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Top tips to build Quality Keyword List and getting the Right Match type

Top tips to build Quality Keyword List and getting the Right Match type


Proper use of Adwords makes a great difference in getting best ROI from PPC. Keywords are the main resources that trigger the ads, the keywords tool help to find the trending keywords that are being used by the users. So when a particular user searches for keywords, it triggers the ad. Hence building and maintaining correct keywords is important. Keywords are organized in ad groups where one can assign these ad creatives to ad groups. These creatives or texts appear when they are triggered. The keyword research tools help to find which keywords are important that will give best returns, the research helps to form a keyword lists that are searched by consumers with the use of words or phrases.

Importance of Keyword Research

Keywords are highly important when it comes to AdWords campaigns; it helps you get tremendous visibility through the searches that are made online. A robust keyword list will help you get started and with the quality keyword list, it will perfectly determine the frequency at which your ads appear. It is highly important to review your keyword lists on a regular basis even if you have recently run any Adwords campaigns.

Research Tools and Techniques you can use for Keyword Research

There are vast numbers of tools that help you figure out keywords for running your campaigns but primarily it’s a best idea to go with a Google tool:

Google Keyword planner

The Keyword planner tool from Google helps to build Search network campaigns. Through the use of keyword tool, one can get historical statistics, get ad group ideas and see a host of keywords that describes how a particular keyword might perform. AdWords tool is a free tool; it helps to choose competitive bids and budgets that can be used for campaigns. It provides reliable data based on popular keywords from Google.

On-Site Search

Google Analytics is one of the best known resources for searching data, the search queries report provides good insights that helps to start your keyword research process. Your own website search box shall reflect the known terms your browsers use to find the products and services.

Search terms reports

Best Practices one can use for Keyword Research

  • A QUALITY Keyword helps build up a healthy set of keywords, those are strong keywords that helps to have precedence over generic keywords that have high search volumes.
  • Setting a BUDGET is an important element when it comes to making a keyword research. The search volume and CPCs are important to finalize the keywords to be sure of using all the chosen keywords.
  • The COMPETITIVE review tool are useful in knowing the activities and analyzing how fair the rivals are doing and how they are bidding on keywords.

Procuring the Right Match Types

The keyword matching options helps to make your own choices, like you can choose who gets to see your ads. It helps to find the keywords that are searched by similar users on search engines. With the help of Adwords, it lets you chose five main match types:

Exact Match

Setting the keywords to exact match shows users, search queries for keywords that are matching perfectly. The user may see your ad appear, if he searches for the keyword that is a very close variant to exact match keywords.

Exact Mach

Phrase Match

The Phrase Match triggers Ads when users search query matches the keyword exactly or if it is very close variant. The search will also trigger the ad if the search query has other words included before or after the keywords.

Phrase match

Broad Match

Broad Match keywords are the keywords that show ads for wide range of queries that are broadly related to keywords themselves. The users shall be able to see broad match keywords if the search keywords are synonyms, if the searches are made in a different order, if the searches are a long tailed queries relating to subject matter, or the use of incorrect spellings.

Broad Match

Broad Match Modifier

These are the searches that are made between the broad and phrase match, it offers greater level of targeting control as compared to a broad match since it doesn’t display ads when the users search for synonyms. It will also show the ads when users search for words in different order.

Broad Match Modifier

Negative Match

This match is created to define the queries that would stop triggering the ads. These are used for offensive keywords and sometimes there may be some obvious words that are pertinent to your industry. At later stages, this list of keywords can be drawn out at campaign level but you need to be having good understanding of the keywords that convert and the ones that don’t.

Negative Match

Optimizing the right match type

It is highly important to audit and optimize the match regularly, since if keyword targeting is not controlled, it may get out of budget. The clicks from irrelevant and non-targeted search queries would not get converted and it may cost money. The exact match type offers maximum control over targeting, it is followed by phrase, broad match and modified match.


Broad matches are low value hence should be avoided as they appear for irrelevant queries. Ideally, your account has the keywords that are set to exact matches with different variations. It allows for maximum level of control on targeting and budgets. But that is all possible in an ideal situation, but in reality we have to make use of phrase matches and modified broad matches that help us to reach customers without spending too much time optimizing on campaigns.

Must have’s and Not for Brand Keywords

Brand searches are highly important since they ensure Brand Protection. Earlier, there was restriction by Google to bid on competitor’s brand names but those restrictions are no more. Businesses can now bid on competitor’s branded terms but one cannot include them in the ad text if they have trademark. Brands should know that no search query is safe so even if customers are searching for your business they may end up on your rival company’s ads. So it is worthy to bid on your brand name as a keyword, depending on the business names or brand name a company carries. The bigger brands invest on bidding since they want to see their name on top position in Google search, for some it could be sheer waste of money resources.

The markets are really competitive hence big retailers are aggressively vouching to make their position in the marketplace. The retailers who are bidding must ensure that they set their bids high enough ensuring that the customers straight away visit their sites. The main objective must be to stand on #1 position to get organic clicks.

Steps to ensure right matches

  • Consider Match types – Brand names play an integral part for keyword searches. If the brand name is unique, it may be recognized by people since they know the brand and the products and services it caters to. If the brand name is too common, the ads may appear along with other irrelevant searches that go common with your brand name.
  • Brand Targets – Brand keywords are always a profitable venture since people who are searching your brand names have already made up their mind to purchase the product. You can set targets based on brand names or non-brand keywords.
  • Brand Reputation – The brand reputation is the most important elements while considering PPC for brand keywords. So, while thinking of keywords to bid on, one must consider and think of the queries that they do not want to be associated with the brand. Unwanted keywords do not get any brand traffic or conversions.

Maintaining and building effective keyword list is an on-going process for which brands have to stay awake. If you want your brand to run successfully then setting the right expectations and research is needed to form strong pillar.

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