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Knowing three Cs of Search Engine Optimization

Knowing three Cs of Search Engine Optimization


With social marketing at its highest grade, it’s become important to know in and out of SEO basics before you start doing one or get it done. SEO definitely has huge ranging benefit if you are looking forward to get more visibility on search engines. Given below are the important 3Cs, core concepts to keep in mind for a successful SEO strategy:


Content is indeed the market king when it comes to online texts. HTML Text is highly important on the key pages to get higher visibility on search engines. Search engine spiders are programmed to check for codes in the images, text or flash animation. If there is no code attached, it will never know what it depicts. Even the sites with frames are difficult to get traced by spider since they cannot locate multiple frames and can only index single frame.

Website indexing means the spider looks for HTML text that is understood. It is highly important to embed the target phrases on a regular basis. You can use the phrases in the headline, body and at the bottom of the page. You can emphasize the phrases in the body of the text by making it bold, italics, underlined or giving it a hyperlink for other relevant content.


Often times, the source code behind website is quite larger and clumsy because of the propagation of the use of database driven CMS editors. The web spiders may get difficultly to deal with certain programming languages like Javascript which actually makes building and managing the website easier. To ensure that the site is properly indexed, you need to make sure that the website is designed according to acceptable Web Standards.

Complying with web standards would mean that the site is accessible to wide ranging browsers and speed; this will directly enhance the visitor experience. For source code optimization, make sure that every page has keyword optimized title, ALT tags and META tags. The keyword phrases should be similar to the ones that you used for body of the content. Even domains with keywords are great beneficiaries.


There may be times when you use keyword phrase reasonable number of times in the body and tags of a particular page and the result would not show your page even in the first 100. Why? There are certain elements that affect the way search engines functions. You need to build credibility to push yourself on the top from the noisy competition below. You can build your credibility by acquiring links from relevant industrial sites that are popular and search your target terms. The more relevancy and popularity the linked site has, you get higher link credibility with the search engine.

The best way to gauge the success of your SEO campaign is to monitor and analyze the traffic of the site. You can make use of freely available tools on Internet that will tell you which phrases generates the traffic from search engines. The above 3 Cs of SEO will most likely give you increased search engine visibility and outreach.


Universal Social Media Research summary for the year 2017

Social networks are far and wide popular and are the key means for marketing, business and networking purposes. The trends don’t easily change, but the popular sites does show different level of usage based on demographics. brings the newest social media statistics relating to consumer adoption and usage.

Social Media 2017 update

Given below are some of the questions that social Marketers should check into while deciding on how much time to invest in social media.

Question – Most Popular Social network

The Statista compilation of the most popular social network undoubtedly shows Facebook is ruling the media. Facebook has over 1,870 million active users and holds a total of 18% market share and its closest competitor is Facebook owned Whatsapp.

APAC favored platforms accounts for a total of over 600 million active users with QQ standing at 9% and WeChat at 8% and Qzone at 7%. The western social media networks stands with Tumblr at 6%, Instagram at 4% and Twitter at 4%.

Facebook is leading with major market share and retaining huge lead. The penetration rate stood at 89% for US users and Instagram stood at 32% in the penetration rate.

Question – Fastest growing Social network


A Marketer has very limited time when it comes to marketing in social networks. So basic question is which network to focus on? Statista chart shows the growth of Twitter and how it compares to Facebook, WeChat and Whatsapp.

Question – Most Engaging Social network

The most important factor that matters in social media marketing is the total amount of audience engagement. Facebook enjoys the dominance when it comes to social engagement.


According to US Consumer panel from comScore – Facebook has biggest engagement. The update also shows UK comparing Facebook vs Twitter vs Instagram vs Pinterest vs Snapchat. This chart especially demonstrates the engagement on the amount of time spent on platforms with the demographics. It’s amazingly great to see Facebook at top position and interesting to note the development of Snapchat and Instagram on monthly usage per visitors. Facebook’s successors are also impressively at 47 penetration rate for Facebook messenger and Instagram for its engagement, they are both Facebook owned platforms.

Question – Interaction rates in Social Media


TrackMaven’s analyses of over 51 million posts from 40000 companies from over 130 industries clearly shows Instagram dominating all others counting on the number of interactions per 1,000 followers. The number is so high that it required second chart to demonstrate the big differences between Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.


Instagram dominates the lead in interactions but Facebook tops it when it comes to networks like Twitter and LinkedIn. People tend to frequently post on Twitter since it doesn’t follow any algorithm serving posts only to particular section of audience. Twitter actually acts like fire hose of content, companies keep sharing more often to have more visibility and create noise on the platform. This actually results in low engagement per post.

Question – Global Social Media Usage

smartinsight global digital snapshot brings an exclusive summary of Social Media and Mobile stats from WeAreSocial Singapore, the records are mainly extracted from GWI. Global Web Index provides the most reliable research statistics that helps to compare consumer use and engagement on different social networks. Researches are done on a quarterly basis for which the total sample size is 40,000 of Internet research program.


It is interesting to note the massive difference amongst different countries when it comes to the use of social media and more so interesting to see the western countries are lagging behind when it comes to adoption rates. The Annual increase in growth rate of mobile users stood at 17% in 2016.


The Asia-Pacific region showed good internet usage rate and the number of active social media users increased by 14% in 2015 alone.


Counting on the global internet users, East Asian and South Asian markets have remarkably hit the tide. With digital innings, it has become easier to reach out to these people although cultural challenges are always the hurdle in International markets.

Social networks popularity (country-wise)


Based on the interviews in the GWI reports, it shows great visualization when it comes to popularity of social networks. Countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico, India and Brazil are amongst the top 10 countries that tops the list for using four core social networks (facebook, twitter, YouTube and Google plus.


Social networks are strikingly showing signs of maturity giving opportunities for people of all age groups and genders; the only exception is Instagram and Tumblr that are more popular among the younger age group.

Universal Social Media Research summary for the year 2017

Latest SEO trends for better rankings

SEO is a capricious industry because Google Algorithm keeps changing ever so often and with every update brings new changes. It keeps evolving every day; this strongly boosts the power at which SEO specialists are tuning up with the updates. Given below is the best guide for SEO managers to stay on par amongst related SEO business:

  1. Optimization for Rich Answers

Optimize for rich answer

As it is, aiming for top position in Google searches is a good idea; today more focus is being laid on Rich Answers too. The research by Stone Temple Consulting states that rich answers appear on 19.45% of total searches on Google. The number may not seem too high at present but looking at the scale at which it is growing, it shall surely increase in the future. Google has made it very clear that it will provide value to its users by giving them relevant information through rich answers.

   2. Reviewing other Content on Google

Mozcast Google Feature review is the tool where it features other types of content within the Google results. Rich answers are mentioned here as “featured snippets”. Other similar feature available is “Related questions” this features explicably shows how articles should try covering the questions. Other than these, videos and images are other ways through which SERPs rank better.

    3. Improving the user engagement

Although the speculation is very ripe about user engagement a possible element, which influence the ranking factor but it merely has too indirect influence on search rankings. Eventually, it is up to the website owners to optimize the sites if they are really looking forward for good results. There are other factors that include average time spent on the site, the bounce rates, pogo sticking and more. Lack of data is one of the most thumbing factors that make it difficult to measure search engine success.

Matt Banner from states that User engagement is of prime importance in the present day. According to him, the user is going to spend more time if he enjoys the website. They will visit more pages and hence contribute to low bounce rates for overall site and these are the people which are more likely to visit your website again. He further states that the positive elements of the website will help Google rank the website higher since if the user likes the website, there are likely chances for Google also finds it beneficial.

   4. Optimization of Mobile App

Mobile Markets are getting bigger by the day, Google’s Mobile friendly update – Mobilegeddon encourages the site owners to develop responsive designs that helps increase the loading speed of the mobile devices. A good loading speed will ensure more retention of users on the website. eMarketer figures show stunning rise in mobile ads and Google will play significant role delivering the content to the mobile users through app store optimization. App Indexing is one the latest developments that will make an impact on how pages are ranked for targeted keywords.

    5. Google’s guidelines

Google’s guidelines keeps evolving based on the changes and the way people it. Here is the brief of the search guidelines stated by the Google:

  1. High quality standards are set on YMYL pages. Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) pages are pages that include financial information pages, shopping transaction pages, medical information pages, legal information pages and other such similar sites. Low quality YMYL pages can give negative impact one’s health and happiness while high quality standard pages are directly linked to future happiness, health and wealth of the users. Hence, higher importance is given to create useful pages under this term.
  2. High quality content is expected from E-A-T sources that is Expertise/Authoritativeness/Trustworthiness. It can be acquired through accreditation. For example, medical information must come from accredited or authorized medical personnel.
  3. Mobile pages are evaluated based on their optimization for mobile viewing and the satisfaction that they provide to the users about their search query.

These points stated by Google give perfect guidance to improve the usability of your mobile site and become an influencing factor in your niche. You can build your identity and authority as a subject matter expert in the industry; this will help in getting trust from your audiences.

Launching an influencer marketing campaign helps the brand to establish an online visibility. After establishing your online visibility you can build yourself as an Authority depending on different factors like site’s domain authority, its social proof, blog comments and more.

Latest SEO trends for better rankings

Organic vs PPC: Top 7 Viewpoint from consumers

Investing in Organic SEO needs a lot of justification in terms of time and money spent. The mutual fact internally known to consumers as well as marketers is that customers don’t trust ads, they believe in Organic search results that have more likeability of being clicked.

organic vs ppc1

Given below are some infographics from 1,000 respondents from a SEO survey that was recently done:

  • The search results are deeply concentrated on the type of queries asked put on a Google search.

informational query

  • The relevancy at which Organic search results are portrayed.

  • Consumers largely notice the ads trolling them on every network they get logged in.


  • Personalization plays a key role in defining how consumers think they get results through searches made on Google.

  • This is the behavior of the audience when they see organic result and a paid ad.

  • People reflect on the results they get through organic searches made.

Ranking is undoubtedly good for your business. A measly 28% of people feel organic results are more reputable than Ads so it clarifies that PPC ads are not that bad after all.


Organic vs PPC: Top 7 Viewpoint from consumers

Top Digital Marketing Trends for the new era

Today, there are several techniques that are used in Digital Marketing world to market your products and services. Let’s look at some of the Digital Marketing Trends that are fast catching up:

  1. The Big Data Marketing applications give a predictive analysis into the customer insights. This is the trend that is followed by many people globally because they have experienced increase in the volume of sales, data formats and the real time data.
  2. Marketing Automation includes the use of tools like behavioral email marketing, CRM and the web personalization.
  3. Mobile Marketing is fast catching up with the brands with increase in the use of mobile app and mobile advertising. Companies are providing an adaptive mobile design that helps to reduce the load time and provide contextual content and CTAs for the users.
  4. Social Media marketing is a growing field where CRM and social customer care plays a vital role. The huge audience engagement happens with the efforts put by social networking sites to increase their popularity.
  5. Internet marketing applications has fast caught up in the recent years targeting different market segments. According to the research, there are going to be over 75 billion connected devices by the year 2020.
  6. The Internet has seen huge increase in AMP smartphone traffic since the time Google rolled out AMPs. Hence, smartphone app development is the big trend.
  7. The Digital marketing has found new ways to reach audiences and with wearable tech it has come a long way. The digital Apple watch and activity trackers have laid strong foundation in the manner in which marketing was ever done.
  8. Paid search marketing through Google Adwords and online PR is intimately linked with Content Marketing, social media and SEO. These tools have played a major role in digital marketing world showcasing a huge impact on the entire industry.

Digital Marketing trends 2017

The Digital Marketing world has bought amazing opportunities for marketers and businesses to grow their sales and increase their audiences online.

Top Digital Marketing Trends for the new era

The Branding Prophecies for the year 2017

The branding practices are going to main stream markets across B2B and B2C business models. Here are some of the Branding predictions by the experts:

  1. Howard Belk, Co-CEO (Chief Creative Officer) of Legacy Brands – The focus on process improvements will drive down the costs, thus introducing new mobile channels. The established brands will offer simple, transparent, easy utility approach that will surely enhance customer value proposition.
  2. Thom Wyatt, Managing Director – According to Thom, the US unemployment has led for intensified talent search. The company’s work role will help identify talents that become a person’s identity. Employees require diversified stats, purpose, value and social responsibility metrics to provide the cultural glue for a workforce.
  3. Leesa Wytock, Senior Director (Experience) – Leesa stresses the importance of shift to digital experiences focusing on empathy. The trend shifts from delivery platforms like AI, chat bots, VR experiences to more emotional and interactive impact. The brand employees will experience elevation of employee training, onboarding experience and varied manners in which they will be empowered to be the frontrunners for brands as the Brand Ambassadors.
  4. Brian Rafferty, Global Director (Business Analytics & Insights) – The emerging disruptive brands will move their focus from traditional processes to examine how they can evolve and grow their brand valuation. With the business price wars, the companies are targeting innovative approaches to capture loyalty.
  5. Christian Turner, Global Director (Naming) – According to Turner, as technology is rapidly moving and the global perception of having lost the human touch will keep driving  naming trend. The main question that will haunt brands is how human or how artificial we want our technologies to be?
  6. Maria Boos, Group Director (Simplification) – Maria shares her view on real time messaging platforms like Slack, these platforms will completely change the way we collaborate and share ideas. It will enhance greater collaboration amongst interdisciplinary groups and multiple locations. The use of Slack messaging platform will help reduce the dependency on email communications.
  7. Lauren Thebault, Director (Activation) – as the tools to branding keep becoming outdated, there is going to be growing importance for creating opportunities that will facilitate quick absorption of content through seamless engagement.

The Internet trends keep changing and thus the technologies. For a marketer, it is highly important to follow best practices for profitable business.


The Branding Prophecies for the year 2017

How to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Online Store

It’s all too familiar a story.

You’ve created a beautiful online store and you’re carrying products that you know people will love but the only problem is, no one is coming to your store.

Why is that? There could be several reasons but one of them is probably because you’re not doing a good enough job of actively driving visitors to your site.

In this video, we’ll show you six practical and proven ways, that you can use, to drive traffic to your online store today.

Easily build your online store with Shopify’s ecommerce software. Sign up for your 14 day free trial:

How to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Online Store

Facebook Business Page Likes may drop

Attention Facebook Page Managers, be prepared to lose page likes in the coming weeks and explain to your boss/clients the reasons why? Because to make data more meaningfull Facebook announced on removing all deactivated accounts from the page check out from the source

Facebook Announcement

Facebook Business Page Likes may drop

Online E-commerce Portals driving the Real Estate boom in India!

With the Indian E-commerce market reaching nearly $20 billion in 2015, one of the many challenges facing this industry is space crunch. Any lay man would think this as impossible considering that the e-commerce industry is completely based on online buying and selling, and retail property should form a miniscule of the cost for the company. However, with the Indian user going online to buy every single item – be it grocery, washing machine or even furniture; the warehouse requirements of these companies are increasing at an unbelievable pace.

E-Commerce- Real Estate
E commerce Giants to absorb big Real Estate this year

Online E-commerce Portals driving the Real Estate boom in India!


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