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How to get results from Instagram Influencer Marketing

How to get results from Instagram Influencer Marketing


Ecommerce markets are in all likelihood spinning the game with thousands of online tools and platforms available to grow your business. It has made it super easy for brands to influence their customers by making use of social platforms. Instagram Influencer Marketing has come out to be great reliever of sorts helping smaller and bigger businesses to showcase their brands and make them popular. Instagram marketing has exponentially grown in a very short time span that gives many advantages; you not only grow your followers but leverage your brand identity.

Kissmetrics report states that over 70% of Instagram users look up on varied brands on the platform and looking forward to consume the content. Instagram is an effective tool for your ecommerce business with over 300 million monthly users. Every marketer has a dream to show their product to its customers in the most prominent manner. The trick is to display your product strongly in front of customers but not overly trying it. Hence, Instagram Influencer marketing is best regarded when it comes to show your brand. You can make use of Instagram in two methods; one is by building your own following and second is by Influencer Marketing.

Building your own Instagram Audience

Online tools like Webstagram or Iconosquare helps to build Organic following on Instagram, through these tools one can select relevant hashtags and reach out to right people interested in your industry. Webstagram is a wonder tool that provides excellent way to search for popular hashtags. Webstagram search helps to search for key information that is relevant to Instagram marketing strategy. However, it is highly important to know how to do posting on the right day to get optimum benefits. Iconosquare is another most awesome tools online that tell you exact times where most engagement happens.

Instagram audience

The tools help to make your brands popular by indulging in marketing at perfect times. The above image shows sample data from Iconosquare. Shopify study indicates that the dark circles are the ones which you usually post and light grey are the ones which get most engagement. The ideal time for posting is represented by large light grey circles.

Siphoning the followers – although there are several means that you can directly touch base to attract your customers, the easiest ways are the ones that do not require any efforts. Like in the case of this marketing strategy that is to siphon the followers from competition. You already have correct knowledge and audiences that are following your competitor’s account, you know which products they are interested in, how they are selling it. Once you start siphoning, you know you have at least some targeted audience. One can easily do this, by “following” competitors account and then engage with them by following them, liking their pictures, commenting on their photos. A shopify’s test run showed that by following an account you at least get 14% follow backs, 22% followbacks and likes and over 34% of comments, likes and followbacks. It can look pretty much tough at first but once when you are into it, you get the solid data with you to implement your strategy right.

First let us understand the concept of Instagram Influencer and Influencer Marketing!

Instagram is all about reaching your audiences; brands are marketing their products with the objective of getting many followers and get some proportion of those followers into conversions. That is where the role of Influencer marketing kicks in. Influencers on Instagram could be any person having a celebrity status or a person having a huge following. These are the people who are influencers they have great following up of people and people might just be interested in your brand. You can turn your small new business having minimum following to a larger following in a matter of just few days through the power of Influencer Marketing. You just have to search for influencer in your niche, contact them and agree on terms through which they will market your product or brand.

Companies like Boxed water uses Instagram Influencer Marketing for their campaign The ReTree Project, it was a simple campaign in which users had to post a photo with hashtag #retree. For each of this post, the company used to plant two trees. Social media examiner report states that in a time of just one month, they have generated more than 2,600 posts having #retree hashtag. Visually appealing products have larger influencing factor when it comes to Instagram influencer marketing, it could be a great booster to get larger following in a short span of time.

boxed water

Now, the most important question is How to convince the Influencers on Instagram to market your products?

Influencers are basically the people having larger reach, hence any brand would want to get accustomed to them providing they are somewhere related to your industry or the product or services relating to yours. Entrepreneurs who are just starting out may find this as little intimidating. Its very difficult to get started at first because first brand has to figure out what kind of influencers they need, searching the right influencer, how to reach out to them, how to impress them with your product or brand, how it will affect the sales, so on and so forth. Its not a rocket science, but with slow and gradual steps, it all can be achieved. Given below are few of the steps that help you get started:

Building Influencer Marketing audience on Instagram

  • Finding the right Influencer

The foremost step to start marketing on Instagram is to find the influencer that belongs to your industry or product line. Influencers from your industry have higher chances to fetch more following because people of similar interest are already their followers. Targeting specific customer from your industry cuts down your work by half. Free online analytics tool are really helpful to find relevant keywords on Instagram that will help you with Instagram marketing strategy. You can select from a bunch of hashtags and keywords where you think audiences may be interested in. Finding the right influencer with all the research work is worth your time otherwise it may get expensive for losing your money as well as time.

ninja outreach

  • Negotiating with Influencer

You can get good success in your Instagram marketing strategy once you have right influencer. People are more likely to follow the product or brand, which they see Influencer promoting on their feeds regularly. Hence it is of vital importance to check if your product aligns with what your influencer have been regularly promoting on their page. You can form a partnership with the Influencer by first introducing yourself and the brand and the product that you like to market. Influencers usually are monetarily working; hence you can provide product samples also talk about money they will work for. You can find their contact details and information on their page.

Contact them and giving your influencers a brief idea about your product and what you want them to market will set their intentions on it. Creating a Mood Board for your product brand will help them getting connected and feel your brand.

mood board

Mood Boards are nothing but a collection of images that gives some sense of the product to the on-lookers. The above is a sample of Mood Board created by Neil Waller for promoting his business brand – Shore Projects. It gives influencer good sense of conveying brand’s message to its audiences that makes your marketing all the more successful. Remember, that no influencer will work for free so it is best to talk out deals with them and have all things sorted on paper. Agree on terms together and give them some samples that they can try and be sure of.

  • Measuring the output

Campaigns with good framework always give better results hence It is also important to measure the results. You would know what works and what doesn’t work. Online tools like Bitly helps to keep multiple trackable links for every influencer you want to target. You can ask influencers to post your business link on their bio page, that way you would know how many visitors are coming from their page.


Instagram Marketing has been of great help for Ecommerce merchants; visually appealing products have greater outreach. Organic following in Instagram is an achievement one should draw in Instagram marketing strategy plan. It is a great platform for building brand and growing Ecommerce business.


4 Effective Customer Engagement strategies

Customer Engagement becomes of significant importance to create selling opportunities. Marketing is simply a way of connecting to consumers; however, more relevance goes into building that relation with consumers that is long standing. Sometimes, customers are not really happy with the manner in which brands interact with them. Brands make biggest mistake by annoying their customers beyond the limit, customers often complain of bombarding emails, following them on every social networks and text messages, etc. given below are top strategies to create Customer Engagement in a most fruitful manner:

  1. Precise time EngagementCustomer Engagement is undoubtedly a powerful means to build relation with them but it is even more important how you build upon that relation. Some contents are ever so green so they are readily invited by users and some content only matters if there is some specific event attached to it.
    It is highly important to understand the behavior of the consumer, if the content is sent on time and doesn’t resolve a customer issue it’s not going to make any sense. Similarly, a seasonal content not sent on right moment, would not make any sense to consumer reading at much later time. Triggered email marketing helps to understand behaviors of consumers and send time bound and relevant content to your audience.
  2. Customer PrioritizationCustomers are the market king and one of the most important assets for any organization. So they should be held on top priority, it becomes especially important for engaging your customers. A customer-centric company would do anything possible to gain customer trust and loyalty.Most organizations today have general customer handling departments that help to analyze behavioral data, email activity, website logins, customer habits, priorities, etc. Certain myths surrounding customer needs are well portrayed in the chart below:

    Data collected with a customer visiting your website gives a lot of information about customer choices. If they like a specific ornament, brands can send relative image of the same ornament with discounted offer. This is definitely going to bring a lot of value to your brand.

  3. Conveying messages differently and not overloadingImagine the feeling one gets with same throbbing email every time, a customer makes a purchase or getting similar response to a query. This can get really frightening as your customer may find it annoying. As Susanna Tarrant, Digital Marketing Coordinator for Marketing Copilot rightly puts up, “Rather than trying to close the deal too early, you should create content filled with information for your audience. A useful content marketing strategy changes the conversation. It makes it about your customer and not about you or the sale.”Educating your consumer is of high value; too much of text content may send negative signal and push away users from the website. Visitors on your website are looking for critical information hence it is best regarded to give them a clutter-free layout with easy browsing options.


    If the brands have a very important message to be conveyed, it is important to give instant value to the users. The above image clearly gives customer a solution for specific problem. Customers get engaged when we highlight important points they may want to use.

  4. Avoiding Awkward situations

    A great customer relationship is formed when all hurdles are bypassed so brands should particularly be very alert when it comes to maintaining transparent relations and dealings. Customers become loyal when they find value in the brand. Customers do like surprises but that would be in the form of rewards and not hidden fees and expenses. So brands should not do something that will create barrier to upholding a good relationship.

    Customers should be aware of all billing details before the checkout happens, there should be no unpleasant surprises waiting for them. To improve customer experience, the best idea is to follow good marketing habits. Customer Engagement will grow with creating brand value and awareness through genuine and transparent dealings.

4 Effective Customer Engagement strategies

Guide to Email Marketing Metrics

Email success is of great importance when it comes to attaining Marketing successes. Once, we have a basic understanding of marketing metrics, understanding email marketing is not of a very big issue. There are different variations to it some are used for ad campaigns or on-site performance metrics. Given below are few of the guidelines to optimize your email campaigns and newsletter program:

  1. Email list growth – The email list sizes are of prime importance since it highly advocates what would be the percentage of open rates. If your email size is large, you would see more users who may open your emails but then there are other groups of people who are less passionate about your brand. In similar case, when you have smaller email list, people are very passionate about your brand hence you may see a higher open rates and click through rates. This gives higher user engagements rates. So, you can determine the success and failure of your email marketing campaign through the list size and the type of the users placed on the list.
  2. Delivery Rates – Email Deliverability rate is the number of the emails that were actually delivered to the recipients, this list may also include emails that ended up in spam or junk folders. The total email delivered and bounce backs will tell you the number of bad addresses you have had in your list. Email lists that are prepared in-house giving low deliverable rate may mean there is improper data fed in the system and need some immediate attention.
  3. Open Rate – Email Open rates signifies the total success rate of your email success metrics, this needs a proper monitoring to help you optimize your email campaign. Open rates of Emails are nothing but the percentage of people who received and opened your email. This is the very step for achieving email marketing campaign success. It is very critical information that determines further evaluation and steps to improve on marketing campaigns.
  4. Click-Through rates – These are the actual clicks from emails to websites or landing pages. The basic motive for brands to arrange for any clicks on emails are to get conversions and monetize the transaction. The clicks through rates are representation that people open the email and clicked the links.
  5. Conversion Rate – Conversion rate is an important metric determining overall email marketing success rate. This shows how much revenue is generated from total number of clicks and how many registered on your website. General email marketing platforms like Comm100 tracks the deliverability rate, open rate and click through rates, conversion tracking however need to accommodate through internal settings.

Email Marketing successes are determined by the above key metrics that delivers important analysis in forming further marketing strategies. Each of the these key metrics help to form a standard representation about how the email campaigns are performing.

Guide to Email Marketing Metrics

Ecommerce Technology
Top key strategies to help you gain back the traffic on your site

Getting traffic on the websites is one of the key elements to get customers buying products from you. There are remarkable ways through which you can attract your customers by knowing the right time and place to market your business. Mobile optimization is one of the top priorities because more and more people are shopping on-the-go so brands should be making super easy for them to get on their webpage and have a hurdle-free shopping experience. Let us take a look at some of the key strategies that will help to gain traffic on your webpage.

  1. Optimized Mobile Strategy – Physical stores have geographic limitations, this can be overcome by the means of Geotargetting. Geotargetting helps to boost the food traffic on webpages through shopping and making use of search campaigns. The bid modifiers help to target relevant ads while shoppers are closer to store.A survey by Deloitte showed 49% of mobile traffic. Google’s free tool allows anyone to check on the site speed and provide recommendations on different ways that can help optimize the mobile site.Cart abandonment is a common issue; brands should provide frictionless buying experiences to their customers. Customers are looking for similar experiences the way they find it on using desktops. Checkout options must be optimized that ensures to keep up with the sale.

  2. Maximizing Returns on Investments – The past data can be useful in predicting the top performers; it also helps to analyze previous year’s output. The past data helps to make informed decisions on products.Remarketing strategies are highly sustainable with proper approach; you can make a list of audiences that bought products and then increasing the bids on those audiences. It will help to derive a conversion.

  3. Promotional Strategy – Promotions are part and parcel of any business, competitive pricing helps shoppers who are looking for good deals. Promotion price can also be offered for special festivity and occasions.Some consumers are also looking for Free Shipping; it’s a great way to attract customers. A study by Deloitte says that 63% consumers shop from online retailers offering free shipping.

  4. Social Media Strategy – Social media strategies form the base of online purchase, research shows 27% consumers make use of social media platforms to make online buying decisions. Customers vouch for colorful images; they attract more attention and help to stand out from the competition.

    Marketers make use of audience strategy, custom audiences on Facebook helps to target your customer base. Brand can expand their reach by using Lookalike audiences on Facebook for targeting the consumers which are very similar to demographics.

Top key strategies to help you gain back the traffic on your site

Ecommerce Technology
Points that Ecommerce Developers secretly confess

Prime importance is given to Ecommerce developers and actually they really are worth it. Every piece of art, we mean coding that they do is important hence we do value their skills. But, talking to few of them recently I stumbled upon a rock bottom secret. Not every developer is happy with their coding, sometimes they expect to code something and it showed something better and sometimes vice-versa kind of stories. Usually developers have standard processes and they follow techniques that help them do their jobs well. There are some whimsical ways too that they work in, some like quite places while some can code while they are in a musical. The ultimate aim is to get working what is needed.

Perfection! A possibility?

Perfection is just a word per se, we may believe but it really is. I must state that developers are pretty much-obsessed people. The very character of them nudging and queuing every portion of their program shows how important coding to them is. It often happens that developer may develop some piece and it is not at all similar to what the client suggested. This is a very frequent phenomenon. Somehow, it becomes difficult to do software building that is needed by some other person. The causes are sometimes unknown, but two common reasons are communication gap and not having resources.

The gaps occur when there is not enough information available or the data is not supportive, it is flawed in nature. Lack of resources is another forefront reasons, we may have much of time, money and people but some things are just lagging. The time is of course limited and some features simply do not work. Hence, developers often feel that perfection is impossible.

Time Constraints

This is the most common reason for all of us and coincidently with the developers too. No matter how much time we have it on hand; there is always a time scarcity, a resource that is so valuable. As one gets closer to the deadline, a particular feature is rushed upon, the development portion becomes difficult, and budget is uncontrollable, sudden bugs come up, change in feature request by client often leads to elongated gaps.

There are several of these scenarios that may let one think that there is severe lack of time. Every scene has different issues and hence it all can be solved in different ways. It is always a good idea to showcase and tell clients the feature that would go good with the said request.

Surprising Code acceptance

Sometimes, the reasonable happens with the unreasonable. And this is so common with developers. Often we encounter our own flaws and we know somewhere within what will work and what would not work and still it worked. This can show a very good surprise for the developer but can equally lead to negative impact too.

This phase often comes with reporting the bug. The client may report a bug that is fixed by someone and so developer would never know what was the actual program and treats it as a bad bug report. So best idea here is to do the testing for some extra time and clarify what is the problem and where is the problem. There are no successful systems that haven’t had any bugs; the most successful company processes may have bugs. So it is perfectly normal to have bugs.

Points that Ecommerce Developers secretly confess

Points to ponder if your Conversion rates are falling!

Ecommerce businesses are all about market credibility and marketers well know that no one is going to hit the pod in the midst at least for some months. But, if the markets are targeted properly the response could be overwhelming and sometimes even with bigger instincts the results can be underwhelming. Most times the buying decisions are held subconsciously in the mind, so brands should take care of those things in mind. UX is the first and foremost thing a brand should pay strong attention to for its impacts your business sales tremendously. Stated below are few of the pointers to look for:

  • Deficient Visual layout – Having a good site layout is one of the most important necessities for the site to look appealing to people. Visual colors help attract attention and elements like color, positioning of the products, shapes, sizes and more. The landing pages can be organized to give a strong impression to users of the website. Given below is an example of MailChimp’s Homepage:

    Send Better email

    The above image clearly represent, where the user attention might go to. Some color options help customers to easily know what the site page is all about. The landing page goals are directed towards brands goals hence the actions can be taken accordingly. Following is one of the landing pages of the brand:


    The below image grabs attention of the users where the brands want to highlight their selling proposition:


    The above image clearly depicts where the highest engagement may attract the attention. The only demerit of this page is there are no actionable buttons where the users could click and get conversions. There are different online tools that help to identify and scan the visitor’s patterns. The landing pages should be designed keeping in mind the objectives of the landing page

  • Undecided Value proposition – Brands should know there is no immediate selling, the brands USP is created to entice buyers into buying the products. Customers are looking to buy goods that are unique, hence idea for brands is to demonstrate their products with its usefulness and how it can be better opposed to other brands. A value proposition for the brands means to identify the need of the product, presenting the solution, showing the difference, providing the proof, etc.


    The homepage is dedicated to express the brands value proposition, the industry is dedicated to show common issue that brands and customers usually face.


    Industrial case-studies conducted by Invesp states how a well-craft value proposition can help to increase conversion rates by almost 90 percent. Ecommerce has a huge market and greater competition.

  • Below average checkout process – Checkouts are the most important milestones when it comes to selling. This is the stage where customer finally buys your items and checks out. The abandonment rates are pretty high standing at an average 76.8 percent last year. The reasons behind abandoning the cart could be many:

    Reasons for

    The ultimate goal is to make the checkout process for customers as easy as possible and eradicate loopholes. The longer the checkout process, the longer the chances for customers to reconsider the buying and abandon the cart. Sometimes even one click options may not be viable for all Ecommerce platforms. The customers also have the option to checkout as a guest, signing in some portals may give a lot of unwanted emails and hence customers resist the sign in. Look below the example of Asos:

    Shopping Cart

    It clearly defines the total cost of items and provides costing for shipping too so the buyers would know clearly the total expenditure costs.

    Fire Box

    The above image shows an organized way of dealing with customers. The indications are clear cut and hence there is every chance of a conversion. The carts are created for checkouts and they are ultimately going to lead to a sale. Hence it is highly important to maintain them well and give good checkout process. A Shopify website offers good customizable options that ensure good functionality.

    Shopping Cart_list.jpg

  • Outdated website theme– The millennials are looking for what is latest, hence new upcoming website designs attract more attention.


    The website that has old type of look can easily be concluded as an old business owner who is no more in business. Customers should find your site that is valuable in terms of providing information because they like credibility. Choosing a web design require a good market research and also the finest UX that you can provide. It gives your competitors the impression that you are competitive. Some sites simply use powerful images while some are heavily filled with content depending on the industries that they cater to, given below is Vera Wang’s homepage:


    The captivating unique video on the site gives impression to user more than anything. If the site is outdated than nothing can make do the gap what your customer feels about the brand. Jeffrey Eisenberg, CEO of, puts it as sites should focus on “persuasion” instead of “conversion”. He further noted “The ability to achieve truly dramatic improvements in conversion rates still requires a shift in conventional thinking. Design teams need to understand that while the goal may be conversion, the practice must be persuasion.”

    Designing a perfect website is magical science that helps to cater to perfect balance of all the elements. It takes into account user prospects of the webpage and also helps to get healthy conversion rates.

Points to ponder if your Conversion rates are falling!

Social Planning Essentials – Strategies that give remarkable results

Social media strategies and plan helps to achieve organizational objectives through the means of getting a steady workflow. Given below are some of the strategies and plans that businesses can follow to get optimum output from all the marketing efforts:

  • Building Strategies – Business plans are often actionable plans that help to achieve organizational over all goals. Strategy defines the very aim of social media presence and they define the parameters of what it will deliver and how it will deliver. Strategies are plans that showcase how the objectives will be met with and that includes the channels, budgets and resources to achieve it. A strategy should consist of a concise and short summary of the things that it aims to achieve.

    Strategies help to define goals and objectives that show where you stand in your social arrangements and where should your business be going. Goals are the main criteria that help to achieve your objectives that ensure each goal has measurable criteria for evaluating progress.

    One can decide for themselves, high level goals for social media plan that is to complete social media audit and implement the actions. Creating and maintaining social calendar. Work within measurable framework; demonstrate the impact and ROI of social media. The business challenges need to overcome for social channels and strategic activities helps to enable this.

    Refer the given below format:


    The frames help to reach out to social networks, you have to check your core audience and also identify new customer types that you want to attract based on products and services. The three types of social followers are loyal, existing and potential customers. The strategy should be flexible that responds to changing market conditions. Including guidelines in social media strategy helps to execute processes tactfully, this provides for a set of rules for businesses that they have to adhere to.

  • Creating Social Media plans – These are basically nothing but summary of the activities that are implemented to support the plan. The social media audit consists of the summary of social media integration, Facebook profile, twitter profile, reviewing suitable platforms like Pinterest, YouTube, etc. Social media content calendar is created having stand-alone thematic moments having full integration with wide marketing plans.

    Channel activities are an integral part of any social strategies; you have to make sure to include all tactical elements that are related to people or processes. One can make use of Twitter handle as a customer service channel and an interaction channel. Twitter accounts are extremely helpful so that brands are easily available to consumers. It will be beneficial for developing brand awareness. Twitter helps you to do followers, include cross-references to email databases; even following key influencers helps in broadcasting your brand.

    Integrated marketing helps in aligning with other marketing channels so people understand bigger picture. Email marketing explains how to use social networks, using apps, using widgets, using social engagement data to inform email teams, etc. This can work both ways so you can define how other marketing channels can support with the help of a social network.

    Social activities must consist of time lines so the progress is tracked steadily. Timelines are very important and critical when it comes to fulfilling the objectives of the organization. Activities need to have timelines so goals are not drifted, recurring activities can be handled in organized by setting the frequency and targets for the week.

    Measuring your social performance by the way of KPIs helps to keep track on all social networks for easy measuring. You have to also check if web analytics tools are configured in a correct manner that helps to capture relevant data.

With social activities and plans, one can actually know the social performance and take necessary measurable steps that help to isolate specific elements of the activities. You can re-write social goals to meet social expectations by means of ecommerce goals and conversion data to check which one add the most value.

Social Planning Essentials – Strategies that give remarkable results

Longstanding Business strategies to boost Online Business Growth

The conventional methods of business are long gone, welcome to the world of digital tech where opportunities are numerous and the growth is stupendous. People usually feel loyal about companies that cater to individual needs. Digital marketing has a great influencing factor on Ecommerce growth of the organization, this allows for customer trust and stand out from the market competition. It might take years to develop brand name and identify individual components, this helps to build up successful e-commerce business model. The success strategies help to differentiate your company and helps achieve long term business success a reality.

Integrating the Data

Good data is one of the key components to personalization; it helps build consumer trust and loyalty. Data is available in huge quantities but not all companies know how to take full advantage of the information that is available to them.

Integrating the date

Aldo Group found itself failing to utilize its data to the maximum potential that it can. It started with a 2-part Ecommerce approach to rectify their situation. The first approach was to adopt a new front-end solution that will help improve data personalization and later investing integration software to merge the power of more than 100 existing apps, databases and services. The final results were outstanding. What it did was blending its legacy systems with new customer-centric data solutions. The brand had this as one of the most successful holiday shopping season since the time Ecommerce debut started.

Companies collect much data today through the means of marketing efforts so it is their responsibility to make every interaction with the company and customer as intuitive as possible. Optimization of data is one of the vital aspects of an Ecommerce business hence website should have every element as dynamic as possible so that it ensures that customers receive tailored business experience catering to needs of individuals.

Expedia, Travel Company, recognizes its customers travel decisions hence they have created their data as smart as possible. This means using strategies to make customer engaged through different social platforms and reaching customers across all devices. This will also help recognizing patterns that provide advertisements and suggestions that are relevant to every customer. A system can be created where customers get reward points for signing up but at the same time they gather a lot of data that helps to meet their requirements. It is one of the best ideas for customer loyalty.

Going Straight to the Customers

Most brands do bigger mistake of waiting for their customers but the secret to gain customer engagement is by going to your customers. Find the ways where you can reach your customers. The best thing a brand can do is to make their products and their awareness highly reachable to customers. For brands it is easy to sell something to people if they are in your store already. Many bigger retails like Starbuck and Target now make use of Beacon Technology that helps them to collect personal data and boost the revenue from customers. Beacon technology works when a person is at close proximity to the location, the brands then sends mobile alerts to people on sales or any discounts at the store.

Beacons can be used by companies not limited to just Ecommerce; brands can use social media for encouraging their customers to make purchases online. The newer advancements have led even more companies to go beyond social platforms and make use of the sites as a selling point directly. Facebook itself marks sales of over 60% worldwide, almost 90% of Pinterest users purchase online in the past six months.

Enhance Customer’s Online Presence

Digital era has arrived and customers are frantically looking for newer experiences and if they like those experiences than they get engaged to the brand. Brands need to just make easier for users to browse through websites so they know what your brand is about, what you sell and provide. Let us look over at some of the methods through which you can achieve this:

  • Simple Website navigation – An easy layout of the website makes it easier for users to understand your website and its structure. A quality search feature and good indexing of products help to display your products and it has higher success rate.
  • Personalization – Personalization is the key elements when it comes to buying and enticing customers with new products. New items and bestseller sections on web makes easy for customers to know about your brand. You can also add sections to recently viewed items so customers know that you are aware about your preferences.
  • Optimizing Cart functionality and making the site mobile-friendly – Shopping cart is an important buying stage hence attention should be placed that customers don’t leave your shopping cart. Arrange good functional features so that they are easily able to navigate through your website. Mobile commerce is growing at a stunning place; it makes up for 30 percent of entire Ecommerce market in the US. These numbers will rise steadily over coming years. Customers would not wait for long for your webpages to load hence optimization is important.
  • Prioritizing on Security – Brands must ensure that their site is safe and secured; they can make use of strong SSL authentication and run regular PCI tests. A breach in data can lead to massive damages to organizations; hence it is best to let customers know that their data is safe and secured.

Customer’s viewpoints

Customers are the best people to know what they want; you can improve their experiences by providing them best services. You can ask for their feedback and ask them what and how they feel about your website, products and its services. Follow up emails, surveys, customer services, social media provide better opportunities to learn new ways and improve the brands digital marketing approach. Brands can outperform by using good tools and leverage the data to boost brand presence.

Longstanding Business strategies to boost Online Business Growth

Get Google Analytics answers in plain English

Technological changes have made stupendous discovery of new processes and styles that have led to enormous changes in the way we ever interpreted things. Google analytics will let users’ lead easy interpretation with its marvelous discovery of giving data in plain English. Natural language processing and Machine learning technology are the next big things that are going to be integrated in its popular analytics platform. Google have stated the technology that they use hugely comes from Android and Search hence analytics users do better understanding and act accordingly on analytics data.

Google, after thorough preview with analysts it indicated that they spend half of their time in answering basic analytics questions for other people in organization. This makes it possible for analysts and business users to make use of simple English to provide analytics data. They shall be able to get information in theoretical form faster; it gives groups the power to focus on high value aspects of their roles. The ultimate goal of the Google is to get answers about key business metrics as simple as asking questions in plain English.


The latest functionality from Google named as Analytics Intelligence is a powerful tool that helps to answer numerous questions. They shall answer questions that are related to basic metrics like referrals and traffic, trends and performance. The users can put date ranges to get the data specifically that they are looking for, that shall also include percentages.


Google Analytics Intelligence helps give precise information about varied user groups. Retailers can ask any questions relating to their trade in any countries and advertisers can ask questions relating to paid search keywords that give better conversion rates.

Analytics Intelligence is quite intelligent and promises to offer impressive results; it has its set of limitations. The only drawback is that, it cannot tell users which questions to ask. Analytics Intelligence will undoubtedly help a lot of Analytical users not having in-depth knowledge of services to answer questions of their own. It’s a powerful and simple to use service but it often requires good knowledge and experience that most of the companies do not possess. Many people do not realize its utility and hence they are not able to make maximum use of the free service that is available. Analytics Intelligence cannot totally address the issue; they would not be able to tell users which questions they should be asking.

Companies today are already facing a lot of challenges and interpreting data becomes even more difficult with lack of expertise and tools to use. Data is available in huge numbers and tools make the task even simpler for analyzing it. But Data is of no use, if users don’t use the right metrics and ask the right questions. A user can ask Analytics Intelligence questions like, “What channels gave best conversions in the month of July”. The answer may or may not be of real value to the business. Analytics Intelligence does not know what the questions are.

However, good functionality the Analytics Intelligence tool may provide, the users should know that it shouldn’t lead to over-production of reports and charts that might not be of any use for business.

Get Google Analytics answers in plain English

Ecommerce Technology
How to create social media content strategy and plan

Social Media is whole and soul of any business marketing strategy, it may not essentially guarantee a big bang success but it gets you closer to your goals and business objectives. Smart content marketers exactly know how to develop business ideas and what works best for their business and how social networks can be effectively used in making the sales and engaging the customers. Social alignment is highly important when it comes to maintaining consistent style of communication with customers.

Get your content right first

Social Media networks are heavily used by people for connecting with family and friends and moreover it takes a leap ahead by helping business to involve and engage their customers. Customers are looking for relevant content online, so blasting too much content is not a right technique towards attaining one’s business goals. Brands need to take time to learn the facts about their customers, what they like to watch and read and the channels that are most useful to them.

Communication and Content plan are important

Customers love when there is clear communication from the brands; the content that is shared should be totally aligned with the business goals. It is not specific to any social channels but the way communication is led across different channels. There are several ways through which social content could be made available to the users. Before you start posting the content, you may ask yourself some questions like –

  1. What are you looking for in social media and how it aligns to your core business goals?
  2. What is your story and how relevant it is for social audience
  3. Customer profile and type of content that they will respond to
  4. Current state of market and how competitors perform socially
  5. Who needs to involve in content production and marketing
  6. Measuring social content success, optimizing and improving

When you answer the above questions, you get a clear idea about what your audiences are looking for in your content. The plan provides for simpler guidelines that help to focus social marketers on what they are basically looking for in content marketing.

“Without a useable comms and content plan it is much harder to gain traction with your audiences. You may achieve siloed spikes in activity through individual campaigns but it is much harder to build momentum around brand awareness and engagement. By having a content plan in place that clearly answers the Why, What, Who and How, you will be able to be more adaptable and reactive with your content.” – Sejal Parekh, Brand and Creative Strategist.

Analyzing Competitor’s Social accounts

The markets are overly flooded with lot of competition and competitors, the new comers are still buzzing for opportunities. With the highly saturated markets, it makes sense to go with the flow. By this, we mean looking for contents that your competitors are creating and how they are attracting customers. A close looks up in their social accounts, studying the things that they are sharing or following or offering, shall give you a quick content gaps.

You would know –

  • The contents that they aren’t sharing
  • The topics that are poorly covered and you have the possibility to create a niche market

Original is the key to grab markets

Creating original and creative content helps to reach people’s heart and furthermost, the genuineness. These are the key components if you want to rule the market game. People are ambitious and hence inspiring things attract them. There are several media engagement programs that can be used to drive social engagement. Businesses can announce free events, live tweeting of events, famous personality speak, write-ups about events, interviews, etc. and if you see the after effects, the results are astounding. One may see increased event attendance, increase in the number of followers, increase in social engagement and more.

Social Media Content Calendar helps!

Your social media strategy does not have to be extravagant, keep it simpler for your customers to understand what you are sharing with them. A consistent strategic plan goes a long way in building engagement and loyalty. Work out on a quarterly plan and build your content on ideas aligning to previous content that is shared with your customers.

Social media

Planning a content that levels itself to high level content stories is a good idea since there is clear link in the overall content of the strategy. Hence, every time you plan content, it needs to contain a key story. Do not give irrelevant content with the customers for the heck of it.

Optimization a must!

Businesses should not restrict to the content that is just shared on social, there are numerous things by which they can create infinite content that can be unconditionally used for audience engagements. Customer executives spend a lot of time talking to users; they collect vast data in terms of user preferences, likes, dislikes, etc. Attractive posts on social accounts attract attention that can be linked to a more detailed landing page on your website.

Hooks are a major attraction

Content format plans should be rich in quality, creating regular posts helps people to come back to the brand. The below example shows the Twitter account of @Craft posts from its Flickr updates.

Hooks are

Hashtags are good means to get your brand popular, by tagging people or brand; it is more likely to be noticed since they are monitored. It further helps to build engaging communication. Social conversation threads can be created by the use of hashtags.

Hooks are1

Expansion of Content Reach

Brands are always vouching to reach highest audiences so that maximum benefits can be attained by the way of campaigns. The social reaches can be enhanced by way of users sharing the brand content on their networks. How is that possible? Let us look down on few of the basic techniques to achieve this:

    • Creating a lack of resource – It is not actually creating a lack, but for bigger promotions, it requires bigger marketing. So publicizing your product or event launch in advance helps to drive social activity and get people talking about it. The below example shows how Brighton SEO in UK grew the event into one of the leading European SEO event and tickets went selling too sooner.


    • Offering Unique ideas – People look for content and ideas that are very unique in nature, and if they do not get to see uncommon idea other than yours then surely they are up running for you. It increases the chances of brand awareness and attention grabbing material helps to boost the engagement.


The above is good idea placed by Oreo, the brand created several spoofing videos for Halloween that are funny and liked by all hence people share it.

  • Amplifying the reach – Brands can amplify their reach by encouraging users to engage with their brands. The followers should be those people who are actually listening to and not just listed as followers. The actual followers who are interested will listen to brand and check for any posting updates and share it eventually.

Test and Evaluate

This is one of the most crucial stages for knowing what social media content is working for your campaign. The simplest way is finding through engagement metrics like the total number of likes on Facebook, Retweets on Twitter, etc.

For getting optimum benefits from running the campaign, one must do the following:

  • Campaign tracking to be put in all posted links.
  • Using social reports for monitoring social sessions and conversions, the referral reports can be used for comparing social domains to create referral traffic.
  • Using landing page reports and applying social segments to check social impact on web pages.

The Top Preferred Social Media Marketing Tools are basically a set of toolkit that helps to coordinate and automate social content marketing. The social tool helps the content to reach audiences more efficiently.

How to create social media content strategy and plan

Top tips to build Quality Keyword List and getting the Right Match type

Proper use of Adwords makes a great difference in getting best ROI from PPC. Keywords are the main resources that trigger the ads, the keywords tool help to find the trending keywords that are being used by the users. So when a particular user searches for keywords, it triggers the ad. Hence building and maintaining correct keywords is important. Keywords are organized in ad groups where one can assign these ad creatives to ad groups. These creatives or texts appear when they are triggered. The keyword research tools help to find which keywords are important that will give best returns, the research helps to form a keyword lists that are searched by consumers with the use of words or phrases.

Importance of Keyword Research

Keywords are highly important when it comes to AdWords campaigns; it helps you get tremendous visibility through the searches that are made online. A robust keyword list will help you get started and with the quality keyword list, it will perfectly determine the frequency at which your ads appear. It is highly important to review your keyword lists on a regular basis even if you have recently run any Adwords campaigns.

Research Tools and Techniques you can use for Keyword Research

There are vast numbers of tools that help you figure out keywords for running your campaigns but primarily it’s a best idea to go with a Google tool:

Google Keyword planner

The Keyword planner tool from Google helps to build Search network campaigns. Through the use of keyword tool, one can get historical statistics, get ad group ideas and see a host of keywords that describes how a particular keyword might perform. AdWords tool is a free tool; it helps to choose competitive bids and budgets that can be used for campaigns. It provides reliable data based on popular keywords from Google.

On-Site Search

Google Analytics is one of the best known resources for searching data, the search queries report provides good insights that helps to start your keyword research process. Your own website search box shall reflect the known terms your browsers use to find the products and services.

Search terms reports

Best Practices one can use for Keyword Research

  • A QUALITY Keyword helps build up a healthy set of keywords, those are strong keywords that helps to have precedence over generic keywords that have high search volumes.
  • Setting a BUDGET is an important element when it comes to making a keyword research. The search volume and CPCs are important to finalize the keywords to be sure of using all the chosen keywords.
  • The COMPETITIVE review tool are useful in knowing the activities and analyzing how fair the rivals are doing and how they are bidding on keywords.

Procuring the Right Match Types

The keyword matching options helps to make your own choices, like you can choose who gets to see your ads. It helps to find the keywords that are searched by similar users on search engines. With the help of Adwords, it lets you chose five main match types:

Exact Match

Setting the keywords to exact match shows users, search queries for keywords that are matching perfectly. The user may see your ad appear, if he searches for the keyword that is a very close variant to exact match keywords.

Exact Mach

Phrase Match

The Phrase Match triggers Ads when users search query matches the keyword exactly or if it is very close variant. The search will also trigger the ad if the search query has other words included before or after the keywords.

Phrase match

Broad Match

Broad Match keywords are the keywords that show ads for wide range of queries that are broadly related to keywords themselves. The users shall be able to see broad match keywords if the search keywords are synonyms, if the searches are made in a different order, if the searches are a long tailed queries relating to subject matter, or the use of incorrect spellings.

Broad Match

Broad Match Modifier

These are the searches that are made between the broad and phrase match, it offers greater level of targeting control as compared to a broad match since it doesn’t display ads when the users search for synonyms. It will also show the ads when users search for words in different order.

Broad Match Modifier

Negative Match

This match is created to define the queries that would stop triggering the ads. These are used for offensive keywords and sometimes there may be some obvious words that are pertinent to your industry. At later stages, this list of keywords can be drawn out at campaign level but you need to be having good understanding of the keywords that convert and the ones that don’t.

Negative Match

Optimizing the right match type

It is highly important to audit and optimize the match regularly, since if keyword targeting is not controlled, it may get out of budget. The clicks from irrelevant and non-targeted search queries would not get converted and it may cost money. The exact match type offers maximum control over targeting, it is followed by phrase, broad match and modified match.


Broad matches are low value hence should be avoided as they appear for irrelevant queries. Ideally, your account has the keywords that are set to exact matches with different variations. It allows for maximum level of control on targeting and budgets. But that is all possible in an ideal situation, but in reality we have to make use of phrase matches and modified broad matches that help us to reach customers without spending too much time optimizing on campaigns.

Must have’s and Not for Brand Keywords

Brand searches are highly important since they ensure Brand Protection. Earlier, there was restriction by Google to bid on competitor’s brand names but those restrictions are no more. Businesses can now bid on competitor’s branded terms but one cannot include them in the ad text if they have trademark. Brands should know that no search query is safe so even if customers are searching for your business they may end up on your rival company’s ads. So it is worthy to bid on your brand name as a keyword, depending on the business names or brand name a company carries. The bigger brands invest on bidding since they want to see their name on top position in Google search, for some it could be sheer waste of money resources.

The markets are really competitive hence big retailers are aggressively vouching to make their position in the marketplace. The retailers who are bidding must ensure that they set their bids high enough ensuring that the customers straight away visit their sites. The main objective must be to stand on #1 position to get organic clicks.

Steps to ensure right matches

  • Consider Match types – Brand names play an integral part for keyword searches. If the brand name is unique, it may be recognized by people since they know the brand and the products and services it caters to. If the brand name is too common, the ads may appear along with other irrelevant searches that go common with your brand name.
  • Brand Targets – Brand keywords are always a profitable venture since people who are searching your brand names have already made up their mind to purchase the product. You can set targets based on brand names or non-brand keywords.
  • Brand Reputation – The brand reputation is the most important elements while considering PPC for brand keywords. So, while thinking of keywords to bid on, one must consider and think of the queries that they do not want to be associated with the brand. Unwanted keywords do not get any brand traffic or conversions.

Maintaining and building effective keyword list is an on-going process for which brands have to stay awake. If you want your brand to run successfully then setting the right expectations and research is needed to form strong pillar.

Top tips to build Quality Keyword List and getting the Right Match type


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