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What is on-page SEO

What is on-page SEO


On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized, as opposed to off-page SEO which refers to links and other external signals. For those new to on-page SEO, highly recommend reading Rand Fishkin’s A Visual Guide to Keyword Targeting and On-Page SEO. On-page SEO has changed over the years, so it’s important to keep up with the latest practices. Below are the latest post about on-page SEO from the Moz Blog, and we chosen our favorite resources to help you along your journey.

Check out the link Given on On Page SEO

How to Boost Ecommerce Sales on shopify

The best thing is to check out Shopify’s marketing guide called 50 Ways to Make Your First Sale – it is full of tips and marketing ideas to Boost your store.

Apart from that i would recommend

  • Build Content Strategy based on your Customer Persona (Target Audience)
  • SEO and Social Media always gives long term return and its worth investing if its targeted very well
  • Some of the Marketing Apps you can use form Shopify App store for example Loyalty, Reward , Instagram follower app etc
  • Even you check with Kit, lot merchant uses very well you can check out their videos and functionalities. Kit can now create Dynamic Product Ads that retarget shoppers on Facebook who left your site without purchasing. You can find a step-by-step guide here on how to use Kit’s retargeting features and I would definitely recommend setting this up for increasing your sales.

How to Boost Ecommerce Sales on shopify

Ecommerce Shopify
SOSTAC Model of Marketing planning

Knowing where to start can be the toughest part when creating a digital marketing plan or a wider-scope marketing plan for the first time. By using PR Smiths’ SOSTAC® model you will have a clear structure that makes it quicker and easier to create the plan

So This is how it gets structured (SOSTAC)


  • 1. Situation Analysis
  • 2. Objectives
  • 3. Strategy
  • 4. Tactics
  • 5. Actions
  • 6. Control

Now once you structured your Digital Marketing Plan you also need to Plan Framework for Digital Marketing Practices which is critical to develop customized, agile, and strategic approach to your business’ unique needs. We can call it RACE.


2. ACT



SOSTAC Model of Marketing planning

Automation and its impact of Digital Marketing Job

I would like to drive home a few points for your

  1. Its is now too late to be even worried about this
  2. Automation, especially in Digital Marketing, has been around for longer than you think. I think since its inception, we digital marketers are trying to automate things as much as we can so that we can focus on bigger things and not waste our time doing menial jobs. There are tons of bots out there that automate pretty much everything.

    I can easily say that the guys who were into DM back in the day are pioneers in terms of online automation.

    But i think there is hope.

  3. Your biggest asset is your randomness
  4. Mainly a large part of the digital marketing workflow revolves around creativity and evoking emotions through human connections.

    At the end of the day artificial intelligence is, after all, artificial.

    I am pretty confident that a robot will not be able to write the way I have written this, let alone an amazing copy for your FB Ad.

    Of course, it might be able to automate it and churn out multiple “templates” by analyzing copies across the web. But then again, this can turn out to be counter-productive for the bot cause then it is levelling the playing field again since pretty much every copy out there will pretty much have the same essence to it.

    This brings me to my third point.

  5. ”Handmade” sells
  6. You probably know, Bentley still stitches their upholstery with their hands.

    It always been perceived value of something that is hand made is far more than for something that is automated. So Special Automation o DM will not leave that kind of personal impact in comparison with human touch

    The biggest advantage you have as a human is that you are inconsistent, sporadic and random. And this is what makes you unique and stand apart.

  7. Career in Digital ? More then a job its a SKILL.
  8. Once you have this skill, you can apply it whenever and wherever and make a living off it.

    You can be a Youtube, Influencer, consultant, Copywriter, Visualizer, Strategist…. The possibilities are endless.

    Just to make you more feel more better, a recent study conducted by McKinsey, only 13% of your job can be done by a robot and a marketing job is 85% safer than other jobs.

    Main thing is Continuously invest in ourselves and always be innovating.

    The way I see automation/AI in Digital Marketing, is that it is creative destruction. It is making way for something bigger. New jobs will and are created for which new skills are required.

    I still remember my school teachers telling me that computers will take away all your jobs and it will be very difficult to get ourselves a job. And what has happened?

    Computers are Internet has helped humanity take a leap into the future. I have a feeling the same will happen with Automation/AI.

Automation and its impact of Digital Marketing Job

Ecommerce Technology
Tools we love & use to monitor our SEO progress

23rd September

There are many tools which can be used SEO Campaign but as of now use below tools


If you’re looking for a truly all-in-one solution, Moz Pro is a good option. It includes robust analytics that help you keep track of all things search, social media, and content. It also has research tools that allow you to analyze your competitors through link profiles, brand mentions, and more. Finally, Moz Pro provides insights for how to better optimize your site. It’s on the pricey side but all in all, a well put together collection of tools


Do you need to figure out what keywords would be the best to optimize for on your latest website? Then Word-tracker is a tool you need to know about. It helps you pinpoint the best performing keywords in your niche within minutes after starting a basic search. Often, it helps you find keywords that are doing well without a ton of competition. And as any SEO knows, that’s the most coveted thing you can come across

Google Analytics

Where would any of us be without Google Analytics? Seriously, this free tool is something we come back to time and time again to track website traffic, mobile app data, conversions and more, all within one convenient dashboard. And now with mobile versions available for iOS and Android, it’s a tool you can take with you anywhere to impress any client


BuzzStream is a really nice link building tool that makes it pretty straightforward to automate the process of researching link prospects so you can spend more of your time reaching out to them and building relationships. It also comes equipped with PR and social media tools for better managing relationships with industry influencers on social. It keeps your contacts organized and readily accessible at all times, too.

Tools we love & use to monitor our SEO progress

Ecommerce Technology
Simple and effective workflow for building and maintaining Shopify themes

Today one of our team member (Ms Runali Patil, Shopify Developer Expert) shared a link on Shopify Theme Development Workflow. We found it very useful for anyone who want to develop theme on Shopify Platform.

Shopify Theme Development is little bit different then developing themes on WordPress. Shopify you do not run a local server instance or database because you don’t have to worry as, Shopify made a choice to reduce complexity by hosting and guaranteeing the quality of the data model. So, you don’t have to worry about ever updating your server. And Instead of that, you work locally and use a syncing utility to push your changes to the server instantly, where you can view them. If you are comfortable with the command-line, I highly recommend the shopify theme gem.

A typical workflow for a single feature branch:


    1. Pull from master and checkout a new branch



    1. Log into Shopify store admin



    1. Duplicate the published theme



    1. Rename the duplicated theme to the name of your branch



    1. Click “Customize Theme” of your new branch theme



    1. Note the theme ID in the URL (example: /admin/themes/9542224/settings)



    1. Edit the theme_id in config.yml to point to your branched theme



    1. theme watch and do your work



    1. Preview your work by navigating to that theme in Shopify admin and clicking preview



    1. Pull Request



    1. Rebase onto master, push to master repo



    1. Delete your branch (local and server)



    1. Delete your branched theme in Shopify Admin


You can also check this Video on Shopify Theme Development Workflow

This workflow makes use of the command line. It is not anything too intensive, but being comfortable with common commands will help. Firstly, You need to install Theme kit, it is cross platform command line tool for Shopify Theme Development.

Other then that you also check out couple of more resource on related to Shopify Theme Development, Which give you an insights from the Basic

if you have any feedback or queries reach out us on

If you are looking for any Shopify Theme Development reach out to us on

Simple and effective workflow for building and maintaining Shopify themes

Ecommerce Shopify
How to take advantage of the booming Ecommerce markets across the globe

Ecommerce markets across the globe are buzzing with a lot of profitable returns and finding out new innovations to overcome the hurdles. Online retail is growing amazingly and hence the predictions are up that it will further keep growing at the rate of 8 -12 percent every year. The estimated sale to reach by the end of the year is expected to be between $427 and $443 billion as per the reports by National Retail Federation. Online retailing has taken a new high by focusing on efficient automation, seamless branding and giving excellent customer service. Let us discuss few of the strategies that one can keep in mind to make the best of the booming ecommerce business globally:

Brand Building

Marketers follow varied procedures and take steps to improve the reputation of their companies. Brand building is one of the most crucial parts to build customer loyalty. Whatever call to action plans they are contemplating to take, customer communications is the key and every marketer should include it in their strategy model. Building brand awareness and hence getting recognition are important pre-requisites for any brand growth; it also helps in gaining new customers and gets conversions for existing customers.


Automation is a must in today’s hi-technology world since with Ecommerce order fulfillment is an important priority hence to keep up pace, one has to have processes automated for example having automated shipping software, order management and shipping. This will reduce many work hours and reduce labor costs too. Repetitive tasks are completed before time since automation makes it faster and quicker. Many organizations are already using marketing automation strategies that will help them deliver and process faster. Savvy retailers are already using automated software systems in their business and are truly getting much benefit from the same.

Customer Service

Ecommerce means online business; brands will readily loose the charm if they do not stay up to the expectations of their consumers. A Great customer experience helps the users to stay loyal to the brand and also helps in building trust and healthy business relationships. Online retailers need to state clearly their returns policy and any other bigger policy that is related to the product. This makes it easier for consumer to reach out to brands and have smoother interactions post the sales cycle.

Online retail shopping is going to grow in the coming decade; hence it is of prime importance for brands to make themselves reachable to the people without any disturbances. Consumers get comfortable if the policies are transparent; they go for repeat purchases if there are customer-friendly returns policies and processes.

How to take advantage of the booming Ecommerce markets across the globe

4 ways on How to Optimize YouTube for Ecommerce Marketing and Business growth

Over the last one decade, there has been a steady increase in the amount of Video content that is shared online. May it be Facebook or YouTube? YouTube is today the most used video sharing service and it has incredibly changed the way people ever looked at things. People love watching videos rather than someone going through boring paragraphs one after the other. Videos are the easiest medium for marketing today and its every marketer’s favorite online tool. Although videos are growing on every network and success rates are also too high, it is worth noting, marketing videos are not an easy wavy tasks, as it may seem. It takes a lot of effort, determination and understanding what customers expect from the brand. Start Video Marketing for your Business today by following proper optimization methods.

The broadband Internet usage has grown stupendously and it is now widely accessible across the world. The growth of video content is inevitable and still growing at rapid speed. Major Internet users today rely on videos as a means to understand things that wouldn’t otherwise have been understood by them. Here are some of the top methods that help to optimize YouTube Videos online and helps to boost your marketing efforts:

  1. Relevant Content: Every word the company markets relays some message from the brand to the final consumer. So content is an important source where customer gains attention towards the brand. Forming video content is highly challenging, as it requires right use of words, picture objects that give the right message to the audience. If the video is very appealing for the users, they will start instantly sharing the video online. Social proof is a powerful tool that helps other users to rely on the brand because people rely more on others reviews before buying the product.
  2. Technicalities: There are lots of things involved to help reach your content to the final consumers. First of all, you need to start with basics on how to start a YouTube channel and understand technical aspects of it. First thing to start is to have a channel name; it should be self-explanatory, catchy, and easy to remember. Users should be able to find your channel easily for rapid publicity you should put links on your website and any prominent place you feel will catch users attention.
  3. Optimization: Along with putting excellent content, it is highly important to optimize it so that the users can easily find it. For this you need to make use of keywords and title words that people find on the web. Do not make it too much to irritate the users for the same.
  4. Collaboration with the Industry – For a brand to raise itself up to already where the industry leaders are, there needs to be come kind of collaboration. Industry influencers are good people to start with, once you collaborate with them with smallest of means; it makes a lot of difference to your business beginnings.

YouTube is an important marketing tool for your business. The research states that video content are shared more as compared to textual content. Internet traffic is thriving on video content as the most looked after medium online and is further slated to increase more.

4 ways on How to Optimize YouTube for Ecommerce Marketing and Business growth

Improving SEO by Detecting and Correcting Duplicate Content Pages

The main concern that any web retailer ever faces is the fear of Duplicate Content. For raising organic traffic to any website, Duplicate content is one of the biggest enemies since Google rankings are based purely on Original Content created. Many sites copy content from other sites that is no good for their online business growth as they can penalized and also taken off the rankings for indefinite period. If you are looking forward to remove duplicate content from your website than you should do quickly since it requires few technical changes. In a matter of few weeks, you can see your website is fairing better and has got improved rankings. Removing duplicate content is not just about removing penalties but helps for building the links. Links are a valuable resource for better SEO performance.

The given below is an example of Diluted Links because of Duplicate Content. The same content when searched by several URLs dilutes the online reputation. The image shows three different pages of the same product. When searched by users, search engines scans through each page checking the popularity of the pages and how often the users have visited it. They consider overall quality and quantity from third party sites as the kind of endorsements. Search engines use the links to prioritize how far they search, what is the ranking, what is indexation, how much they rank and how higher they rank.


Source: Google

The main page reputation is hampered because the other pages receive some reputation online because they are having the same content. They may even have same set of keywords that are searched. By consolidation of the duplicates, we increase links to main page and hence boost the reputation.

Now, the main question is HOW does one Detect Duplicate Content. This is a very simple step by which you will know whether your site reputation is hampered or not. To determine, type in Google – and you will see the list of sites listed having duplicate content.

To determine if your site has duplicate content, type in Google, and check how many pages are listed. Usually the products on your site make up the pages that are listed on search engines and if it shows bulk pages with given keywords it shows that it has duplicate content. XML sitemaps are comprehensive hence Google search console could be used to compare number of pages indexed in XML sitemaps as opposed to the number of total indexed pages in your Index status.


Blocking duplicate pages by making use of robots.txt, the duplicate pages are still able to accumulate links and it doesn’t hamper their page reputation. It’s basically an outdated technique that does not consolidate reputation of duplicate links in canonical pages.

RewriteEngine On – it will help enable Rewrite capacities

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on – the command helps to make sure the connection is not already HTTPS

RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$1 [R=301,L]


This is done to check the connection whether it is already HTTPS or not.


The rule is applied to address rare IP duplication where site is available through the IP address.

RewriteEngine On – helps to rewrite the capabilities

%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f – This command makes sure that slashes are not added to the files. i.e., /index.html/ would be incorrect.


This rules helps to add missing trail slashes. The given below helps to remove them:


This is perhaps one of the most common duplicate file cases, it is the director index file. We have to remove the directories index.php and .NET systems to avoid the duplication.


In the above example, one can note that the product IDs are same for both the URLs. The canonical version and the other one is the duplicate. Because of this, one can use single rule to map all product pages. The product IDs are not same and new URLs don’t use same IDs, you will require one-to-one mappings. The available tools online helps to map and rewrite the products.

Improving SEO by Detecting and Correcting Duplicate Content Pages

Ecommerce Technology
Understanding HTTP Codes for your Ecommerce Business

HTTP codes are important elements that inform browser the address to target a webpage or a resource. When the user clicks a link, it is asking the web server for the page that it is linked to. The resulting display with the status code of 200 means that the page was found successfully. There are several HTTP status codes that are used for different files used. They are used on webpage image, CSS Stylesheet, Javascript, web pages, etc.


The above is an example of the home page of Practical Ecommerce that shows 200 as the status code that returned 83 times. The common status codes are of significance to all web developers. All of them may be not looking for the same but to recognize an error page 500 instead of redirect 301 is a talent, developer should know. This is typically useful also for the non-developers to be aware of their status codes. Codes are basically the language through which the whole web works so it is highly important to be fluent to be able to understand the store functions. It is also important if the store use or consumes or interacts with an API. HTTP status codes are the switchboards for an API.

HTTP Status Codes

Status Code groups and the Codes within the group are important for an Ecommerce site.

Items in progress – 100 Group

Successful responses – 200 Group

Redirect – 300 Group

Browser errors – 400 Group

Server errors – 500 Group

The above group helps to identify the general status codes even without knowing the exact code. 403 errors would let know that it was an URL related and a 511 would be related to the server.

100 Group – These are rarely used outside the data streaming so kindly ignore 100 group status codes.

200 Group – it is common generic 200 OK responses, which means 200 OK is fully accepted and successfully implemented with no problems.

201 Created (API) means something was created.

204 No Content (API) helps the server to process request but nothing to show.

300 Group – consists of two common redirect responses of 301 and 302.

301 Moved permanently, it means, the browser should use different URL it actually includes a new URL. When the browser gets the code, it opens new redirected URL from the server.

304 Found is a temporary redirect, its function is same as 301. 304 Not modified states that the browser has latest version of URL and it should be using that version. This often commonly happen with caching to speed up repeat views of the page or a file.

400 Group – These are the Client Errors, it includes half of the error codes, 400 group error represents to the client or a browser.

400 Bad Request shows it is a generic error when the browser requested wrong information; there are also specific error codes.

401 Unauthorized (API), it happens when the browser isn’t authorized to use the page. It helps protect private information.

403 Forbidden (API), it is similar to 401 Unauthorized error. The only difference here is 403 error is logged in correctly but lacks permission for access to something.

404 Not Found means the server cannot find any URL.

405 Method Not Allowed (API) – It is a common error with API Development, it usually occurs when HTTP is incorrectly used such as the form trying to send the data to a URL.

429 Too Many Requests (API) – Some APIs limit other APIs in the way it can be used. When it is used too quickly, the error is returned to let know that you have reach the limit.

500 Group is meant for the Server Errors. There are not many of these and they are not generic and 500 Error is common.

500 Internal Server Error shows that there is generic error if something is wrong on the server.

502 Bad Gateway (API), server communicates with other servers if they do not get any response than the code is sent to the browser.

503 Service Unavailable, it is when the server gets overloaded and fails. It will show this message; it means one should try later.

504 Gateway Timeout (API) it is very similar to 502 Bad Gateway, the error is more specific and deals with other server that is not responding at all.

Understanding HTTP Codes for your Ecommerce Business

PHP tips to help you get started

PHP is one of the most popular web development programming languages that is practically used everywhere. PHP has now its presence on major platforms that includes open source projects like WordPress and Drupal. Given below are few of the PHP coding insights that will help you get started:

  1. Make use of PHP Core functions
  2. Before you start coding, making your own program, you already have a fair idea of what to program and how to program. But, we suggest you take up a PHP function or class. There are many resources available online solely dedicated to PHP learners. Check PHP manual before you start making your own functions. To remove the white space at the beginning and at the end of the string, you do not require a separate function. You can simply trim the function. You can make use of XML Parser function for RSS feeds.

  3. Make a configuration file
  4. Create one master file that has all database connection settings and use it for your PHP scripts. If you need to make any changes later on, you can do the changes with one single file instead of several files. It is also very useful when you need to use other constants and functions throughout multiple scripts.


  5. Sanitize your Data
  6. Understand what SQL Injections are and then think of the common problems that may occur if you do not sanitize your data. Firstly, learn about the ways through which your app data can be compromised. You can read online examples of SQL injection attacks and learn how you can avoid possible attacks

    There is one magical PHP function that can lead you completely out of all problems. The code mysql_real_escape_string will take regular string of all data types with the help of PHP variable guide and sanitize the data for you. The function “htmlspecialchars” that convert reserved HTML characters like

  7. Leave Error reporting Turned On in Development stage
  8. While building your application, turn on display errors to check for any run-time errors that will help to quickly identify the root of the errors. You need to have access to override directives of the file, set them on top of PHP scripts, use ini set () function to set display_errors to 1.

    Reporting error is quite simple, once you start detecting errors you can fix them faster. PHP often keeps giving warning messages that you may take it lightly. These errors signal towards memory-related issue that can be rectified. When you are done with error reporting and display errors, you can turn the function off.

  9. Avoid Over-commenting on the Code
  10. Documentation of the code in your scripts is a good practice but it may not be necessary to comment on every single line. Comment on the complicated parts of source code you can revisit so you can quickly remember what is going on.


  11. Keep your favorite Code Snippets ready
  12. Most times you will be coding similar things throughout your PHP development career. Keep Code snippets ready with you so that you can save your time programming same stuff. There are apps available that can help to keep and sync the code snippet; you will always have snippets available. Some apps that help you to save your Code Snippets are Snippet, snippely, Snipplr and Code Collector.


    Many integrated development environments such as Eclipse store code Templates and Dreamweaver have built-in features for storing code snippets. A well-organized directory with the name snippets consists of text files and PHP scripts; these can possibly be synced in the cloud using an app called Dropbox. This especially helps if you are using multiple computers.

  13. Use Good Source Editor
  14. Editor is the place where you are going to spend much of your time, so use something that will help you save your time. Highlight the syntax files and look out for software feature. Other points beneficial here are code hinting, built-in debugging tools and code navigations. These features help to save a lot of time.


    Get familiar with source code editor features, read the documentation and read the tutorials online, invest a little time in this area that can help to streamline your coding workflow.

  15. Make use of MySQL Administration Tool
  16. Use graphical user interface like phpMyAdmin that will help to speed up database development and administration.

    Demo Server

    It is one of the most wonderful open source database viewers, it allows for viewing of your MySQL databases in a graphical manner. With this, you do not have to waste the time doing things through command line. You can build database, export the database in SQL files, and run it.

  17. Using PHP Framework
  18. While using PHP, you will learn a lot many things than you expected, and doing web application development is no joke. You will have to do a lot of reading to learn how the API framework works. Once you start using it, you will get to see amazing productivity and efficiency. PHP Framework helps to do better web development patterns that you may not need it right now.

    PHP Framework helps when you are working with someone and you have to set up a standardized platform for building web applications.


  19. Connect with other Developers
  20. Join an Online PHP community that will help you to learn more things by interacting with others. By connecting with other PHP developers, you will be at a better position to learn PHP. Any basic level learner can become a master by learning basic things first. PHP is very popular programming language, it’s an open source so any one having Internet access have access to PHP codes that are available to them. PHP can be embedded into HTML to see varying outputs.

While you are Coding PHP, you may encounter many problems, the solutions are easily available on the Internet to fix the bugs. Do not get frustrated if something doesn’t work out the way you targeted. Go through different learning material online, take help from experts, discuss with other PHP people online and start coding.

PHP tips to help you get started

E-commerce Website Technology

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