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How customers prefer to shop; online vs In-Store

How customers prefer to shop; online vs In-Store


E-Commerce has led to many uprisings and has taken e-retailing to newer heights. Although there has been a major shift from retail buying habits to online buying, larger US consumers still rely on buying from physical stores. According to the reports by eMarketer, an estimated over $5 trillion disposable income of US population is said to be spent on physical store buys by 2020.

Over 85% of those surveyed said that they like to touch and feel the product before they buy; hence they buy it from the stores. It helps them make a purchase decision. A research stated that one-third that is 36% respondents do not like to wait for items to be shipped and 30% like to get advice on product features, services and products they should buy. 90% of consumers stated they would buy items if they receive knowledge based advice from representatives regarding the product.

With millennial generation, we know that shopping online is the norm; the new buying habits are somewhat very similar to earlier generation buying offline. The adult populations of United States heavily rely on physical buying from the stores, states the research done by Walker Sands Communications. The survey was done in March 2017 on 1,662 consumers above 18 years of age. 54% of respondents stated that they would prefer buying from physical stores where as 33% would prefer buying from online shop on computers, 12% prefer mobile device and 1% prefer using voice-controlled devices.

How do

Youngest consumers in the age group of 18-25 and the oldest in the age group 61+ preferred buying in-store compared to online buying.


83% respondents stated they bought product from physical store last year, 69% purchased online and got it delivered through regular shipping and 41% purchased online and picked up from the store.


80% of consumers stated that they would opt for shop online on the website or an app if they are offered free shipping.

Which of the


Retailers providing high value interactions will give satisfying experiences to customers. Retailers should understand customers’ needs and wants if they want to survive in highly competitive business markets. They should use modern technology to empower their store representatives.

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