MadebySUNDAY is a natural skin care product retailer based in Oxfordshire, UK. The brandresearches, formulates, and manufactures its own in-demand skin care products. CEO and founder Chaymae Samir uses flash sales to increase customer lifetime value and earn loyal customers.

Chaymae recalls running a flash sale that resulted in an 890% increase in revenue and a 195% increase in website conversion rate.

“Chaymae recalls running a flash sale
that resulted in an 890% increase in
revenue and a 195% incraese in website
conversion rate.”

She explains that the great results came from a mix of “social media marketing, push notifications, SMS, and email marketing.” The brand promoted the sale ahead of time, publishing tailored, organic content for its audience.

“Flash sales only work if your customers are not used to you discounting your product or service regularly,” Chaymae explains. “There’s no incentive to buy if they expect another sale next week.” MadebySUNDAY opened the flash sale to a select group of customers, with a password protected shopping portal, to create a VIP experience.”

Loyal customers were given first pick at the inventory. Chayme says that curating the experience for high spenders encourages other shoppers to spend more with the brand to avoid missing out on items.

“Don’t be afraid of going out of stock! It creates scarcity, so next time you’re running a flash sale, people actually listen and buy.”

Chaymae Samir, CEO and founder of MadebySUNDAY


Note: The above case studies are a copyright of Shopify Plus.


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