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Time To Say Hello To Instagram Stories!

Time To Say Hello To Instagram Stories!

Ecommerce Technology

The audience was just getting hooked to the various filters & dynamics of Snapchat Stories that we got a sweet surprise from Instagram! Ever since its launch, it has spread like a wild fire. Whether its personal endorsements, daily routine updates or brand announcements, both the viewers & the uploader are equally in awe & love of this darling feature!

What is the BIG DEAL?

While, in the beginning Instagram received a lot of flak for copying “Snapchat”, it definitely has a lot more to offer. Honestly, the biggest difference is that unlike Snapchat, users can add text and stickers, draw on them, and even include a link or mention other users. It’s the last two features that help Instagram’s version stand out, though.

With the ability to add links and mention users Instagram creates a culture of inclusion, rather than secrecy and exclusion that is often the draw of Snapchat.

S vs I

With the ability to add links and mention users Instagram creates a culture of inclusion, rather than secrecy and exclusion that is often the draw of Snapchat.

Instagram Stories are also searchable and appear publicly on a profile if a profile is set to public. This stands in contrast to Snapchat, which doesn’t have “profiles” for users to see previous content or view Stories. You must follow someone on Snapchat to discover his or her content.

That’s not all, more recently, Instagram moved Boomerang directly into the app. Now, users can create a Boomerang directly in a Story.

So, how do we LEVERAGE this?

One of the most important reasons for businesses to use Instagram Stories is relevancy in your followers’ feeds. Since Instagram updated the feed to be & algorithmic in June of 2016, having stories always appear at the top of a follower’s feed helps your brand remain top-of-mind. Popular Stories also appear at the top of the Explore page, helping gain an even wider reach.


The most common mistake that content creators or users make is missing out on opportunity of building a larger audience.

You’re creating Stories, but do you think that’s enough? Well sure, you can use relevant hashtags and tag as many people as regular images but that’s not the key.

Check out our recommended tactics and strategies below :

1. Repost or prepost content from your Stories to your feed

About to have an event? Post an announcement image to your regular feed letting users know to be on the lookout for the upcoming Stories that are sure to come.

Create a great Story? Before you post it, press the “save” button in the lower right and post it again as a regular image. You can save images after posting them by opening your Story and swiping up. If you’ve posted more than one image, it will save as a video slideshow.

2. Go live often

Alongside other popular trending Stories in the Explore page are the “Top Live” posts. Live video is becoming an arms race and Instagram is pushing it just as hard.

If you’re going live and providing great content, more people are going to tune in. These videos often rotate as more viewers tune in, and live videos end. So by going live often, you’re giving yourself a chance to appear and gain more followers.

Dr.Pradeep Gadge, diabetologist in Mumbai is often seen interacting with his audience LIVE on Instagram on various topic linked to #Diabetes.

3. Mention people

It’s no secret that people love attention, especially on social media. Give the people what they want by using the mention feature in your Instagram Stories. You can tag customers, followers, or those who inspire you with a personalized message. This sends a notification to the user who will more than likely see the content. Be careful with this one, though. You don’t want to wear out your welcome by over-tagging people.

IISM , India’s Pioneer in Sports Management Education, using the tag feature to promote the sponsors for their Life@IISM initiative :Junoon Sports Fet

4. Give out all the relevant information

Where was this picture taken? How beautiful was the location? Were you eating some amazing food or dancing to your favourite album? These little details can intrigue your audiences to know more & engage.

Softsens Baby, organic baby care product & apparel comapny using the LOCATION feature to promote its store at Banglore.

5. Gain more followers

This one seems pretty straightforward because it is. The more followers you have, the more potential your Instagram Stories have to be seen. Follow other users, use relevant hashtags on regular posts, and engage with the content of those you would like to follow you back.

6. Create great content

Again, not groundbreaking but still the best way to organically grow your following. The more accounts that are watching your Stories, sending messages, and engaging with them in other ways, the better chance your brand’s account has of appearing on the “Explore” page alongside other trending Stories.

Use interactive gifs, ask some cool poll questions, conduct a Q&A , just ensure your content is driving the user towards you & not pushing them away.

Binaryic, a digital marketing firm, interacting with their audience by using the POLL feature..

7. Sponsored Instagram Story Ads

This one is more indirect, but running ads is a good way to increase both followers and engagement on your account. Plus, it can provide a boost to your algorithmic score. In turn, this can make it more likely that your Stories will appear on the Explore page.

SoulTree- Organic beauty,skin & hair care provider promotes its festive offer with Sponsored Story Ads

What’s Next?

Strategise :

Use this knowledge to develop a strategy for promoting your brand, inviting followers behind the scenes, and broadening your audience with high-quality live video and stories.

• Define A Goal :

There are many creative ways brands are using Instagram already. Ultimately, it comes down to what your campaign goals are for Instagram.

  • Do you want to help a promotion gain a wider audience?

  • Are you attempting to drive more traffic to a blog post, landing page, or video?

• Get, Set, Go!

Whether you’re a casual Instagram user or leading a social media team looking for more ways to engage your audience, Instagram Stories can benefit you and your company.

Now is the time to capitalize on a well-thought-out strategy before your competitors do. Engage your audience more with Instagram Stories and be sure to drive them to a relevant, dedicated landing page.

What’s your take on this? We’d love to know, share below!

The country’s come together to save God’s Own Country

The country’s come together to save God’s Own Country


Kerala are witnessing their worst floods in almost a century and the entire nation has come together to ease the pain of God’s Own Country. The nature’s fury has seen a loss of five hundred civilians while a number are being reported missing each passing day. The scare of epidemics have increased after the rains have subsided with a number of patients reported with Rat-fever and other communicable diseases.

Heavy rains which started on August 8 has seen widespread loss of life and property. An estimated loss of INR 19,500 crore has been identified. The floods which have bee the worst since the 1924 floods in the state has put the entire region on red alert. Transport services have been badly affected with both air and train services suspended. Northern district of Kerala are critically low on even the availability of clean water.

the county

The Central Government launched massive relief operations after the Cabinet Secretary together with senior officers of Defence Services, NDRF, NDMA conducted meetings with Kerala Chief Secretary. In corresponding actions and what became one of India’s biggest relief and rescue operations, 40 helicopters, 31 aircrafts, 182 teams, 16 medical teams, 58 NDRF teams and 7 companies of Central Armed Police Force were deployed along with 500 boats. Local Fishermen came out in huge numbers to support the relief teams, more than 4500 fish workers helped in rescue operations with 669 boats. They rescued almost 65000 people from different parts of the country.

the county

Extensive digital initiative and campaigns were setup by the government, NGOs and private companies in the follow up of the natural disaster. While the Prime Minister announced an immediate relief fund of INR 500 crore in addition to INR 560 crores allotted to the SDRF and INR 100 crore sanctioned by the Home Minister. This was an intermediate relief with government assuring more relief funds after damages have been successfully analysed.
The Govt. Of Kerala started an online donation website which helped raise INR 1031 crores as on August 31. Different states also came together with a combined relief fund of INR 212 crores.

the county
the county

Corporates joined hand-in-hand with the government and NGOs to setup donations on their platforms and help out with the relief ad rescue operations. Big players like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Flipkart, BigBasket, Airtel Payments Bank and Paytm integrated donation links on their websites and app.

the county
the county

Major Oil companies(BPCL, HPCL, IOCL) of the country also donated a combined sum of INR 25 crore. Star India created a campaign coming together with superstars like Kamal Hasan, Irfan Pathan and Arjun Kapur in a series of TV commercials urging people to donate generously. The campaign gained huge traction all around the country and people came out in large numbers for donations.

the county

While donations have been pouring in from all around the country, the ground work from volunteers and NGOs have touched and saved millions of lives. ‘Goonj’, an NGO has been at the fore front of relief operations with volunteers supplying relief materials collected from all over the country to the worst affected areas. Volunteers have been working tirelessly arranging and transporting these relief materials in addition to helping out in relief operations. Relief material counters have been setup in almost all mojor cities of the country asking people to donate things useful in daily life like utensils, candles, match-boxes, food supplies, etc.

the county

Goonj also partnered up with BigBasket which created a special donation kit worth INR 146 with essential items. Zomato also teamed up with Akshay Patra Foundation to ease the distress of Keralites.

the county
the county

The relief and rescue operations for the Kerala floods have been one of the biggest disaster relief operations in the country’s history. Government, Non-government and private institutions have all come together creating massive awareness programs, digital campaigns and providing relief materials to the state. The selfless community service has moved a lot of people and urged them to donate whole-heartedly.

the county

While the rains have subsided in the region, Kerala is still far from coming back on its feet. The huge loss of lives cannot be countered however a small step from each one of us could prove to be a long way in helping out those in distress and pain. #AllForKerala

ROI Of Social Media

ROI Of Social Media


The return on interest of social media handles is a complex process to evaluate. While audience reach, the number of hits on site or pages, total engagement rate and the conversion rate are the most looked forward and tracked metrics, it is still difficult to co-relate the returns through social media because of a number of factors.

Marketing agency are finding it difficult to evaluate social media returns. Almost 28% of marketing agency suggested they struggled to measure ROI, wile only 17% boasted of accurately quantifying the revenue of social media. There are a number of challenges faced by marketing agencies. Measuring ROIs are in themselves an ardent task and often agencies focus on the number of engagement rate than checking the conversion rates. Publishing relevant content timely is also a huge challenge and often agencies run out of schemes or hit a threshold. Developing strategy and campaigns centred around the theme is the most difficult thing and that is why we see innumerable campaigns failing devastatingly for the lack of message or appeal. Lastly, tying realistic business goals to the social media and actively studying the effects of it on the revenue is para mount and often dreads the marketers.

In a recent study, more than 44% CMOs claimed they had not been able to measure the impacts of social media on their business. While 36% agreed that the there had been positive impact on business but couldn’t quantify it, 20% were successfully able to quantify the impacts of social media on their revenue.

Analysing social media accounts and its effect on the business would not only help save irrelevant money on ads but also help plan relevant content and campaign which is the most essential thing to get a healthy ROI on social media handles. ROI of social media depends on a number of factors and companies need to handle multiple aspects for tireless and effective results.

Snapchat Influencer Marketing

Snapchat Influencer Marketing


Social mеdiа mаrkеting hаѕ bесоmе a hugе ѕоurсе of traffic for mоdеrn соmраniеѕ, раrtiсulаrlу those tаrgеting the уоungеr demographic. It’s rаrе to find a ѕuссеѕѕful соmраnу thаt doesn’t engage with Facebook, Twittеr, and other ѕосiаl mеdiа рlаtfоrmѕ. But оnе рlаtfоrm that isn’t typically viеwеd frоm a mаrkеting perspective iѕ Snарсhаt, thе social mеdiа арр thаt allows uѕеrѕ tо ѕеnd limitеd-viеwing-timе, self-destructing vidео and рiсturе mеѕѕаgеѕ.

It might not ѕееm likе аn idеаl platform fоr marketing, but the ѕtаtiѕtiсѕ might ѕurрriѕе уоu: Sumрtо, a соmраnу fосuѕеd оn mаrkеting tо соllеgе-аgе individuаlѕ, found thаt 73% of соllеgе ѕtudеntѕ wоuld ореn a Snapchat frоm a familiar brаnd, and 45% wоuld ореn оnе frоm an unfаmiliаr brand. The арр hаd 30 milliоn users аѕ of Dесеmbеr, hаd ѕurраѕѕеd the number оf uѕеrѕ оn Inѕtаgrаm in thе US аlоnе, and has grоwing uѕаgе abroad. Thе picture messages dо diѕарреаr as soon as a user viеwѕ thеm, but thеrе are still ѕоmе intеrеѕting, аnd novel, marketing possibilities.

The most intеrеѕting thing аbоut Snарсhаt is thе immеdiасу of thе еxреriеnсе. Whilе thеrе аrе workarounds tо ѕаvе thе imаgеѕ, thеrе’ѕ ѕtill a timе limit оn hоw lоng it will bе оn thе app. Aѕ a marketer, уоu can add a ѕеnѕе оf urgеnсу. Trу Snарсhаtting ѕоmе limited-time discount соdеѕ, fоr еxаmрlе. Kеерing in mind thаt the рiсturеѕ саn оnlу bе ѕhоwn fоr uр to ten ѕесоndѕ, keep thе соdе ѕhоrt and еаѕу to rеmеmbеr. Kеу tо thiѕ ѕtrаtеgу, thоugh, is giving a short dеаdlinе fоr using the codes: a fеw hours, оr a dау аt mоѕt. That wау, uѕеrѕ will know thаt thеу hаvе to open mеѕѕаgеѕ from you ѕhоrtlу after they get them to аvоid missing thе goodies.

Keep in mind thаt mаnу uѕеrѕ uѕе Snарсhаt fоr itѕ high entertainment factor, ѕо kеер соntеnt аѕ funny, ԛuirkу, оr surprising аѕ уоu can tо kеер users’ аttеntiоn on your Snaps. Snарсhаt itself саn mаkе thаt еаѕiеr, аllоwing уоu inсludе сарtiоnѕ аnd еvеn draw on thе рiсturе in different colors.

An еxаmрlе of a соmраnу that uѕеd Snарсhаt vеrу well wаѕ 16 Handles, a frоzеn yogurt сhаin. Thе соmраnу сrеаtеd аn account аnd advertised аn оffеr for сuѕtоmеrѕ to ѕеnd a Snарсhаt оf thеmѕеlvеѕ аt 16 Hаndlеѕ, and thеу wоuld thеn get a Snар оf a соuроn соdе thеу соuld оnlу use whilе the Snарсhаt was on thе app: thеу соuldn’t ореn it until thеу went tо рау. To аdd tо thе fun, the соmраnу sent diffеrеnt соuроnѕ tо diffеrеnt uѕеrѕ: 16% оff, 50% оff, and 100% оff, so they didn’t know whаt thеу wоuld gеt until thеу used thе coupon.

Thе takeaways here аrе uѕing thе Stоrу рlаtfоrm fоr lоngеr mеѕѕаgеѕ and, аgаin, giving an incentive for ореning уоur Snapchats: it might be behind-the-scenes infо inѕtеаd оf a diѕсоunt. Thiѕ соuld take thе form of a quick tоur of аn imроrtаnt part оf thе buѕinеѕѕ, a ѕhоut-оut frоm someone (Snарсhаt vidеоѕ аrе sound enabled), or just pictures of fun thingѕ related tо уоur buѕinеѕѕ that thе рubliс wouldn’t see оthеrwiѕе.

Anоthеr wау to uѕе Snapchat iѕ giveaways. Whеn уоu’rе firѕt launching уоur Snарсhаt, уоu wаnt tо gеt реорlе tо add уоu on the app. Onе way to dо thiѕ iѕ to give tickets to a еvеnt аwау, fоr еxаmрlе. Advertise the givеаwау on уоur site аnd оthеr ѕосiаl media, telling аnуоnе whо wants tо enter thе givеаwау tо аdd уоur business оn Snapchat and ѕеnd уоu a Snapchat with thеir uѕеrnаmе аnd a hаѕhtаg уоu determine to rерrеѕеnt уоur соmраnу. Thеn, thеу hаvе tо get fivе of thеir friеndѕ tо аdd уоur buѕinеѕѕ аnd Snapchat уоu аn imаgе with the ѕаmе hаѕhtаg аnd thе uѕеrnаmе оf the friеnd thеу’rе helping еntеr. Thiѕ both hеlрѕ уоu gain nеw Snарсhаt соnnесtiоnѕ аnd disseminate a hаѕhtаg rерrеѕеnting уоur business tо uѕеrѕ whо might nеvеr hаvе ѕееn it bеfоrе.

Thе benefit iѕ thаt уоur offers wоn’t bе buriеd undеr a flood of other similar оffеrѕ, and уоu can rеар thе rеwаrdѕ. Kеер in mind thаt thе main dеmоgrарhiс аt thiѕ роint iѕ teenagers аnd 20-ѕоmеthingѕ, so уоur аdvеrtiѕеmеntѕ will hаvе to be сurаtеd ассоrdinglу.

2014, An Elevator towards successful Social Media & Digital Marketing!

2014, An Elevator towards successful Social Media & Digital Marketing!


With Social Media & Digital Marketing changing its attributes from “nice to have” to “must have” for your business, managing the mediums is a task. If mastered this tricks pretty well you will end up with gaining fruitful results. Below are some tips that would help you nail the digital targets in few simple steps:

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