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10 Common Ecommerce Mistakes and How to Avoid Them on Shopify

10 Common Ecommerce Mistakes and How to Avoid Them on Shopify

Ecommerce Shopify

Starting an ecommerce business on Shopify can be a great way to reach a wider audience and generate more sales. However, many new ecommerce entrepreneurs make common mistakes that can hurt their success. In this article, we as Ecommerce experts, will discuss ten of the most common ecommerce mistakes and provide tips on how to avoid them on Shopify.

Poor User Experience: A poor user experience can lead to frustrated customers and lost sales. To avoid this mistake, make sure your Shopify store has a clear and easy-to-use website design. Optimize your site for mobile devices since more than half of all ecommerce traffic comes from mobile devices. Provide clear navigation and product descriptions, so customers can easily find what they’re looking for.

Inadequate Product Images: Poor-quality product images can lead to lost sales. Make sure to provide high-quality images of your products from multiple angles. Allow customers to zoom in and out so they can see the details of the product. Use professional product photography to showcase your products in the best possible light.

Overcomplicating Checkout: An overly complicated checkout process can lead to cart abandonment. To avoid this, streamline your checkout process by reducing the number of steps required to complete a purchase. Offer guest checkout so customers can buy without creating an account.

Neglecting SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to the success of any ecommerce store. Neglecting SEO means you’re missing out on potential traffic and sales. To avoid this mistake, make sure to optimize your Shopify store’s product pages and blog content with relevant keywords and meta descriptions. Conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for your products and use them in your content.And to learn more about mastering SEO, read our blog on Why Search and SEO is Important ?

Ignoring Analytics: Your Shopify store’s analytics are a goldmine of information about your customers and their shopping behavior. Ignoring analytics means you’re missing out on valuable insights that could help you improve your store and grow your sales. To avoid this mistake, regularly check your Shopify analytics and adjust your strategies based on your findings. Use the data to optimize your product pages, target your marketing, and improve your customer experience.

Lack of Trust Signals: Customers need to trust your Shopify store to make a purchase. Lack of trust signals can lead to lost sales. To avoid this mistake, make sure to display trust signals such as customer reviews, security badges, and a clear refund policy. Show that you’re a trustworthy business that cares about its customers.

Limited Payment Options: Offering limited payment options can result in lost sales. Provide a variety of payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, and other popular payment methods. Use Shopify Payments to make it easy for customers to pay with their preferred payment method.

Poor Customer Support: Poor customer support can lead to negative reviews and lost sales. Provide prompt and helpful customer support through email, chat, or phone. Respond to customer inquiries quickly and professionally. Use Shopify’s customer support features, such as chat and email support, to make it easy for customers to get the help they need.

Inconsistent Branding: Inconsistent branding can lead to confusion among customers. Make sure to maintain consistent branding across your website, social media, and other marketing channels. Use the same colors, fonts, and imagery across all your channels. Make sure your messaging is consistent as well.

Slow Loading Speeds: Slow loading speeds can lead to frustration and lost sales. Regularly optimize the website page speed and user journey.

To conclude, starting an ecommerce business on Shopify can be a great way to generate sales and reach a wider audience. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can improve your Shopify store’s SEO, user experience, checkout process, analytics, trust signals, product images, payment options, customer support, branding, and loading speeds. You can create a successful ecommerce business on Shopify and grow your sales over time. Remember, success takes time and effort, but with the right strategies in place, you can achieve your ecommerce goals.

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User Insights – The Digital Marketing Tool for Success


A business grows with passion, dedication and hard work. It becomes your child and developing & making it successful becomes your primary motive. Your business grows every night when you choose coffee over a pillow and laptop instead of a blanket. We understand what it means to you and the difficulties you have gone through to give it the goodwill and identity it has today. After all, we have done it the same way!

After making the most of your offline presence and image that you developed over the last few years, you decide to take your business to the next level. This is where Digital Marketing comes into picture. There may be many agencies who will come up with various digital marketing strategies for your brand, which might work for a while, but will then saturate.

Social Media – The Next Big Thing!

Social Media – The Next Big Thing!


Marketing in India had always been an expensive affair, taking appointments, going to newspaper agencies, explaining them out, paying them a hefty amount so that your ad should be seen by maximum number of people. Moreover, after all this efforts, you won’t even be able to know the effectiveness of your ads or the conversions made by your ads.

We do not deny the fact that in earlier days newspaper was the major source of posting ads and hoping that someone somewhere reads it and finds his way through to your ‘swanky’ big showroom and buys your product. After all it has always been about money, that’s what we do business for!

“Social Media”- A Must on your Travel Pack List!

“Social Media”- A Must on your Travel Pack List!

Ecommerce Technology

Travelling out for a vacation, a business trip, event or simply anything that’s dragging you out on the roads for a ride! A huge list of to do’s awaits you ahead. You start packing your bags, book your tickets, choose your accommodation, and collect all info about the place you are flying to. But, one thing that skips your mind is carrying your “Social Media” on the tour.

Future With Social Media!

Future With Social Media!

Ecommerce Technology

In today’s competitive world, Social media has become a huge platform which is easily accessible to anyone at any time via internet. Also, in the future it will surely enhance Company’s Profile with maximum brand awareness that will lead to increased communication & improved customer services.

Social media marketing programs generate attractive contents, which is noticed widely and likewise will encourage readers to share the content with their social networks as well.

Social Media Brand Building!

Social Media Brand Building!

Ecommerce Technology

When it comes to a successfully marketed business, a consistent brand is a key. If you don’t have a distinct brand and brand voice that distinguishes you from others around you, then you are just another face in the crowd. Social media brand building doesn’t have to be tough if you know what you’re doing, and we are here to help!

Here are few tips to help you with your social media brand building.

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