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Reasons why flash sales fail

Reasons why flash sales fail

Ecommerce Shopify

Poor Planning and Execution

Flash sales can fail due to lack of preparation. Without a clear plan, it’s easy to overlook critical elements like inventory management and website readiness. Ensure that your website can handle the surge in traffic and that you have enough stock to meet demand.

Ineffective Marketing

Inadequate promotion is another common reason for failure. If customers are unaware of your flash sale, they won’t participate. Use a multi-channel approach to reach a wider audience, including email, social media, and paid ads.

Inventory Issues

Overstock or understock problems can lead to disappointed customers and lost sales. Use data analytics to forecast demand accurately and ensure you have enough products to meet it.

Customer Experience

A poor user experience can deter customers from completing their purchases. Ensure your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and offers a seamless checkout process. Any hiccups in the customer journey can result in abandoned carts and lost sales.


Understanding the common pitfalls of flash sales can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure a smoother, more successful event. By addressing these issues proactively, you can improve your chances of running a successful flash sale. Avoid common pitfalls in flash sales with insights from Binary Shopify experts.

Get in touch today!

Exploring the Beauty E-commerce Landscape in India

Exploring the Beauty E-commerce Landscape in India

Beauty & Cosmetic Ecommerce

The beauty industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the rapid growth of e-commerce in recent years. As consumers increasingly turn to online platforms for their beauty needs, the e-commerce landscape in India has become a thriving arena for beauty brands and retailers alike. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of beauty e-commerce and explore the key insights driving its growth and success.


  • Beauty eCommerce in India:

    The beauty e-commerce market in India is projected to reach a staggering $6 billion by 2025, driven by a surge in online shopping habits and digital adoption. This remarkable growth opens up a world of opportunities for beauty brands to harness the potential of ecommerce and reach a vast audience of digitally savvy consumers.


  • Factors Fueling Beauty Ecommerce Growth:

    Several factors have contributed to the rapid growth of beauty ecommerce in India. The rise of Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands has disrupted traditional distribution channels, allowing beauty businesses to connect directly with consumers and build strong brand loyalty. Additionally, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for driving brand awareness and engagement in the beauty space. Furthermore, evolving consumer behaviour, influenced by technology and changing lifestyles, has fueled the demand for convenient and personalized shopping experiences.


  • Beauty Ecommerce Trends:

    Consumers now seek more than just beauty products; they desire a holistic shopping experience that aligns with their values. Inclusivity, cruelty-free products, and personalization have emerged as pivotal trends in beauty ecommerce. Brands that embrace diversity and cater to individual preferences are resonating with consumers, gaining trust, and fostering brand loyalty.


  • Challenges Faced by Beauty Brands:

    While the beauty ecommerce market presents immense opportunities, it is not without its challenges. Heightened competition among beauty brands necessitates differentiation through unique value propositions and customer-centric strategies. Moreover, the rising cost of customer acquisition and retaining brand loyalty in a competitive market demand innovative approaches to stand out from the crowd.


  • Insights for Success:

    Amidst the ever-evolving landscape, beauty brands can find success by tapping into the preferences of their target audience. Vegan, cruelty-free, and inclusive products are set to dominate the market, reflecting the growing consciousness of consumers towards ethical and sustainable choices. Personalization, both in product offerings and shopping experiences, will be a key differentiator for brands aiming to capture the hearts of consumers. Furthermore, leveraging influencer marketing and loyalty programs as organic gateways can foster genuine customer connections and drive long-term growth.


  • Binary: Your Ecommerce Beauty Expert:

    As the beauty ecommerce landscape continues to flourish, partnering with a trusted ecommerce expert can be a game-changer for beauty brands seeking to maximize their online presence. At Binary, we are dedicated to empowering ecommerce businesses to unlock their full potential. With our extensive experience and in-depth knowledge, we offer tailored solutions to help beauty brands thrive in the competitive online market.


The future of beauty ecommerce in India is bright, with vast opportunities for brands that embrace innovation, consumer preferences, and sustainable practices. As we navigate this dynamic landscape, understanding the key insights and trends will be crucial for beauty brands to succeed and make a lasting impact in the hearts of their customers.


Connect with us today and embark on a transformative journey to elevate your beauty ecommerce business. Together, let’s unlock the limitless possibilities in the thriving world of eCommerce

How to keep yourself updated on Digital marketing Trends and Techniques

How to keep yourself updated on Digital marketing Trends and Techniques


To keep your self Updated on Digital Marketing Techniques you should always follow Latest Trends /Channels / Platform related to industry you are in or if you are working with an agency or freelancer then better to research and update your self on accounts you are handling.

At the same time, you can keep your self-updated by visiting News and updates site related digital marketing like. Most of the sites given below are Indian sites to get better understanding and updates related Digital Marketing in India

Go through current Digital Case studies of Advertising, Media, Marketing, Digital & Agencies. Participate on Active FB and Linked Group/p>

You can follow Sites like Digital marketing strategy advice – Smart Insights Digital Marketing and enroll for latest tools.

Majorly we would recommend you to follow site based on your interest and Topics such as

  • Content marketing trends
  • Big Data
  • Marketing Automation (including CRM, behavioural email marketing and web personalisation)
  • Mobile marketing (Mobile advertising, site development and apps)
  • Social media marketing including Social CRM and Social Customer Care
  • Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) / improving website experiences
  • Internet of Things (IoT) marketing applications
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO or organic search)
  • Wearables
  • Paid search marketing
  • Online PR (including influencer outreach)
  • Communities
  • Display advertising
  • Partnerships including affiliate and co-marketing


Succeeding at digital marketing has a lot to do with trying new tools, techniques and strategies. You should not hesitate about experimenting by testing something you haven’t tried yet.

If you’re borrowing another company’s strategy, bear in mind that what worked for them may not necessarily work for you; but at least you will know where you went wrong and improvise accordingly.

As technology changes, it is important that you, too update your knowledge to devise better strategies.

One of the easiest ways of doing so is via continued training. Through persistent learning, you will know of the latest digital marketing possibilities available to you, which you can employ to stay one step ahead of your competitors.


SOSTAC Model of Marketing planning

SOSTAC Model of Marketing planning


Knowing where to start can be the toughest part when creating a digital marketing plan or a wider-scope marketing plan for the first time. By using PR Smiths’ SOSTAC® model you will have a clear structure that makes it quicker and easier to create the plan

So This is how it gets structured (SOSTAC)


  • 1. Situation Analysis
  • 2. Objectives
  • 3. Strategy
  • 4. Tactics
  • 5. Actions
  • 6. Control

Now once you structured your Digital Marketing Plan you also need to Plan Framework for Digital Marketing Practices which is critical to develop customized, agile, and strategic approach to your business’ unique needs. We can call it RACE.


2. ACT



Tools we love & use to monitor our SEO progress

Tools we love & use to monitor our SEO progress


23rd September

There are many tools which can be used SEO Campaign but as of now use below tools


If you’re looking for a truly all-in-one solution, Moz Pro is a good option. It includes robust analytics that help you keep track of all things search, social media, and content. It also has research tools that allow you to analyze your competitors through link profiles, brand mentions, and more. Finally, Moz Pro provides insights for how to better optimize your site. It’s on the pricey side but all in all, a well put together collection of tools


Do you need to figure out what keywords would be the best to optimize for on your latest website? Then Word-tracker is a tool you need to know about. It helps you pinpoint the best performing keywords in your niche within minutes after starting a basic search. Often, it helps you find keywords that are doing well without a ton of competition. And as any SEO knows, that’s the most coveted thing you can come across

Google Analytics

Where would any of us be without Google Analytics? Seriously, this free tool is something we come back to time and time again to track website traffic, mobile app data, conversions and more, all within one convenient dashboard. And now with mobile versions available for iOS and Android, it’s a tool you can take with you anywhere to impress any client


BuzzStream is a really nice link building tool that makes it pretty straightforward to automate the process of researching link prospects so you can spend more of your time reaching out to them and building relationships. It also comes equipped with PR and social media tools for better managing relationships with industry influencers on social. It keeps your contacts organized and readily accessible at all times, too.




Introducing an inter-organisational business incubation event focused on enhancing our team’s entrepreneurial spirit’s and ambitions.
Binary Entrepreneur League is designed in such a way that its character targets to give a new lease to Binarians thought patterns, help in developing their creative thinking element and get their innermost entrepreneur desires up and running.
Here are our 5 final teams:

1. Dresskart

Introduction: Every color says your mood and reflects your personality,Dresskart provides all the shades and patterns for enhancing your beauty.Vision: Our vision to be the No. 1 retailer for dress materials in India
Our Mission: To expand our business both offline and online and have a powerful presence on both fronts.
Our Value: Integrity, Respect and Passion for excellence, working together.

2.Happy Feet

Happy Feet
Happy Feet brings to you a wide range of ladies footwear ranging from trendy Chappals to cool Sandals.
If you are looking for happiness for your feet as well as to your wallet, this is where your hunt ends!!!
Vision: To bring happiness to ladies who wish to buy comfortable and trendy footwear at economical prices.
Mission: To help ladies who wish to buy comfortable and trendy footwear at economical prices find their fitting pairs of Chappals & Sandals

3. Fashion Hub & Crafts

Fashion Hub & Crafts
Fashion Hub & Crafts is our Fashion idea of giving our esteemed customers the best in terms of Design, Style and Quality.
We keenly look forward tying up with prominent designer houses to add value to our on-going business.
Vision:To bring exclusive designer pieces that are one of a kind having best quality at its core.
Mission: to churn out the best design pieces directly from manufacturers and bring it to final consumers at very affordable rates.

4. Masala Makers:

Masala Makers
Mission: We ensure to deliver high quality premium spices with the right mix of health and taste
Vision: To make Spices and Mix “Taste Like Never Before”

5. Classy Desis

Classy Desis
Classy Desis, is a fashion brand that brings to you, meticulously chosen contemporary as well as traditional jewelry.
Vision: We envision ourselves as people’s choice of the go to brand, when it comes to artificial jewelry.
Mission: The mission of Classy Desis is to have something in store for ever
3 most important things to know about Email Marketing and AI

3 most important things to know about Email Marketing and AI


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most important topics when it comes to technological developments. AI may seem like just another tech waiting to get implemented although there are some hidden aspects to it. Many organizations have already implemented AI into their working systems and getting good results from it. The buzz surrounding the AIs gives you a glimpse of how huge technological changes are going to impact businesses globally. Let us discuss some internal aspects to the AI tech that people so profoundly know it but do not speak openly:

    1. Marketers are not really ready for AI Step ahead yet!

Artificial Intelligence thoroughly relies on customer data across all devices and channels to understand the user behavior. The user data has the ability to determine what millions of potential customers want even before them knowing it themselves. These insights are merely helpful to get integrated data. A lot of data is available with marketers today but most of these data are unorganized and lags segmentations. The very first step to move towards getting ready for AI is to organize and integrate the data. For that, you require a clean current data that encompasses the information that is gathered at customer touchpoints. Centralizing customer data is another big step to organize big data; the data can be segmented through different departments, vendors and systems. The organized processes will help to set you apart from your competitors and helps you take advantage of AI’s potential.

Marketers need a better foundation that helps to evaluate what AI applications are used for and when is the best time to use them.

    1. AI powered Email Marketing won’t show big leaps

AI has created a lot of buzz amongst marketers and it feels that AI has literally given the solution for every problem. Email Marketing is the best option preferred across different channels and age groups by 2:1 ratio. According to DMA’s 2016 Consumer Email Tracker, 80% of consumers state that less than half of the emails they receive are relevant or interesting.

For starting Personalization in Email Marketing following are the steps –

      • Check how often the customers want to be emailed and if they would like be contacted for any specific products or events
      • Creating customer segments that helps to deliver personal touch
      • Sending Welcome Emails, Thank You and Birthday Emails
      • Emailing your customers when they abandon their shopping carts
      • Reminding them about events, offers and sales

The above things are easy to set up and with regular process; it helps to improve the performance. Make use of automated email tools, the AI idea cannot be achieved with one big step but by taking small baby steps.

    1. Businesses already have AI type Email Marketing Capability

Talking of AI, it’s a simple fact that they are already being used today in Email Marketing. Emails uses send time optimization that uses analytics to check on engagement history that predicts the best time to send emails to individuals. Optimizing your send time becomes pretty simpler with automated campaigns and it starts as soon as you hit the “send” button. The recipients receive emails at specific time of the day that works best for the brands.

Artificial Intelligence use email tools that make use of language algorithms to create strong subject lines, calls to action and body copy. The Analytics information evaluates hundreds of sentiments, emotions and phrases, AI predict the language that will best increase engagement and reflect the brand voice.

AI will be beneficial for fast track sales by giving customized messages to people who are aware and ready to buy. The businesses will be able to aggregate insights across multiple data sources that helps identify potential customers based on purchases they have made from other companies. The best means for using AIs are to prepare your data, perfect the basics and make use of the best tools available. Moreover, you will find that AI provides same strategies that marketers have always used.

    </ol >
Social Media marketing is a great booster to generate ROI

Social Media marketing is a great booster to generate ROI


Latest research from DMA states that only 48% of marketers agree that social media is actually gaining them any ROI. There are some of the trends that DMA realized in its reports, but not all are positive. Almost, 77% of marketers do use at least one source of social network for promoting their brand. The research was done with 111 marketers from B2B and B2C companies, in 2017 that they did their own research with a sample size of 609. They result found a divide in the way marketers see the effects of Social media marketing

What channels are used for marketing?

Marketers would obviously be directed towards the channel that is most effective to them. Twitter is number 1 choice since it doesn’t have any filtering and marketers can be sure that the posts will appear on follower’s feeds without paying anything. Facebook ranks 2nd overall and stands at number 1 for B2C because it has considerable margin. It really makes sense for the brands to target it. Instagram has overtaken Twitter, these are clear signs of how popular it will become with marketers.

Social media platforms

For what purposes brands use social networks?

Most brands are using social networks today but what are primarily their aims? It was interestingly found that it varies depending if the brand is engaging in or organic social activity.

Social Organic marketing

social media paid

There is some type of logic that is involved in using paid social media differently. Lead generation can easily justify the investments that are being made but at the same it’s hard to convince marketers of the need for paid investments in customer engagements. It’s worth mentioning that all social media activities by means are a paid activity since you are paying someone for doing it.

How much you agree to below given statement?

Social media survey

Organic is undoubtedly better than social media while getting your perceptions clear for ROI. A mere 48% feels they see results with social marketing it shows how others are failing to engage rightly with right platforms. One-third of respondents neither agreed nor disagreed with the statements; this means they do not have clear picture of the impact of social media on ROI. This clearly states the need of better use of analytics and attribution models amongst marketers.

How to get more ROI from social?

The most obvious way to improve on ROI is to do your social activities in a better way. There are millions of posts online demonstrating how to boost engagement on social media. Read the posts where you can seek more information giving you better returns.

Using social data for other channels

Social media is too vast and often we see customers do not properly utilize the insight it provides. More money is spent on crafting social campaigns. The data achieved can be used for targeted email marketing or on-site messaging.

Social Data for Channels

The above chart clearly indicates that only few marketers used social data for messaging and generating relevant content. The data gathered from social can help increase lead generation and revenue on the main site since customers like to respond to messages that are tailored to them. There is great scope of improvement here with majority of brand rarely use social data for other channels.

Research from Smartinsights members

Digital Marketing activities

The latest research conducted by SmartInsights in partnership with TFM (Technology for Marketing) and Ecommerce expo has bought forward things that marketers think of social media on ROI in 2017. The senior marketers were asked about channels they use most and the least ROI ones, a total of 609 marketers took the survey and it revealed that social media is far from best channel in terms of ROI.

The results reveal that organic social is a poor performer for those who think it gives low ROI while it did quite well for those who think it gave high ROI. There is a big divide in marketing community for how they perceive the effect of social marketing. It could be because of over-hyped marketing or may be some socials just do not work in particular industries.


Social Media – The Next Big Thing!

Social Media – The Next Big Thing!


Marketing in India had always been an expensive affair, taking appointments, going to newspaper agencies, explaining them out, paying them a hefty amount so that your ad should be seen by maximum number of people. Moreover, after all this efforts, you won’t even be able to know the effectiveness of your ads or the conversions made by your ads.

We do not deny the fact that in earlier days newspaper was the major source of posting ads and hoping that someone somewhere reads it and finds his way through to your ‘swanky’ big showroom and buys your product. After all it has always been about money, that’s what we do business for!

Social Media Brand Building!

Social Media Brand Building!

Ecommerce Technology

When it comes to a successfully marketed business, a consistent brand is a key. If you don’t have a distinct brand and brand voice that distinguishes you from others around you, then you are just another face in the crowd. Social media brand building doesn’t have to be tough if you know what you’re doing, and we are here to help!

Here are few tips to help you with your social media brand building.

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