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Unleashing the power of ChatGPT: The latest updates

Unleashing the power of ChatGPT: The latest updates


In the ever-evolving landscape of AI-powered tools, ChatGPT stands out as an unstoppable force, consistently bringing innovation and enhancement to your digital interactions. With each update, ChatGPT strives to provide a more seamless, intuitive, and productive experience. Let’s dive into the latest ChatGPT updates that are set to elevate your conversations and interactions.



Engaging in a new chat can sometimes be daunting, but with ChatGPT’s latest update, you’ll find it easier than ever to get started. Introducing prompt examples that guide you in initiating conversations effectively. These examples act as your trusted companions, helping you set the tone for meaningful interactions right from the beginning.



Maintaining the flow of conversation is key to effective communication. With suggested replies, ChatGPT intuitively assists you by suggesting relevant ways to continue your dialogue. This feature not only saves time but also ensures that your conversations remain dynamic and engaging.



For our valued ChatGPT Plus users, we’re excited to introduce the integration of GPT-4. Now, ChatGPT remembers your previously selected model, allowing for a more personalized and tailored chat experience. This enhancement brings a new level of continuity to your interactions, making them feel more natural and intuitive.



ChatGPT is not just about text-based interactions; it’s about unlocking insights from your data. With the ability to upload multiple files, ChatGPT analyzes your data and generates insightful responses across a variety of documents. This update is designed to empower you with deeper insights, ensuring that no valuable information goes unnoticed.



In response to user feedback, we’re thrilled to announce that ChatGPT now provides a seamless experience with extended login sessions. You’ll no longer face the inconvenience of being logged out every two weeks. This ensures uninterrupted productivity and allows you to focus on what truly matters—your tasks and conversations.



We understand that efficiency is paramount, which is why we’ve introduced keyboard shortcuts to make your ChatGPT experience even more streamlined. By simply using (Ctrl) + Shift + ;, you can effortlessly copy the last code block. Need to access the full list of shortcuts? (Ctrl) + / has got you covered, enhancing your workflow with precision and speed.



We believe in providing you with the tools to customize your interactions. With custom instructions, you can now provide specific details to ChatGPT, tailoring your conversations to your unique needs. This update opens up a world of possibilities, ensuring that your interactions are as distinct and individual as you are.

In conclusion, the latest ChatGPT updates underscore our commitment to providing you with a dynamic and powerful AI tool that adapts to your requirements. With prompt examples, suggested replies, GPT-4 integration, file uploads, extended login sessions, keyboard shortcuts, and custom instructions, ChatGPT continues to redefine how we engage with AI-driven conversations. Embrace these updates and unlock a world of possibilities as you explore the limitless potential of ChatGPT.
Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey of seamless and intelligent conversations? ChatGPT is here to make it happen.
Stay engaged, stay connected, and let the conversation flow.

ChatGPT: Where Innovation Meets Interaction

Shopify AI design for ecommerce

Shopify AI design for ecommerce

Ecommerce Shopify


These are a few of the 100+ updates Shopify came up with this summer 2023.

Shopify unveils Sidekick AI-Powered Assistance
Imagine you had a deeply competent, incredibly intelligent, passionate, and non-judgmental advisor available to you whenever you need them.


  • Meet your new Sidekick.
    Now you can use everyday language to improve your store, tackle time-consuming tasks, and make smarter business decisions. From suggesting the best apps for your business to helping with marketing campaigns, Sidekick answers questions, solves problems, and helps you get more work done, faster.


  • Shopify magic – AI-Generated Product Description
    Discover the magic of growing your business with AI built directly into Shopify.


  • Translate & Adapt – Speak every customer’s language
    Translate & Adapt lets you auto-translate up to two languages for free, and manually add as many translations as you wish. The side-by-side editor makes it easy to compare and review your translations, and can also be used to adjust content between markets that speak the same language to ensure cultural, seasonal, and regional relevance.It’s easy to translate and adapt your store content for any market.


  • Shopify Inbox– Drive conversion with instant answers
    Available to select businesses, quickly respond to live chat inquiries with AI-generated responses from Shopify Magic. Review the suggested text, edit, and respond to drive top-of-funnel conversions, turning more chats into sales.


  • Shopify AI-Generated Email Replies
    Create high-performing email campaigns faster by generating compelling subject lines and body content with Shopify Magic. Schedule emails to send at the best time, using data-driven insights from millions of businesses across our platform.


  • Shopify – Create blogs faster
    Now you can enter a topic, choose the tone, and generate long-form blog content that drives traffic to your store in seconds with Shopify Magic


  • ShopEngage your targeted audience
    From AI-powered product recommendations to personalized discovery, Shop keeps businesses on the cutting edge of commerce, so you can reach more customers.
How Facebook Chatbots are changing E-commerce?

How Facebook Chatbots are changing E-commerce?


E-Commerce has grown stupendously over the last one decade and the idea of Live Chats has been used for quite sometime now. Although, it has not been prominently used. But with developments happening, Live Chats are soon going to be the norm, its Chatbots that will act like Humans talking to Humans!

Chatbots will completely change the face of Ecommerce; consumers will now be getting answers for their queries online through live chats. Chatbots will answer all customer queries that are related to brand or a product or a service. Customers appreciate this new approach and according to the recent reports by eMarketer Survey reveals that 63% of customers are likely to return to the site having live chat feature.

Live Chats services are often offered by brands on their E-Commerce platforms, it consists of most advanced features including survey forms, queuing up, transcripts, analytics and reports. These are mainly useful to handle customer queries and concerns about the products. Chatbots are bringing in a new revolution of a kind that brings entire Ecommerce to one subject topic of “Live chats”. It not only helps create social awareness but also helps to build brand loyalty too mainly because customers can directly interact with the brand without waiting for emails to be answered or calling the company.

Conversational E-Commerce is in!

Messaging apps are now being targeted for use in Business. Facebook messenger has taken the first official step; it is one of the most viable channels for business interactions that help to connect to customers. Billions of people are using Facebook and messenger service as a means to connect with each other. Facebook made available its messenger platform for developers so that developers can embed it on their sites or apps.

Talking of Messenger Apps, it has long been used since 2015 when Uber tapped Facebook Messenger on its app that allowed customers to book their ride through the chat window. It was then first coined as “Conversational Commerce”.

Improved Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is one of the latest developments in Digital commerce where lots of things are happening at one time. AI has reached the level, where things are meant to be worked without the use of Human brain. The bigger tech players have already started investing in machine learning and natural language processing to be part of the big boom in the making. Artificial Intelligence bought a Digital revolution marking a new beginning.

Chatbots are learning a lot of things that seem very natural in a learning process; they are learning human interactions and trying to accommodate the future interactions too.

Chatbots can help in multiple ways to facilitate the buying journey of a consumer, they are programmed to help create awareness, solve queries, educate the potential customer and influence them in making a buying decision. Chatbots are programmed to handle after-sale activities or providing any further service the customer is looking for.

Facebook have continually supported Business Ecommerce through varied means, its recent plan of launching Whatsapp for Business truly marks the beginning of a new revolution where Business will solely be conducted through live chats whether they are Chatbots or consumers chatting online. The recent developments truly reveal Facebook Messenger will encourage sale of Physical products in the era where more and more businesses are getting online.

3 most important things to know about Email Marketing and AI

3 most important things to know about Email Marketing and AI


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most important topics when it comes to technological developments. AI may seem like just another tech waiting to get implemented although there are some hidden aspects to it. Many organizations have already implemented AI into their working systems and getting good results from it. The buzz surrounding the AIs gives you a glimpse of how huge technological changes are going to impact businesses globally. Let us discuss some internal aspects to the AI tech that people so profoundly know it but do not speak openly:

    1. Marketers are not really ready for AI Step ahead yet!

Artificial Intelligence thoroughly relies on customer data across all devices and channels to understand the user behavior. The user data has the ability to determine what millions of potential customers want even before them knowing it themselves. These insights are merely helpful to get integrated data. A lot of data is available with marketers today but most of these data are unorganized and lags segmentations. The very first step to move towards getting ready for AI is to organize and integrate the data. For that, you require a clean current data that encompasses the information that is gathered at customer touchpoints. Centralizing customer data is another big step to organize big data; the data can be segmented through different departments, vendors and systems. The organized processes will help to set you apart from your competitors and helps you take advantage of AI’s potential.

Marketers need a better foundation that helps to evaluate what AI applications are used for and when is the best time to use them.

    1. AI powered Email Marketing won’t show big leaps

AI has created a lot of buzz amongst marketers and it feels that AI has literally given the solution for every problem. Email Marketing is the best option preferred across different channels and age groups by 2:1 ratio. According to DMA’s 2016 Consumer Email Tracker, 80% of consumers state that less than half of the emails they receive are relevant or interesting.

For starting Personalization in Email Marketing following are the steps –

      • Check how often the customers want to be emailed and if they would like be contacted for any specific products or events
      • Creating customer segments that helps to deliver personal touch
      • Sending Welcome Emails, Thank You and Birthday Emails
      • Emailing your customers when they abandon their shopping carts
      • Reminding them about events, offers and sales

The above things are easy to set up and with regular process; it helps to improve the performance. Make use of automated email tools, the AI idea cannot be achieved with one big step but by taking small baby steps.

    1. Businesses already have AI type Email Marketing Capability

Talking of AI, it’s a simple fact that they are already being used today in Email Marketing. Emails uses send time optimization that uses analytics to check on engagement history that predicts the best time to send emails to individuals. Optimizing your send time becomes pretty simpler with automated campaigns and it starts as soon as you hit the “send” button. The recipients receive emails at specific time of the day that works best for the brands.

Artificial Intelligence use email tools that make use of language algorithms to create strong subject lines, calls to action and body copy. The Analytics information evaluates hundreds of sentiments, emotions and phrases, AI predict the language that will best increase engagement and reflect the brand voice.

AI will be beneficial for fast track sales by giving customized messages to people who are aware and ready to buy. The businesses will be able to aggregate insights across multiple data sources that helps identify potential customers based on purchases they have made from other companies. The best means for using AIs are to prepare your data, perfect the basics and make use of the best tools available. Moreover, you will find that AI provides same strategies that marketers have always used.

    </ol >
Incredible effects of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Revolution

Incredible effects of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Revolution


Artificial Intelligence has incredibly changed the way machines ever worked. It has continuously redefined its features and has bought much success to the innovations being made. The AI machine evolution has been very impressive so far with the advent of autonomous driving, lip reading robots, interpretations, language processing and the likes.

The extraordinary progress and success stories of AI include AlphaGo’s victory over the world champ Lee Sedol for autonomous driving. Google’s DeepMind AI is capable of reading lips and has already mastered the difficult video game Montezuma’s Revenge; it has actually started learning the game with trial and error basis just like humans do. Watson – IBM’s AI platform reads, analyzes and interprets texts just like a person through natural language processing. The AI has become power humans by grasping as much as 80% of the information available today. Tesla’s self-driving cars are truly innovative with its eight cameras providing 360 degree visibility.

Artificial Intelligence is just rising above the level what it was yesterday, it is innovating and implementing every day by completely revolutionizing the very nature of digital marketing. The AI influence is growing and it will drastically change human interactions to the core.

Some important statistics that shows how huge the impact of AI and is going to affect the future interactions:

  1. Gartner research states that almost 85% of customer interactions will happen without a human being involved.
  2. In May 2016 alone, $1.5 billion were invested states CB Insights.
  3. Crunchbase listed 1,196 AI Start-ups; it lists all the venture capital funded startups in the world.
  4. Forrester states that 16% of American jobs shall be replaced by AI by the end of the decade.

AI is advancing at rocket speed and businesses are already seeing the bleak future. So what is it that Marketer should be particularly careful about and how does AI influence Digital Marketing.

Personalized content

Marketers already have abundant data with them and the developments in AI are surely going to help them make right use by giving highly personalized experience to its customers. Machine Learning has truly advanced and it will help marketers understand the customer’s true desires and take actions. Customers are looking for truly personal experience from brands; marketers will have to rely heavily on AI and machine learning so the data can be utilized for making customer engagement effectively.

With this level of advancement, content will become more personal catering to the demands of customers and users. Interactions will be crafted to suit the exact needs and requirements of the audiences. The whole online experience for user will bring promotions and content that is relevant to the final user.

WayBlazer, AI based Travel Company uses IBM’s Watson to apply cognitive analytics to social data that understands and realizes actual destination and know who it can appeal to. WayBlazer with the use of Watson is capable of giving recommendations to potential buyers for travel and also informing them about the local insights.

Under Armour, one of the biggest brands in athletic wear gives a finer example of how IBM’s AI technology is offering personalized training, nutrition recommendations and recovery programs. Watson will now be able to analyze users with daily activities, their sleep and data with regards to the food and it can share the info with its fitness App under its report.

Personalized ads will help to cater to the needs of the target audience. Brands who implement machine learning and personalization will obviously see increase in the revenues and the conversion rates. Personalized ads will bring a better ROI showing lesser irrelevant ads; it will show ads to the right audience.

As ads will be strictly targeted to the needs of the audience, user engagement will improve and brands implementing machine learning and content personalization the right way will see increases in revenue and conversion rates. Users will only be shown ads that are particularly relevant to them, meaning that firms could potentially see a better ROI by showing fewer ads, but to the right audience. This will result not only in an improved user experience but also higher levels of user engagement.

Chatbots and Virtual assistants

2016 was the year of new inventions and implementations, Chatbots and Virtual assistants saw an incredible growth. Facebook bought a new excitement with the introduction of bots for anything they thought of, for example KLM’s Messenger Chatbot allowed passengers to ask for directions to their stores, or nearby ATMs or restaurants or by sending an Emoji.

Bots and virtual assistants are eventually machines, they generate a lot of excitement for firsthand users and they are willingly ready to spend on it. Gartner predictions states that by the end of 2017, Marketers shall spend over $250 million on conversational technologies such as Chatbots and Virtual agents. In addition to this, room-based screen-less devices like Amazon Echo will be in over 10 million homes.

Adobe Research reports that the app downloads have fallen down to almost 38% in the U.S. and by 5% in the U.K., Germany and France since the year 2014. Chatbots are in bigger demand since consumers will directly talk to bots instead of making use of Apps or emails that take longer time.

AI’s will simplify Human Life

AI is definitely the future but it doesn’t mean they will completely change the human role in marketing. The businesses in future would sure need marketers for important decisions. The Big data is the sole element that marketers use these days to get insights, analyze the markets, study the trends and creating the content accordingly that brings brand awareness.

The most notable thing about AI is that, the more it is used, the more efficient it becomes, as AI are constantly learning and is adapting to new environments to anticipate the changes that are happening. Marketers can set the guidelines for AI so that all interactions stay within the brand context and are consistent with its vision. AI track the trends and optimize the real time campaigns, hence marketers will be more open to concentrate on subjective aspect of campaign. Laborious tasks could be handled by AIs.

The future of AI will help marketers concentrate better on creative aspect that includes understanding the customer and figuring out its overall objective. The repetitive, time-consuming and logic driven tasks will be performed by AI giving the marketers opportunity to be creative and focus its time and efforts on dedicate matters. It will help those transforming thoughts and ideas into decision making processes and products and improving overall business.

AI Problems

AI has created much excitement but Demandbase’s survey states that 80% of marketers feel that AI will completely revolutionize the marketing scene by 2020. Only a mere, 26% marketers feel confident about their understanding and the use of AI in marketing while 10% are already using it.

Marketers are already feeling the heat of losing the control over AI, although their main concern is integrating the AI into already well established businesses and poking over well designed strategic organizations processes. They are worried that employee may or may not adapt to the changes.

Boxever survey shows there is a gap between marketers and consumer’s perception of digital transformation and innovation in AI. Consumers are misinformed with regards to the development in the AI field. Consumers are laymen people; they really do not understand the true value of using AI in marketing. This is one of the reasons, there is disconnect between expectations and reality when it comes to AI.

Final Thoughts

AI is the digital future; Marketers should exceptionally know that world of digital is changing and it is exponentially going to impact decision-making and business growth. Brands using AI will be able to differentiate the casual users and their most valued users and tailor-made offer can be given to them. AI will help marketers recognize the needs of the users and offer real-time solutions that will help engage customers to the brand.

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