t require unique content. With the help of creative elements it is possible to individualize experiences for varied interests of your customers.


For successfully implementing personalization at scale, we should break the old thinking and achieve the

  • Consumers invite personalization – Personalization is the key to behold consumers’ interest. Marketers keep struggling to master personalization. The recent personalization attitudes survey of online shoppers by Accenture Interactive states that personalization can achieve its objectives if the offer is relevant and subtle. A strong alignment with customer needs is in direct correlation to financial success of the industry.

The tested methods of A|B testing, segmentation, optimization and targeting are the essential tools in the marketer’s toolbox. The desire for improving customer experience, increasing the conversions, and AI offer great benefits. With improvisation happening on a continual basis, the experiences are going to be more relevant.


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