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Why Web developer’s Project Completion estimate is important?

Why Web developer’s Project Completion estimate is important?


Web Development is a huge arena that requires a lot of patience, hard work and determination. The sheer challenge here is the completion of web development project delivery on time. Many a times, it so happens that there are several revisions to developer’s project analysis while several times the project time is underestimated or over estimated. It is highly important to take note of each and every step of web development that shall give proper estimation of costs and the time.

Every successful step in web development designing is a step forward towards achieving a milestone. Developers are themselves keen eyed when it comes to using finest of their developing abilities. Hence, every time they design they will find a new design feature that could make it better and sometimes changes from clientele are unavoidable. So developers ideally gives project estimation based on the processes they follow. Most times developers make use of existing codes because that has been previously used.

Given below is the lowdown on the entire project estimation and why is it important:

Developing Buttons

Buttons are probably the best known feature of any website. So, let us assume that client needs a reordering button. So a reorder button is created in the ecommerce store, this button will help customers to reorder a product based on previous purchases.

New button – Designing a new button is a visible task that would go on a product listing page. Existing add-to-cart button can be added provided some changes are made that are distinctive. Move the button outside the cart’s HTML form in its own form so it does not look different.

Button for repeat customers – This button is being specially designed for logged in customers only they are basically returning customers. Ecommerce systems hence have a code that helps to detect if someone has logged in already.

Actual customers – These are the customers who have bought the product from the brand hence only they will be able to view the button. It requires some answers to be fulfilled by the database. The performance of the queries is taken into consideration since load time is important; hence the time for development needs to be added for actual calculation of performances.

Connecting buttons to the actual server – The buttons are only visible to actual buyers; it needs to connect it to actual server so a pure action is undertaken when clicked. The first task is to wrap the button in an HTML form and embed the product ID in the hidden fields so the server knows of the product customer is looking for. A URL end point need to be created that will help to add the route and controller that will hold the server logic. With all these three elements, the button is connected to the server.

Check product details in previous transactions – The product details can be checked in the backend system along with the actual goal of the button. The product ID is derived from customer’s orders. For doing it, the database access is required to find the product; embedding the ID helps the server to know the product that customer is viewing. We can use same queries with some tweaks to find more on product line. After having the line item, it could be copied to the cart with other options or sizes the customer ordered.

Redirecting the users and testing – After the product has been added to the cart, the customer is redirected to cart page for the checkout. Testing is important across the whole development to check for its functionality.

Take it live – The final step after development is to get the Code live with all its functioning up and running. It is usually an easy step except for it’s a very large project. Sometimes the scheduling takes some days, weeks or months for unexpected delays may creep in.

Most times developers fail to make correct estimates without considering the above points. The reason could be miscalculations or sometimes over estimation and the feature is marked as “done” even when it is still remaining. A simple reordering button as it may seem, but it consists of a long list of complexities and time that goes into making is prolonged. One change in button consists of several steps and modifications; it requires graphic design, front-end logic, HTML forms, backend changes, database queries and so on. Hence most software features take time in building the outcome, it’s easier said than done many things go beneath the roof before showing the outer shine.

A skilled and experienced developer follows the process and provides estimates including all time-bound things that are to be implemented, designed and developed. Along with a good programming and the way each step is being followed, there are assumptions and questions that everybody feels about. Some things are really doubtful while rearranging things; the order of priorities or the options may change. Every single change will bring a different estimate time and cost calculations.

To summarize it, let us make it very short and simpler. The actual estimated total time is difficult to analyze, the web development is quite a complex process that requires many teams working under the same project. Hence, it is the responsibilities of the merchant as well as the project team to estimate time, cost, and seek any clarifications if needed to get a realistic picture and accurate estimates.

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