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Watch out Instagram for Influencer endorsements

Watch out Instagram for Influencer endorsements


Instagram is abuzz with new developments benefiting the brands with translucent approach. Instagram is all set to launch the new “Paid Partnership Tag” for sponsored content.

Instagram’s new feature is specifically targeted for influencers. The main objective for this feature is to let consumers know which posts are sponsored and which are not. It allows the influencers and brands to tag their partners who have paid to be featured in the posts.

The tag will mark the images clearly if they are paid and same for stories too. The influencers who use the tag feature will be able to track the insights that will allow both parties to check and track how the content is performing. Currently, the paid partnership tag is being rolled out to only selected few influencers, businesses and brands. The feature will be widely available to all in the coming months.


The new feature is a good step taken by Instagram in order to increase the transparency on the platform. It enforces the new rule placed by The Federal Trade Commission that will help clamp down misleading social media campaigns.

Nisha Arora, CMA’s Senior Director for Consumer Enforcement comment on this issue:

‘Social media personalities can have an important influence on people’s views, especially young people. It is therefore crucial that when people decide what to buy, they should not be misled by adverts on social media that read like independent opinions.’


Social Media celebrity status has increased tremendously and this has increased the amount of paid endorsements and brand collaborations. Influencers like Kardashian, Zoella, have over 100 million followers giving them humongous following and the audience influence. Many social media influencers and celebrities were warned last year since they failed to disclose that some of their shared posts were sponsored posts.

“Paid Partnership Tag” is one of the right moves taken by Instagram. It will create more transparency amongst the followers and consumers.



Discover your career scope in Social Media!

Discover your career scope in Social Media!


Those who are looking forward to build their careers in Social Media do have a look at the information provided for a better understanding which will help in recognizing the appropriate positions available in Social Media industry today.

To start with, if you have a regular habit of browsing on social platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook then do you come across the following questions?

• Would you like to convert your liking into a full-time engagement job?

• Would you prefer your favourite hobby to get converted into a career?

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