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#BeyondTheBasics – Social Media!

#BeyondTheBasics – Social Media!


What was communication before the domination of digital media? Very few of us would remember, isn’t it? Come on, we all know how Social media has taken communication to a whole new level. It’s safe to accept that people’s experience can make or break future business through more than just word of mouth.

And that’s exactly why it’s really essential to hold an upstanding image online as well as communicate effectively through social mediums.

Pro-Tip : If you are going to be on social media platforms, do it right or don’t do it at all.

How , you ask? Go beyond the basics. These crucial steps are sometimes neglected by advanced social media users too. Check out what we think can help you best :


1. Make sure your social profiles are complete and up to date:

Many of the people who see your business (or personal) profile on a social network are seeing you or your business for the first time.

What they see and read – their first impression – will influence what they think about your business and/or you personally.

That first impression will play an important role in determining whether they want to know more about you, or not.

Ever tried googling about yourself? Ever noticed the social networks that rank on the first two pages? Well, pick those & make a note of it to further scrutinise.

Visit each profile to make sure all of your information is filled out and up to date. This includes updating your website information if you’ve added anything new, such as a blog or an online store; adding your location; adding your story or journey in brief; and also your interests to help like minded people connect better.


2. Be consistent with your branding & communication:

This is so important – you must pin it ! Ensuring that your branding represents your business well and is consistent across all your online networks and print materials is often overlooked.

However, it’s supposed to be well taken care of as visitors would like to easily recall your website, your social networks even if they see some print advertising.

Consistent branding also means that your profile picture is consistent across your various social networks. Whether your logo or your photo, ensure you’re using a high quality, professional looking , share image across all social networks.

Remember : You want people to be able to easily recognize your brand (or you) on not just one social network but everywhere your branding or image appears. Including when they meet you or visit your office or store.


3. Cross promote your social profiles:

Nobody can promote you as better as you can. Whether it’s adding links from one social profile to others or giving redirects on blogs, or promoting in your email signature , smart cross promotion can take you a long way.

For example : Instagram helps you connect to Twitter , Facebook & Tumblr; YouTube offers a spot for Twitter , Facebook & Google+; Google+, allows you to link to as many of your other social profiles as you choose.


4. Respond / Engage with your customers frequently:

There’s no better way to connect with your user at such ease than at social media. This means communicating with your customers quickly and in a timely manner. Not responding three days later because you don’t check your social platforms that often is not acceptable.

Social platforms are almost as important as your website because of the way people communicate. It’s easy to discuss the good and the bad with just a button click away. Even if we know that the person on the other side of the account may not be a manager, it is their job to maintain customer satisfaction. Of course, this increases the power any consumer has with messages via instant communication, along with reviews that are being left.

Again, each network is somewhat different as to what is acceptable but as with most things customer related, faster (within a few hours) is always better.


5. Check your email contacts for new people to connect with on social networks, and do this periodically:

Who better to follow or befriend than the ones you’ve already engaged with. If nothing this leaves you with an opportunity to reconnect. Whether it’s been a few months or a few years since you last checked your email contacts for new people to connect with on social networks, it’s always a great idea to initiate now.


6. Stop buying followers and fans:

If you thought simply inflating your number of social followers shall guarantee you success, you’re surely mistaken. Much to your surprise, social networks like Facebook are already removing fake likes from pages; and tools for Twitter are exposing accounts with a high volume of fake followers. So remember that it’s not worth it – fake followers and fans will do nothing for your engagement or your bottom line.


7. Use Google Analytics to measure your social media efforts:

Wait! Before you get started on that you must first set up goals in Google Analytics & only then use the new social reporting features of Google Analytics.
This shall ensure that you are getting results from your social media marketing campaign. You may not be able to measure some benefits of social media like engagement and the resulting consumer loyalty with your social media followers, but you can measure how much traffic social media brings to your website and how much of that traffic results in conversions.

This data shall act as a fuel to your upcoming marketing strategy & give you the much needed push for your plan of action.


8. Evaluate , learn & keep improvising as you go along the way:

Who’s a better teacher than your past act? Whether it’s a rewarding attempt or a failure, your activities prove to become a foundation of your next step. Each move that you make teaches you something new, the key is to keep a watch out. Evaluate all the efforts you’ve taken so far, draw some learnings out of them & improvise to strive better.

Remember , innovations & adaptations are always well embraced by the consumers. No matter what’s that one new thing you’re attempting, make sure you’ve thought through it.


9. Persevere to succeed:

Real progress or growth with social media is a slow, steady and sometimes a little painful. This is especially true when you are just getting started with social media. Like most anything of value, social media requires time, attention and especially perseverance to produce results.

To wrap things up, you can’t overlook that social networking doesn’t work on autopilot. You should guarantee that no stone is left unturned along a brand’s image. Social networking has turned into a foundation of digital marketing. While it doesn’t make a difference what industry you’re in, it is a device you ought to utilize each day to communicate with customers.

So, don’t wait, get started today!
Need help with your social media marketing? We offer a variety of digital marketing services based on the unique needs of business clients. Wave us a hello in comments below or write to us at :

Business Lessons from Auto-Anna

Business Lessons from Auto-Anna

Case Studies

Inspiration comes from the most unlikely of sources. Annadurai, a 26 year old autorickshaw driver and more commonly known as the Auto Anna is giving successful corporates a run for their money with his innovative marketing and customer techniques.

A share auto driver who runs in OMR-Thiruvanmiyur area, Chennai, rose to national and international fame with his incredible marketing strategy helping him give three Ted-Talks in the process. Anna earns around INR 2500-3500 per day and ends up spending INR 12000 on newspapers, magazines and other amenities he offers through his auto-rickshaw. Up to date with technology and himself being technology savvy, Auto Anna also keeps an i-pad and a laptop for his customers. His eye-catching auto-rickshaw is Wi-Fi enabled and fitted with a small screen which displays important news clips of the days. Anna saves these clips when he’s back home watching news.

Anna’s customer retention would put big firms to shame with customers, mostly IT professionals waiting hours to take a ride in his auto. He is active on social media handles and has more than 12000 likes on Facebook while also running his own website.

business lesson

Auto Anna rose to overnight national and international fame after his story went viral on Facebook by a group called – ‘Photos That Shook The World’. The post was shared more than 10000 times all around the world opening up unexplored and rewarding paths for Anna. He also featured in a short-film on a prominent YouTube channel – Pocket Films.

The short-film garnered 200000+views with more than 6000 likes. While the love has been over-whelming for Anna, he feels the customers who ride through his rickshaw are gods. It’s because of them that he’s able to take care of himself and he wants to put in the extra effort to give back to his customers in whatever way he can.

business lesson

Anna received more than 2000 calls o the day his story broke out on Facebook and was up all night receiving and acknowledging them.

business lesson

Auto Anna’s strategy and customer relations is a handy lesson for even the biggest of companies who struggle with consumer expectations and retention. Anna who started transforming his regular auto-rickshaw by putting daily newspapers for commuters. He slowly and steadily started modifications by adding magazines, integrating a display and Wi-Fi. To help riders who didn’t have a mobile or laptop, he bought a tablet and soon upgraded to an I-pad.

Anna’s customer loyalty schemes are also innovative. He started a customer relationship contest for regular customers with a quiz of five questions. The winner takes home INR 1000. Similarly, every rider boarding Anna’s auto gets a token. The customer can redeem the tokens for cash, 20 tokens give you INR 250 back, 30 tokens give back INR 500. Anna truly believes in giving back to the community and plans to sponsor the education of at-least ten homeless children in addition to opening an old-age home.

business lesson

Anna’s customer loyalty schemes are also innovative. He started a customer relationship contest for regular customers with a quiz of five questions. The winner takes home INR 1000. Similarly, every rider boarding Anna’s auto gets a token. The customer can redeem the tokens for cash, 20 tokens give you INR 250 back, 30 tokens give back INR 500. Anna truly believes in giving back to the community and plans to sponsor the education of at-least ten homeless children in addition to opening an old-age home.

The success and growth of any business are imperative to innovations and technological advancements and Auto Anna keeps striving to experiment new things to offer his customers. He is presently working on an app which would book auto rides in advance, order food on the way and help build a community of auto-rickshaw drivers.

Anna’s approach to a meagre business of running an auto-rickshaw has already transformed a number of lives and given unforgettable experience to countless commuters every day. He is an inspiration for everyone who have lost heart and run out of ideas in increasing and expanding their businesses. He story helps us understand it’s the little things you do for your consumer that creates a massive difference.

ROI Of Social Media

ROI Of Social Media


The return on interest of social media handles is a complex process to evaluate. While audience reach, the number of hits on site or pages, total engagement rate and the conversion rate are the most looked forward and tracked metrics, it is still difficult to co-relate the returns through social media because of a number of factors.

Marketing agency are finding it difficult to evaluate social media returns. Almost 28% of marketing agency suggested they struggled to measure ROI, wile only 17% boasted of accurately quantifying the revenue of social media. There are a number of challenges faced by marketing agencies. Measuring ROIs are in themselves an ardent task and often agencies focus on the number of engagement rate than checking the conversion rates. Publishing relevant content timely is also a huge challenge and often agencies run out of schemes or hit a threshold. Developing strategy and campaigns centred around the theme is the most difficult thing and that is why we see innumerable campaigns failing devastatingly for the lack of message or appeal. Lastly, tying realistic business goals to the social media and actively studying the effects of it on the revenue is para mount and often dreads the marketers.

In a recent study, more than 44% CMOs claimed they had not been able to measure the impacts of social media on their business. While 36% agreed that the there had been positive impact on business but couldn’t quantify it, 20% were successfully able to quantify the impacts of social media on their revenue.

Analysing social media accounts and its effect on the business would not only help save irrelevant money on ads but also help plan relevant content and campaign which is the most essential thing to get a healthy ROI on social media handles. ROI of social media depends on a number of factors and companies need to handle multiple aspects for tireless and effective results.

Top preferred Social Media marketing Tools

Top preferred Social Media marketing Tools


Marketing is of prime importance when it comes to selling your products online and social media tools come handy to make your work easier. Conventionally, there has been lot of ifs and buts for marketing field but at the end of the day what counts are the efforts that you put in marketing activity of the brand. Manual settings for marketing are long gone; today brands are much more keener and being much friendlier by knowing their customers and making them happily satisfied with the products or services.

The social media management tools are crafted in a manner to automate the marketing processes to reach maximum audiences. Social Media management means choosing the right strategy and the right approach in reaching the brand goals. Marketing requires a lot of time and efforts so it is not always easy for marketers to shoot emails or schedule the meetings or put up social posts. This work gets done through platform management tools that make your task easier. The tools help you with options to publish as and when required. Marketers can save a lot of time and efforts with the marketing tools. Given below are some of the tools that help making your processes easier:

Social Media Management tools



Flow is a market tool by Driftrock useful for audience targeting. The key functions of these tools are Lifecycle social advertising. It can easily be integrated with Facebook, LinkedIn, Dotmailer, Intercom, Hubspot, Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Webhooks, Salesforce Pardot, and Custom CRMs. Flow helps to gather customer data that helps to retarget the existing customers. The tool helps to find new customers having same elements as the current customer base.


Social Bakers

Social Bakers is a social media analytical platform that helps integrating just any social media app, the key function of this tool is scheduling the social posts. The app helps to analyze the performance across different platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. they offer customizable dashboards and flexibility user rights management that allows for internal and agencies to collaborate.



Agorapulse is used for scheduling social posts; it is integrated with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus. It’s a social media management suite of tools that helps to manage the social media messages. The inbox feature in the tools helps to see the items remaining and who is working on each of these items. It also helps in providing comprehensive reports.

Through the use of Agorapulse, you can tie all your social accounts into one, it helps to schedule, publish the posts and tracking all your social activity.



The key function of Sproutsocial helps for scheduling social posts and also helps in audience retargeting. It can be integrated with popular social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. Sproutsocial is a social media management platform that includes a smart inbox, advanced scheduling, social CRM, analytics and reports and team collaboration tools. It is one of the best options for smaller businesses. The best feature of this tool is the “listen” option; it listens to popular terms and Hashtags on different social networks to help you stay on the top of trends.



The main function of Postplanner is to schedule curated content plus Industry news. It can be easily integrated with Twitter, Facebook Blog (RSS Feed) and Pinterest. The tool makes use of custom algorithms that helps to review past performance on the feeds that are available through different social integrations. The tool also helps for re-sharing the popular content on social platforms.



The main function of Buffer is to schedule the social posts, it can be integrated with common platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus and Blogs for RSS feeds.

Buffer is usually used to drive traffic and to increase the fan engagement and also save the time monitoring social media. The tool helps to reach out to your audiences at the right time, you can schedule your content and increase the reach of your audience. The tools are made to sync with a number of social platforms.


Hootsuite is useful for scheduling social posts, and is one of the powerful tools that integrate with 35 popular social networks. It helps to gather the data into a single dashboard where the tools can be found to help manage several social profiles and schedule the most effective social content. The other impressive feature it offers is the robust message approval and permissions. It gives the capability to help protect the brand and reputation while increasing other profile protections. This tool helps to guard against hackers and other threats.



CoSchedule helps in managing the content and scheduling your social posts. It works integrated with different tools like WordPress, Google analytics, Bitly, Google Drive, Evernote Google Calender, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook (profiles, pages and groups), Instagram and Google+ pages.

CoSchedule is used for managing WordPress posts and helps promote the online content. It gives the ability to drag and drop social messages on different days and it also allows the platform to pick the right times.

Influencer Research Tools

Influencer marketing is making wonders to brands because it allows publicizing your business with huge exposure. The best to identify influencers in your industry is to take that opportunity and reach out to create relationships. The platforms make it easier.



TapInfluence is used for managing the content and expanding the influencer outreach. It can easily be integrated with Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. TapInfluence is an opt-in marketplace of content creators and influencers having 8 years of real life program data. It helps to discover perfect influencer for your business. It helps to build a marketing program for delivering fresh content. The tool helps to offer greater analytics having multi-channel tracking on Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.



Traacker is a platform for Influencer Relationship Management (IRM); it is a system for managing, scaling and expanding the global influencer marketing. It features team collaboration features and conversation tracking. It is an all-in-one tool that helps to expand the business network; it helps you land the best influencer for your brand. It is a great place to get information on Influencer marketing; the system has a lot of solid content.



The main function of this tool is Content Ideation, its an influencer outreach. It consists of integrations like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pocket, Buffer and different standard APIs. The tool helps to identify trending news and content, getting content insights and website analyses, it also helps to identify influencers. Big brands using the tool are Expedia, Yahoo, Capital One, IBM, Ogilvy and Vimeo.

Social Sweepstakes/Contest Tools



Wishpond is a Social media content management tool; it includes 10 Facebook contest apps that make it easy to create engaging competitions. The competitions like sweepstakes, Instagram Hashtag contests, essay contest, photo contents can all be covered under Wishpond. Wishpond is a tool that helps to integrate easily with other many CRM solutions, webinar apps, email marketing apps, survey apps, team chat apps and more.



Shortstack is a Social media contest management tool; it integrates platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. It helps to collect the leads, boosts contest engagement and helps to drive the sales from the landing pages, forms and contests. Shortstack integrates into a number of platforms like YouTube, AWeber, MailChimp, Constant Contact and Google Maps.



Woobox is a social media contest management tools that is integrated with Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. It’s a very powerful tool; you can custom design the coupons, photos, instant wins, videos, hashtag contests and more. If you know which campaign works best for your audience than you can manage this tool very easily.

Social Image Apps and Tools



Canva is a standalone tool with social friendly image creation; it’s a free tool that can be used on a daily basis. It is one of the best tools for creating social friendly images in friendly sizes. There are lots of upsells that are available in the app, you can upload your image.


Promo is a light social friendly video creation tools, it’s a standalone tool and is one of the best places to get started. By making use of this tool, you can promote your sales by making a product teaser; you get a high quality video content that is searchable within the platform. You can edit the copy and also add the music.



Sprout Social is a light automatic image resizing tool that is used for social; it’s a standalone tool and is available for free. The tool has a plenty of options on offer that will make your tasks simpler and easier. The reports you get from the tool should be properly reviewed and accordingly you can take actions.

How Ecommerce brands are generating Leads from Social Media

How Ecommerce brands are generating Leads from Social Media


Today, Businesses are overcoming many hurdles in terms of challenges faced and keeping pace with developments. Qualified leads are a challenge for any business enterprise. Social media comes as a handy tool because it helps customers to discover brands for the products that they are looking for. Here are some of the brands using social media to target the said prospects, gain leads and build the awareness:

      1. Generating Leads from Social Platforms

Facebook and Twitter are prominent platforms for lead generation; it provides an easy built-in ad format that prompts for User information before it leaves the ad.

The below picture shows how GrowthHackers, a consulting firm, allow new subscribers to enter email addresses on the Twitter ad.  Customer lists can be uploaded in each platform to target similar audiences. Testing the ad formats is important especially the native lead generation ad versus an ad with a video or an image.


The below Wantable ad from fashion and fitness retailer shows how a video is used to capture the interests of the users driving them to the landing page.


Users are targeted sometimes by offering them free stuff. The example below from Brit + Co, a female apparel and lifestyle portal sells its video for learning new skills and lessons. The company offers free classes to its potential interested customers to buy their videos.


The Facebook ad is displayed to induce the prospects into signing free class.

Many businesses make use of Twitter for building brand awareness and to generate the leads. The specific target ads helps the users to dedicated landing page, it could be replying to a tweet or targeting competitor’s customers. The below example from Green Chef, an Organic food delivery company exactly shows how the tweets are used to entice the prospects in trying new recipes.


                               Green Chef uses Twitter to tweet about its new recipes

     2. Website Pop-ups connecting to Social media channels

Website Pop-ups are a popular means where it asks for user information like email address or social login for gaining access to discounts. The users are given the option for liking their page or follow the brand’s social media accounts.

The below example from Apparel retailer FlyPolar gives its users the options to follow its Social Media Channel or enter an email address for getting the discount code.


FlyPolar entices its customers to sign up with them through social media channels or entering their email address to get the discounts.

     3. Refer a Friend

Refer-a-Friend is a highly incentivizing program for customers to send prospects. This has been popular for quite some time now, even before Social Media arrived.


Stitch Fix, a Fashion retailer endorses its refer-a-friend program on social media. The above is an Instagram example.


Vistaprint gives a $10 voucher for every referral that produces a Sale.

The big challenges that the retailers face for promoting refer-a-friend program could be visibility deficiency that is if the customers are aware of such programs. The best idea for retailers is to include refer-a-friend program along many touch points that includes an email, social media, on-site and packaging.

Julep, a Cosmetic retailer provides its referral program in its Shipping boxes.


     4. Social Media Shares after the Purchase

Brands encourage their customer to share the purchase made on Social Media to create awareness and leads. Retailer “Know Style” offers discounts to customers for future purchases who share on Social Media.

Post Purchase Sharing

Know Style, a retailer makes use of the above display ad on its website to offer discounts to customers who share on social media for their future purchases. Customers can also be given discounts or coupon code for giving reviews or ratings to be shared on their social media accounts.

     5. Giveaways

Incentives to customers are a domicile tactic to lure consumers to follow on Social Media, states Marketing Sherpa survey. The brand, My Pooch Face sells hand painted pet portraits, it entices the visitors with a free pet portraits for contests.

My poochface Sherpa survey

My Pooch Face offers free hand painted pet portraits to whoever takes interest in the contest. By this, they grow their email listing.

Visitors are given additional entry into Sweepstakes by following their social media profiles, referring the friends and signing up to receive emails.


Like offers entry into sweepstakes to customers who sign up on social media, refer friends or sign up for newsletter. Additionally, brands can ask audiences to tag friends on social media for entering a contest as it will help to expand the brand’s awareness and reach the right prospects on social media.


Brands encourage the shoppers to actively participate in the contest with the condition of taggign their friends on social media.


Ideas to implement video in your Digital Marketing Strategy

Ideas to implement video in your Digital Marketing Strategy

Ecommerce Technology

Videos are the next big boom that has entirely changed the way marketers ever marketed their businesses. People actually like watching video content than they do for textual content. Videos have gained good popularity with the onslaught of varied networks and social media at its brim. The fact of the matter is – Videos can give you more than expected results if done in the right manner. The Cisco report states that by 2019, online videos are slated to generate four-fifths of global Internet traffic. Given below are few of the tips and steps that will help you target your audience with how, where and why you should take Video marketing seriously.

Website Video Marketing

Almost 79% of consumers stated they will watch video about the product and 84% noted they will make a purchase after watching the video.

Getting results with SEO:

  • 97% businesses reported that their product video tutorials helped user understand the features of the product or their services.
  • 54% business reported that they saw reduced support calls by putting video tutorials for the users.


  • User-generated content can be used for making video content without investing on it. You can also offer users discounts or a gift in return for video review.

What to expect:

  • 80% increase in conversion after putting the video in the landing page.
  • Increased traffic to your website.

Question and Answer Platforms like Quora

Quora is one of the best platforms to imbibe video content that will help populate comments or discussions on the forums. Quora is ranked in the Top 500 by Alexa ranking.

Getting results:

Usually Q&A forums, like videos a lot and it is much appreciated. People genuinely prefer posting video answers, you can add a link to your website in the video and you will be astonished to see your traffic grow.


What to expect:

Significant increase in the generated traffic –

  • 100M unique monthly visitors on Quora
  • 15M users on Yahoo answers on a daily basis


The recent Conductor research states that 51% of people discover new websites through emails. Most email providers do not support videos in emails. The use of the word “Video” in the email subject line boosts open rates up to 19%, increased click through rates up to 65%. It has greatly reduced unsubscribe rate by 26%.

Getting results

These are the 3 powerful methods that can help using Video in the email

  • Taking the risk. Including the video in the body of email using html5. It will only be visible to iOS,, Apple Mail and Thunderbird users. Gmail, Yahoo and Outlook do not support the videos.
  • Creative Step. Make use of GIFs, it is the best option to use if you want your video to be displayed to all popular email clients. GIF images are better than the static images and it’s easy to convert to GIF making use of ImgFlip, GifLike or Gifsoup.
  • Classical Step. Add “PLAY” button to a static picture and send the user to your landing page where the video is embedded.

What to Expect

  • More backlinks, 41% increased sharing and forwarding of a content.
  • 24% increased conversion.


Social Media

Social Media is one of the most powerful means that has made video trends more popular. Technologies like Live 360 and VR have been tested there. According to 2016 reports, Facebook and Snapchat received 8 and 7 billion video views respectively on a daily basis. Instagram saw 5 million video uploads in the first 24 hours of availability of the function.

Getting results

It is highly important to react to new video trends and analyze the responses. The infographics are a great means to show the most liked trends followed by marketers.

What to Expect

Social Media show amazing results with 7 times more shares on Facebook and 6 times more retweet.


Tubular insights reports that, 68% of YouTube users made a purchase decision after watching the video. The review trend continues to show thrust for bloggers and advertisers alike. Google loves YouTube for the sheer reason people love videos and it is their own product. The videos appear in 20% rich snippets.

Getting results

  • Follow the YouTube Trend – Make use of Trends Map, Trends Dashboard, Trends blog
  • Search “Video keywords” the show YouTube results right on the first page of Google.

Examples: How to, Reviews, Tutorial, Sport related (Morning Yoga), Funny videos

  • Make use of the keywords in the filename, it is highly important to use keywords in the Title and Description. Use keywords in the first 25 words and repeat it throughout for 3-4 times.
  • Adding links to your website and profile description.
  • Engage in comments for active discussions, they are good signals for search engines.
  • Analyzing the video positions to check the ranking.

What to Expect

  • 50% Increased chances of appearing on first page
  • 41% high clickthrough rates compared to plain text.

Following are few things worth taking note of:

Mobile – During the 2012-2014 study, mobile video views rate increased by 400%. Almost 48% of Gen Y watch videos only on mobile devices. Hence, it is important to optimize the videos embedded on your pages

Speed – While adding videos to your site, you have to make sure that the load time doesn’t increase. There are higher chances of conversions with less loading time.

Tone Friendliness – 83% consumers reported to having found informal voice, more like a friend talking to them. This adds trust and a sense of connection to the communication.







Universal Social Media Research summary for the year 2017

Universal Social Media Research summary for the year 2017


Social networks are far and wide popular and are the key means for marketing, business and networking purposes. The trends don’t easily change, but the popular sites does show different level of usage based on demographics. brings the newest social media statistics relating to consumer adoption and usage.

Social Media 2017 update

Given below are some of the questions that social Marketers should check into while deciding on how much time to invest in social media.

Question – Most Popular Social network

The Statista compilation of the most popular social network undoubtedly shows Facebook is ruling the media. Facebook has over 1,870 million active users and holds a total of 18% market share and its closest competitor is Facebook owned Whatsapp.

APAC favored platforms accounts for a total of over 600 million active users with QQ standing at 9% and WeChat at 8% and Qzone at 7%. The western social media networks stands with Tumblr at 6%, Instagram at 4% and Twitter at 4%.

Facebook is leading with major market share and retaining huge lead. The penetration rate stood at 89% for US users and Instagram stood at 32% in the penetration rate.

Question – Fastest growing Social network


A Marketer has very limited time when it comes to marketing in social networks. So basic question is which network to focus on? Statista chart shows the growth of Twitter and how it compares to Facebook, WeChat and Whatsapp.

Question – Most Engaging Social network

The most important factor that matters in social media marketing is the total amount of audience engagement. Facebook enjoys the dominance when it comes to social engagement.


According to US Consumer panel from comScore – Facebook has biggest engagement. The update also shows UK comparing Facebook vs Twitter vs Instagram vs Pinterest vs Snapchat. This chart especially demonstrates the engagement on the amount of time spent on platforms with the demographics. It’s amazingly great to see Facebook at top position and interesting to note the development of Snapchat and Instagram on monthly usage per visitors. Facebook’s successors are also impressively at 47 penetration rate for Facebook messenger and Instagram for its engagement, they are both Facebook owned platforms.

Question – Interaction rates in Social Media


TrackMaven’s analyses of over 51 million posts from 40000 companies from over 130 industries clearly shows Instagram dominating all others counting on the number of interactions per 1,000 followers. The number is so high that it required second chart to demonstrate the big differences between Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.


Instagram dominates the lead in interactions but Facebook tops it when it comes to networks like Twitter and LinkedIn. People tend to frequently post on Twitter since it doesn’t follow any algorithm serving posts only to particular section of audience. Twitter actually acts like fire hose of content, companies keep sharing more often to have more visibility and create noise on the platform. This actually results in low engagement per post.

Question – Global Social Media Usage

smartinsight global digital snapshot brings an exclusive summary of Social Media and Mobile stats from WeAreSocial Singapore, the records are mainly extracted from GWI. Global Web Index provides the most reliable research statistics that helps to compare consumer use and engagement on different social networks. Researches are done on a quarterly basis for which the total sample size is 40,000 of Internet research program.


It is interesting to note the massive difference amongst different countries when it comes to the use of social media and more so interesting to see the western countries are lagging behind when it comes to adoption rates. The Annual increase in growth rate of mobile users stood at 17% in 2016.


The Asia-Pacific region showed good internet usage rate and the number of active social media users increased by 14% in 2015 alone.


Counting on the global internet users, East Asian and South Asian markets have remarkably hit the tide. With digital innings, it has become easier to reach out to these people although cultural challenges are always the hurdle in International markets.

Social networks popularity (country-wise)


Based on the interviews in the GWI reports, it shows great visualization when it comes to popularity of social networks. Countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico, India and Brazil are amongst the top 10 countries that tops the list for using four core social networks (facebook, twitter, YouTube and Google plus.


Social networks are strikingly showing signs of maturity giving opportunities for people of all age groups and genders; the only exception is Instagram and Tumblr that are more popular among the younger age group.

Visual Content on demand!

Visual Content on demand!


As we all know Online marketing behaviour keeps changing, so what’s new this time?

It’s the rise of Visual Content, since it has arrived few years back it continues growing till date. The main reason of Visual Content’s rise is its ability to communicate complex messages very quickly. This is extremely useful to digital marketers hence it is likely to dominate the digital marketing scene this year & in the future too.

‘Social Media’ – A Child’s Play!

‘Social Media’ – A Child’s Play!


The changing trends and atmosphere looks to have affected the human habits on a wide scale. With youths, adults are also tasting the social cream rigorously. Recent study showcased 59% of children have already started using social network by the time they are 10. Adding to it, around 43% have messaged strangers online by the age of 12 finds the study.

With over a bucket full of social networking platforms, where Facebook is considered as the most prominent and likely to have incorporated under age members breaching its minimum age of 13, with 52% of 8 to 16 year old, admitting they had ignored the official age limit.

Discover your career scope in Social Media!

Discover your career scope in Social Media!


Those who are looking forward to build their careers in Social Media do have a look at the information provided for a better understanding which will help in recognizing the appropriate positions available in Social Media industry today.

To start with, if you have a regular habit of browsing on social platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook then do you come across the following questions?

• Would you like to convert your liking into a full-time engagement job?

• Would you prefer your favourite hobby to get converted into a career?

Video Marketing now trending!

Video Marketing now trending!


Video Marketing so far has been accepted well by every small to big business holder, as today Video Marketing is a renowned tool to promote a business. Video Marketing is one of the popular growing trends and as we know the basic role of Video Marketing is to incorporate the respected videos into your promotional strategies either to endorse a Company, Product or Service. As a proven fact, the video which goes live are gaining more popularity.

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