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Guide to Email Marketing Metrics

Guide to Email Marketing Metrics


Email success is of great importance when it comes to attaining Marketing successes. Once, we have a basic understanding of marketing metrics, understanding email marketing is not of a very big issue. There are different variations to it some are used for ad campaigns or on-site performance metrics. Given below are few of the guidelines to optimize your email campaigns and newsletter program:

  1. Email list growth – The email list sizes are of prime importance since it highly advocates what would be the percentage of open rates. If your email size is large, you would see more users who may open your emails but then there are other groups of people who are less passionate about your brand. In similar case, when you have smaller email list, people are very passionate about your brand hence you may see a higher open rates and click through rates. This gives higher user engagements rates. So, you can determine the success and failure of your email marketing campaign through the list size and the type of the users placed on the list.
  2. Delivery Rates – Email Deliverability rate is the number of the emails that were actually delivered to the recipients, this list may also include emails that ended up in spam or junk folders. The total email delivered and bounce backs will tell you the number of bad addresses you have had in your list. Email lists that are prepared in-house giving low deliverable rate may mean there is improper data fed in the system and need some immediate attention.
  3. Open Rate – Email Open rates signifies the total success rate of your email success metrics, this needs a proper monitoring to help you optimize your email campaign. Open rates of Emails are nothing but the percentage of people who received and opened your email. This is the very step for achieving email marketing campaign success. It is very critical information that determines further evaluation and steps to improve on marketing campaigns.
  4. Click-Through rates – These are the actual clicks from emails to websites or landing pages. The basic motive for brands to arrange for any clicks on emails are to get conversions and monetize the transaction. The clicks through rates are representation that people open the email and clicked the links.
  5. Conversion Rate – Conversion rate is an important metric determining overall email marketing success rate. This shows how much revenue is generated from total number of clicks and how many registered on your website. General email marketing platforms like Comm100 tracks the deliverability rate, open rate and click through rates, conversion tracking however need to accommodate through internal settings.

Email Marketing successes are determined by the above key metrics that delivers important analysis in forming further marketing strategies. Each of the these key metrics help to form a standard representation about how the email campaigns are performing.

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