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Top Content Marketing Trends to look out for in 2018

Top Content Marketing Trends to look out for in 2018


After reading and Experience of last year’s working closely with clients, we have found out that there are two things which very much critical for any Brand to stay on top in 2018

1) Relevant Content Creation as per Customer Persona
2) Mapping or Distributing Content according to Buyer’s Journey

So let’s find it, which are the trends to watch for the year 2018

1) Creation of Niche content

This means if Brands wants to stand out then they have to drill down or have to take deep dive to understand their ideal customers and its behavior. They have to do customer segmentation and deliver the content according to the journey customers are into.

What Brand can do to follow this trend?

So for Exp: If you are targeting Travelers then instead of targeting “Top Travelling Destination” Brand has to be specific on “Top Adventure Vacation for Couples”


A Brand who is into fitness and bodybuilding should explore niche target audience to start with rather than generic. What we suggest by this, instead of targeting Bodybuilding they can identify targets like Bodybuilding for 40+ Dads

2) Adaptation of Voice based search or Content

According to Garner predication, the world is moving to screen less search, recent trends have been seen that younger people have started using voice search on their mobile. It means that your future customers are more likely to use Voice search or Voice Assistant like Google or Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa.

What Brands can do?

Since there is always a difference between the way we speak the way we type, brands have to adapt to natural language search. Instead of focusing on particular keywords, a brand needs to focus on long tail phrases or answering questions the way Human speak to each other.

Few thing a Brand can do

  • Create more relevant content with long and specific phrases
  • While keeping in mind keywords they have to keep word which speaks to naturally
  • Majority of Voice search is from mobile so have to see content presented very on Mobile devices (Mobile Friendly)
  • For Local “near me” searches, brand has to optimize their content as per local language

3) Smaller but relevant content

It was recommended earlier that if your article is long and having more than 3000 words, it’s more likely be featured on search engines. This is all good if your intention is to rank in SERPs, but remember nowadays social is driving more traffic then lengthy content.

People prefer to consume same content via Videos or Visuals rather than reading them on mobile

What Brands can do?

  • Create Infographic
  • Create Videos related to relevant topics, which can be shared via Social Media Channels easily

4) Change of Influence Marketing

Past all research shows that 90% of people trust on a recommendation by individuals over brands. Even Google trends show steady growth on the influencer marketing YoY basis we are not denying that influencer marketing is one the key areas of the Brand which needs to be addressed while they make their marketing strategy.

But we recommend that instead of aiming for volume, a brand needs to identify influence which has common values and target audience. So key aspect needs to be addressed rather then connecting them only for promotion of Brand or product, a brand needs to collaborate with them for a long-term

What Brands can do?

  • Identify Kep influencer based on Product or objective
  • Create a Campaign directed to that Influencer
  • A Brand can create secondly campaign for influencer to drive awareness
  • Regularly track metrics related to awareness, sales, and Engagement

5) Transparency to Customer

Younger Audience is tired of Push Advertising. They want to associate with Brand which has a transparent approach in terms of communication. So For Exp if the Brand is talking about Organic Food then they want to have more information as well as want to see practically brand guidelines related organic living, health or food

What Brands can do?
A Brand can associate or accredited themselves with some government authority for regulations.
Even Brand release certain research or whitepaper, or do events on a line which they want to position themselves. This way customer directly associates with brand

6) Video will continue rise

Rather than reading large content people prefer to consume video on that natural languages, they can associate them very well. All the content which Brands is creating in form of text should be transferred and convey via video.

What Brand Can do?

A Brand can create Youtube channel where they can explain the feature of products or Application of products or Unboxing and Product demonstration can be done. A video has always been a very interactive form of communication on the internet.

Brand can also cover their events or seminar via Live Video on Facebook or Educate Customer by taking Seminars

Even Interactive Question and Answers Sessions also going to be very helpful

7) Creating and Marketing Content Mapping Buyer Persona

Nowadays cost of acquiring a new customer and retaining them is very vital for Brands. CRM play an important role in retaining existing customers. It becomes necessary for a brand to create a content strategy which engages the audience throughout their life cycle if form email or connecting them to Social media or traditional channels.

Here is what brands can do

  • Creating details buyer persona with their Demographic and Psychographic
  • Mapping the Content around customer Journey and communicating with them on each stage Reach, Action Covert, and Engagement. All stages will require different set of content to be created for customers

That’s all for now

Let us know your feedback on above content marketing trends? Which one do you prefer for your Brand? and Why?

11 Cost Effective growth hacking for Ecommerce

11 Cost Effective growth hacking for Ecommerce


Ecommerce is everywhere and so does its competitiveness! Retailers and marketers are submerged in a pool where there are so many tactics to be followed. Organizations should look forward to solutions that best suits their business needs and explore the growth hacks that they can implement in their business to get more sales. Given below are creatively churned out best hacking ideas that you can use in your Ecommerce business:

    1. The use of ad extensions

Ad extensions are the best possible ways through which you can target your ads especially on Google and Bing. These types of ads help to provide uniqueness to viewers compared to other ads that only show Headline and the URL. Ad extensions help to give more robust and interactive ads as given below:

the Use

The different elements that you can add to your ads to make it look more attractive and help consumer easily get through to convert are sitelink extensions, call extensions, location extensions, review extensions and callout extensions.

    1. Prepare Creative content and create market buzz through giveaways

Content Marketing takes the lead when it comes to create customer engagement, it helps to increase good number of subscribers and boost the sales. Giveaways are a great way to create awareness about the brand and generate website traffic.


Choose something that will grab users’ attention, there can be a variety of items that the brand can give to its potential customers like sample products, offer coupons, introductory products, reward based incentives, etc.

    1. Create a sense of Urgency through FOMO

Fear-Of-Missing-Out (FOMO) drives a good amount of traffic by creating user engagement and social activities on platforms. A study revealed that 56% of consumers are afraid to miss out on important announcements if they are not active on social networks.

Create FOMO

Marketers can leverage the FOMO by creating good offers, highlighting the contests with the limited time promotions that mark a sense of urgency in audiences.

    1. Build your own Life time value (LTV)

The important learning lessons and essential for business growth is to retain your customers. Use your instincts and give excellent customer service. It is much costlier to acquire a new customer as compared to an existing customer. Harvard Business school study states that a 5% bump in customer retention increases your profits by 95%.


A good customer service program creates loyal relationships, interact with your customers and find what is that they are looking for.

    1. Use of Influencer Marketing

Every industry certainly has influencers that are followed by masses; look out for the influencers belonging to your industry and check if they are promoting similar products. Influencer marketing has been tremendously successful in apparel and retail industries. Social influencer marketing is strong marketing and is induced by word of mouth marketing method. It can drive tremendous visibility to your website and create traffic. Below chart shows how brands work with influencers to connect with customers.


Influencer marketing is one of the smarter moves by brands, it encourages trust and engagement because influencers belong to your industry and have higher probability to drive traffic.


For searching the right influencers, select the influencers, who belong to your industry, build a personal connection with them. Send our samples, talk to them if they are ready to promote your product.

how to

    1. Simplify the checkout process

Cart abandonment is ever so common! Why? The reason being most customers gets frustrated with checkout process and leaves their carts. This is the bigger problem faced by Ecommerce industries today, optimizing the checkout process is a big challenge. The study shows, 68% carts are abandoned having an estimated value of $4.9 trillion on a global level.


Easy navigation helps the users to browse and navigate through the website easily and effortlessly. Reduce the elements on the page to give clarity to the browsers of the page especially the checkout process. The common friction causing reasons for cart abandonment are shipping costs, pricing, separate logging accounts, complicated checkout process, etc.

    1. Psychological pricing

Most times when consumers buy anything it is the brands who have sold out to them through the means of tiered pricing. SaaS platforms use this method most times that is highly beneficial. Listing too many expensive and non-expensive items does it, there by making customers choose item exactly that brands want you to select. It is psychological pricing.


A MIT study and University of Chicago tested similar tactic with women’s clothing found that most consumers select the products in the middle price point.

    1. Build social sharing offline

Social shares are the fastest means to help you do word of mouth marketing, make the maximum use of this opportunity. As soon as the customers open their new purchases, prompt them to share their new buys online with hashtags and share their experiences on the brand page with relevant hashtags by incentivizing them.

Incentivize your audiences with a number of options like promotion codes, discount, using custom hashtags, etc. this will help to create User generated content that helps to do brand promotion.

    1. Referral programs

This is another great way to create branding at its best. A study from Texas Tech University found that 83% of customers are willing to refer friends and family to brand if they have positive experience with the brand. In reality, only 29% makes a referral. Customers would not share by themselves; the idea of this campaign is to ask for a Referral and to so wisely. According to University of Chicago studies, non-cash incentives are more effective as compared to cash incentives by 24%.

    1. Retargeting strategies

Retargeting is an essential part of any marketing program; the research by AdRoll stated that 2% of customers actually convert in their first visit. The experience of a customer on its purchase journey is the implication how further it is going to be. Consumers buy their purchase across different devices. They select from one device and purchase from the other.


Retargeting helps to gain your customers back by 27% of lost prospects and gain 70% back with help of retargeting for customers who were shown relevant ads.

    1. Segmented Email campaigns

Email Marketing is one of the main channels to boost your Ecommerce growth. 77% consumers rely on email communications for doing permission-based communications as compared to any other mediums. Over 80% of retail professionals feel that email marketing is the biggest driving factors for customer retention. Drip campaigns can be designed on the basis of customer triggers.


Always follow 80/20 rules for content sent to your subscribers and be cautious about the number of emails that you are sending out to your customers.

Most of the businesses today heavily rely on acquiring new customers to boost their business growth. But retention is also one far-sighted element to continue the profits of your business. There are several ways to hack your business growth by engaging your customers more.

How Apparel retailers embrace new strategies, counting  beyond just conversions

How Apparel retailers embrace new strategies, counting beyond just conversions


Apparel markets have seen a major shift in last one decade or so. The reason is rapid commercialization; retailers are growing beyond just four walls and leveraging the idea of online business reaching more audiences online. The advertising structure has completely changed keeping in mind the purchase intent and advertising methods. Newer marketing tools and technological developments have led to more competitive markets globally showing a good revolution across buying and selling industries.

Google often changes its search result type keeping in mind the user intent; this helps users to make searches in specific verticals. Search engine results page or SERP as is commonly known display videos or related articles based on users’ intent. Accordingly, apparel retailers need to optimize content based on SERP display of targeted keywords. Today, advertising and marketing go beyond the measure of simply looking at conversions. Apparel brands are looking forward to set goals and measure success in the way they interact and engage their customers. It has become highly important for brands to take into account newer marketing methods, ideas and measurements. Apparel industry as a whole has seen bigger competitive landscape with shifting search trends. The massive change have led to more online conversions by including latest digital methods and devices, it tremendously helps to improve on User Engagement that goes beyond simple purchasing power.

Significance of Brand voice

Brands must purportedly engage its audience by providing them with personalized content. This helps brands to understand their users and create a content strategy that well aligns with SEO and social media goals.

Brands relevant tone and message should align with their organizational objectives and they should use key insights from audience data and purchase data to appeal to people. Seasonal announcements help to engage with audience by offering them relevant product offers. Take the case of Nordstrom, the company crafts content around important events and seasons. Their content often revolves around events like wedding seasons, prom, swimwear, seasonal work attire, etc. the below example shows how Nordstrom formats its content putting user intent in mind. While searching for “wedding guest” query, Google knows the user intent hence it can derive that the user is basically looking to wear something for a wedding.


Nordstrom have remarkably engaged its audience with creative marketing strategy. Nordstrom is equally leading on Facebook pages for discussions that are relevant to new wedding looks and work attire. The brand have clear objectives that are simple and sleek through images, post the copies and links that provide better engagement and visibility amongst the users. Through this type of marketing it will lead to better engagement through word of mouth and increasing the conversions.


The main marketing key lies in knowing what customer wants to interact with, hence content message should be written keeping the purchase intent in mind along with marketing strategy. Another very good example of an online male apparel brand is Chubbies. It’s a niche brand selling men trunk and shorts, they have created a distinct and very clear marketing message across all digital channels as a unified brand image.

Finding your Influence

Influencer marketing is one of the most upcoming forms of marketing because today people trust “people” more than any brand advertisements. Influencer marketing campaign helps to expose your brand to newer audiences that will be more excited about your product brand. For example, take the case of BlackMilk Clothing; the influencer often shares her favorite items on social circles and answer user questions that help to spread the brand awareness.


Inluencer marketing does not only relate to social media, it also takes into account other activities and platforms that influencers use. Many influencers run their blogs that has massive following hence when an influencer belonging to your industry or product niche feature your product in their blog, it can have direct impact on the visibility of your brand in SERPs. Brands must consistenly try to shift their communication to potential customers to push through all mediums, for web properties belonging to them or that of influencers. The culmination of different media can help bring a bigger outcome and help brand work towards a specific goal like increasing the engagement and expand the reach and visibility.

Product Listing Ads

Today brands are going beyond what was just ordinary, along with Facebook ads and traditional search ads they are recognizing the power of Shopping Ads. These are basically Product Listing Ads (PLAs), appearing on the top of Google mobile search results having visual impact. The ads shows to user a photo of product complimenting with color, size, store name, price, etc. more details can be added through ad extensions.

Benefits of using Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads can provide long lasting benefits for your business profile, it helps:

  1. To promote inventory and enhance in-store traffic
  2. To Nurturing the leads who are looking to buy the product

It is highly important for brands especially apparel brands to evolve themselves out of traditional strategies and market their efforts towards latest digital tactics. Different marketing efforts like content strategies, influencer marketing, facebook ads, shopping ads and other types of ads help to stay on par with competition.

How to get results from Instagram Influencer Marketing

How to get results from Instagram Influencer Marketing


Ecommerce markets are in all likelihood spinning the game with thousands of online tools and platforms available to grow your business. It has made it super easy for brands to influence their customers by making use of social platforms. Instagram Influencer Marketing has come out to be great reliever of sorts helping smaller and bigger businesses to showcase their brands and make them popular. Instagram marketing has exponentially grown in a very short time span that gives many advantages; you not only grow your followers but leverage your brand identity.

Kissmetrics report states that over 70% of Instagram users look up on varied brands on the platform and looking forward to consume the content. Instagram is an effective tool for your ecommerce business with over 300 million monthly users. Every marketer has a dream to show their product to its customers in the most prominent manner. The trick is to display your product strongly in front of customers but not overly trying it. Hence, Instagram Influencer marketing is best regarded when it comes to show your brand. You can make use of Instagram in two methods; one is by building your own following and second is by Influencer Marketing.

Building your own Instagram Audience

Online tools like Webstagram or Iconosquare helps to build Organic following on Instagram, through these tools one can select relevant hashtags and reach out to right people interested in your industry. Webstagram is a wonder tool that provides excellent way to search for popular hashtags. Webstagram search helps to search for key information that is relevant to Instagram marketing strategy. However, it is highly important to know how to do posting on the right day to get optimum benefits. Iconosquare is another most awesome tools online that tell you exact times where most engagement happens.

Instagram audience

The tools help to make your brands popular by indulging in marketing at perfect times. The above image shows sample data from Iconosquare. Shopify study indicates that the dark circles are the ones which you usually post and light grey are the ones which get most engagement. The ideal time for posting is represented by large light grey circles.

Siphoning the followers – although there are several means that you can directly touch base to attract your customers, the easiest ways are the ones that do not require any efforts. Like in the case of this marketing strategy that is to siphon the followers from competition. You already have correct knowledge and audiences that are following your competitor’s account, you know which products they are interested in, how they are selling it. Once you start siphoning, you know you have at least some targeted audience. One can easily do this, by “following” competitors account and then engage with them by following them, liking their pictures, commenting on their photos. A shopify’s test run showed that by following an account you at least get 14% follow backs, 22% followbacks and likes and over 34% of comments, likes and followbacks. It can look pretty much tough at first but once when you are into it, you get the solid data with you to implement your strategy right.

First let us understand the concept of Instagram Influencer and Influencer Marketing!

Instagram is all about reaching your audiences; brands are marketing their products with the objective of getting many followers and get some proportion of those followers into conversions. That is where the role of Influencer marketing kicks in. Influencers on Instagram could be any person having a celebrity status or a person having a huge following. These are the people who are influencers they have great following up of people and people might just be interested in your brand. You can turn your small new business having minimum following to a larger following in a matter of just few days through the power of Influencer Marketing. You just have to search for influencer in your niche, contact them and agree on terms through which they will market your product or brand.

Companies like Boxed water uses Instagram Influencer Marketing for their campaign The ReTree Project, it was a simple campaign in which users had to post a photo with hashtag #retree. For each of this post, the company used to plant two trees. Social media examiner report states that in a time of just one month, they have generated more than 2,600 posts having #retree hashtag. Visually appealing products have larger influencing factor when it comes to Instagram influencer marketing, it could be a great booster to get larger following in a short span of time.

boxed water

Now, the most important question is How to convince the Influencers on Instagram to market your products?

Influencers are basically the people having larger reach, hence any brand would want to get accustomed to them providing they are somewhere related to your industry or the product or services relating to yours. Entrepreneurs who are just starting out may find this as little intimidating. Its very difficult to get started at first because first brand has to figure out what kind of influencers they need, searching the right influencer, how to reach out to them, how to impress them with your product or brand, how it will affect the sales, so on and so forth. Its not a rocket science, but with slow and gradual steps, it all can be achieved. Given below are few of the steps that help you get started:

Building Influencer Marketing audience on Instagram

  • Finding the right Influencer

The foremost step to start marketing on Instagram is to find the influencer that belongs to your industry or product line. Influencers from your industry have higher chances to fetch more following because people of similar interest are already their followers. Targeting specific customer from your industry cuts down your work by half. Free online analytics tool are really helpful to find relevant keywords on Instagram that will help you with Instagram marketing strategy. You can select from a bunch of hashtags and keywords where you think audiences may be interested in. Finding the right influencer with all the research work is worth your time otherwise it may get expensive for losing your money as well as time.

ninja outreach

  • Negotiating with Influencer

You can get good success in your Instagram marketing strategy once you have right influencer. People are more likely to follow the product or brand, which they see Influencer promoting on their feeds regularly. Hence it is of vital importance to check if your product aligns with what your influencer have been regularly promoting on their page. You can form a partnership with the Influencer by first introducing yourself and the brand and the product that you like to market. Influencers usually are monetarily working; hence you can provide product samples also talk about money they will work for. You can find their contact details and information on their page.

Contact them and giving your influencers a brief idea about your product and what you want them to market will set their intentions on it. Creating a Mood Board for your product brand will help them getting connected and feel your brand.

mood board

Mood Boards are nothing but a collection of images that gives some sense of the product to the on-lookers. The above is a sample of Mood Board created by Neil Waller for promoting his business brand – Shore Projects. It gives influencer good sense of conveying brand’s message to its audiences that makes your marketing all the more successful. Remember, that no influencer will work for free so it is best to talk out deals with them and have all things sorted on paper. Agree on terms together and give them some samples that they can try and be sure of.

  • Measuring the output

Campaigns with good framework always give better results hence It is also important to measure the results. You would know what works and what doesn’t work. Online tools like Bitly helps to keep multiple trackable links for every influencer you want to target. You can ask influencers to post your business link on their bio page, that way you would know how many visitors are coming from their page.


Instagram Marketing has been of great help for Ecommerce merchants; visually appealing products have greater outreach. Organic following in Instagram is an achievement one should draw in Instagram marketing strategy plan. It is a great platform for building brand and growing Ecommerce business.


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