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Essential eCommerce KPIs for tracking marketing performance

Essential eCommerce KPIs for tracking marketing performance

Ecommerce Shopify

In the ever-evolving landscape of eCommerce, the ability to measure and analyze performance is pivotal for success. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a burgeoning business owner, eCommerce Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) act as a compass guiding you through the intricacies of digital marketing and customer engagement. In this article, we’re delving into the world of eCommerce KPIs that offer valuable insights into your marketing performance.

eCommerce KPIs for Tracking Marketing Performance

Picture this: You’re at the helm of a thriving eCommerce venture, steering your brand through a sea of opportunities. But how do you ensure you’re on the right course? That’s where KPIs come into play. Your eCommerce KPIs are like the dashboard of your online store, offering real-time insights into the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.


  • Website Traffic: The pulse of your eCommerce operation, website traffic, reveals how many people are stepping into your digital storefront. It’s not just about numbers; it’s a reflection of your online visibility and the power of your marketing initiatives. By monitoring this KPI, you gauge the effectiveness of your outreach efforts and discover whether your message resonates with your audience.


  • Bounce Rate: A high bounce rate can set off alarm bells. It’s the signal that visitors are leaving your site almost as soon as they arrive. But why? Is it a matter of presentation? Price concerns? With careful analysis, you can uncover the underlying issues and fine-tune your website to keep visitors engaged and interested.


  • New Visitors vs Returning Visitors: The tug-of-war between new and returning visitors provides a glimpse into your customer retention strategies. It’s a window into the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. A harmonious balance indicates that you’re not only drawing new customers but also maintaining a loyal clientele base.
  • Time On Site: For businesses focused on providing informative content, tracking time on site is a goldmine. It showcases the engagement level of your audience. The longer they stay, the more value they find in what you offer. It’s a testament to your ability to captivate your audience and provide meaningful interactions.


  • Average Session Duration: Think of average session duration as the narrative of your customer’s journey through your website. It reveals how much time visitors dedicate during a single visit. Longer sessions often signify deeper exploration and engagement.


  • Mobile Site Traffic: In today’s digital era, mobile is king. The surge in mobile shopping demands that you monitor this KPI closely. It gives you insight into whether your mobile site is optimized and whether customers are comfortable navigating it.


  • Return on Investment (ROI): The ultimate question: Is your effort yielding results? ROI answers this. Positive ROI signifies that your product is striking the right chord, enabling you to fuel growth, traffic, ads, and optimization for enhanced scalability.


  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): ROAS zeroes in on your ad investments. It illustrates whether your advertising endeavors are driving desired results. A healthy ROAS shows that your ad spend translates into revenue.
    As the eCommerce landscape continues to evolve, these KPIs are your compass, your navigator, and your North Star. Embrace them, decipher their insights, and use them to fine-tune your marketing strategies. In the dynamic world of eCommerce, these KPIs are not just numbers; they’re the foundation of your journey towards sustained growth and prosperity.
10 Common Ecommerce Mistakes and How to Avoid Them on Shopify

10 Common Ecommerce Mistakes and How to Avoid Them on Shopify

Ecommerce Shopify

Starting an ecommerce business on Shopify can be a great way to reach a wider audience and generate more sales. However, many new ecommerce entrepreneurs make common mistakes that can hurt their success. In this article, we as Ecommerce experts, will discuss ten of the most common ecommerce mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them on Shopify.

Poor User Experience: A poor user experience can lead to frustrated customers and lost sales. To avoid this mistake, make sure your Shopify store has a clear and easy-to-use website design. Optimize your site for mobile devices since more than half of all ecommerce traffic comes from mobile devices. Provide clear navigation and product descriptions, so customers can easily find what they’re looking for.

Inadequate Product Images: Poor-quality product images can lead to lost sales. Make sure to provide high-quality images of your products from multiple angles. Allow customers to zoom in and out so they can see the details of the product. Use professional product photography to showcase your products in the best possible light.

Overcomplicating Checkout: An overly complicated checkout process can lead to cart abandonment. To avoid this, streamline your checkout process by reducing the number of steps required to complete a purchase. Offer guest checkout so customers can buy without creating an account.

Neglecting SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to the success of any ecommerce store. Neglecting SEO means you’re missing out on potential traffic and sales. To avoid this mistake, make sure to optimize your Shopify store’s product pages and blog content with relevant keywords and meta descriptions. Conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for your products and use them in your content.And to learn more about mastering SEO, read our blog on Why Search and SEO is Important ?

Ignoring Analytics: Your Shopify store’s analytics are a goldmine of information about your customers and their shopping behavior. Ignoring analytics means you’re missing out on valuable insights that could help you improve your store and grow your sales. To avoid this mistake, regularly check your Shopify analytics and adjust your strategies based on your findings. Use the data to optimize your product pages, target your marketing, and improve your customer experience.

Lack of Trust Signals: Customers need to trust your Shopify store to make a purchase. Lack of trust signals can lead to lost sales. To avoid this mistake, make sure to display trust signals such as customer reviews, security badges, and a clear refund policy. Show that you’re a trustworthy business that cares about its customers.

Limited Payment Options: Offering limited payment options can result in lost sales. Provide a variety of payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, and other popular payment methods. Use Shopify Payments to make it easy for customers to pay with their preferred payment method.

Poor Customer Support: Poor customer support can lead to negative reviews and lost sales. Provide prompt and helpful customer support through email, chat, or phone. Respond to customer inquiries quickly and professionally. Use Shopify’s customer support features, such as chat and email support, to make it easy for customers to get the help they need.

Inconsistent Branding: Inconsistent branding can lead to confusion among customers. Make sure to maintain consistent branding across your website, social media, and other marketing channels. Use the same colors, fonts, and imagery across all your channels. Make sure your messaging is consistent as well.

Slow Loading Speeds: Slow loading speeds can lead to frustration and lost sales. Regularly optimize the website page speed and user journey.

To conclude, starting an ecommerce business on Shopify can be a great way to generate sales and reach a wider audience. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can improve your Shopify store’s SEO, user experience, checkout process, analytics, trust signals, product images, payment options, customer support, branding, and loading speeds. You can create a successful ecommerce business on Shopify and grow your sales over time. Remember, success takes time and effort, but with the right strategies in place, you can achieve your ecommerce goals.

How Shopify Plus Can Help Traditional Indian Retail Brands Stay Competitive in the Digital Age?

How Shopify Plus Can Help Traditional Indian Retail Brands Stay Competitive in the Digital Age?

Ecommerce Shopify

In today’s digital age, ecommerce has become an essential component of retail business. As more and more consumers shop online, it has become increasingly important for traditional Indian retail brands to embrace digital channels to stay competitive. Shopify Plus is a powerful ecommerce platform that can help traditional Indian retail brands to build and grow their online business. Traditional Indian retail brands are those that have been in business for several years and have a physical presence in the Indian market. They may be well-established names that have built a loyal customer base over the years, but are now facing challenges in adapting to the digital age and competing with newer, online-only ecommerce brands. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Shopify Plus for traditional Indian retail brands and how it can help them to stay competitive in the digital age.

Customizable and Scalable Platform: Shopify Plus is a customizable and scalable platform that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of traditional Indian retail brands. It provides access to a wide range of features and integrations, including advanced analytics, customer segmentation, and marketing automation, allowing brands to create a unique and personalized shopping experience for their customers. Additionally, Shopify Plus is a scalable platform, which means it can grow as the business expands, accommodating more traffic and sales.

Seamless Multichannel Selling: Shopify Plus allows traditional Indian retail brands to sell their products across multiple channels seamlessly. It integrates with popular marketplaces like Amazon and social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, enabling brands to reach a wider audience and generate more sales. Moreover, Shopify Plus provides a single dashboard to manage all the sales channels, simplifying the management of inventory, orders, and customer data across all channels.

Increased Sales and Revenue: With its powerful features and integrations, Shopify Plus can help traditional Indian retail brands to increase their sales and revenue. It provides advanced analytics and customer segmentation, enabling brands to identify and target high-value customers with personalized promotions and offers. Moreover, Shopify Plus provides access to marketing automation tools that can help brands to automate their marketing campaigns, including email marketing, social media advertising, and push notifications.

Streamlined Operations: Shopify Plus provides a range of features and integrations that can streamline the operations of traditional Indian retail brands. It offers a range of payment gateways, including local payment options, to simplify the payment process. Additionally, it provides access to advanced shipping and fulfillment solutions, including local courier integrations, enabling brands to deliver their products quickly and efficiently.

Increased Customer Loyalty: Shopify Plus can help traditional Indian retail brands to build customer loyalty by providing a seamless and personalized shopping experience. It provides access to advanced customer segmentation and personalization features, enabling brands to target customers with personalized promotions and offers. Moreover, Shopify Plus provides a range of customer support features, including 24/7 support and a dedicated account manager, ensuring that brands can provide prompt and effective customer support.

Localized Support: Shopify Plus provides localized support in India, including a dedicated account manager who can help traditional Indian retail brands to set up and manage their online store.

Integrations: Shopify Plus has an extensive range of integrations available through its App Store. These integrations can help traditional Indian retail brands to enhance their online store’s functionality, including accounting, shipping, marketing, and customer service.

Omni-channel Presence: Shopify Plus allows traditional Indian retail brands to have an omnichannel presence by integrating their physical stores with their online store. This integration allows customers to shop in-store and online, creating a seamless shopping experience across all channels.

Wholesale and B2B Selling: Shopify Plus provides a range of features that can help traditional Indian retail brands to sell their products wholesale and to other businesses (B2B). It includes features like bulk ordering, tiered pricing, and custom pricing, enabling brands to cater to their B2B customers’ specific needs.

International Sales: Shopify Plus provides a range of features that can help traditional Indian retail brands to sell their products internationally. It includes support for multiple languages and currencies, tax and shipping options for different regions, and local payment options, making it easier for brands to expand their reach and sell to customers in different countries.

Shopify Plus is a powerful ecommerce platform that can help traditional Indian retail brands to stay competitive in the digital age. It provides a customizable and scalable platform with advanced features and integrations, enabling brands to create a unique and personalized shopping experience for their customers. Additionally, Shopify Plus allows brands to sell their products across multiple channels seamlessly, streamline their operations, and increase their sales and revenue. With localized support, omnichannel presence, wholesale and B2B selling, and international sales capabilities, Shopify Plus can help traditional Indian retail brands to grow and expand their online business, both domestically and globally.

Why Search and SEO is Important ?

Why Search and SEO is Important ?


Before we can understand why search is important, we need to take a step back and understand why people search.


  • Why People Search?
    In the early days, people searched to find a list of documents that contained the words they typed in. That’s no longer the case.

Today’s searchers search to solve problems, to accomplish tasks, and to “do” something. They might be searching to book a flight, buy something, learn the latest Taylor Swift lyrics, or browse cat photos – but these are all actions. Or, as Gates referred to them, verbs.

When a user starts a search, they’re really starting a journey. Marketers love to talk about something called “the consumer journey.” It’s just a fancy way of referencing a user’s path from the inception of their task to the completion – and most of these journeys start with a search.

The consumer journey has been gradually playing a larger role in search over the last decade. Originally depicted as a funnel wherein users move from awareness to consideration to purchase, this old consumer journey has become outdated (although we still use this model for illustrative purposes and to make persona research easier).


  • The Evolution of Search & the Consumer Journey

The modern consumer journey no longer represents a funnel, but looks more like a crazy straw – with various twists and turns representing the various channels, mediums, and devices that users interact with today.

In order to fit this new model, search has had to evolve from simply words on the page to understanding the user intent at each phase of the journey. Search is no longer just about keywords, but has evolved into providing the right content to the right user at the right time in their journey to help them accomplish their task.

For the users, it’s all about the verbs. For search marketers, it’s all about helping the user on their journey (and, ideally, influencing them a bit along the way.)

Sticking with the crazy straw model, today’s consumer journey no longer happens on a single device. Users may start a search on their mobile device, continue researching on their tablet or work laptop, and ultimately purchase from their desktop at home.

Search isn’t just limited to computers or phones. Users can now search from a variety of devices, including watches, smart glasses, bluetooth speaker assistants, and even kitchen appliances. In today’s world, even my fridge has its own Twitter account and search marketers need to be cognizant of how various devices relate to each other and play a part in a user’s search experience.

There’s some healthy debate as to whether this has always been the case, but in today’s always on hyper-connected world, SEO has morphed into what we’ll call “real marketing.”

Gone are the days of hacks, tricks, and attempting to reverse-engineer algorithms.

Today’s SEO focuses on:

• Understanding personas.
• Data-driven insights.
• Content strategy.
• Technical problem-solving.

The 3 Main Tenants of Any Marketing Strategy or Campaign Search touches all three of these areas:

1. Attract.
2. Engage.
3. Convert.

But search concentrates heavily on the first phase: Attract.

“If you build it, they will come” may apply to baseball fields, but it doesn’t work with websites.
It’s no longer enough to have an awesome product. You must actively attract customers via multiple channels and outlets.

This is why, despite some claims to the contrary from clients or design agencies, every webpage is, in fact, an SEO page.

If a webpage is involved in attracting visitors, engaging visitors, or converting them, there should be an important SEO component to that page.

  • The 3 Main Tenants of Any Marketing Strategy or Campaign

    OK, users, journey, search, verbs, got it. Users are important and many of them start with a search, so search is important.

But why is SEO important? Isn’t SEO just a developer thing? I heard there was a plugin for it. Can’t Google and Bing just figure out my website?

We started this story with a Gates quote, but it was Google rather than Microsoft that took the philosophy to heart.

Things like Hummingbird, Panda, Penguin, RankBrain, Mobilegeddon, Possum, Pigeon, entities, and AMP essentially have all been attempts by Google to adapt its search algorithm to move from words to actions, and help users accomplish whatever tasks they may be focused on but they aren’t that simple to understand.

SEO has come a long way from the days of meta data. Sure, there’s

a lot of best practices involved that “should” be covered by the development team or a plugin (or built into a framework cough cough angular, react, I’m looking at you guys) – but often they aren’t.
Today’s websites are more application than they are a website, and applications come with lots of fancy features that don’t always play nicely with search engines (hi again, angular and react.)

  • Good SEO Today

A good SEO can not only focus on content, but also help:

• Navigate through multiple versions of the same page.
• Solve tech issues that render content invisible to search engines.
• With proper server settings.
• Integrate with social media, content, creative, user experience, paid search, or analytics.
• Find ways to speed up your site.

A good SEO professional not only understands the searcher, but the competitive landscape as well. It isn’t enough to just understand the user’s task, search marketers need to understand what other options are in the marketplace, and how they can fill the gap to provide a better solution for the user’s task.

We’ve come a long way from keywords on pages to full-service marketing. SEO pros get to wear multiple hats as they help connect development, information architecture, user experience, content strategy, marketing, social, and paid media teams. It’s a game of give and take all in an attempt to create something that works for search engines and users.

There are plenty of cautionary tales about things as simple sounding as a site redesign or new CMS system causing a site’s traffic to drop or disappear leaving businesses scrambling. The simple fact of the matter is, most website changes these days affect SEO and only by including SEO up front and throughout the project can a business hope to see positive results.

  • So Why Is Search Important?

Search matters because users matter.

As technology continues to evolve, SEOs will constantly deal with new ways of searching, new devices to search on, and new types of searches (like voice search, or searches done by my oven) but the one thing that will remain constant is why people search. The verbs aren’t going away.

One day we might be overrun by AI or upload our consciousness into the singularity – but until then we’ll still need to solve problems and accomplish tasks – and some form of search will always be involved in that.

Time To Say Hello To Instagram Stories!

Time To Say Hello To Instagram Stories!

Ecommerce Technology

The audience was just getting hooked to the various filters & dynamics of Snapchat Stories that we got a sweet surprise from Instagram! Ever since its launch, it has spread like a wild fire. Whether its personal endorsements, daily routine updates or brand announcements, both the viewers & the uploader are equally in awe & love of this darling feature!

What is the BIG DEAL?

While, in the beginning Instagram received a lot of flak for copying “Snapchat”, it definitely has a lot more to offer. Honestly, the biggest difference is that unlike Snapchat, users can add text and stickers, draw on them, and even include a link or mention other users. It’s the last two features that help Instagram’s version stand out, though.

With the ability to add links and mention users Instagram creates a culture of inclusion, rather than secrecy and exclusion that is often the draw of Snapchat.

S vs I

With the ability to add links and mention users Instagram creates a culture of inclusion, rather than secrecy and exclusion that is often the draw of Snapchat.

Instagram Stories are also searchable and appear publicly on a profile if a profile is set to public. This stands in contrast to Snapchat, which doesn’t have “profiles” for users to see previous content or view Stories. You must follow someone on Snapchat to discover his or her content.

That’s not all, more recently, Instagram moved Boomerang directly into the app. Now, users can create a Boomerang directly in a Story.

So, how do we LEVERAGE this?

One of the most important reasons for businesses to use Instagram Stories is relevancy in your followers’ feeds. Since Instagram updated the feed to be & algorithmic in June of 2016, having stories always appear at the top of a follower’s feed helps your brand remain top-of-mind. Popular Stories also appear at the top of the Explore page, helping gain an even wider reach.


The most common mistake that content creators or users make is missing out on opportunity of building a larger audience.

You’re creating Stories, but do you think that’s enough? Well sure, you can use relevant hashtags and tag as many people as regular images but that’s not the key.

Check out our recommended tactics and strategies below :

1. Repost or prepost content from your Stories to your feed

About to have an event? Post an announcement image to your regular feed letting users know to be on the lookout for the upcoming Stories that are sure to come.

Create a great Story? Before you post it, press the “save” button in the lower right and post it again as a regular image. You can save images after posting them by opening your Story and swiping up. If you’ve posted more than one image, it will save as a video slideshow.

2. Go live often

Alongside other popular trending Stories in the Explore page are the “Top Live” posts. Live video is becoming an arms race and Instagram is pushing it just as hard.

If you’re going live and providing great content, more people are going to tune in. These videos often rotate as more viewers tune in, and live videos end. So by going live often, you’re giving yourself a chance to appear and gain more followers.

Dr.Pradeep Gadge, diabetologist in Mumbai is often seen interacting with his audience LIVE on Instagram on various topic linked to #Diabetes.

3. Mention people

It’s no secret that people love attention, especially on social media. Give the people what they want by using the mention feature in your Instagram Stories. You can tag customers, followers, or those who inspire you with a personalized message. This sends a notification to the user who will more than likely see the content. Be careful with this one, though. You don’t want to wear out your welcome by over-tagging people.

IISM , India’s Pioneer in Sports Management Education, using the tag feature to promote the sponsors for their Life@IISM initiative :Junoon Sports Fet

4. Give out all the relevant information

Where was this picture taken? How beautiful was the location? Were you eating some amazing food or dancing to your favourite album? These little details can intrigue your audiences to know more & engage.

Softsens Baby, organic baby care product & apparel comapny using the LOCATION feature to promote its store at Banglore.

5. Gain more followers

This one seems pretty straightforward because it is. The more followers you have, the more potential your Instagram Stories have to be seen. Follow other users, use relevant hashtags on regular posts, and engage with the content of those you would like to follow you back.

6. Create great content

Again, not groundbreaking but still the best way to organically grow your following. The more accounts that are watching your Stories, sending messages, and engaging with them in other ways, the better chance your brand’s account has of appearing on the “Explore” page alongside other trending Stories.

Use interactive gifs, ask some cool poll questions, conduct a Q&A , just ensure your content is driving the user towards you & not pushing them away.

Binaryic, a digital marketing firm, interacting with their audience by using the POLL feature..

7. Sponsored Instagram Story Ads

This one is more indirect, but running ads is a good way to increase both followers and engagement on your account. Plus, it can provide a boost to your algorithmic score. In turn, this can make it more likely that your Stories will appear on the Explore page.

SoulTree- Organic beauty,skin & hair care provider promotes its festive offer with Sponsored Story Ads

What’s Next?

Strategise :

Use this knowledge to develop a strategy for promoting your brand, inviting followers behind the scenes, and broadening your audience with high-quality live video and stories.

• Define A Goal :

There are many creative ways brands are using Instagram already. Ultimately, it comes down to what your campaign goals are for Instagram.

  • Do you want to help a promotion gain a wider audience?

  • Are you attempting to drive more traffic to a blog post, landing page, or video?

• Get, Set, Go!

Whether you’re a casual Instagram user or leading a social media team looking for more ways to engage your audience, Instagram Stories can benefit you and your company.

Now is the time to capitalize on a well-thought-out strategy before your competitors do. Engage your audience more with Instagram Stories and be sure to drive them to a relevant, dedicated landing page.

What’s your take on this? We’d love to know, share below!

Business Lessons from Auto-Anna

Business Lessons from Auto-Anna

Case Studies

Inspiration comes from the most unlikely of sources. Annadurai, a 26 year old autorickshaw driver and more commonly known as the Auto Anna is giving successful corporates a run for their money with his innovative marketing and customer techniques.

A share auto driver who runs in OMR-Thiruvanmiyur area, Chennai, rose to national and international fame with his incredible marketing strategy helping him give three Ted-Talks in the process. Anna earns around INR 2500-3500 per day and ends up spending INR 12000 on newspapers, magazines and other amenities he offers through his auto-rickshaw. Up to date with technology and himself being technology savvy, Auto Anna also keeps an i-pad and a laptop for his customers. His eye-catching auto-rickshaw is Wi-Fi enabled and fitted with a small screen which displays important news clips of the days. Anna saves these clips when he’s back home watching news.

Anna’s customer retention would put big firms to shame with customers, mostly IT professionals waiting hours to take a ride in his auto. He is active on social media handles and has more than 12000 likes on Facebook while also running his own website.

business lesson

Auto Anna rose to overnight national and international fame after his story went viral on Facebook by a group called – ‘Photos That Shook The World’. The post was shared more than 10000 times all around the world opening up unexplored and rewarding paths for Anna. He also featured in a short-film on a prominent YouTube channel – Pocket Films.

The short-film garnered 200000+views with more than 6000 likes. While the love has been over-whelming for Anna, he feels the customers who ride through his rickshaw are gods. It’s because of them that he’s able to take care of himself and he wants to put in the extra effort to give back to his customers in whatever way he can.

business lesson

Anna received more than 2000 calls o the day his story broke out on Facebook and was up all night receiving and acknowledging them.

business lesson

Auto Anna’s strategy and customer relations is a handy lesson for even the biggest of companies who struggle with consumer expectations and retention. Anna who started transforming his regular auto-rickshaw by putting daily newspapers for commuters. He slowly and steadily started modifications by adding magazines, integrating a display and Wi-Fi. To help riders who didn’t have a mobile or laptop, he bought a tablet and soon upgraded to an I-pad.

Anna’s customer loyalty schemes are also innovative. He started a customer relationship contest for regular customers with a quiz of five questions. The winner takes home INR 1000. Similarly, every rider boarding Anna’s auto gets a token. The customer can redeem the tokens for cash, 20 tokens give you INR 250 back, 30 tokens give back INR 500. Anna truly believes in giving back to the community and plans to sponsor the education of at-least ten homeless children in addition to opening an old-age home.

business lesson

Anna’s customer loyalty schemes are also innovative. He started a customer relationship contest for regular customers with a quiz of five questions. The winner takes home INR 1000. Similarly, every rider boarding Anna’s auto gets a token. The customer can redeem the tokens for cash, 20 tokens give you INR 250 back, 30 tokens give back INR 500. Anna truly believes in giving back to the community and plans to sponsor the education of at-least ten homeless children in addition to opening an old-age home.

The success and growth of any business are imperative to innovations and technological advancements and Auto Anna keeps striving to experiment new things to offer his customers. He is presently working on an app which would book auto rides in advance, order food on the way and help build a community of auto-rickshaw drivers.

Anna’s approach to a meagre business of running an auto-rickshaw has already transformed a number of lives and given unforgettable experience to countless commuters every day. He is an inspiration for everyone who have lost heart and run out of ideas in increasing and expanding their businesses. He story helps us understand it’s the little things you do for your consumer that creates a massive difference.

Top Content Marketing Trends to look out for in 2018

Top Content Marketing Trends to look out for in 2018


After reading and Experience of last year’s working closely with clients, we have found out that there are two things which very much critical for any Brand to stay on top in 2018

1) Relevant Content Creation as per Customer Persona
2) Mapping or Distributing Content according to Buyer’s Journey

So let’s find it, which are the trends to watch for the year 2018

1) Creation of Niche content

This means if Brands wants to stand out then they have to drill down or have to take deep dive to understand their ideal customers and its behavior. They have to do customer segmentation and deliver the content according to the journey customers are into.

What Brand can do to follow this trend?

So for Exp: If you are targeting Travelers then instead of targeting “Top Travelling Destination” Brand has to be specific on “Top Adventure Vacation for Couples”


A Brand who is into fitness and bodybuilding should explore niche target audience to start with rather than generic. What we suggest by this, instead of targeting Bodybuilding they can identify targets like Bodybuilding for 40+ Dads

2) Adaptation of Voice based search or Content

According to Garner predication, the world is moving to screen less search, recent trends have been seen that younger people have started using voice search on their mobile. It means that your future customers are more likely to use Voice search or Voice Assistant like Google or Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa.

What Brands can do?

Since there is always a difference between the way we speak the way we type, brands have to adapt to natural language search. Instead of focusing on particular keywords, a brand needs to focus on long tail phrases or answering questions the way Human speak to each other.

Few thing a Brand can do

  • Create more relevant content with long and specific phrases
  • While keeping in mind keywords they have to keep word which speaks to naturally
  • Majority of Voice search is from mobile so have to see content presented very on Mobile devices (Mobile Friendly)
  • For Local “near me” searches, brand has to optimize their content as per local language

3) Smaller but relevant content

It was recommended earlier that if your article is long and having more than 3000 words, it’s more likely be featured on search engines. This is all good if your intention is to rank in SERPs, but remember nowadays social is driving more traffic then lengthy content.

People prefer to consume same content via Videos or Visuals rather than reading them on mobile

What Brands can do?

  • Create Infographic
  • Create Videos related to relevant topics, which can be shared via Social Media Channels easily

4) Change of Influence Marketing

Past all research shows that 90% of people trust on a recommendation by individuals over brands. Even Google trends show steady growth on the influencer marketing YoY basis we are not denying that influencer marketing is one the key areas of the Brand which needs to be addressed while they make their marketing strategy.

But we recommend that instead of aiming for volume, a brand needs to identify influence which has common values and target audience. So key aspect needs to be addressed rather then connecting them only for promotion of Brand or product, a brand needs to collaborate with them for a long-term

What Brands can do?

  • Identify Kep influencer based on Product or objective
  • Create a Campaign directed to that Influencer
  • A Brand can create secondly campaign for influencer to drive awareness
  • Regularly track metrics related to awareness, sales, and Engagement

5) Transparency to Customer

Younger Audience is tired of Push Advertising. They want to associate with Brand which has a transparent approach in terms of communication. So For Exp if the Brand is talking about Organic Food then they want to have more information as well as want to see practically brand guidelines related organic living, health or food

What Brands can do?
A Brand can associate or accredited themselves with some government authority for regulations.
Even Brand release certain research or whitepaper, or do events on a line which they want to position themselves. This way customer directly associates with brand

6) Video will continue rise

Rather than reading large content people prefer to consume video on that natural languages, they can associate them very well. All the content which Brands is creating in form of text should be transferred and convey via video.

What Brand Can do?

A Brand can create Youtube channel where they can explain the feature of products or Application of products or Unboxing and Product demonstration can be done. A video has always been a very interactive form of communication on the internet.

Brand can also cover their events or seminar via Live Video on Facebook or Educate Customer by taking Seminars

Even Interactive Question and Answers Sessions also going to be very helpful

7) Creating and Marketing Content Mapping Buyer Persona

Nowadays cost of acquiring a new customer and retaining them is very vital for Brands. CRM play an important role in retaining existing customers. It becomes necessary for a brand to create a content strategy which engages the audience throughout their life cycle if form email or connecting them to Social media or traditional channels.

Here is what brands can do

  • Creating details buyer persona with their Demographic and Psychographic
  • Mapping the Content around customer Journey and communicating with them on each stage Reach, Action Covert, and Engagement. All stages will require different set of content to be created for customers

That’s all for now

Let us know your feedback on above content marketing trends? Which one do you prefer for your Brand? and Why?

Best way to create high quality Backlink in SEO

Best way to create high quality Backlink in SEO


“Natural” Editorial Links that are given naturally by sites and pages that want to link to your content or company. These links require no specific action from the SEO, other than the creation of worthy material (great content) and the ability to create awareness about it.

Manual “Outreach” Link Building The SEO creates these links by emailing bloggers for links, submitting sites to directories, or paying for listings of any kind. The SEO often creates a value proposition by explaining to the link target why creating the link is in their best interest. Examples include filling out forms for submissions to a website award program or convincing a professor that your resource is worthy of inclusion on the public syllabus.

Self-Created, Non-Editorial Hundreds of thousands of websites offer any visitor the opportunity to create links through guest book signings, forum signatures, blog comments, or user profiles. These links offer the lowest value, but can, in the aggregate, still have an impact for some sites. In general, search engines continue to devalue most of these types of links, and have been known to penalize sites that pursue these links aggressively. Today, these types of links are often considered spams and should be pursued with caution.

Tools we love & use to monitor our SEO progress

Tools we love & use to monitor our SEO progress


23rd September

There are many tools which can be used SEO Campaign but as of now use below tools


If you’re looking for a truly all-in-one solution, Moz Pro is a good option. It includes robust analytics that help you keep track of all things search, social media, and content. It also has research tools that allow you to analyze your competitors through link profiles, brand mentions, and more. Finally, Moz Pro provides insights for how to better optimize your site. It’s on the pricey side but all in all, a well put together collection of tools


Do you need to figure out what keywords would be the best to optimize for on your latest website? Then Word-tracker is a tool you need to know about. It helps you pinpoint the best performing keywords in your niche within minutes after starting a basic search. Often, it helps you find keywords that are doing well without a ton of competition. And as any SEO knows, that’s the most coveted thing you can come across

Google Analytics

Where would any of us be without Google Analytics? Seriously, this free tool is something we come back to time and time again to track website traffic, mobile app data, conversions and more, all within one convenient dashboard. And now with mobile versions available for iOS and Android, it’s a tool you can take with you anywhere to impress any client


BuzzStream is a really nice link building tool that makes it pretty straightforward to automate the process of researching link prospects so you can spend more of your time reaching out to them and building relationships. It also comes equipped with PR and social media tools for better managing relationships with industry influencers on social. It keeps your contacts organized and readily accessible at all times, too.

Top 10 reasons why you need a Digital Marketing Strategy

Top 10 reasons why you need a Digital Marketing Strategy


Digital Marketing is pretty much a broader term today especially with new innovations happening. There are always some additions that gets implemented that it gets difficult to keep pace with. A perfectly planned Digital marketing Strategy can really help you hit the mark. If you are still wondering, you need to have digital marketing strategy for your business then here is a two-step plan: a. Start planning for digital marketing plan that defines the transformation that is really needed that will help make changes to your digital marketing. b. after getting the approval, start creating integrated digital plan that is part of the bigger marketing plan.


Here are some of the top reasons why you need a Digital Channel Strategy for your business:

  1. You need a right direction – most companies are unaware of their strategic goals and what they want to achieve in terms of gaining new customers or re-create the bond. With digital strategy not in place, there would be no goals and organizations wouldn’t know how to achieve those goals.
  2. You lack your online market vision – Studying online markets are important, it shows the customer demand. Markets are dynamic hence they are different from traditional channels having different types of customer profiles and behavior competitors.
  3. Competitors may gain market share – Digital marketing strategy requires dedicated efforts and resources. If your company does not have clearly defined goals then competitors may eat the market share.
  4. Value proposition – A clearly defined digital marketing strategy will help you differentiate your online services that will encourage existing and new customer to engage and stay loyal.
  5. Knowing your customers well – With digital marketing strategy you also learn newer tools like Google analytics and understand the volumes of visits that happen.
  6. Need for Integrated approach – Marketing requires an integrated approach that fulfills all criteria. A digital marketing strategy will help combine all resources and package a good marketing plan that is effective.
  7. Scarce resources – Digital marketing with insufficient resources will be used for planning and execution of e-marketing plans. An absence of strategy will also lead to lack of specific specialist e-marketing skills.
  8. Chances of duplication – A digital marketing strategy help to systematically implement the new processes. In absence of strategy, there may be chances of duplication meaning different organization may purchase different tools for doing similar online marketing tasks.
  9. Staying up responsive – A digital marketing strategy helps for keeping dynamic nature of organization that helps to catch up with new approaches.
  10. Optimization – All companies have website analytics and individual do not review them to act upon it. With digital strategy, it helps to get down to basics and lead the path towards continuous improvement.




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