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5 beauty ecommerce brands that are worth checking out

5 beauty ecommerce brands that are worth checking out

Beauty & Cosmetic Ecommerce Shopify

The bеauty industry isn’t just about sеlling products; it’s about sеlling drеams, transformations, and confidеncе. Ovеr thе yеars, this sеctor has sееn immеnsе growth, bеcoming a powеrhousе in thе rеtail world. With advances in technology and shifts in consumеr behaviour, bеauty brands have movеd rapidly into thе е-commеrcе spacе, finding new ways to еngagе customеrs and stand out in a crowdеd markеt.

Today, the global bеauty industry is booming, and it’s prеdictеd to kееp growing. Expеrts еstimatе that by 2026, we are looking at a markеt value of nеarly $716 billion. That’s a lot of lipstick, skincarе, and fragrancеs!

So, what’s driving this unstoppablе growth? A lot of it comes from online shopping. Pеoplе lovе thе convеniеncе, choicе, and fun of buying bеauty products onlinе. And somе wеbsitеs arе doing it еxcеptionally wеll. Lеt’s talk about fivе bеauty е-commеrcе wеbsitеs that arе nailing it and sее what lеssons thеy can sharе.

1. Glossiеr: Rеdеfining bеauty norms

Glossiеr, founded by Emily Wеiss, is more than just a bеauty brand; it’s a movеmеnt. Known for its minimalist yеt chic approach to skincarе and makеup, Glossiеr has amassеd a cult following. Thеir clеan, usеr-friеndly е-commеrcе storе pеrfеctly complеmеnts thеir brand еthos.

Why thеy’rе at thе top:
Glossiеr’s succеss can be attributed to its commitmеnt to customеr еngagеmеnt and inclusivity. Thеy prioritizе customеr fееdback and havе built a community around thеir products. Thеir е-commеrcе storе rеflеcts this еthos by offеring an intuitivе and pеrsonalizеd shopping еxpеriеncе.

2. Fеnty Bеauty: Inclusivity at its bеst

Rihanna’s Fеnty Bеauty shook the bеauty industry by еmbracing diversity and inclusivity. Thеy offеr an imprеssivе rangе of shadеs for all skin tonеs, and thеir е-commеrcе storе is an еxtеnsion of this philosophy.

Why thеy’rе at thе top:
Fеnty Bеauty’s succеss is groundеd in its ability to connеct with a divеrsе audiеncе. Thеir onlinе storе is slееk, usеr-friеndly, and еmphasizеs product divеrsity. Thеy’vе sеt a nеw standard for inclusivity within thе bеauty industry.

3. Kyliе Cosmеtics: Influеncеr powеrhousе

Kyliе Jеnnеr’s cosmеtics brand lеvеragеs hеr massivе social mеdia following to drivе salеs. Thеir е-commеrcе storе is dеsignеd to maximizе convеrsions and providе a sеamlеss shopping еxpеriеncе.

Why thеy’rе at thе top:
Kyliе Cosmеtics thrivеs on influеncеr markеting and dirеct-to-consumеr salеs. Thеir onlinе storе allows thеm to swiftly adapt to trеnds, launch nеw products, and maintain a strong onlinе prеsеncе.

4. Hismilе: Tееth whitеning innovation

Hismilе has bеcomе a lеadеr in tееth whitеning solutions. Thеir е-commеrcе storе is dеsignеd to showcasе thеir innovativе products and makе purchasing еasy for customers.

Why thеy’rе at thе top:
Hismilе’s succеss liеs in its commitmеnt to еffеctivе tееth whitеning and customеr convеniеncе. Thеir onlinе storе providеs a usеr-friеndly shopping еxpеriеncе and promotеs thе bеnеfits of thеir products.

5. Bеard & Bladе: Grooming for mеn

Bеard & Bladе is a go-to dеstination for mеn’s grooming products. Thеir е-commеrcе storе catеrs to thе modеrn man’s grooming nееds with a widе rangе of products.

Why thеy’rе at thе top:
Bеard & Bladе’s succеss is built on thеir undеrstanding of thе malе grooming markеt. Thеir onlinе storе is organizеd, informativе, and tailorеd to mееt thе uniquе nееds of thеir customеrs.

Stay on Top of thе Bеauty Industry
The bеauty industry is dynamic and еvеr-еvolving, and thеsе top 5 bеauty е-commеrcе brands have shown us that innovation, customеr-cеntricity, and a strong onlinе prеsеncе arе kеy to succеss. From clеan products and protеcting thе planеt to еducating customеrs and hеlping thеm fееl good about thеir bodiеs and thе products thеy put on thеm, usе thеsе bеauty е-commеrcе brands and onlinе storеs to inspirе your nеxt movе. Bеauty is pеrsonal, so makе surе your customеr journey is too. As thе bеauty industry continues to flourish, it’s crucial to stay agilе, stay authеntic, and stay on top of thе latеst trеnds to thrivе in this vibrant markеt.

Shopify’s new one-page checkout: Making online shopping easier

Shopify’s new one-page checkout: Making online shopping easier

Ecommerce Shopify

Today’s fast-paced world requires both consumers and online businesses to have a smooth and efficient online shopping experience. With One-Page Checkout, Shopify has introduced a new feature that’s causing quite a buzz.

So what is Shopify’s One-Page Checkout? And how can you make it work for your online store? Let’s get started.

The traditional online checkout process often involves several pages, which ask customers to fill out their details step by step. As if you are taking a long route to your destination. Using One-Page Checkout simplifies this process. That’s the beauty of it – no unnecessary detours.

Why it matters.

  1. Speed and Convenience: Customers can check out in record time on one page. No more navigating endless forms.
  2. User-friendly design: The One-Page Checkout features a simple, user-friendly design. You’ll find it intuitive and easy to use if you’re a first-time shopper.
  3. Customization: Shopify’s One-Page Checkout can be customized to match the brand’s style. It’s like tailoring your shopping experience to suit your needs.
  4. Seamless integration: Adding this feature to your existing Shopify store is a piece of cake. With us, you won’t miss a beat.

Benefits for Your Business

Here are a few ways Shopify’s One-Page Checkout can benefit your online business:

  1. Reduced Cart Abandonment: Customers are less likely to abandon their carts when the checkout process is simplified. It’s like providing a clear and easy purchase path.
  2. Higher conversion rates: A streamlined checkout leads to more sales and more orders completed. Boost your bottom line by doing this.
  3. Happy Customers: A happy customer is more likely to return and recommend your business. With One-Page Checkout, shopping is simple and straightforward.
  4. Valuable Insights: By using a single-page format, businesses can gain valuable insight into customer behavior. As a result, future improvements will be easier to navigate.
  5. Stay competitive: E-commerce success depends on staying one step ahead of your competitors. By offering an efficient and modern checkout process, your business can stand out and attract more customers.

To conclude,

One-Page Checkout by Shopify is a game-changer for e-commerce businesses. This simplifies the shopping experience, reduces cart abandonment, and keeps customers happy. With this innovative feature, your online store can remain competitive and thrive in the dynamic world of e-commerce. Experience Shopify’s One-Page Checkout’s positive impact on your business today. The modern way to shop online.

So there you go – a comprehensive breakdown of the One-Page Checkout on Shopify. One page at a time, we simplify and improve the online shopping journey. Happy selling!

Get Started with One-Page Checkout Now

Effective CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) strategies for beauty and personal care brands

Effective CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) strategies for beauty and personal care brands

Beauty & Cosmetic Ecommerce Shopify

The Beauty industry is thriving in the world of e-commerce. As the competition intensifies, beauty and personal care brands must implement effective Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategies to stand out in the crowded digital landscape. In this article, we delve into actionable CRO techniques customized for the Beauty industry, empowering brands to elevate their online presence, drive conversions, and cultivate customer loyalty.

Leverage high-quality images & videos:

Visual allure is at the heart of the Beauty industry, making high-quality images and videos an indispensable asset. To captivate potential customers, beauty brands should curate visually striking content that showcases products from different angles and illustrates their usage. Including before-and-after images for skincare and makeup products instills confidence in customers, providing tangible evidence of product efficacy.

Clear & compelling Product Descriptions:

Beauty products hold transformative potential, and persuasive product descriptions are essential to convey their benefits effectively. Brands should craft clear, detailed narratives that highlight unique selling points, ingredients, and benefits. By incorporating storytelling, brands can evoke emotions and forge connections with potential customers, driving them closer to conversion.

UGC & Social Proof

Building trust is paramount in the Beauty industry, and user-generated content, ratings & reviews plays a crucial role in achieving this. By integrating customer reviews, photos, and videos on product pages, beauty brands can create authentic connections with their audience. UGC & social proof showcases real-life experiences and fosters confidence in potential buyers, positively influencing purchase decisions.

Easy & Intuitive Navigation:

A seamless browsing experience is essential to help customers find their desired products effortlessly. Beauty brands should implement easy and intuitive navigation, utilizing categories, filters, and search functionalities to enhance the user experience. Simplified website navigation accelerates product discovery and boosts customer satisfaction.

Streamlined Checkout Process:

Streamlining the checkout process is paramount in reducing cart abandonment and driving conversions. Beauty brands can optimize the checkout journey by offering guest checkout options, employing progress indicators, and deploying clear calls-to-action at each step. Minimizing form fields ensures a quick and hassle-free checkout experience.

Upsell and Cross-Sell:

Upselling and cross-selling techniques hold significant potential to increase the average order value. Beauty brands can recommend complementary products or offer exclusive bundles to encourage customers to explore additional items. These strategies not only enhance the shopping experience but also boost revenue.

Implement live chat support:

Live chat support is a powerful tool to address customer inquiries in real-time, providing personalized assistance and resolving concerns promptly. By offering live chat support, beauty brands can enhance customer satisfaction and create a sense of reliability.

Optimize page loading speed & mobile optimization:

Mobile optimization & page loading speed is crucial, as mobile shopping surges in the Beauty industry. Beauty brands should ensure their Ecommerce sites are mobile-friendly & optimizing page loading speed is essential to reduce bounce rates and retain user engagement, providing a smooth experience for users.

Limited-Time Offers & Urgency:

Creating a sense of urgency with limited-time offers and countdown timers compels potential customers to make quick decisions, avoiding the fear of missing out on exclusive deals.

In the dynamic world of Beauty e-commerce, the implementation of effective CRO strategies becomes the driving force behind success. By leveraging captivating visuals, persuasive narratives, user-generated content, streamlined navigation, frictionless checkout, and other strategies mentioned above, beauty brands can elevate their online presence, foster customer loyalty, and achieve remarkable growth in the competitive industry. As the industry continues to evolve, embracing innovative CRO practices will pave the way for beauty brands to thrive and leave a lasting impression on their customers.

Shopify AI design for ecommerce

Shopify AI design for ecommerce

Ecommerce Shopify


These are a few of the 100+ updates Shopify came up with this summer 2023.

Shopify unveils Sidekick AI-Powered Assistance
Imagine you had a deeply competent, incredibly intelligent, passionate, and non-judgmental advisor available to you whenever you need them.


  • Meet your new Sidekick.
    Now you can use everyday language to improve your store, tackle time-consuming tasks, and make smarter business decisions. From suggesting the best apps for your business to helping with marketing campaigns, Sidekick answers questions, solves problems, and helps you get more work done, faster.


  • Shopify magic – AI-Generated Product Description
    Discover the magic of growing your business with AI built directly into Shopify.


  • Translate & Adapt – Speak every customer’s language
    Translate & Adapt lets you auto-translate up to two languages for free, and manually add as many translations as you wish. The side-by-side editor makes it easy to compare and review your translations, and can also be used to adjust content between markets that speak the same language to ensure cultural, seasonal, and regional relevance.It’s easy to translate and adapt your store content for any market.


  • Shopify Inbox– Drive conversion with instant answers
    Available to select businesses, quickly respond to live chat inquiries with AI-generated responses from Shopify Magic. Review the suggested text, edit, and respond to drive top-of-funnel conversions, turning more chats into sales.


  • Shopify AI-Generated Email Replies
    Create high-performing email campaigns faster by generating compelling subject lines and body content with Shopify Magic. Schedule emails to send at the best time, using data-driven insights from millions of businesses across our platform.


  • Shopify – Create blogs faster
    Now you can enter a topic, choose the tone, and generate long-form blog content that drives traffic to your store in seconds with Shopify Magic


  • ShopEngage your targeted audience
    From AI-powered product recommendations to personalized discovery, Shop keeps businesses on the cutting edge of commerce, so you can reach more customers.
Best Practices for Beauty & Personal Care Brands to Succeed in E-commerce

Best Practices for Beauty & Personal Care Brands to Succeed in E-commerce

Beauty & Cosmetic Ecommerce Shopify

The Beauty industry has been riding the waves of exponential growth in the e-commerce space, presenting both exciting opportunities and formidable challenges for brands. To navigate this competitive landscape successfully, beauty and personal care brands must adopt best practices that align with changing consumer preferences and harness the power of digital innovation. In this article, we will explore key strategies and insights that will empower beauty brands to thrive in the dynamic world of E-commerce.


  • Embrace the Power of Personalization:

    In a world where consumers seek meaningful connections, personalization becomes the cornerstone of success. By leveraging data-driven insights, beauty brands cancurate personalized experiences, tailoring product recommendations, offers, and content to suit individual preferences. Crafting personalized product bundles and targeted recommendations not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives higher conversion rates and fosters lasting brand loyalty.


  • Influencer Marketing:
    Authenticity and relatability are the hallmarks of successful influencer marketing. Collaborating with influencers who resonate with your brand values can amplify your reach, build credibility, and instill trust in potential customers. Harnessing user-generated content from influencers and satisfied customers further elevates brand engagement, fuelling organic growth and driving sales.


  • Unlocking Mobile Potential:
    Mobile devices have become an indispensable part of consumers lives, and beauty brands must optimize their Ecommerce stores to cater to this growing mobile audience. Ensuring seamless browsing and checkout experiences on mobile platforms is paramount to reduce bounce rates and maximize conversion rates. Site speed and user-friendliness on mobile devices are decisive factors in shaping customers’ perception of your brand.


  • Immersive Experiences with AR & VR:
    Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies hold tremendous potential in the Beauty industry, offering customers the ability to virtually try on products and explore different styles. Integrating AR and VR try-on filters enhances customer experiences, reducing product returns and bolstering sales through elevated interactivity and engagement.


  • Nurture Loyalty for Lasting Impact:
    Loyalty programs provide an effective means to foster customer retention and cultivate brand advocates. By implementing tiered loyalty programs, brands can reward customer loyalty, offering exclusive benefits, early product access, and personalized rewards. A strong brand community emerges, underpinned by a sense of belonging, propelling word-of-mouth marketing and sustainable growth.


  • Aligning with Sustainability and Ethical Values:
    The modern consumer consciously seeks products from brands that align with their ethical and sustainable values. Beauty brands can showcase their commitment to sustainability, eco-friendly packaging, cruelty-free certifications, and responsible sourcing. A socially responsible approach resonates with environmentally conscious consumers, fueling brand loyalty and advocacy.


  • Cultivate Engaging Brand Communities:
    Creating an interactive and inclusive brand community further solidifies the bond with customers. Facilitating online forums, social media groups, and interactive content encourages customers to share experiences and engage with like-minded individuals. This sense of community fosters lasting brand loyalty and propels word-of-mouth marketing.


  • Streamlining Operations with Ecommerce Automation:
    To optimize efficiency and enhance customer experiences, backend automation becomes essential. Leveraging Shopify’s automation features empowers brands to set up automated email marketing flows, personalized product recommendations, and abandoned cart recovery emails. Automation streamlines operations, empowering beauty brands to focus on innovation and creativity.

In the dynamic landscape of Ecommerce, beauty and personal care brands have boundless opportunities to shine. By adopting best practices and embracing digital innovation, brands can carve a distinct identity, forge meaningful connections with customers, and propel growth. Embracing personalization, influencer marketing, mobile optimization, AR/VR experiences, loyalty programs, ethical values, community building, and backend automation will be the guiding lights on this transformative journey towards ecommerce excellence.

Exploring the Beauty E-commerce Landscape in India

Exploring the Beauty E-commerce Landscape in India

Beauty & Cosmetic Ecommerce

The beauty industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the rapid growth of e-commerce in recent years. As consumers increasingly turn to online platforms for their beauty needs, the e-commerce landscape in India has become a thriving arena for beauty brands and retailers alike. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of beauty e-commerce and explore the key insights driving its growth and success.


  • Beauty eCommerce in India:

    The beauty e-commerce market in India is projected to reach a staggering $6 billion by 2025, driven by a surge in online shopping habits and digital adoption. This remarkable growth opens up a world of opportunities for beauty brands to harness the potential of ecommerce and reach a vast audience of digitally savvy consumers.


  • Factors Fueling Beauty Ecommerce Growth:

    Several factors have contributed to the rapid growth of beauty ecommerce in India. The rise of Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands has disrupted traditional distribution channels, allowing beauty businesses to connect directly with consumers and build strong brand loyalty. Additionally, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for driving brand awareness and engagement in the beauty space. Furthermore, evolving consumer behaviour, influenced by technology and changing lifestyles, has fueled the demand for convenient and personalized shopping experiences.


  • Beauty Ecommerce Trends:

    Consumers now seek more than just beauty products; they desire a holistic shopping experience that aligns with their values. Inclusivity, cruelty-free products, and personalization have emerged as pivotal trends in beauty ecommerce. Brands that embrace diversity and cater to individual preferences are resonating with consumers, gaining trust, and fostering brand loyalty.


  • Challenges Faced by Beauty Brands:

    While the beauty ecommerce market presents immense opportunities, it is not without its challenges. Heightened competition among beauty brands necessitates differentiation through unique value propositions and customer-centric strategies. Moreover, the rising cost of customer acquisition and retaining brand loyalty in a competitive market demand innovative approaches to stand out from the crowd.


  • Insights for Success:

    Amidst the ever-evolving landscape, beauty brands can find success by tapping into the preferences of their target audience. Vegan, cruelty-free, and inclusive products are set to dominate the market, reflecting the growing consciousness of consumers towards ethical and sustainable choices. Personalization, both in product offerings and shopping experiences, will be a key differentiator for brands aiming to capture the hearts of consumers. Furthermore, leveraging influencer marketing and loyalty programs as organic gateways can foster genuine customer connections and drive long-term growth.


  • Binary: Your Ecommerce Beauty Expert:

    As the beauty ecommerce landscape continues to flourish, partnering with a trusted ecommerce expert can be a game-changer for beauty brands seeking to maximize their online presence. At Binary, we are dedicated to empowering ecommerce businesses to unlock their full potential. With our extensive experience and in-depth knowledge, we offer tailored solutions to help beauty brands thrive in the competitive online market.


The future of beauty ecommerce in India is bright, with vast opportunities for brands that embrace innovation, consumer preferences, and sustainable practices. As we navigate this dynamic landscape, understanding the key insights and trends will be crucial for beauty brands to succeed and make a lasting impact in the hearts of their customers.


Connect with us today and embark on a transformative journey to elevate your beauty ecommerce business. Together, let’s unlock the limitless possibilities in the thriving world of eCommerce

How National Distributors Can Help International Brands Succeed in New Markets?

How National Distributors Can Help International Brands Succeed in New Markets?


National distributors can play a critical role in helping international brands run a successful online business in India. Here are some ways in which they can help:


  • Local Market Expertise: National distributors have extensive knowledge of the local market, including consumer behavior, purchasing habits, and cultural preferences. This knowledge can be invaluable for international brands looking to enter the Indian market, as it can help them understand the needs of their target audience and tailor their marketing and sales strategies accordingly.


  • Infrastructure and Logistics: Setting up a robust logistics network can be a major challenge for international brands looking to enter the Indian market. National distributors can help by providing access to existing distribution networks and infrastructure, enabling international brands to quickly and efficiently reach their customers across the country.


  • Marketing and Promotion: National distributors can help international brands build their brand presence in India through targeted marketing and promotion efforts. They can also provide valuable insights into local advertising channels, social media platforms, and other marketing opportunities that can help brands reach their target audience more effectively.


  • Regulatory Compliance: India has a complex regulatory environment that can be challenging for international brands to navigate. National distributors can help ensure that brands comply with all applicable regulations, including licensing requirements, import/export regulations, and tax laws.


  • After-Sales Support: National distributors can also provide after-sales support to international brands, including customer service, warranty support, and technical assistance. This can help brands build trust with their customers and establish a strong reputation in the Indian market.


  • Cost Savings: By partnering with a national distributor, international brands can often benefit from economies of scale and cost savings on various aspects of their business, including logistics, warehousing, and marketing. This can be especially important for brands looking to establish a presence in India without investing heavily in their own infrastructure.


  • Localized Product Offering: National distributors can help international brands tailor their product offerings to better suit the needs and preferences of Indian consumers. They can provide insights into popular product categories, features, and pricing strategies that can help brands maximize their sales and market share.


  • Strategic Partnerships: National distributors can also help international brands form strategic partnerships with local retailers, wholesalers, and other business partners. These partnerships can help brands expand their reach and establish a strong presence in the Indian market more quickly and efficiently.


  • Risk Mitigation: Entering a new market like India can be risky for international brands, especially if they lack local market knowledge and experience. National distributors can help mitigate these risks by providing guidance and support throughout the entry process, including market research, feasibility studies, and risk assessments.


  • Scalability and Flexibility: National distributors can provide international brands with the scalability and flexibility needed to grow and adapt their business in the Indian market. They can help brands expand into new regions, launch new products, and adjust their pricing and marketing strategies to meet changing market conditions.


In summary, national distributors can provide international brands with a wide range of services and support to help them succeed in the Indian market. From local market expertise and infrastructure support to marketing and promotion services, regulatory compliance assistance, and risk mitigation, national distributors can play a critical role in helping international brands establish a strong presence in India and achieve long-term success.

10 Common Ecommerce Mistakes and How to Avoid Them on Shopify

10 Common Ecommerce Mistakes and How to Avoid Them on Shopify

Ecommerce Shopify

Starting an ecommerce business on Shopify can be a great way to reach a wider audience and generate more sales. However, many new ecommerce entrepreneurs make common mistakes that can hurt their success. In this article, we as Ecommerce experts, will discuss ten of the most common ecommerce mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them on Shopify.

Poor User Experience: A poor user experience can lead to frustrated customers and lost sales. To avoid this mistake, make sure your Shopify store has a clear and easy-to-use website design. Optimize your site for mobile devices since more than half of all ecommerce traffic comes from mobile devices. Provide clear navigation and product descriptions, so customers can easily find what they’re looking for.

Inadequate Product Images: Poor-quality product images can lead to lost sales. Make sure to provide high-quality images of your products from multiple angles. Allow customers to zoom in and out so they can see the details of the product. Use professional product photography to showcase your products in the best possible light.

Overcomplicating Checkout: An overly complicated checkout process can lead to cart abandonment. To avoid this, streamline your checkout process by reducing the number of steps required to complete a purchase. Offer guest checkout so customers can buy without creating an account.

Neglecting SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to the success of any ecommerce store. Neglecting SEO means you’re missing out on potential traffic and sales. To avoid this mistake, make sure to optimize your Shopify store’s product pages and blog content with relevant keywords and meta descriptions. Conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for your products and use them in your content.And to learn more about mastering SEO, read our blog on Why Search and SEO is Important ?

Ignoring Analytics: Your Shopify store’s analytics are a goldmine of information about your customers and their shopping behavior. Ignoring analytics means you’re missing out on valuable insights that could help you improve your store and grow your sales. To avoid this mistake, regularly check your Shopify analytics and adjust your strategies based on your findings. Use the data to optimize your product pages, target your marketing, and improve your customer experience.

Lack of Trust Signals: Customers need to trust your Shopify store to make a purchase. Lack of trust signals can lead to lost sales. To avoid this mistake, make sure to display trust signals such as customer reviews, security badges, and a clear refund policy. Show that you’re a trustworthy business that cares about its customers.

Limited Payment Options: Offering limited payment options can result in lost sales. Provide a variety of payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, and other popular payment methods. Use Shopify Payments to make it easy for customers to pay with their preferred payment method.

Poor Customer Support: Poor customer support can lead to negative reviews and lost sales. Provide prompt and helpful customer support through email, chat, or phone. Respond to customer inquiries quickly and professionally. Use Shopify’s customer support features, such as chat and email support, to make it easy for customers to get the help they need.

Inconsistent Branding: Inconsistent branding can lead to confusion among customers. Make sure to maintain consistent branding across your website, social media, and other marketing channels. Use the same colors, fonts, and imagery across all your channels. Make sure your messaging is consistent as well.

Slow Loading Speeds: Slow loading speeds can lead to frustration and lost sales. Regularly optimize the website page speed and user journey.

To conclude, starting an ecommerce business on Shopify can be a great way to generate sales and reach a wider audience. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can improve your Shopify store’s SEO, user experience, checkout process, analytics, trust signals, product images, payment options, customer support, branding, and loading speeds. You can create a successful ecommerce business on Shopify and grow your sales over time. Remember, success takes time and effort, but with the right strategies in place, you can achieve your ecommerce goals.

How Shopify Plus Can Help Traditional Indian Retail Brands Stay Competitive in the Digital Age?

How Shopify Plus Can Help Traditional Indian Retail Brands Stay Competitive in the Digital Age?

Ecommerce Shopify

In today’s digital age, ecommerce has become an essential component of retail business. As more and more consumers shop online, it has become increasingly important for traditional Indian retail brands to embrace digital channels to stay competitive. Shopify Plus is a powerful ecommerce platform that can help traditional Indian retail brands to build and grow their online business. Traditional Indian retail brands are those that have been in business for several years and have a physical presence in the Indian market. They may be well-established names that have built a loyal customer base over the years, but are now facing challenges in adapting to the digital age and competing with newer, online-only ecommerce brands. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Shopify Plus for traditional Indian retail brands and how it can help them to stay competitive in the digital age.

Customizable and Scalable Platform: Shopify Plus is a customizable and scalable platform that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of traditional Indian retail brands. It provides access to a wide range of features and integrations, including advanced analytics, customer segmentation, and marketing automation, allowing brands to create a unique and personalized shopping experience for their customers. Additionally, Shopify Plus is a scalable platform, which means it can grow as the business expands, accommodating more traffic and sales.

Seamless Multichannel Selling: Shopify Plus allows traditional Indian retail brands to sell their products across multiple channels seamlessly. It integrates with popular marketplaces like Amazon and social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, enabling brands to reach a wider audience and generate more sales. Moreover, Shopify Plus provides a single dashboard to manage all the sales channels, simplifying the management of inventory, orders, and customer data across all channels.

Increased Sales and Revenue: With its powerful features and integrations, Shopify Plus can help traditional Indian retail brands to increase their sales and revenue. It provides advanced analytics and customer segmentation, enabling brands to identify and target high-value customers with personalized promotions and offers. Moreover, Shopify Plus provides access to marketing automation tools that can help brands to automate their marketing campaigns, including email marketing, social media advertising, and push notifications.

Streamlined Operations: Shopify Plus provides a range of features and integrations that can streamline the operations of traditional Indian retail brands. It offers a range of payment gateways, including local payment options, to simplify the payment process. Additionally, it provides access to advanced shipping and fulfillment solutions, including local courier integrations, enabling brands to deliver their products quickly and efficiently.

Increased Customer Loyalty: Shopify Plus can help traditional Indian retail brands to build customer loyalty by providing a seamless and personalized shopping experience. It provides access to advanced customer segmentation and personalization features, enabling brands to target customers with personalized promotions and offers. Moreover, Shopify Plus provides a range of customer support features, including 24/7 support and a dedicated account manager, ensuring that brands can provide prompt and effective customer support.

Localized Support: Shopify Plus provides localized support in India, including a dedicated account manager who can help traditional Indian retail brands to set up and manage their online store.

Integrations: Shopify Plus has an extensive range of integrations available through its App Store. These integrations can help traditional Indian retail brands to enhance their online store’s functionality, including accounting, shipping, marketing, and customer service.

Omni-channel Presence: Shopify Plus allows traditional Indian retail brands to have an omnichannel presence by integrating their physical stores with their online store. This integration allows customers to shop in-store and online, creating a seamless shopping experience across all channels.

Wholesale and B2B Selling: Shopify Plus provides a range of features that can help traditional Indian retail brands to sell their products wholesale and to other businesses (B2B). It includes features like bulk ordering, tiered pricing, and custom pricing, enabling brands to cater to their B2B customers’ specific needs.

International Sales: Shopify Plus provides a range of features that can help traditional Indian retail brands to sell their products internationally. It includes support for multiple languages and currencies, tax and shipping options for different regions, and local payment options, making it easier for brands to expand their reach and sell to customers in different countries.

Shopify Plus is a powerful ecommerce platform that can help traditional Indian retail brands to stay competitive in the digital age. It provides a customizable and scalable platform with advanced features and integrations, enabling brands to create a unique and personalized shopping experience for their customers. Additionally, Shopify Plus allows brands to sell their products across multiple channels seamlessly, streamline their operations, and increase their sales and revenue. With localized support, omnichannel presence, wholesale and B2B selling, and international sales capabilities, Shopify Plus can help traditional Indian retail brands to grow and expand their online business, both domestically and globally.

Mobile – First Indexing of Ecommerce Sites

Mobile – First Indexing of Ecommerce Sites


Mobile-first indexing has been a popular topic over the past few months. We’ve seen a lot of articles on the subject, discussing how it may impact site appearance in search results. It’s important though not to confuse mobile-first indexing with ranking – remember the basics of indexing and ranking when it comes to this topic.

  • Indexing vs. Ranking

Search engines perform two main tasks – indexing and ranking. The mobile-first index means that mobile pages will be crawled first, and Google will revert to desktop pages if no mobile page is available.

The factors Google use to determine search rankings include mobile usability (mobile friendliness). Mobile-friendly content will be ranked higher in search results when a user is searching on a mobile device – this has been a factor that’s been around since 2015.

Keyword rankings differ based on whether the searcher is using mobile or desktop. This is due to Google ranking factors and roadblocks that exist in their mobile results, such as mobile page speed as a ranking factor and the intrusive interstitial penalty


  • How Can Ecommerce Companies Adapt?

The obvious: Make sure your site is mobile optimized

The first step you need to take, if you haven’t already, is to switch to a responsive website as soon as possible. There are other options for optimizing your site for mobile, including having a separate mobile site, but responsive design is generally recognized as being the easiest to maintain.

To check whether your site is currently mobile friendly, check out Google’s mobile-friendly testing tool.

Mobile Friendly test

Start thinking mobile-first With their move to a mobile-first index, Google is effectively stating that mobile is leading the way in search. If they haven’t already done so, brands need to follow suit.

Thinking mobile-first doesn’t mean mobile-only. As we discussed in the previous chapter, desktop still has a key role to play in search and the overall conversion funnel for many industries.

A mobile-first strategy will take into account the types of searches typically undertaken on mobile, and will develop content best suited for those searches.

Google’s micro-moments explain the typical search intent behind different types of query, and show how this might affect the search results returned in each case.

Google’s micro-moments

As an example of how ecommerce companies can implement strategies to target mobile users, a search for ‘contact Shopper Stop’ on mobile should return options to contact the company quickly and easily.

Through the use of click to call markup, ecommerce sites can provide search engines with the data they need to offer this feature in their results:


  • Report on Performance Between Mobile and Desktop

Reporting on desktop vs. mobile performance is easily and clearly accomplished in Google Analytics.

Measuring rankings and organic channel performance for mobile separate to desktop can give you a better picture of how things are working across both channels. As search usage continues to shift toward mobile, this will become increasingly important.

The vast majority of ecommerce sites need to adapt and work to improve the current situation of how their sites perform for mobile users. When designing a mobile-friendly site, certain mistakes keep popping up, even among top e-commerce sites.

We searched for the most common mistakes made on mobile websites, and found that the vast majority of sites were plagued by significant problems.


  • The five biggest errors we found were:
  • 4xx error codes, which impact a user’s ability to utilize or access the site correctly.
  • Slow page loading speed, which will drive users away and negatively impact SEO.
  • Issues with mixed content, which will negatively affect user experience and reduce confidence in your website.
  • Missing or empty title tags, preventing Google from identifying the content correctly.
  • Redirect chains and loops, which prevent users from getting to the correct destination quickly
Govt. increases export incentives to Rs. 5 lakh/consignment

Govt. increases export incentives to Rs. 5 lakh/consignment


To boost exports and encourage small scale e-commerce platforms, the government has increased the export incentives from Rs. 25000 per consignment earlier, to Rs. 5 lakh per consignment now for sales taking place through online platforms. The increased incentive will provide major boost to exporters and the relaxed norms is set to benefit handloom products, books, leather products, fashion garments and toys.

The Government of India introduced the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) through the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) in April 2015. It seeks to promote export of notified goods manufactured/ produced in India. MEIS is a major export promotion scheme of GOI implemented by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.Rewards under MEIS are payable as a percentage (2, 3 or 5%) of realized FOB value of covered exports.

The low cap earlier at Rs 25000/ consignment often resulted into mismanagement of export data with exporters opting to categorize the product as a gift since they would have to file a shipping bill and go through customs. A cumbersome task for small scale exporters with low-value shipments. The increased incentives would attract more small and medium scale exporters and the governments expects the change to bring and encourage more number of exports which boosts local handlooms and products.

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