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Track your Customer Purchases to drive more sales

Track your Customer Purchases to drive more sales


Customer focus is one of the most important priorities today especially with so much of competence and brands overpowering each other to vouch for customer attention. Most retailers today are highly bent towards gaining new customers but what they forget in the hindsight is to take care of their already existing customers and in the bargain they even loose out on new as well as old customers. It is highly important for retailers to go through the past history of their customers in order to understand them better. The data generated from the past sales can help form a strategy that will help to increase the revenue. There are several methods through which one can analyze customer data, let us understand them:

Customer Order history

These are the list of orders, a customer has ordered in the past, it includes items they have purchased and constantly purchased. The history will also show, the amount they have spent on each of their purchases. It also consists of information when they bought the items. Suppose, some items were bought frequently over some festivals or holidays so it gives the data.
The point of sale system, is a robust POS system that allows browsing different data points, it includes take from customer to individual products.

Take Insights from previous purchases

Order histories are meant for the record for customers as well as brands. The brands can easily make use of the data available; let us look at some trends:

  1. Dates – the data denotes the specific time of the month, the particular item was purchased. This data will help brands to formulate selling strategy offering same goods to customers online or through email with discount options or other benefits.
  2. Products – the brands get an idea of how these products are performing with consistent purchase happening. They get information, if customers constantly buy some items together always.
  3. Customers – With this data, brands know if customers are buying certain items at one particular time. They come to know repeated buyers and hence they will formulate the strategies accordingly to formulate the customer into buying process.
  4. Upselling – If the customers are well known to your brands and are accustomed to, then they will frequently buy items from you. Brands need to upsell hence make opportunities for buyers to buy from them. For this, brands can filter the product history, identifying the customers who bought the dress, giving a follow up marketing email feature will help to entice them into buying.
  5. Personal Messages – since the brands know, what the customer bought and what their order history looks like, they can now tailor personal messages to brands.
  6. Promotions – the customer demographic data is useful for targeting the audiences on paid social advertisements and the other promotions.

Improving the Customer Experience

Order history customer data, helps the brands to improve the customer experiences. If the customer is making continuous purchases and suddenly stops, it is time for brands to have a look over it and give customer the precious momentum to get back to the brand. Enhancing their experience with the brand can do this, the motto here is to keep your customers satisfied and give them good value for money. Given below are some of the things the brands can follow:

  1. Sending personal email messages, this includes including a coupon code.
  2. Offering free samples or small gift as an appreciation for purchases made.
  3. Giving customers exclusive discounts and special deals, for this they will feel valued and may buy something extra.

Order Histories make better decisions

Customers are always focused into buying but they are always looking for the best customer experience from brands. Order histories are one such tools that helps the brands to form a blue print about the customers and make high decisions about making sales. This includes several things like keeping the inventory accurate; maintain the stores shelves well, in short giving the customers every chance to be happy. Brands should completely discontinue keeping the products that has no sales, sometimes look over at them may be a big turn off because of the bad experience a customer might have had.

Make the most of Customer Data

Customer data is a precious gem that the brands posses hence make good use of them. The order histories are good starting points and help track customers, which, what, why and how they are doing a particular purchase.

How Small businesses are influencing marketing automation?

How Small businesses are influencing marketing automation?


Consumers spend a lot of time researching before making a buying decision offline. 37% shoppers state the retailers “get” them through the collective data gathered by varied ongoing campaigns through the social media. Ecommerce generation has come with latest offerings that make customer journey easier that are most crucial factors to keep customers and business attracted. According to C-suite executives four technologies will be the key for marketing successes in the future: a. Cloud computing and services, b. Mobile Solutions, c. IoT and d. Cognitive tools. Lets have a look at some of the marketing trends that are very specific to these four technologies that can be put to right use for enhancing the customer experience in your business:

  • Cloud computing and services (marketing automation) – Digital marketing processes involve a lot of steps that are time-consuming. Automation is a cloud-based service that helps to cut down the time on routine marketing tasks. Marketing automation guarantees perfection and optimization of business resource to give good customer experience.

Digital Marketing techniques

The Grey shade is for 2015 trends and Purple shade is for 2016-2017 trends. SmartInsights study reveals that marketing automation is the top priority for the year 2017; content marketing and big data will follow it. The bigger market players are using Salesforce and Marketo, small businesses can make use of affordable marketing automation tools like ConstantContact and GetResponse, designed for small businesses.


Image Credit – GetResponse

GetResponse gives a unique customer experience with drag and drop workflow planner. With the use of this tool, small businesses can:

Create email-marketing workflow that will enhance UX.
Hosting information webinars.
Build high converting landing pages.
Conducting surveys for target audiences, their needs and expectations.
Integrating shopping cart in email workflow.
Get improvements by analyzing the data.
Utilizing advanced email-marketing features including tagging, scoring and segmenting.

  • Mobile solutions – 63% people make use of mobile few times every month to search for customer and product support. How their journey look like with your business? Have you made it easy to get help from you when they use mobile?

Software advice                          Image Credit: SoftwareAdvice

The common issues users face while finding customer support are:

Complex navigation through the website
Results after the search are not helpful
Loading time is slow
Website not searchable.

Providing online services or products to consumers would mean making it easy to get support through mobile device. One tool you can use is Zendesk’s Mobile Help Center application that makes your resources easily accessible form mobile devices:


  • Internet of Things – IoT allows online and offline connecting through the Internet. This idea is not too common with small-scale businesses hence if you implement it; it’s going to be a great booster against your competitors.

          What you can connect and synchronize to impact Customer experience journey?

Customer Experience Journey

                            Image Credit: KESolutions.Biz

Take example of Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma – the ticket sales increased by a whopping 700% after implementation of analytics technology to combine offline and online marketing activities. The zoo is planning to come up with mobile ticketing in future, so visitors can “check-in” at exhibits there by improving the UX. Small retailers can make use of sensors monitoring the foot traffic and customer behavior in-store.  When all of these sales data are combined, great findings are emerged that have ability to influence UX.

A customer standing at the airport waiting for carousel to deliver his bag getting a light bulb moment thinks, of being notified by Bluetooth when the bag is about to arrive – is the perfect IoT thinking in action.

How can you combine sensors in an offline world to improve things for your customers or create new products or service offerings?

  • Cognitive Tools – Using the customer behavior to improve the experiences. Cognitive skills impersonate the way human brain works. It is a smart machine that acts and thinks like human. The tools that originate from cognitive computation can turn the data into powerful insights. Cognitive skills can be used by small businesses for analytics and predictions to access consumer data that gets created daily to understand and learn from it. The end result of this is to drive loyalty and build trust worth relationship with customers.


                                                                Image Credit: GeoffLivingston

For example, do stores understand why a customer abandoned his online cart and do they have processes in place that will ease the customer to come back to store and complete the shopping?

A good example would be an eCommerce store using Marketing automation for tracking and analyzing user behavior on website. It then creates email workflow having conditions, filters that trigger to re-initiate the relation with customer through emails. The more salient of these is when businesses use cognitive tools for tapping into emotions of customers and delivering the experiences just at right time. IBM have suggested cognitive strategies to answer the following questions:

On who is the focus
Actions you want them to take
How they want to interact

Customer experience is one of the crucial marketing trends for 2017 and for the next coming years. The four technologies that will be key for marketing will be mobile solutions, cloud computing, IoT and cognitive tools. The smaller business can make best use of these trends by using automation tools, by introducing mobile desk solutions, combining offline sensors to the online world for better US, using cognitive tools based on UX that delivers best UX at the right time.


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