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Reasons for the popularity of Multi-Channel Customer Communication Platforms

Reasons for the popularity of Multi-Channel Customer Communication Platforms


Embracing Multi Channel Strategy

The most important assets for any online business are their valuable visitors and customers. Whatever steps is taken eventually have an aim of satisfying the prospects and building trustworthy relationships. Most marketing efforts are bent towards conversions hence conversion rates and ROI metrics are of utmost importance.

Multichannel-communication-550x310Interactions with existing customers or new prospects play a vital role for offering help to the customers. ROI and conversion rates increases if the customers can reach you faster and can enjoy the live support.

Optimization of Online Communication channels

Global Businesses would mean availability of personnel for 24/7 in multiple languages and dealing with different cultural people. The very basis of multiple communication channels is to align oneself in doing what is needed. Small medium businesses at the very least can offer English support. Optimization of online communication channels would mean adding multiple apps on your website or within the app itself.

Opening multiple channels lets users interact with your company personnel through SMS, Voice, Facebook Messenger, Line, Whatsapp, etc. asking customers to fill a form or sending an email also works wonders.

Multichannel communications

Add Multiple Communication Channels

As Technology is moving at a rapid pace and evolving each day, companies are also adapting to new tools and implementation. The online businesses are thriving explicitly through Automation but human interaction is highly important while closing the deals. The top industrial players know this importance hence introduction of bots, virtual assistants, digital agents have come into picture. Businesses should add more channels while communicating with the users; different users may prefer different messaging tools. There are several platforms through which consumers can interact with businesses and the year 2017 have more consumers craving for multiple communication channel support.

Which Channels to choose?

Well, businesses should implement multiple communication channels but the hard question is which ones to select and how to know users choices. Businesses could decide this, going by their personal preferences through industrial statistics and popular app amongst the specific target audience. Recent report states that almost 78% of people wished they could text businesses. Forrester study states that 62% business owners felt they may fail to keep up if they do not implement social customer service technology in customer operations. Putting FB messenger apps makes sense with 1 billion worldwide users, even apps like Viber and WeChat are a good means to opt for since they have user base of 900 million.

Integrating Multiple Channels into a Single data feed

For Integrating Multiple Channels, it is highly important to make sure that website or App’s UX supports the multiple channel implementations in a graceful manner. The third party online widgets offers floating bubbles, drop down menus, etc. The multiple channel approach allows the prospects to send emails, SMS, Facebook messages and call the sales team. For the best optimized sales process you have to make sure that all communication events with each prospect are stored in unified data feed CRM.

Online Businesses need support for the following:

  • Integrate multiple communication channels
  • Managing the operations in a dashboard
  • Organize the costing and payments
  • Migrate the data in existing CRM

Multi-channel communication platforms

New platforms have emerged to allow businesses to follow “multi communication channels” strategy; they offer all-in-one comprehensive support as given below:

  • Single plugin for multiple communication apps that include Voice, SMS, Web Chat and other IM apps offering an open API.
  • Optimizing the load time that minimizes the multiple apps load on domains
  • Dashboard that helps manages the operation for back-office
  • API support integration that exists with 3rd party CRM systems

The above strategies help to forego conventional methods and ideas. It is important to follow the new technological trends well so you can interact with prospect through the right channels they are comfortable with.




Ideas to implement video in your Digital Marketing Strategy

Videos are the next big boom that has entirely changed the way marketers ever marketed their businesses. People actually like watching video content than they do for textual content. Videos have gained good popularity with the onslaught of varied networks and social media at its brim. The fact of the matter is – Videos can give you more than expected results if done in the right manner. The Cisco report states that by 2019, online videos are slated to generate four-fifths of global Internet traffic. Given below are few of the tips and steps that will help you target your audience with how, where and why you should take Video marketing seriously.

Website Video Marketing

Almost 79% of consumers stated they will watch video about the product and 84% noted they will make a purchase after watching the video.

Getting results with SEO:

  • 97% businesses reported that their product video tutorials helped user understand the features of the product or their services.
  • 54% business reported that they saw reduced support calls by putting video tutorials for the users.


  • User-generated content can be used for making video content without investing on it. You can also offer users discounts or a gift in return for video review.

What to expect:

  • 80% increase in conversion after putting the video in the landing page.
  • Increased traffic to your website.

Question and Answer Platforms like Quora

Quora is one of the best platforms to imbibe video content that will help populate comments or discussions on the forums. Quora is ranked in the Top 500 by Alexa ranking.

Getting results:

Usually Q&A forums, like videos a lot and it is much appreciated. People genuinely prefer posting video answers, you can add a link to your website in the video and you will be astonished to see your traffic grow.


What to expect:

Significant increase in the generated traffic –

  • 100M unique monthly visitors on Quora
  • 15M users on Yahoo answers on a daily basis


The recent Conductor research states that 51% of people discover new websites through emails. Most email providers do not support videos in emails. The use of the word “Video” in the email subject line boosts open rates up to 19%, increased click through rates up to 65%. It has greatly reduced unsubscribe rate by 26%.

Getting results

These are the 3 powerful methods that can help using Video in the email

  • Taking the risk. Including the video in the body of email using html5. It will only be visible to iOS,, Apple Mail and Thunderbird users. Gmail, Yahoo and Outlook do not support the videos.
  • Creative Step. Make use of GIFs, it is the best option to use if you want your video to be displayed to all popular email clients. GIF images are better than the static images and it’s easy to convert to GIF making use of ImgFlip, GifLike or Gifsoup.
  • Classical Step. Add “PLAY” button to a static picture and send the user to your landing page where the video is embedded.

What to Expect

  • More backlinks, 41% increased sharing and forwarding of a content.
  • 24% increased conversion.


Social Media

Social Media is one of the most powerful means that has made video trends more popular. Technologies like Live 360 and VR have been tested there. According to 2016 reports, Facebook and Snapchat received 8 and 7 billion video views respectively on a daily basis. Instagram saw 5 million video uploads in the first 24 hours of availability of the function.

Getting results

It is highly important to react to new video trends and analyze the responses. The infographics are a great means to show the most liked trends followed by marketers.

What to Expect

Social Media show amazing results with 7 times more shares on Facebook and 6 times more retweet.


Tubular insights reports that, 68% of YouTube users made a purchase decision after watching the video. The review trend continues to show thrust for bloggers and advertisers alike. Google loves YouTube for the sheer reason people love videos and it is their own product. The videos appear in 20% rich snippets.

Getting results

  • Follow the YouTube Trend – Make use of Trends Map, Trends Dashboard, Trends blog
  • Search “Video keywords” the show YouTube results right on the first page of Google.

Examples: How to, Reviews, Tutorial, Sport related (Morning Yoga), Funny videos

  • Make use of the keywords in the filename, it is highly important to use keywords in the Title and Description. Use keywords in the first 25 words and repeat it throughout for 3-4 times.
  • Adding links to your website and profile description.
  • Engage in comments for active discussions, they are good signals for search engines.
  • Analyzing the video positions to check the ranking.

What to Expect

  • 50% Increased chances of appearing on first page
  • 41% high clickthrough rates compared to plain text.

Following are few things worth taking note of:

Mobile – During the 2012-2014 study, mobile video views rate increased by 400%. Almost 48% of Gen Y watch videos only on mobile devices. Hence, it is important to optimize the videos embedded on your pages

Speed – While adding videos to your site, you have to make sure that the load time doesn’t increase. There are higher chances of conversions with less loading time.

Tone Friendliness – 83% consumers reported to having found informal voice, more like a friend talking to them. This adds trust and a sense of connection to the communication.







Ideas to implement video in your Digital Marketing Strategy

Ecommerce Technology
Top Google Adwords Conversion Rate chart

The chart gives information on conversion rates in AdWords from AdWords management platform – Wordstream. If you are looking for paid search marketing, this chart will surely give you an idea of the conversion rates while making a business strategy. The different tests show you the rates that are very specific to the markets, the type of the keywords and the proposition.

average-conversion-rates-2016-adwords-550x699The above chart is published by Wordstream. The report is based on the US based Wordstream client accounts in different verticals; the total research was conducted with a sample of 2,367 clients. The different verticals represented a total of $34.4 million in the total Adwords Spend that were advertising on Google Adwords Search and Display networks in the Q2 2015. The different sectors covered includes Auto, Advocacy, B2B, Consumer Services, E-Commerce, Finance and Insurance, Employment services, Education, Dating and Personals, Health and Medical, Industrial services, Home Goods, Real Estate, Legal, Travel & Hospitality, Technology.

Conversion Averages for previous AdWords conversion rate data

All the results are true averages, the summary of previous recordings is stated below:

  1. Average conversion rate for search network in Q3 2012 was 5.63%
  2. Average conversion rate from display network in Q3 2012 was 4.68%
  3. Travel Industry had the lowest conversion rates
  4. Internet/Telecoms have highest conversion rates for search and display
  5. Display networks generate 5 times the volume of impressions but only 1/5 of the clicks compared to search network.
  6. According to Wordstream, it suggested an average of 2% to 5% paid search clickthrough rates for competitive industries and 5% click through rate for non-competitive industries slotting for top positions.


Top Google Adwords Conversion Rate chart

8 Tools to Spy on your Competitors

Are you competent or feel that something is missing in your Business Marketing framework? If so, here is whirlpool of info that will help you go ahead with better and better results. Businesses that understand their customer pain points, know their target audiences and buyer personas are undoubtedly already doing well in marketing business game. But there is still something amiss here! And that is to thoroughly investigate how your competition is doing and how they do it. You will be glad to know that you can actually investigate what your competitors are doing by Spying on them. It doesn’t cost anything, in fact gives you a clue of what you should be doing.

One way is to analyze your competitors’ website by searching their backlinks, email marketing funnels, and research the kind of paid and organic search keywords they focus on. Given below are some of the tools that will help you spy on your competitors:

  • Sortd – If you are looking to check what is happening around you, it is presumed that you are doing best to stay on par with what is latest. But mind you, just a simple subscription to email marketing lists is not enough. You need to scatter your glances just everywhere you can think of. Subscribe to all email lists that includes cheat sheets, free ebooks, challenges and training. Study your competitors email sequences and cross-references that you are already doing. Evaluate every aspect of the product you like by checking on the material, quality, any weak points that you can improve on.
    The only demerit of this is that it may quickly fill up your inbox, you can use tools like Sortd that will help you streamline new subscriptions and alerts and also helpful in organizing to-do lists and follow-ups.
  • SEMRush – This is a very special tool that helps you research the keyword your competitors are already using. This tool helps you spy on your competitors’ blog posts, websites and ad keywords that help you study the best ones that are giving results. Choose the best one that will show you effective results for your company. SEMRush helps you find the keyword that is generating huge traffic. Scanning through all this information will help you craft the type of content that you need to write and target the markets.
  • Social Media – Social Media is the best tool that helps to see what your competition is up to. But there is something deeper than meets the eye and the layman users would not know about it. Scroll through the Twitter Feeds and Facebook pages, social mention uses the keywords that you may be looking for and it shows you the conversation that is going on in Social media and the way trends are moving.
  • Quick Sprout – The Competitor analysis tool from Quick Sprout helps to figure out the websites that are similar to yours. The information will help you to shape your strategy and the means to outreach them in search engine results. The tool also helps to gain insight on estimated traffic scores, SEO scores and Social Network Shares that show which businesses are and could be your competition.

Along with what is stated above, pay attention to speed scores. Almost 47% of users need faster load time of 2 seconds or less. 40% of users will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. You need to really gear up if competitor’s website is running faster than yours.

  • Monitor Backlinks – The tool helps to check the links with your competitors. It helps to enhance your SEO thereby improving the search reach. Monitor Backlinks is a tool that helps to check the quality links that your competitor gets. This will give you the clue of which businesses would backlink your business or have an interest in your products or services. It is one of the best tools while conducting competitive link analysis.

Monitor Backlinks gives alerts when backlinks are posted to your own site, this is the best means to actively engage with the blogger, build relationships and share the content. You can also check if the backlinks are removed so that you can keep pace with ongoing changes in your marketing efforts.

  • – Data mining is one of the best means to get information on multiple things. is an important tool that is helpful in extracting the data from webpages and use the information for lead generation, price monitoring and market research. The benefit here is that you can extract and process the data from multiple URLs at the same time that will give you bigger picture idea of the competition.
  • Similar Web – Similar Web is the tool that helps to get a glimpse on the online marketing strategies that are being followed by your competitors. The Similar Web dashboard gives a view on referring sites, display advertising, search the traffic. The information will give you a better view of competitor’s monthly traffic estimates and the engagement, the tool helps to keep a track on organic and paid traffic.
  • LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a professional platform and can provide infinite information on competition businesses. Make use of follow-up feature that helps to keep tabs on competition and the postings that they do. The LinkedIn Pulse helps to find out information where they are blogging and information about their products or services. You can find all the information here that could benefit you.


8 Tools to Spy on your Competitors

Top Ecommerce Trends to include in your Marketing Strategy

For a successful e-commerce marketing results, it is highly important to have a good marketing strategy and you need to start planning for it now. As Ecommerce continues to grow at rapid speed, the markets are ramping up with faster ecommerce growth than initially targeted. It will eventually lead to more dissatisfaction amongst customers, losing out on leads and non-satisfactory UX. To avoid this trauma, it’s highly important to stay in tune with the fierce market competition. The mega global trends have huge implications and are not going to be grounded too soon. The marketers will have to integrate latest trends in their planning with a focused approach taking into consideration analytics and great optimization techniques in an effective manner.


Given below are few of the greatest trends that can be included in your marketing campaign for fastest results:

Trend 1
Asia specific eCommerce progression


Primarily, US were the only one that was driving eCommerce market growth, now it has become a global phenomenon. US, is still the most significant partner driving the business growth globally. The chart shows how US eCommerce annual growth has continuously seen explosion in the past 15 years. The growth rate is still very strong and isn’t too far from the market saturation so the sales are just beginning to plateau. This is in absolute contrast with Asian markets where eCommerce markets will see astounding growth. The below chart shows China driving overall growth including that accounts for over all global eCommerce sales. The sales are expected to double from present day till the year 2019 that will add $1 trillion of additional sales in the next three years.

The Keynote:
Asia’s ecommerce growth has great potential, however to take advantage of Ecommerce boom they will need to go International with their ecommerce. The best part of ecommerce business is that you don’t have to have any physical stores and with easier inter-country business relations it has become easier to enter new countries.

Trend 2
Rise in Mobile users but are they really contributing to eCommerce growth


There has been a massive shift in the mobile use in the last five years and it continues to show increasing trend towards mobile web traffic. But it is surprising to know that a big chunk of customers aren’t really happy with mobile shopping. Wolfgang digital analyses state this fact with 80 million website sessions and online revenue worth €230 million. Out of a total 59% of all sessions by device, there was only 38% revenue through the mobile browsers. Desktops have higher conversion rates while mobiles are basically used for research purposes. The difference came in larger quantity with high cost purchases like holidays that made up to 41% of traffic on desktop and dominated sales bought 67% in revenues.

So basically, it can be summarized that mobile users cannot be ignored. They make their major buying, researching decisions on smartphones they than actually log on to desktop for making the purchase. Wolfgang’s study found a strong correlation between high percentages of mobile and overall website conversion rates.

The Keynote:
On average households have 7.4 internet connected devices, so a user is a mobile user at particular moment and the desktop user the next. An excellent mobile UX may help mobile users convert without switching to desktop. The main focus should be to provide seamless user experience in all buying decisions a customer makes.
The key strategy that can be used here is to send an email of all items that the user browsed on the mobile there by giving the user best possible getaway to convert.

Trend 3
Growing Ecommerce competence

Every year brings new challenges and innovations. The startups are entering the markets and bigger retail outlets are turning to ecommerce markets to rake in online sales boom. The Martech 2016 by Scott Brinker clearly shows a big explosion in mar-tech tools.


The growing competition will pose a serious threat for ecommerce marketers in the year 2017. Mark Schaefer point out that the real problem would be for anyone who is using content marketing that includes big amount of eCommerce companies.

The Keynote:
The trends show historical win for ecommerce marketer although competition and content shock are undoubtedly a serious threat. Marketers will have to come up with the best exclusive content to stand out in the year 2017 and if they cannot manage that, moving to other focused marketing approaches may be the best bet.

For successful eCommerce marketing with a dominating content shock world, marketer will have to employ innovative model. The 70:20:10 model will help shape content marketing strategy with 70% of time focused on effectiveness, 20% on innovating new content and 10% time on risk project that could potentially be a major payoff.

Trend 4
Subscription based Business Models

SaaS based business models are pioneers in the subscription based model and have been highly effective to businesses and consumers. It offers greater flexibility to consumers and the recurring revenues are a win-win situation for both the parties. This has amazingly led to its massive growth in the past ten years and would continue as we proceed for 2020.

The subscription based models need not be limited to software. The last few years have seen ecommerce businesses providing physical product on subscription than paying for a single fee during the purchase. The pretty good example of this is, the dollar shave club which was founded in the year 2011, today it is worth $615 million.

There should a strong focus on retention with constant efforts and investments in improving the product. It could be very tempting at first to focus on getting more conversions, but if you neglect them, customers will go elsewhere. Industries are already ripe for disruptions from successful e-commerce sites and looking for economy wide trends and this is set to continue further.

The Keynote:
It is best to sell your product through a subscription model. The millennial’s high disposable incomes would mean more cash for subscription but lower wealth would mean there is never a chance for big one-off purchase option. So there is never going to be a better time to sell your product through a subscription based model.

Trend 5
Growth of Artificial Intelligence


It’s pretty much a new trend so it is hard to make any predictions. The availability of more consumer data has increased the ability to target the customers but that doesn’t mean increase in effectiveness. Marketers can get caught up sometimes with big market speaks and buzzwords but fail to see what a consumer sees. What “big-data” actually means to customers is getting served the ads of products that they have already bought. Cracking the targeting is a big challenge and that is where the role of Artificial Intelligence comes in. The funding cost for AI has seemingly increased over the past three years. The year 2017 will most serve the best AI resources that combine genuine intelligence with data. The analytics and tracking software will get smarter, this will help target the ads and help in personalization strategy.

Trend 6

Chatbots have bought a huge change in the way customer ever communicated with brands. The important trends like big data, VR, AI and IoT have already been around for some time now. Chatbots have been around since before 2016 and it has grown huge in popularity.

Chatbots help to automate repetitive tasks over the Internet. It also includes different applications. The latest bots are built to help marketer, they act like a human helper without actually hiring a human.

The Keynote –
Chatbots are emerging technological tools so do not invest in it only because it’s the latest. Do your own market research and know what is really needed. It has a huge potential for growth, it will soon become a norm before experimental phase passes away. E-Commerce businesses will soon start utilizing Chatbots as the best means to provide to a customer on its Journey.

Trend 7
Shoppable Personalized Video

Shoppable videos are not really new things, it was launched by YouTube way back in the late 2015 but it didn’t take off really well the way it should have been. The simple little pop up cards in a video is an old jargon that any video creators could do. The prediction for future is one of the providers or YouTube will merge the tech and create programme based general personalized videos. There has been a great surge in creating Shoppable and personalized videos that shows a massive change in the manner in which eCommerce marketers are selling through videos.

The Keynote –
The merged tech will offer superior outcomes to eCommerce marketers. Placing the products in the video based on customers’ preference through programming will offer advertisers the outcome they never expected before.


Ecommerce is one of the fastest growing fields and it’s necessary to keep up with the latest trends. Consumers can effortlessly switch from one brand to the other hence it is very important to provide great customer experience and use a great pricing strategy.










Top Ecommerce Trends to include in your Marketing Strategy

The most vital Digital Marketing Tools for 2017 brings you the best model to understand the essential digital marketing tools that you need to follow for 2017. Following these marketing tools will essentially showcase how you can use marketing technology in the best optimum way.

Marketers are profoundly fortunate today to have huge number of freely available tools giving insights to the customers, the markets and competitors. The latest tools help us to compete by helping us deliver relevant and real time communications that are integrated across desktop and mobile digital marketing channels.

The below infographic highlights good range of options including marketing technology, it’s a Smart Insights RACE Planning Framework that helps to manage digital marketing. You can review the tools and use the best ones that suit your requirements.

The infographic shows enormous amount of marketing tools that helps improve the quality of your marketing efforts. There are numerous freely available online tools that can give you insights about our customers, competitors and markets. The digital edge gives us the advantage of automated real time communications integrated process across desktop, mobile and digital plus marketing channels.


The most vital Digital Marketing Tools for 2017

Knowing three Cs of Search Engine Optimization

With social marketing at its highest grade, it’s become important to know in and out of SEO basics before you start doing one or get it done. SEO definitely has huge ranging benefit if you are looking forward to get more visibility on search engines. Given below are the important 3Cs, core concepts to keep in mind for a successful SEO strategy:


Content is indeed the market king when it comes to online texts. HTML Text is highly important on the key pages to get higher visibility on search engines. Search engine spiders are programmed to check for codes in the images, text or flash animation. If there is no code attached, it will never know what it depicts. Even the sites with frames are difficult to get traced by spider since they cannot locate multiple frames and can only index single frame.

Website indexing means the spider looks for HTML text that is understood. It is highly important to embed the target phrases on a regular basis. You can use the phrases in the headline, body and at the bottom of the page. You can emphasize the phrases in the body of the text by making it bold, italics, underlined or giving it a hyperlink for other relevant content.


Often times, the source code behind website is quite larger and clumsy because of the propagation of the use of database driven CMS editors. The web spiders may get difficultly to deal with certain programming languages like Javascript which actually makes building and managing the website easier. To ensure that the site is properly indexed, you need to make sure that the website is designed according to acceptable Web Standards.

Complying with web standards would mean that the site is accessible to wide ranging browsers and speed; this will directly enhance the visitor experience. For source code optimization, make sure that every page has keyword optimized title, ALT tags and META tags. The keyword phrases should be similar to the ones that you used for body of the content. Even domains with keywords are great beneficiaries.


There may be times when you use keyword phrase reasonable number of times in the body and tags of a particular page and the result would not show your page even in the first 100. Why? There are certain elements that affect the way search engines functions. You need to build credibility to push yourself on the top from the noisy competition below. You can build your credibility by acquiring links from relevant industrial sites that are popular and search your target terms. The more relevancy and popularity the linked site has, you get higher link credibility with the search engine.

The best way to gauge the success of your SEO campaign is to monitor and analyze the traffic of the site. You can make use of freely available tools on Internet that will tell you which phrases generates the traffic from search engines. The above 3 Cs of SEO will most likely give you increased search engine visibility and outreach.


Knowing three Cs of Search Engine Optimization

Universal Social Media Research summary for the year 2017

Social networks are far and wide popular and are the key means for marketing, business and networking purposes. The trends don’t easily change, but the popular sites does show different level of usage based on demographics. brings the newest social media statistics relating to consumer adoption and usage.

Social Media 2017 update

Given below are some of the questions that social Marketers should check into while deciding on how much time to invest in social media.

Question – Most Popular Social network

The Statista compilation of the most popular social network undoubtedly shows Facebook is ruling the media. Facebook has over 1,870 million active users and holds a total of 18% market share and its closest competitor is Facebook owned Whatsapp.

APAC favored platforms accounts for a total of over 600 million active users with QQ standing at 9% and WeChat at 8% and Qzone at 7%. The western social media networks stands with Tumblr at 6%, Instagram at 4% and Twitter at 4%.

Facebook is leading with major market share and retaining huge lead. The penetration rate stood at 89% for US users and Instagram stood at 32% in the penetration rate.

Question – Fastest growing Social network


A Marketer has very limited time when it comes to marketing in social networks. So basic question is which network to focus on? Statista chart shows the growth of Twitter and how it compares to Facebook, WeChat and Whatsapp.

Question – Most Engaging Social network

The most important factor that matters in social media marketing is the total amount of audience engagement. Facebook enjoys the dominance when it comes to social engagement.


According to US Consumer panel from comScore – Facebook has biggest engagement. The update also shows UK comparing Facebook vs Twitter vs Instagram vs Pinterest vs Snapchat. This chart especially demonstrates the engagement on the amount of time spent on platforms with the demographics. It’s amazingly great to see Facebook at top position and interesting to note the development of Snapchat and Instagram on monthly usage per visitors. Facebook’s successors are also impressively at 47 penetration rate for Facebook messenger and Instagram for its engagement, they are both Facebook owned platforms.

Question – Interaction rates in Social Media


TrackMaven’s analyses of over 51 million posts from 40000 companies from over 130 industries clearly shows Instagram dominating all others counting on the number of interactions per 1,000 followers. The number is so high that it required second chart to demonstrate the big differences between Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.


Instagram dominates the lead in interactions but Facebook tops it when it comes to networks like Twitter and LinkedIn. People tend to frequently post on Twitter since it doesn’t follow any algorithm serving posts only to particular section of audience. Twitter actually acts like fire hose of content, companies keep sharing more often to have more visibility and create noise on the platform. This actually results in low engagement per post.

Question – Global Social Media Usage

smartinsight global digital snapshot brings an exclusive summary of Social Media and Mobile stats from WeAreSocial Singapore, the records are mainly extracted from GWI. Global Web Index provides the most reliable research statistics that helps to compare consumer use and engagement on different social networks. Researches are done on a quarterly basis for which the total sample size is 40,000 of Internet research program.


It is interesting to note the massive difference amongst different countries when it comes to the use of social media and more so interesting to see the western countries are lagging behind when it comes to adoption rates. The Annual increase in growth rate of mobile users stood at 17% in 2016.


The Asia-Pacific region showed good internet usage rate and the number of active social media users increased by 14% in 2015 alone.


Counting on the global internet users, East Asian and South Asian markets have remarkably hit the tide. With digital innings, it has become easier to reach out to these people although cultural challenges are always the hurdle in International markets.

Social networks popularity (country-wise)


Based on the interviews in the GWI reports, it shows great visualization when it comes to popularity of social networks. Countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico, India and Brazil are amongst the top 10 countries that tops the list for using four core social networks (facebook, twitter, YouTube and Google plus.


Social networks are strikingly showing signs of maturity giving opportunities for people of all age groups and genders; the only exception is Instagram and Tumblr that are more popular among the younger age group.

Universal Social Media Research summary for the year 2017

Latest SEO trends for better rankings

SEO is a capricious industry because Google Algorithm keeps changing ever so often and with every update brings new changes. It keeps evolving every day; this strongly boosts the power at which SEO specialists are tuning up with the updates. Given below is the best guide for SEO managers to stay on par amongst related SEO business:

  1. Optimization for Rich Answers

Optimize for rich answer

As it is, aiming for top position in Google searches is a good idea; today more focus is being laid on Rich Answers too. The research by Stone Temple Consulting states that rich answers appear on 19.45% of total searches on Google. The number may not seem too high at present but looking at the scale at which it is growing, it shall surely increase in the future. Google has made it very clear that it will provide value to its users by giving them relevant information through rich answers.

   2. Reviewing other Content on Google

Mozcast Google Feature review is the tool where it features other types of content within the Google results. Rich answers are mentioned here as “featured snippets”. Other similar feature available is “Related questions” this features explicably shows how articles should try covering the questions. Other than these, videos and images are other ways through which SERPs rank better.

    3. Improving the user engagement

Although the speculation is very ripe about user engagement a possible element, which influence the ranking factor but it merely has too indirect influence on search rankings. Eventually, it is up to the website owners to optimize the sites if they are really looking forward for good results. There are other factors that include average time spent on the site, the bounce rates, pogo sticking and more. Lack of data is one of the most thumbing factors that make it difficult to measure search engine success.

Matt Banner from states that User engagement is of prime importance in the present day. According to him, the user is going to spend more time if he enjoys the website. They will visit more pages and hence contribute to low bounce rates for overall site and these are the people which are more likely to visit your website again. He further states that the positive elements of the website will help Google rank the website higher since if the user likes the website, there are likely chances for Google also finds it beneficial.

   4. Optimization of Mobile App

Mobile Markets are getting bigger by the day, Google’s Mobile friendly update – Mobilegeddon encourages the site owners to develop responsive designs that helps increase the loading speed of the mobile devices. A good loading speed will ensure more retention of users on the website. eMarketer figures show stunning rise in mobile ads and Google will play significant role delivering the content to the mobile users through app store optimization. App Indexing is one the latest developments that will make an impact on how pages are ranked for targeted keywords.

    5. Google’s guidelines

Google’s guidelines keeps evolving based on the changes and the way people it. Here is the brief of the search guidelines stated by the Google:

  1. High quality standards are set on YMYL pages. Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) pages are pages that include financial information pages, shopping transaction pages, medical information pages, legal information pages and other such similar sites. Low quality YMYL pages can give negative impact one’s health and happiness while high quality standard pages are directly linked to future happiness, health and wealth of the users. Hence, higher importance is given to create useful pages under this term.
  2. High quality content is expected from E-A-T sources that is Expertise/Authoritativeness/Trustworthiness. It can be acquired through accreditation. For example, medical information must come from accredited or authorized medical personnel.
  3. Mobile pages are evaluated based on their optimization for mobile viewing and the satisfaction that they provide to the users about their search query.

These points stated by Google give perfect guidance to improve the usability of your mobile site and become an influencing factor in your niche. You can build your identity and authority as a subject matter expert in the industry; this will help in getting trust from your audiences.

Launching an influencer marketing campaign helps the brand to establish an online visibility. After establishing your online visibility you can build yourself as an Authority depending on different factors like site’s domain authority, its social proof, blog comments and more.

Latest SEO trends for better rankings

Organic vs PPC: Top 7 Viewpoint from consumers

Investing in Organic SEO needs a lot of justification in terms of time and money spent. The mutual fact internally known to consumers as well as marketers is that customers don’t trust ads, they believe in Organic search results that have more likeability of being clicked.

organic vs ppc1

Given below are some infographics from 1,000 respondents from a SEO survey that was recently done:

  • The search results are deeply concentrated on the type of queries asked put on a Google search.

informational query

  • The relevancy at which Organic search results are portrayed.

  • Consumers largely notice the ads trolling them on every network they get logged in.


  • Personalization plays a key role in defining how consumers think they get results through searches made on Google.

  • This is the behavior of the audience when they see organic result and a paid ad.

  • People reflect on the results they get through organic searches made.

Ranking is undoubtedly good for your business. A measly 28% of people feel organic results are more reputable than Ads so it clarifies that PPC ads are not that bad after all.


Organic vs PPC: Top 7 Viewpoint from consumers

Top Digital Marketing Trends for the new era

Today, there are several techniques that are used in Digital Marketing world to market your products and services. Let’s look at some of the Digital Marketing Trends that are fast catching up:

  1. The Big Data Marketing applications give a predictive analysis into the customer insights. This is the trend that is followed by many people globally because they have experienced increase in the volume of sales, data formats and the real time data.
  2. Marketing Automation includes the use of tools like behavioral email marketing, CRM and the web personalization.
  3. Mobile Marketing is fast catching up with the brands with increase in the use of mobile app and mobile advertising. Companies are providing an adaptive mobile design that helps to reduce the load time and provide contextual content and CTAs for the users.
  4. Social Media marketing is a growing field where CRM and social customer care plays a vital role. The huge audience engagement happens with the efforts put by social networking sites to increase their popularity.
  5. Internet marketing applications has fast caught up in the recent years targeting different market segments. According to the research, there are going to be over 75 billion connected devices by the year 2020.
  6. The Internet has seen huge increase in AMP smartphone traffic since the time Google rolled out AMPs. Hence, smartphone app development is the big trend.
  7. The Digital marketing has found new ways to reach audiences and with wearable tech it has come a long way. The digital Apple watch and activity trackers have laid strong foundation in the manner in which marketing was ever done.
  8. Paid search marketing through Google Adwords and online PR is intimately linked with Content Marketing, social media and SEO. These tools have played a major role in digital marketing world showcasing a huge impact on the entire industry.

Digital Marketing trends 2017

The Digital Marketing world has bought amazing opportunities for marketers and businesses to grow their sales and increase their audiences online.

Top Digital Marketing Trends for the new era


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