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Unleashing the power of ChatGPT: The latest updates

Unleashing the power of ChatGPT: The latest updates


In the ever-evolving landscape of AI-powered tools, ChatGPT stands out as an unstoppable force, consistently bringing innovation and enhancement to your digital interactions. With each update, ChatGPT strives to provide a more seamless, intuitive, and productive experience. Let’s dive into the latest ChatGPT updates that are set to elevate your conversations and interactions.



Engaging in a new chat can sometimes be daunting, but with ChatGPT’s latest update, you’ll find it easier than ever to get started. Introducing prompt examples that guide you in initiating conversations effectively. These examples act as your trusted companions, helping you set the tone for meaningful interactions right from the beginning.



Maintaining the flow of conversation is key to effective communication. With suggested replies, ChatGPT intuitively assists you by suggesting relevant ways to continue your dialogue. This feature not only saves time but also ensures that your conversations remain dynamic and engaging.



For our valued ChatGPT Plus users, we’re excited to introduce the integration of GPT-4. Now, ChatGPT remembers your previously selected model, allowing for a more personalized and tailored chat experience. This enhancement brings a new level of continuity to your interactions, making them feel more natural and intuitive.



ChatGPT is not just about text-based interactions; it’s about unlocking insights from your data. With the ability to upload multiple files, ChatGPT analyzes your data and generates insightful responses across a variety of documents. This update is designed to empower you with deeper insights, ensuring that no valuable information goes unnoticed.



In response to user feedback, we’re thrilled to announce that ChatGPT now provides a seamless experience with extended login sessions. You’ll no longer face the inconvenience of being logged out every two weeks. This ensures uninterrupted productivity and allows you to focus on what truly matters—your tasks and conversations.



We understand that efficiency is paramount, which is why we’ve introduced keyboard shortcuts to make your ChatGPT experience even more streamlined. By simply using (Ctrl) + Shift + ;, you can effortlessly copy the last code block. Need to access the full list of shortcuts? (Ctrl) + / has got you covered, enhancing your workflow with precision and speed.



We believe in providing you with the tools to customize your interactions. With custom instructions, you can now provide specific details to ChatGPT, tailoring your conversations to your unique needs. This update opens up a world of possibilities, ensuring that your interactions are as distinct and individual as you are.

In conclusion, the latest ChatGPT updates underscore our commitment to providing you with a dynamic and powerful AI tool that adapts to your requirements. With prompt examples, suggested replies, GPT-4 integration, file uploads, extended login sessions, keyboard shortcuts, and custom instructions, ChatGPT continues to redefine how we engage with AI-driven conversations. Embrace these updates and unlock a world of possibilities as you explore the limitless potential of ChatGPT.
Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey of seamless and intelligent conversations? ChatGPT is here to make it happen.
Stay engaged, stay connected, and let the conversation flow.

ChatGPT: Where Innovation Meets Interaction

Shopify AI design for ecommerce

Shopify AI design for ecommerce

Ecommerce Shopify


These are a few of the 100+ updates Shopify came up with this summer 2023.

Shopify unveils Sidekick AI-Powered Assistance
Imagine you had a deeply competent, incredibly intelligent, passionate, and non-judgmental advisor available to you whenever you need them.


  • Meet your new Sidekick.
    Now you can use everyday language to improve your store, tackle time-consuming tasks, and make smarter business decisions. From suggesting the best apps for your business to helping with marketing campaigns, Sidekick answers questions, solves problems, and helps you get more work done, faster.


  • Shopify magic – AI-Generated Product Description
    Discover the magic of growing your business with AI built directly into Shopify.


  • Translate & Adapt – Speak every customer’s language
    Translate & Adapt lets you auto-translate up to two languages for free, and manually add as many translations as you wish. The side-by-side editor makes it easy to compare and review your translations, and can also be used to adjust content between markets that speak the same language to ensure cultural, seasonal, and regional relevance.It’s easy to translate and adapt your store content for any market.


  • Shopify Inbox– Drive conversion with instant answers
    Available to select businesses, quickly respond to live chat inquiries with AI-generated responses from Shopify Magic. Review the suggested text, edit, and respond to drive top-of-funnel conversions, turning more chats into sales.


  • Shopify AI-Generated Email Replies
    Create high-performing email campaigns faster by generating compelling subject lines and body content with Shopify Magic. Schedule emails to send at the best time, using data-driven insights from millions of businesses across our platform.


  • Shopify – Create blogs faster
    Now you can enter a topic, choose the tone, and generate long-form blog content that drives traffic to your store in seconds with Shopify Magic


  • ShopEngage your targeted audience
    From AI-powered product recommendations to personalized discovery, Shop keeps businesses on the cutting edge of commerce, so you can reach more customers.
Automation and its impact of Digital Marketing Job

Automation and its impact of Digital Marketing Job


I would like to drive home a few points for your

  1. Its is now too late to be even worried about this
  2. Automation, especially in Digital Marketing, has been around for longer than you think. I think since its inception, we digital marketers are trying to automate things as much as we can so that we can focus on bigger things and not waste our time doing menial jobs. There are tons of bots out there that automate pretty much everything.

    I can easily say that the guys who were into DM back in the day are pioneers in terms of online automation.

    But i think there is hope.

  3. Your biggest asset is your randomness
  4. Mainly a large part of the digital marketing workflow revolves around creativity and evoking emotions through human connections.

    At the end of the day artificial intelligence is, after all, artificial.

    I am pretty confident that a robot will not be able to write the way I have written this, let alone an amazing copy for your FB Ad.

    Of course, it might be able to automate it and churn out multiple “templates” by analyzing copies across the web. But then again, this can turn out to be counter-productive for the bot cause then it is levelling the playing field again since pretty much every copy out there will pretty much have the same essence to it.

    This brings me to my third point.

  5. ”Handmade” sells
  6. You probably know, Bentley still stitches their upholstery with their hands.

    It always been perceived value of something that is hand made is far more than for something that is automated. So Special Automation o DM will not leave that kind of personal impact in comparison with human touch

    The biggest advantage you have as a human is that you are inconsistent, sporadic and random. And this is what makes you unique and stand apart.

  7. Career in Digital ? More then a job its a SKILL.
  8. Once you have this skill, you can apply it whenever and wherever and make a living off it.

    You can be a Youtube, Influencer, consultant, Copywriter, Visualizer, Strategist…. The possibilities are endless.

    Just to make you more feel more better, a recent study conducted by McKinsey, only 13% of your job can be done by a robot and a marketing job is 85% safer than other jobs.

    Main thing is Continuously invest in ourselves and always be innovating.

    The way I see automation/AI in Digital Marketing, is that it is creative destruction. It is making way for something bigger. New jobs will and are created for which new skills are required.

    I still remember my school teachers telling me that computers will take away all your jobs and it will be very difficult to get ourselves a job. And what has happened?

    Computers are Internet has helped humanity take a leap into the future. I have a feeling the same will happen with Automation/AI.

Facebook Messenger for Ecommerce to sell more Physical Products

Facebook Messenger for Ecommerce to sell more Physical Products


We already know how selling online is critical to brands objective of using social platforms for selling. Today, consumers are looking much more than traditionally what it used to be. They need someone to resolve their confusions, solve their queries and address their unique needs. Hence, one may wonder how you do that. It is in fact, part of a learning process for brands and people are using and finding varied mediums to buy and interact with the brands. The recent research suggests that 32% of online people showing interest in mobile ad get converted on a desktop and over 60% of consumers shop from one device and continues on other. The data is quite fulfilling to pay deeper attention to what is missing here; consumers today are using different devices for different things and purposes. The best way to bridge the gap here is by the means of Facebook Messenger Marketing and the results are astonishing!

Facebook Messenger is simply great for your Ecommerce marketing since it allows one-on-one interaction with the prospects. The users can converse with the brands the way they want and are comfortable in. Facebook is a powerhouse that can help to convert the prospects into actual customers. Facebook messaging has taken Ecommerce to bigger heights by making available brands wherever and whenever the customer desired. The huge popularity of messaging apps have created demand for Chatbots that converse intelligently with the users and give answers for general questions asked. Chatbots are going to be hugely popular in the near future providing greater relief for organizations to do automated work of chatting and resolving queries of the customers. Given below are three tactics that will help to sell more physical products on Facebook messenger:

    1. Retargeting through BOFU (Bottom of your funnel)

Bottom of your funnel are the audiences that are close to purchasing your product, it includes the people who have visited your website, the people who have chosen a product and put it in the cart and the people who have checked out your product. These are good enough reasons to realign marketing strategy and give your prospects the offer to come back and buy the product. You can retarget the people to buy by offering them coupon code that they can use for buying or redeeming the discount.

Given below are simple steps to get more BOFU sales using Facebook Messenger:

Setting up your Facebook Campaign

Create a new Ad campaign within Facebook Ads page and set objective to “Traffic”


In the Ad set window, edit the placements excluding all except Facebook feeds.


Set the traffic destination to Website or Messenger.


The target should be on people who have already visited your website and excluding who made the purchase.


Next step is to Optimize your Ad delivery for Link Clicks and not Conversions


With this new Campaign and Ad set, it should be configured correctly to create the Ad. You have the choice to select any type of Ad, just make note to select “Messenger Text” under “Destination” given below:


Write a message that explains your users that they get a Coupon when they reply to your message with the word “Coupon”. Given below is how your finished Ad looks like:


When the user sends the message, they will receive pre-written message given below:

boom By Cindy

If you follow the above processes, you are almost half- done.

Setting up the Chatbot

For setting up the Chatbot, you will have to log into your ManyChat account and click on Automation option given on the left side.


Add “Coupon” as the new keyword


Also change the targeting message to “Message contains” as keyword, it should look like the image given below:


Also, you can add common misspellings that the user may have typo. You can write automated message that includes coupon code and link to the shop.


Your automation step is complete here. As the user types the word “Coupon” in response to automatic Facebook message, they get automated response with the coupon code:


The campaign is powerful enough to track people who have abandoned your shopping cart, it sends coupon code with the link to your product to complete the purchase. Facebook messenger campaigns are running high and dry with good click through rates.


By this stage, you may already be seeing a high ROI Facebook messenger remarketing campaigns

Adjusting Timeline to Maximise Revenue

The common questions marketers come across is, that the brand may miss out on revenues if they keep offering coupon to all and in any case consumers are going to buy the product. For this, there is an easy way out,brands can adjust their timelines to target only those people who abandon their carts more than three days ago.

You can check what works best for your brand and for your customer to get you maximum benefits with overall good results.

The above is smarter way to optimize your bottom funnel.

    1. Automated Onboarding Message

The main focus in this is to focus on how you can use Facebook Messenger Chatbot to increase the engagement with brand new visitors. Customers are looking for information online so when they ask some query they are looking for a human touch response but that would not always be possible. Hence, onboarding messages are used that will shoot when the user asks common questions. The Onboarding messages are used to answer common questions like FAQs, Provide information, Help people find information they are looking for, Brand engagement. Given below is a good example of an automated Chatbot message:


Let your prospects know that their message has been received and they will be answered shortly, you can send them useful links based on their queries.

To setup this inside – ManyChat, click on “Automation” and “Main menu”


Finally, you will be able to check which buttons are getting most clicks.


The information can be used to make your options useful by identifying what your visitors are looking and creating.

    1. Shopping Platform Integrations

Facebook Messenger is one of the most basic shopping platform integration used for order confirmation. It is available on Shopify platforms. The below image shows how it exactly looks like:


The best thing about this type of order confirmation is that it triggers a good response from your customers by keeping them engaged with your brand.


You can also send money through the use of Facebook messenger by sending peer to peer payments. Facebook is working on process where users can store their credit card information for quick payments. This will help the users to see the ads on feed and with one click; they will be able to make that purchase.

Facebook messenger for Ecommerce is at a very early adoption stage and not much of your competitors may be using it. As it gets more popular, you are more likely to see lower response rates but as far as your brand conversation goes you can see good click through rates. These metrics are sure to fall down once people starts getting too many of messages just like it did for emails.

How Small businesses are influencing marketing automation?

How Small businesses are influencing marketing automation?


Consumers spend a lot of time researching before making a buying decision offline. 37% shoppers state the retailers “get” them through the collective data gathered by varied ongoing campaigns through the social media. Ecommerce generation has come with latest offerings that make customer journey easier that are most crucial factors to keep customers and business attracted. According to C-suite executives four technologies will be the key for marketing successes in the future: a. Cloud computing and services, b. Mobile Solutions, c. IoT and d. Cognitive tools. Lets have a look at some of the marketing trends that are very specific to these four technologies that can be put to right use for enhancing the customer experience in your business:

  • Cloud computing and services (marketing automation) – Digital marketing processes involve a lot of steps that are time-consuming. Automation is a cloud-based service that helps to cut down the time on routine marketing tasks. Marketing automation guarantees perfection and optimization of business resource to give good customer experience.

Digital Marketing techniques

The Grey shade is for 2015 trends and Purple shade is for 2016-2017 trends. SmartInsights study reveals that marketing automation is the top priority for the year 2017; content marketing and big data will follow it. The bigger market players are using Salesforce and Marketo, small businesses can make use of affordable marketing automation tools like ConstantContact and GetResponse, designed for small businesses.


Image Credit – GetResponse

GetResponse gives a unique customer experience with drag and drop workflow planner. With the use of this tool, small businesses can:

Create email-marketing workflow that will enhance UX.
Hosting information webinars.
Build high converting landing pages.
Conducting surveys for target audiences, their needs and expectations.
Integrating shopping cart in email workflow.
Get improvements by analyzing the data.
Utilizing advanced email-marketing features including tagging, scoring and segmenting.

  • Mobile solutions – 63% people make use of mobile few times every month to search for customer and product support. How their journey look like with your business? Have you made it easy to get help from you when they use mobile?

Software advice                          Image Credit: SoftwareAdvice

The common issues users face while finding customer support are:

Complex navigation through the website
Results after the search are not helpful
Loading time is slow
Website not searchable.

Providing online services or products to consumers would mean making it easy to get support through mobile device. One tool you can use is Zendesk’s Mobile Help Center application that makes your resources easily accessible form mobile devices:


  • Internet of Things – IoT allows online and offline connecting through the Internet. This idea is not too common with small-scale businesses hence if you implement it; it’s going to be a great booster against your competitors.

          What you can connect and synchronize to impact Customer experience journey?

Customer Experience Journey

                            Image Credit: KESolutions.Biz

Take example of Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma – the ticket sales increased by a whopping 700% after implementation of analytics technology to combine offline and online marketing activities. The zoo is planning to come up with mobile ticketing in future, so visitors can “check-in” at exhibits there by improving the UX. Small retailers can make use of sensors monitoring the foot traffic and customer behavior in-store.  When all of these sales data are combined, great findings are emerged that have ability to influence UX.

A customer standing at the airport waiting for carousel to deliver his bag getting a light bulb moment thinks, of being notified by Bluetooth when the bag is about to arrive – is the perfect IoT thinking in action.

How can you combine sensors in an offline world to improve things for your customers or create new products or service offerings?

  • Cognitive Tools – Using the customer behavior to improve the experiences. Cognitive skills impersonate the way human brain works. It is a smart machine that acts and thinks like human. The tools that originate from cognitive computation can turn the data into powerful insights. Cognitive skills can be used by small businesses for analytics and predictions to access consumer data that gets created daily to understand and learn from it. The end result of this is to drive loyalty and build trust worth relationship with customers.


                                                                Image Credit: GeoffLivingston

For example, do stores understand why a customer abandoned his online cart and do they have processes in place that will ease the customer to come back to store and complete the shopping?

A good example would be an eCommerce store using Marketing automation for tracking and analyzing user behavior on website. It then creates email workflow having conditions, filters that trigger to re-initiate the relation with customer through emails. The more salient of these is when businesses use cognitive tools for tapping into emotions of customers and delivering the experiences just at right time. IBM have suggested cognitive strategies to answer the following questions:

On who is the focus
Actions you want them to take
How they want to interact

Customer experience is one of the crucial marketing trends for 2017 and for the next coming years. The four technologies that will be key for marketing will be mobile solutions, cloud computing, IoT and cognitive tools. The smaller business can make best use of these trends by using automation tools, by introducing mobile desk solutions, combining offline sensors to the online world for better US, using cognitive tools based on UX that delivers best UX at the right time.


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