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Effective Email Marketing tips for Ecommerce

Effective Email Marketing tips for Ecommerce


If you are running an Ecommerce business, we sure know that you are looking for varied strategies that will help boost your business growth. Email Marketing is one component of your Ecommerce strategy that helps to get good number of conversions. Ideally, there are several options that help to grow your Ecommerce business online by the means of social media, Content Marketing, SEO and others. Email Marketing is one of the best means when it comes to creating customer engagement and build brand loyalty. According to a recent study, 33% of consumers have reported that emails are main motivators to shopping online. Given below are few of the Email Marketing tips that can give good effective results:

    1. Offering Subscription incentive and welcome series emails

A smart marketer will absolutely know the importance of email lists. You can offer your subscribers some incentive by giving them offer coupons, discounts on the products they buy for subscribing in your email lists. After they subscribe to your list, it is now time to send them your first welcome email, followed by a series of emails. With the first email, the primary objective is to form a brand impression. The second email can be sent to build a brand identity and the third email should be targeted towards getting conversions.

    1. Make your subject line attractive by including FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Subject line is the most important since it’s the first thing a viewer sees after signing in, in their email accounts. You can grab user’s attention by creating curiosity in subject line. The use of FOMO that is Fear of Missing Out makes use of the phrases like “don’t miss out”, “last chance to grab” creates a sense of urgency amongst the users.

    1. Engagement and Personalization in your emails

Make your email engaging by creating stories, after all people love reading stories. Your email should be entertaining and should sound natural when readers are reading them. Customize your email to suit the requirements of your users, simply making use of first name encourages a deeper connection and helps subscribers to have trust on the brand.

    1. Ask customers feedback and give them something valuable

Your customers are special to you, give them something valuable by sending vouchers and discount off. The study states that almost 34% redeem the vouchers sent to them. Ask customers their valuable feedback, what they are looking for and if, is there anything missing and how would they want brand to serve them better.

    1. Strong Call-to-Action plan

Be very precise and straight in your message, include actionable CTA that stands out and create a sense of urgency in your message. Use words like “Today”, “now”, “Free”, etc that will motivate them enough to take some action.

    1. Wake-up inactive subscribers

Your email lists may look pretty much longer but there may be inactive subscribers too, to get them back send them personalized email that will reactivate communication. As Neil patel suggests in his infographic, “sending emails to people who are opening them and the people who are not opening, put them in re-engagement campaign to make them active”.

    1. Personal email for Cart Abandonment

People often leave their online shopping carts that they had picked items and placed it in their carts, brands need to play with strategies to gain the customer back and push them into finishing the purchase. A cart abandonment email can surely help to recover the lost sales. The brands may include discounted coupon on the product they had selected or offer a coupon that they can utilize if they complete the purchase.

    1. Integration of Social media channels in your email campaigns

Social media is very wide and infinite; use this benefit to pump up your email marketing campaign. Include social media links in your emails where the users can directly get onto your landing page or whatever product pages you want to direct them to.

    1. Subscription options

People get more frustrated with the amount of emails they keep getting from brands, you can use a smarter side to this by giving your customers chance to make their own selection. this will not only reduce unsubscribe rate but also your customers will appreciate you. Include in your emails, a preference center where users have control over email frequency, update information, change the content and even unsubscribe.

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