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Leveraging AI and APIs in Shopify’s Summer ’24 Edition

Leveraging AI and APIs in Shopify’s Summer ’24 Edition


AI technology is transforming e-commerce, and Shopify’s Summer ’24 Edition brings powerful AI tools and API integrations to help merchants automate and optimize their operations.

Shopify Magic: Your AI Assistant
Shopify Magic includes tools like Sidekick, an AI-powered assistant that helps tackle time-consuming tasks, provides expert advice, and jumpstarts the creative process. This tool can significantly boost productivity and decision-making for merchants.

AI-Enabled Image Generation
The Media Editor feature leverages AI to enable instant image edits across the Shopify platform. This functionality simplifies the content creation process, allowing merchants to create and modify visuals quickly and efficiently.

Advanced API Integrations
Shopify’s new and improved APIs, such as the Discount Functions for POS and Storefront Cart API, offer greater customization and integration capabilities. These APIs allow developers to create flexible discounting options, prefill checkout information, and manage customer accounts more effectively.

Improved Customer Experience
By using AI and advanced APIs, merchants can enhance the customer experience through personalized interactions, efficient checkouts, and seamless account management.

Explore the full potential of these AI tools and API integrations by visiting the Shopify Magic details.

These blogs can serve as a foundation for creating SEO-friendly content that supports backlinking and interlinking strategies. By underlining key terms and linking them to relevant pages, you can improve your site’s search engine rankings and provide valuable information to your readers.

Insights from e-Kumbh Jaipur: Revolutionizing the Future of E-commerce

Insights from e-Kumbh Jaipur: Revolutionizing the Future of E-commerce


At the recent e-Kumbh Jaipur event, we had the privilege of gathering with some of the most innovative and forward-thinking entrepreneurs in the industry. This event provided a platform to delve into the future of online shopping and address the pressing challenges faced by online business owners today.

The Future of Online Shopping:
Discussions at e-Kumbh Jaipur underscored the dynamic evolution of online shopping. Entrepreneurs and industry experts shared their insights on how e-commerce is set to transform in the coming years. Key trends included the rise of personalized shopping experiences, the integration of AI and machine learning, and the increasing importance of omnichannel strategies.

Challenges Faced by Online Business Owners:
A major focus of the event was the challenges that online business owners face.
These included:

  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management: The complexities of efficient logistics and supply chain management in a rapidly growing e-commerce landscape.
  • Customer Retention and Engagement: Strategies to retain and engage customers in an increasingly competitive market.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Ensuring robust data security and maintaining customer trust amidst growing cyber threats.

Innovative Solutions and Strategies:
Participants discussed various innovative solutions and strategies to overcome these challenges. Key takeaways included:

  • Advanced Analytics and AI: Leveraging advanced analytics and AI to enhance decision-making processes, optimize supply chains, and personalize customer experiences.
  • Scalable Technology Solutions: Implementing scalable technology solutions to support business growth and improve operational efficiency.
  • Collaborative Ecosystems: Building collaborative ecosystems with partners, suppliers, and technology providers to create a seamless and efficient e-commerce environment.

Entrepreneurial Spirit of Jaipur:
The entrepreneurial spirit of Jaipur was truly inspiring. The city’s business owners demonstrated remarkable innovation, resilience, and a keen understanding of market dynamics. Their proactive approach to adopting new technologies and strategies highlighted Jaipur’s potential as a hub for e-commerce excellence.

Panel Discussions and Networking:
The event also featured insightful panel discussions, where industry leaders, including our own Tejash Shah, shared their expertise and engaged in thought-provoking dialogues. These sessions provided valuable insights and practical advice on navigating the complexities of the online business landscape. Additionally, the networking opportunities allowed attendees to forge meaningful connections and explore potential collaborations.
In line with our commitment to supporting the e-commerce community, we are excited to announce the launch of our new e-commerce guides. These guides offer comprehensive insights and practical solutions to many of the challenges discussed at e-Kumbh Jaipur. For more clarity and solutions, be sure to check them out here.

e-Kumbh Jaipur was a tremendous success, and we are grateful for the opportunity to engage with such a dynamic and forward-thinking community. We look forward to continuing our journey of innovation and collaboration in the e-commerce space.

3 most important things to know about Email Marketing and AI

3 most important things to know about Email Marketing and AI


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most important topics when it comes to technological developments. AI may seem like just another tech waiting to get implemented although there are some hidden aspects to it. Many organizations have already implemented AI into their working systems and getting good results from it. The buzz surrounding the AIs gives you a glimpse of how huge technological changes are going to impact businesses globally. Let us discuss some internal aspects to the AI tech that people so profoundly know it but do not speak openly:

    1. Marketers are not really ready for AI Step ahead yet!

Artificial Intelligence thoroughly relies on customer data across all devices and channels to understand the user behavior. The user data has the ability to determine what millions of potential customers want even before them knowing it themselves. These insights are merely helpful to get integrated data. A lot of data is available with marketers today but most of these data are unorganized and lags segmentations. The very first step to move towards getting ready for AI is to organize and integrate the data. For that, you require a clean current data that encompasses the information that is gathered at customer touchpoints. Centralizing customer data is another big step to organize big data; the data can be segmented through different departments, vendors and systems. The organized processes will help to set you apart from your competitors and helps you take advantage of AI’s potential.

Marketers need a better foundation that helps to evaluate what AI applications are used for and when is the best time to use them.

    1. AI powered Email Marketing won’t show big leaps

AI has created a lot of buzz amongst marketers and it feels that AI has literally given the solution for every problem. Email Marketing is the best option preferred across different channels and age groups by 2:1 ratio. According to DMA’s 2016 Consumer Email Tracker, 80% of consumers state that less than half of the emails they receive are relevant or interesting.

For starting Personalization in Email Marketing following are the steps –

      • Check how often the customers want to be emailed and if they would like be contacted for any specific products or events
      • Creating customer segments that helps to deliver personal touch
      • Sending Welcome Emails, Thank You and Birthday Emails
      • Emailing your customers when they abandon their shopping carts
      • Reminding them about events, offers and sales

The above things are easy to set up and with regular process; it helps to improve the performance. Make use of automated email tools, the AI idea cannot be achieved with one big step but by taking small baby steps.

    1. Businesses already have AI type Email Marketing Capability

Talking of AI, it’s a simple fact that they are already being used today in Email Marketing. Emails uses send time optimization that uses analytics to check on engagement history that predicts the best time to send emails to individuals. Optimizing your send time becomes pretty simpler with automated campaigns and it starts as soon as you hit the “send” button. The recipients receive emails at specific time of the day that works best for the brands.

Artificial Intelligence use email tools that make use of language algorithms to create strong subject lines, calls to action and body copy. The Analytics information evaluates hundreds of sentiments, emotions and phrases, AI predict the language that will best increase engagement and reflect the brand voice.

AI will be beneficial for fast track sales by giving customized messages to people who are aware and ready to buy. The businesses will be able to aggregate insights across multiple data sources that helps identify potential customers based on purchases they have made from other companies. The best means for using AIs are to prepare your data, perfect the basics and make use of the best tools available. Moreover, you will find that AI provides same strategies that marketers have always used.

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Read on to find out how Website Designing culture  is booming and have golden future

Read on to find out how Website Designing culture is booming and have golden future


Well, most of always think the trend that is on is sooner going to fade, but that’s not always the thing that we contemplate. If you are a traditional thinker, you sure do not agree but here’s the thing! We have already seen viral news from popular media outlets like reported how AI and low cost WordPress templates are killing the very nature of website designing business. But let me tell you, these are basically geared to drive traffic and take the topics ahead. Most of it is promotion and not based out of actual facts and figures.

We are Humans and NOT Robots

Globally, Internet usage has grown tremendously and it still continues to grow at lightning speed given the number of people getting connected online. It’s an overall growth for the entire industries that are directly or indirectly connected to whole World Wide Web. The desktop website use has gone down but Internet usage has increased and that too at a good rate. Smartphones are the in-thing, people have started using mobiles for everything they like to do, and may it be finding information or shopping online.

The Internet adoption rate has truly showered good blessings and content has now become an integral part. With different devices involved, there is shift from one end to the other. Content has become more diverse in nature and Engagement is the main motto. IoT has actually connected humans, and machines and AI together to achieve the impossible.

AI and Templates are programmed after all

Each website development project has newer expectations and innovations happen. AI are eventually guided to do something but they of course cannot literally, literally solve human problems. The main goal of website designer is to get business problems to the fore thereby offering easy solutions and making tasks simpler.

The task of professional website Design Company is to identify the main issue that is thriving in and to use Internet wisely. Technology is ever so changing and only aim it has, is to solve website owner’s problems, goals and objectives. Ideally speaking, there is no simple solution to getting a structured website development project. It’s all a process that starts with systematically identifying the objectives and making use of the best practices to experience and get a solution.

Grids are clever means but they are factually programmed. They cannot really ask owners the real problems or rather solve them for example: in the case of target marketing, project objectives, product or services, why the traffic is low or how a project will look like after a year’s time, etc.

Professionally good website designs go just beyond image and text messages. It has wide ranging project elements that cover AI and templates.

Here are some of the points that show how Professional website design is really in:

  1. Messaging – most small businesses do not have bigger marketing agenda in fact they do not have any departments. A professional designer will discuss with them and help them to come up with a plan that will concentrate on their actual business difficulties, which will be completely cut-off from the competition.
  2. User personas – designers are usually waiting to give the best structured website to clients and their only motto is to identify the website personas. With that, it can help improve the website design and overall development. It helps to create traffic flows and all actions are focused on the users. The use of AI cannot do what a website designer thinks and interprets by the discussion with website owner.
  3. Call to action plan – a professional designer can do a good job of website design with all integrated options. A call to action plan inbuilt will actually boost the flow of visitors to the website. A designer can have detailed discussion with owner of what needs to be included in the design and what not.
  4. SEO – That’s the heart and soul of website development. The content plays a very important role and also the layout of the website. A professional grafted project by designer helps to start a project with proper detailed analysis. Keywords and site mapping are very basic and gets a good foundation.

Real website designs are a means for successful business leads ahead, Remember that!

The professional web designers navigate through structural ways in designing a good website design process. A properly grafted website structure gives a good website impression to the user and overall enhances organization’s marketing efforts. Automation is truly great but lacks an emotional touch, feel and the results to a certain extent. For organizations that are looking for systematic structured designs should definitely go professional designers. Automated website designs offer preset page layouts and templates that cannot give human element to it.

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