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Get Google Analytics answers in plain English

Get Google Analytics answers in plain English

Ecommerce Technology

Technological changes have made stupendous discovery of new processes and styles that have led to enormous changes in the way we ever interpreted things. Google analytics will let users’ lead easy interpretation with its marvelous discovery of giving data in plain English. Natural language processing and Machine learning technology are the next big things that are going to be integrated in its popular analytics platform. Google have stated the technology that they use hugely comes from Android and Search hence analytics users do better understanding and act accordingly on analytics data.

Google, after thorough preview with analysts it indicated that they spend half of their time in answering basic analytics questions for other people in organization. This makes it possible for analysts and business users to make use of simple English to provide analytics data. They shall be able to get information in theoretical form faster; it gives groups the power to focus on high value aspects of their roles. The ultimate goal of the Google is to get answers about key business metrics as simple as asking questions in plain English.


The latest functionality from Google named as Analytics Intelligence is a powerful tool that helps to answer numerous questions. They shall answer questions that are related to basic metrics like referrals and traffic, trends and performance. The users can put date ranges to get the data specifically that they are looking for, that shall also include percentages.


Google Analytics Intelligence helps give precise information about varied user groups. Retailers can ask any questions relating to their trade in any countries and advertisers can ask questions relating to paid search keywords that give better conversion rates.

Analytics Intelligence is quite intelligent and promises to offer impressive results; it has its set of limitations. The only drawback is that, it cannot tell users which questions to ask. Analytics Intelligence will undoubtedly help a lot of Analytical users not having in-depth knowledge of services to answer questions of their own. It’s a powerful and simple to use service but it often requires good knowledge and experience that most of the companies do not possess. Many people do not realize its utility and hence they are not able to make maximum use of the free service that is available. Analytics Intelligence cannot totally address the issue; they would not be able to tell users which questions they should be asking.

Companies today are already facing a lot of challenges and interpreting data becomes even more difficult with lack of expertise and tools to use. Data is available in huge numbers and tools make the task even simpler for analyzing it. But Data is of no use, if users don’t use the right metrics and ask the right questions. A user can ask Analytics Intelligence questions like, “What channels gave best conversions in the month of July”. The answer may or may not be of real value to the business. Analytics Intelligence does not know what the questions are.

However, good functionality the Analytics Intelligence tool may provide, the users should know that it shouldn’t lead to over-production of reports and charts that might not be of any use for business.

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