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Social Media Planning and Aligning with other Channels

Social Media Planning and Aligning with other Channels


Social Media Marketing plays an essential role in the implementation for varied marketing strategies. Brands today are coming forward to accepting newer planning and implement strategies alongside aligning with other channels. Marketing Calendar forms as a rock solid pillar for the success of the strategies in business.

Role of a Marketing Calendar

The organizations today are resorting to following a specific plan to outline their business processes. Hence, a Marketing Calendar comes handy to follow the guidelines set and expectations to reform with brand objectives. A Marketing calendar is a plan that outlines the key campaigns for the year; they follow a monthly cycle rule. The content calendar helps in defining big campaigns, promotions, key messages, CTAs and different channels that it shall deliver in. Social Media helps to align with the calendar and it is executed across different channels simultaneously. The core message is to promote with a slight different execution in every channel. The marketing calendar is flexible that allows to change the marketing plan and the team.

Role of a Marketing Calendar

Custom Marketing Messaging for Social Media

The Marketing calendar offers a campaign level plan. Given below are some of the examples:

Product Campaigns:

  1. The new product launches offer product imagery that helps to create new boards on Pinterest, Instagram Photos, etc.
  2. Make use of Visual posts on Twitter then only text.
  3. Using Animation to bring products to life Example: gif images, short videos.


  1. Engaging photos with the use of photography for visual networks like Instagram.
  2. Adding new events to Facebook and geo-tag locations.
  3. Announcing the events on Twitter having the link to the “About” landing page
  4. Using the events or campaign hashtags in different posts.

Brief the social team for handling the campaign activities

The campaigns are created with the sole purpose of Marketing. An offline ad is shared by the user on social networks that generates interactions with other users. The Social teams should be aware of what is happening, when, where and why. It has to plan to take advantage of the campaign in the social space and ensure the monitoring of social channels and brand mentions.

Social Organic Marketing

Social Marketing is done to get best results on Search Engine Ranking Algorithms. The brand should look out for ways where they can merge the key content with landing page URLs; it can be shared socially to maximum the reach. It includes activities like promoting new landing pages through social networks or posting the links to latest content like videos and blogs.

Social Organic Marketing

The social teams can make use of social research tools like Buzzsumo that helps to find the content and the keyword that is most popular. The brands can use this insight to work out the style of content that would be useful to the social audiences. The Social and SEO teams can work together to analyze the content trends and share information to inform the plans.

Understand the difference between the Paid Social and Paid Search

Paid Social and Paid Search requires a lot of honest efforts in researching to get targets to your audience effectively. It requires targeted ad copy and a structure to run the campaigns so right ads reaches to the right people. Paid Social is a form of push marketing that requires segment and structure for the activity so that best optimization can be made on ROI by using the data that is generated. The paid social planning is effective in blending the right resource. Paid Social is an intensive tool that helps to manage the high standards as compared to the Paid Search.

Social Media ad tools offers various targeting and goal options hence it’s important to get the right grip with the platforms that you can start before planning.

Paid Social and Paid Search informing each other

These two are different techniques but they should be well integrated. The money spent on optimizing paid search creative and landing pages can be used for informed paid search campaigns. The keyword data should be full of useful insights. You can apply your keyword learning to the social scene and use those keywords for driving social keyword research. You can also make use of the CRM data that helps with social targeting by creating look alike used on existing customer profiles.

It is highly important for both teams to coordinate well with each other, it’s important to share the data, plans and insights.

Use the Social Networks for Event Marketing

Given below are some of the methods to maximize social reach during and after the event. It has helped good number of organizations create social media marketing plans and events. The simple activity can help drive good increase in social engagement

  1. Remind people of #hashtags during the event and help them to post live by making use of those hashtags.
  2. Include the live tweeter that shares your key content like quotes and pictures from your event.
  3. The thread can be made for every event and it can be shared even when the event is fresh in the minds of people.
  4. Publish a blog write-up and videos sharing key insights and share it on social channels after some days of the event. For videos, tweet each speaker the link that will encourage them to share.
  5. Contact Social influencers, share your event content with them and ask them to share. Parallel, you can also create event photos for creating a Facebook album.

Social Media helps to extend life of an event, the content created can be used to share and maximize the benefits by reaching more audiences.

Adding Social Data to CRM Contacts

Tools like Full Contact is a useful tool that helps to upload customer email addresses and add social data when needed. It can also directly imbibe Twitter handles. The audience can be fragmented to differentiate the high-value customers and also deliver personalized communication. You can do it through email and it is highly important to have alignment of CRM and Social Data, it helps to enable more personal style of communication. Remarketing tools like Facebook are used for Paid Social, it helps to enrich CRM database with customers’ social handles.

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