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Automation and its impact of Digital Marketing Job

Automation and its impact of Digital Marketing Job


I would like to drive home a few points for your

  1. Its is now too late to be even worried about this
  2. Automation, especially in Digital Marketing, has been around for longer than you think. I think since its inception, we digital marketers are trying to automate things as much as we can so that we can focus on bigger things and not waste our time doing menial jobs. There are tons of bots out there that automate pretty much everything.

    I can easily say that the guys who were into DM back in the day are pioneers in terms of online automation.

    But i think there is hope.

  3. Your biggest asset is your randomness
  4. Mainly a large part of the digital marketing workflow revolves around creativity and evoking emotions through human connections.

    At the end of the day artificial intelligence is, after all, artificial.

    I am pretty confident that a robot will not be able to write the way I have written this, let alone an amazing copy for your FB Ad.

    Of course, it might be able to automate it and churn out multiple “templates” by analyzing copies across the web. But then again, this can turn out to be counter-productive for the bot cause then it is levelling the playing field again since pretty much every copy out there will pretty much have the same essence to it.

    This brings me to my third point.

  5. ”Handmade” sells
  6. You probably know, Bentley still stitches their upholstery with their hands.

    It always been perceived value of something that is hand made is far more than for something that is automated. So Special Automation o DM will not leave that kind of personal impact in comparison with human touch

    The biggest advantage you have as a human is that you are inconsistent, sporadic and random. And this is what makes you unique and stand apart.

  7. Career in Digital ? More then a job its a SKILL.
  8. Once you have this skill, you can apply it whenever and wherever and make a living off it.

    You can be a Youtube, Influencer, consultant, Copywriter, Visualizer, Strategist…. The possibilities are endless.

    Just to make you more feel more better, a recent study conducted by McKinsey, only 13% of your job can be done by a robot and a marketing job is 85% safer than other jobs.

    Main thing is Continuously invest in ourselves and always be innovating.

    The way I see automation/AI in Digital Marketing, is that it is creative destruction. It is making way for something bigger. New jobs will and are created for which new skills are required.

    I still remember my school teachers telling me that computers will take away all your jobs and it will be very difficult to get ourselves a job. And what has happened?

    Computers are Internet has helped humanity take a leap into the future. I have a feeling the same will happen with Automation/AI.

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