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Natural Language Processing: Right path towards E-Commerce Conversions

Natural Language Processing: Right path towards E-Commerce Conversions


Today, Ecommerce is growing at faster pace than ever thought of. Marketers are ever so wandering to tune into what is latest and introduce them into the world to selling. Smarter tools like Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, IoT are there to furnish everything automated and quicker than what Humans can do. Natural language processing commonly known by the term NLP is a component of AI that helps computer programs to understand human speech and then function accordingly.

Bigger commercial portals are already on the brink of utilizing NLP on their websites and apps. NLP is a meaning based search that allows shoppers to search products in their own language and getting relevant results. Given below are the best means to apply NLP in Ecommerce.

Tips to apply NLP in Ecommerce:

Product Description

Awareness of the product means looking at the actual term and identify with the primary item and the descriptions that have secondary importance. NLP recognize the words in the primary data. When an item is searched, it checks for perfect name and doesn’t take into account the terms that do not match even if it means item having more adjectives.

After the primary product is recognized, NLP applies machine learning to understand the description that is important elements to seek individual items.

Linguistic Nuances

NLP in ecommerce site – searches and recognizes similar terms based on the choices of an individual. Shoppers may be searching for one item with different terms. NLP should have the capability to identify that these are one item only that give same results regardless of the terms used.

NLP is a powerful tool that should also help identify the synonyms; it should even let go off the dissimilarity in the spellings. Consumers are really annoyed when they do not get the item they are looking by putting a search term especially when they know that the item is present in their list. Most commerce site cannot really afford to miss out on potential conversions. Hence, NLP should be geared up to correctly predict what the user might be looking for.

NLP Personalization

Most organizations today are combining NLP with personalization approach and this is proving to get bigger benefits. Customer expect customization at every step of their shopping journey, they had prefer a physical store than virtual since they get personalized attention. Online searches also offer the same benefit but nothing befits the satisfaction of touching and feeling the product and then buying it.

Brands prepare customization based on the user preferences that are previously seen in their shopping. The main aim here is to give great shopping experience to the users.

How Facebook Chatbots are changing E-commerce?

E-Commerce has grown stupendously over the last one decade and the idea of Live Chats has been used for quite sometime now. Although, it has not been prominently used. But with developments happening, Live Chats are soon going to be the norm, its Chatbots that will act like Humans talking to Humans!

Chatbots will completely change the face of Ecommerce; consumers will now be getting answers for their queries online through live chats. Chatbots will answer all customer queries that are related to brand or a product or a service. Customers appreciate this new approach and according to the recent reports by eMarketer Survey reveals that 63% of customers are likely to return to the site having live chat feature.

Live Chats services are often offered by brands on their E-Commerce platforms, it consists of most advanced features including survey forms, queuing up, transcripts, analytics and reports. These are mainly useful to handle customer queries and concerns about the products. Chatbots are bringing in a new revolution of a kind that brings entire Ecommerce to one subject topic of “Live chats”. It not only helps create social awareness but also helps to build brand loyalty too mainly because customers can directly interact with the brand without waiting for emails to be answered or calling the company.

Conversational E-Commerce is in!

Messaging apps are now being targeted for use in Business. Facebook messenger has taken the first official step; it is one of the most viable channels for business interactions that help to connect to customers. Billions of people are using Facebook and messenger service as a means to connect with each other. Facebook made available its messenger platform for developers so that developers can embed it on their sites or apps.

Talking of Messenger Apps, it has long been used since 2015 when Uber tapped Facebook Messenger on its app that allowed customers to book their ride through the chat window. It was then first coined as “Conversational Commerce”.

Improved Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is one of the latest developments in Digital commerce where lots of things are happening at one time. AI has reached the level, where things are meant to be worked without the use of Human brain. The bigger tech players have already started investing in machine learning and natural language processing to be part of the big boom in the making. Artificial Intelligence bought a Digital revolution marking a new beginning.

Chatbots are learning a lot of things that seem very natural in a learning process; they are learning human interactions and trying to accommodate the future interactions too.

Chatbots can help in multiple ways to facilitate the buying journey of a consumer, they are programmed to help create awareness, solve queries, educate the potential customer and influence them in making a buying decision. Chatbots are programmed to handle after-sale activities or providing any further service the customer is looking for.

Facebook have continually supported Business Ecommerce through varied means, its recent plan of launching Whatsapp for Business truly marks the beginning of a new revolution where Business will solely be conducted through live chats whether they are Chatbots or consumers chatting online. The recent developments truly reveal Facebook Messenger will encourage sale of Physical products in the era where more and more businesses are getting online.

How Facebook Chatbots are changing E-commerce?

How to start with SLATE in simple steps

We are very much aware of how Shopify works and how it can get tremendous benefits to your Ecommerce store. However, it is important to note how to start using SLATE and how to get maximum benefits from the same. SLATE is a front-end framework that helps to build Shopify themes. There are usually a number of theme options and with modern tools and the command line the tasks become simpler and better. This helps in faster developmental processes especially for theme developers. Lets start beginning with the basic steps for using SLATE platform and understand the features of Slate:

  1. Installation of Node.js and Slate
  2. To start using Slate, the first step is to install Node.js and npm installed on the computer. As we know Slate is an npm package, it does require its parent file. You can check if the version is up and running-by-running the “node” function on the computer. Usually, Slate runs on v.4 or higher versions if you have low version than you may want to install the latest Node version.

    Installing Slate

    For installation of the Slate, you will need to run the given below command from any directory by using the command line or running a terminal app on the computer:

    npm install -g @shopify/slate

    In the above, -g shows that you are running Slate globally on the machine and it indicates that it is working in any directory. Troubleshoot by checking Node.js, if you face any issues while running.

  3. Creating a New Theme
  4. The next step you need is creating a scaffold theme by using Slate. You can run the below command from the directory:

    slate theme [theme-name] 

    Do not include any spaces in your theme name the first name in the theme directory will be your new theme directory name. The final command should look something like below.

    slate theme my-custom-theme
  5. Uploading the Theme
  6. Run a command from inside the local theme directory, navigate in your theme directory and type the below command line:

    cd [theme-name]

    cd command stands for “change directory” and it takes you inside of the directory path that will specify after it. Inside the directory you can run following command:

    slate zip

    The above command will help compress a directory in a zip file for easy handling of the manual that is uploaded to client’s store. After running, you can see the upload having a zipped theme.

    Shopify admin can follow this process by going to theOnline store > Themes > Upload theme > Upload the new Zip file > Publish the theme once it is uploaded on your store.

  7. Connecting Store to local
  8. After uploading Shopify theme made with Slate, you are now able to connect the local version that has been uploaded.

    Rename the file as config-sample.yml

    Here, you can add your store information and also you can add private information.

    Password – For getting the password, you will need to set up API key for adding config.yml that helps to create connection between the client store and local theme store. One can create a private app. Go to Shopify Admin, click on apps and click on View private apps. Click on Generate API for creating a private app.

    Theme_id – It is the unique id used in the theme to write for deploying to the store.

Let us start discussing the things that are of utter importance while working with SLATE:

Slate start – Slate is a front-end framework hence it is highly important to know its commands before you fully start using it. The command “slate start” runs slate build, slate deploy and slate watch features that help to develop faster. The command runs all the three commands so if you have made changes to client’s store and you haven’t made those changes locally then the local version may potentially wipe out those settings. Consider that the files have changed on your client’s store and they do not exist in local version of the theme.

Style Sheets – while you are importing style sheets it is to be noted that import statements that are found in Slates theme.scss are not Sass import statements. The imports build your stylesheet while running slate commands; they do require a build script to make a proper compilation. For adding additional Sass files, start to create new files in appropriate directory in the styles folder, add a new import line for newly created files having a correct. You can then run slate watch and see the changes that are reflected.

How to start with SLATE in simple steps

Ecommerce Technology
Tips and sources to start learning PHP

PHP is a wonderful programming language and as you dig deeper into its different aspects, you find more interesting things in store for you. For newcomers, who are looking to get into programming world may wonder in amazement as to why one should learn PHP, what are its benefits and how it helps them. Let us start right from the basics and get a deeper grip into the world of PHP.

PHP stands for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”, it is the most common server side language that is used in programming today. It is an open source platform hence it is widely popular, any person can access it through the power of Internet. It is a free access tool to everything PHP online. The reasons and justification for using PHP go far beyond the reasoning fact that it is the language any programmer uses to not only develop their programming skills but using a free implementation. This language can be embedded in HTML. Learning is learner’s passion hence it is highly important to know where to start and how to start.

To start with PHP, one obviously needs PHP installed on their computers where they can write the code. Visual Studio Code is good platform to start with, download and install the program and save it like the way we usually save a notepad document. The extension for PHP file would be .php. Go to Open with > Select Studio Code > Open a Blank template for using. PHP coding always use PHP tags so do not forget them.

The starting of the tag looks like ‘<?php’ (<? This is outdated and hence it may create some problems. To run PHP program, one requires software where they can run it. Most people use Xampp, once you download it, there are some modifications that can be done to make it run smoothly. If no changes are made, Xampp will be saved in C:\ drive of your computer. When you open the file, it will open up many options but save all of your files in ‘htdocs’ folder. When you click on the Run option, you will see two numbers under the ports that appear, the numbers that you can see are 443 plus a second one. We would be considering second number that is displayed. Now open a web browser and type localhost: 801/hello-world.php. You would write the second number where I have put 801. Once you hit the enter button, you will be taken to a white blank page. The next step is to confirm whether the browser that we are currently using is programmed to read PHP tags or not. For this, you will have to open hello-world.php file and in between PHP tags, you have to write “Hello”. To check this on the browser, go to the browser and reload the page.

Finally, now that we have installed PHP, and the way to write its code, we have to start learning how to actually use PHP. There are a number of online resources and books available online, some resources are freely available. There is a lot of information available online to learn so many things, search with keywords like PHP programming, PHP free online resources, mySQL Web development, etc. some programs and books will be quite lengthier than you think, but do not get nervous. Lengthier the pages, the deeper understanding of the programming and the processes they have used. There are ample of books available that will give you good amount of information to learn PHP section wise.

PHP is a smart language, once you dig deeper into it, you shall see how tremendously useful this language is. Sometimes, you may be utterly frustrated if codes do not work what you programmed them for. But, do not give up, scan through online courses, mark different solutions that you get to fix your problem and try again.

Tips and sources to start learning PHP

Ecommerce Technology
The Rise of the Digital Experience Platform

Most consumers today are digitally inclined getting served exactly what they are looking for. There is emergency of multiple digital touchpoints allows consumers to check the product on one device, and buy it from the other and still give reviews on another. Brands are giving umpteenth liberty to consumers to reach out to them however and wherever they want. The interactions are usually experienced through the texting mode, phone apps, social media that leads to business growth and profitability. Companies are optimizing consumer digital experiences to enhance brand reputation in the longer run.

Industrial analysts are able to see resurgence of projects and investments with flexible technologies reliably demonstrating abilities that helps to generate sales, improve loyalty, save money and solve customer service problems. The most wanted out of them all are the integrated digital experience strategies.

Most often than not companies make the mistake of overinvestments in features and underinvesting in integration. The new channels coming up with architectural strategy will continuously keep testing. The new touch points have regular problems because they are hard-wired. Custom integrations make the accommodation a little difficult with new channels.

Flexible Integration strategy and execution plan serves as cornerstones for digital experience platforms. Integration is not the term that is usually used by marketing or digital experience leaders. The stakeholders are anyway aware of the pain points preventing teams from working across the aisle. Architectural strategies are the key selection factors while choosing the technology components for your Digital experience platforms.

Important Integration questions one should usually ask are: are the systems that I am using for CMS modular? Can I extend legacy systems by using reusable services and APIs? Is the solution truly best of breed? Could there be deployment alongside existing systems? A flexible integration strategy is need by any medium of organization. Without such integrated strategy approach it is either going to be left hanging or be completely implemented.

The Rise of the Digital Experience Platform

Grow your Search traffic by adding JSON-LD

If there is one objective that every Ecommerce has in common is the search for Organic traffic on their websites. Although, there are many limiting factors with search engines, the choices to get Organic Traffic are vast. Search engines often face the problem of analyzing huge quantities of HTML data that is complex and non-standardized. Search engines extract data and present it to the users for the queries they ask in the search box. They do it with the help of Structured data, one may wonder how structured data helps for search engines to recognize and analyze the query.

Structured data is the information about a web page that helps search engines to understand the contents of the page. Search engines do not have to parse entire HTML document, they can analyze the page through structured data. Let us understand the Role of JSON-LD in getting Organic search traffic:

What is JSON-LD?

Google highly recommends making use of structured data in all of the sites and JSON-LD is one format of the structured data. The biggest benefit of using JSON-LD amongst other type of structured data is that it doesn’t have to be interspaced within HTML coding. As compared to this, other formats require you to change HTML, add the elements and attributes to show where each part is located in the page. Sometimes it is difficult to detect any errors due to which it may affect the search results. With JSON-LD, the code is embedded in HTML that acts as a block to JSON data. This doesn’t affect how HTML looks and is invisible to regular users.

How to Add JSON-LD

JSON is a popular data format and JSON-LD is based on it that many developers create or update it. Developers’ find using JSON-LD easy if they have already worked with other structured data formats like microformats or RDFs. Other benefits of using JSON-LD is, that it works with stores having dynamic backend that helps to create web pages. JSON-LD is the data that is separated from the actual page. The stores using dynamic data are able to easily create a template for JSON-LD; they can then re-use it across all product pages.


A person not having technical background is easily able to check the details of the product page details like the name, description, brand, image, url, sku, condition, etc. Other things that can be checked about the offer are price, condition, currency, availability, etc.

Easy Updating

All the data combined together help the search engines understand the product for sale. Some data are duplicated in both the product and offer section. JSON-LD format allows listing the details of the product page. Try to give as much data as possible to the search engines when you set-up JSON-LD, they can use it for search results.

Include Core Data

Core product data is highly important to include in your product JSON-LD. Product element terms like name, description, itemcondition, availability, price, pricecurrency, aggregaterating, offers, etc are used to provide for organic listings. Adding JSON-LD helps search engines to parse the products and offers available on your online store. They greatly help to increase organic search traffic.

Grow your Search traffic by adding JSON-LD

Ecommerce Technology
How to prepare yourself for Google’s Mobile-First Index

Time and again Google have been coming out with different SEO updates, Algorithm updates and mobile updates. With the type of announcements that Google is coming every time, it is pretty much clear that they are in much favor of Mobile websites. Google’s Mobilegeddon update has brands initiating to make responsive websites. Responsive websites are the need of an hour with much of users shopping and browsing online through their mobile devices.

So now let us understand what is Mobile-first Index and why is it important:

Technically Google’s current index is the one in which people continue to keep getting results from. Desktop content is indexed and is used for showing listings to mobile and desktop users. For Mobile, a special mobile friendly ranking system is used that helps to boost content for Google’s mobile listings. A study by Stone temple consulting shows that 55% of traffic comes from a mobile device and it will continue to keep growing year after year.


As more and more users are transitioning from desktop to mobile use, it makes sense for the brands to come out with mobile friendly pages.

Google Indexing

Initially, Google indexed the site based on Desktop experiences


With the new update, Google will index and rank your website based on the content of your mobile experience. The image given below shows desktop and mobile experience for same pages and the way content is displayed on both the pages:

This is your

The above states that both versions show same content so when Mobile-first index kicks in, it wouldn’t make any impact to the site’s page. Google will see similar thing as the site is built up on responsive web design.


Similarly, the above image shows the site having negative impact because Google will use mobile experience on the right for indexing purposes.

Tips to help you prepare for Mobile-First Index

Learning and implementing about Mobile-First Index requires a detailed analysis and studies, here are the steps that help you get through update when it releases:

  1. Google’s Webmaster Blog Post
  2. Google has always been open about the changes that it wants to bring and encouraged people to learn from the blogs and news. Webmaster’s blog post is a good starting point to plan your activities when the update kicks in. However, there are two important points to note here: If you are already having a responsive website where primary content is similar to content seen on the desktop than you do not have to change anything. If the site shows different content on desktop and mobile, then it means that primary content needs to be changed and it requires some changes to your site.

  3. Responsive Website design
  4. Responsive websites are the ones which are mobile friendly; their primary content is similar to what content is seen on the desktop version. If your website already shows same content on desktop as well as mobile than you do not need to make any changes.

    If your website is not responsive than there might be indexing issues and Google will not give good ranking to your site. In such cases, you can put primary content on your mobile site as Google will check primary source of content first.

  5. Hidden Content in Tabs and Accordion menus
  6. Google has always been very clear about its update; they do not like to hide their content. According to their past update, they had strictly stated that the hidden content in tabs or accordions will not be considered for ranking purposes. But with Mobile-first index update, they plan to take it loose; it rightly derives from the following statement by John Mueller:

“So the mobile-first indexing will index the mobile version of the page. And on the mobile version of the page it can be that you have these kind of tabs and folders and things like that, which we will still treat as normal content on the page even. Even if it is hidden on the initial view.”

This is advantageous from the design and UX standpoint of view; it will also help organize large pieces of content.

Mobile friendly website design are the future, so it is greatly recommended to make a responsive website design that will help millennials easily browse through webpage across any possible devices you can merely think of

How to prepare yourself for Google’s Mobile-First Index

How customers prefer to shop; online vs In-Store

E-Commerce has led to many uprisings and has taken e-retailing to newer heights. Although there has been a major shift from retail buying habits to online buying, larger US consumers still rely on buying from physical stores. According to the reports by eMarketer, an estimated over $5 trillion disposable income of US population is said to be spent on physical store buys by 2020.

Over 85% of those surveyed said that they like to touch and feel the product before they buy; hence they buy it from the stores. It helps them make a purchase decision. A research stated that one-third that is 36% respondents do not like to wait for items to be shipped and 30% like to get advice on product features, services and products they should buy. 90% of consumers stated they would buy items if they receive knowledge based advice from representatives regarding the product.

With millennial generation, we know that shopping online is the norm; the new buying habits are somewhat very similar to earlier generation buying offline. The adult populations of United States heavily rely on physical buying from the stores, states the research done by Walker Sands Communications. The survey was done in March 2017 on 1,662 consumers above 18 years of age. 54% of respondents stated that they would prefer buying from physical stores where as 33% would prefer buying from online shop on computers, 12% prefer mobile device and 1% prefer using voice-controlled devices.

How do

Youngest consumers in the age group of 18-25 and the oldest in the age group 61+ preferred buying in-store compared to online buying.


83% respondents stated they bought product from physical store last year, 69% purchased online and got it delivered through regular shipping and 41% purchased online and picked up from the store.


80% of consumers stated that they would opt for shop online on the website or an app if they are offered free shipping.

Which of the


Retailers providing high value interactions will give satisfying experiences to customers. Retailers should understand customers’ needs and wants if they want to survive in highly competitive business markets. They should use modern technology to empower their store representatives.

How customers prefer to shop; online vs In-Store

Beyond Amazon and Alibaba: what’s next for E-Commerce

Ecommerce businesses have rolled out in whatever fields, we can merely think of. The biggest consumers of Ecommerce goods are the US and Chinese markets. Although the switch from physical stores to online retail has been tremendous, the shift is for good and according to reports there are still unexplored places and diversions. The technological advancements have led to many new insights which industrial experts are yet to be aware of. With the popularity of Ecommerce giants like Amazon and Alibaba, the world is assuming that the game is over. In fact, these giants are evolving day after day commoditizing product categories at different stage of advancements.

Amazon has taken a swift approach by first targeting the books, then houseware, electronics, clothing, grocery and so on. Where as, Alibaba’s Tmall and Taobao platforms have been capable of capturing market shares and have popular imagination with millions of SKUs creating a global store. The growth is tremendous when one compares from where it started and up to where has it reached today. With every evolution, people thought that it is the end but it never was. The emerging trends are never ending and if you closely look at Greenfield territory, you will find there are billion dollar start-up companies thriving simply on opportunities created. One can understand these emerging trends through redefining of what we call “mass market”. Today, we see buyers and sellers are equally constrained for selling their goods in every vertical possible at lowest price point being an “all available store” selling “all at lowest prices”.

Many bigger E-Commerce brands have constructively made use of resources available to provide improved customer experiences. These brands and vertical market places are using personalization and community help for curating experiences for prevalence in the US and Chinese markets.


Let us get a brief idea on how these giants have a purpose and how they are still going strong. Amazon and Taobao are gigantic warehouses that heavily rely on purpose based shopping. People visit their sites; find the product they are looking for, order it, find the delivery the next but overall experience are cluttered especially for people who are disoriented. In comparison to this, E-Brands and vertical marketplaces are not going to compete with similar warehouse searches. They are rather focusing on the discovery and curating of products in specific categories that a customer want to use it for occasional purchase. More of mobile shopping has evolved and people are having enjoyable experiences with the brands. The apps are targeted for shoppers who feel they need access to each and every product right now. They offer curated experiences to consumers of the brand to help them discover affordable products to build a good shopping experience for smartphone users.

Creating a Social Flow

People love Amazon and Taobao for the user experiences they get by browsing these Ecommerce store. Customers treat these stores as tools where they can shop online and not as an “Identities”. E-Commerce brands such as AirBnB, Houzz, Xiaohongshu and Pinterest offer expert social profile for brands and also help to develop followers. These Ecommerce giants have built upon a platform, where people look up to for information and buying products.

Different E-Commerce brands build value infused branding depending on the type of products they are dealing in. There are diverse industries that follow different tactics for consumers to follow them either on social platforms or through mobile apps. The consumers do not necessarily log on to Amazon or Alibaba for buying brand items. On the flip side of it, bigger outlets like Walmart are finding it difficult by the changing customer buying habits.


So, what’s up next!

Is Walmart looking to battle bigger Ecommerce giants like Amazon or the likes?

There are several advantages for small enterprises or startups to follow new plans and strategies and take learnings from already established Ecommerce stores. With Alibaba and Amazon in comparison, there is still unexploited vast amount of growth that needs to be realized for Ecommerce markets.

Undoubtedly, Amazon and Alibaba take up much of market share in the US and China that only amounts to 8% and 16% of the total $9 trillion retail markets. There are again larger developments uncovered that could lead to tremendous increase in business. The new markets are open or rather unexploited till date; there is good scope for E-Commerce expansion and appeal to next-Gen millennial consumers. The communication channels and models are improving thus opening up more channels for buying and selling. E-Commerce markets are growing and evolving over time, even start-ups are making full utilization of the resources available that helps them to curate, personalize and optimize the experiences.

Ideally, E-Commerce market segmentation seems like a traditional retail business but it’s altogether a new approach. With the use of AR/VR Technology, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, etc in place there are bigger solutions available. A new twist and approach is in place to encourage larger and bigger dollars pumping into E-commerce industry.

Beyond Amazon and Alibaba: what’s next for E-Commerce

11 Cost Effective growth hacking for Ecommerce

Ecommerce is everywhere and so does its competitiveness! Retailers and marketers are submerged in a pool where there are so many tactics to be followed. Organizations should look forward to solutions that best suits their business needs and explore the growth hacks that they can implement in their business to get more sales. Given below are creatively churned out best hacking ideas that you can use in your Ecommerce business:

    1. The use of ad extensions

Ad extensions are the best possible ways through which you can target your ads especially on Google and Bing. These types of ads help to provide uniqueness to viewers compared to other ads that only show Headline and the URL. Ad extensions help to give more robust and interactive ads as given below:

the Use

The different elements that you can add to your ads to make it look more attractive and help consumer easily get through to convert are sitelink extensions, call extensions, location extensions, review extensions and callout extensions.

    1. Prepare Creative content and create market buzz through giveaways

Content Marketing takes the lead when it comes to create customer engagement, it helps to increase good number of subscribers and boost the sales. Giveaways are a great way to create awareness about the brand and generate website traffic.


Choose something that will grab users’ attention, there can be a variety of items that the brand can give to its potential customers like sample products, offer coupons, introductory products, reward based incentives, etc.

    1. Create a sense of Urgency through FOMO

Fear-Of-Missing-Out (FOMO) drives a good amount of traffic by creating user engagement and social activities on platforms. A study revealed that 56% of consumers are afraid to miss out on important announcements if they are not active on social networks.

Create FOMO

Marketers can leverage the FOMO by creating good offers, highlighting the contests with the limited time promotions that mark a sense of urgency in audiences.

    1. Build your own Life time value (LTV)

The important learning lessons and essential for business growth is to retain your customers. Use your instincts and give excellent customer service. It is much costlier to acquire a new customer as compared to an existing customer. Harvard Business school study states that a 5% bump in customer retention increases your profits by 95%.


A good customer service program creates loyal relationships, interact with your customers and find what is that they are looking for.

    1. Use of Influencer Marketing

Every industry certainly has influencers that are followed by masses; look out for the influencers belonging to your industry and check if they are promoting similar products. Influencer marketing has been tremendously successful in apparel and retail industries. Social influencer marketing is strong marketing and is induced by word of mouth marketing method. It can drive tremendous visibility to your website and create traffic. Below chart shows how brands work with influencers to connect with customers.


Influencer marketing is one of the smarter moves by brands, it encourages trust and engagement because influencers belong to your industry and have higher probability to drive traffic.


For searching the right influencers, select the influencers, who belong to your industry, build a personal connection with them. Send our samples, talk to them if they are ready to promote your product.

how to

    1. Simplify the checkout process

Cart abandonment is ever so common! Why? The reason being most customers gets frustrated with checkout process and leaves their carts. This is the bigger problem faced by Ecommerce industries today, optimizing the checkout process is a big challenge. The study shows, 68% carts are abandoned having an estimated value of $4.9 trillion on a global level.


Easy navigation helps the users to browse and navigate through the website easily and effortlessly. Reduce the elements on the page to give clarity to the browsers of the page especially the checkout process. The common friction causing reasons for cart abandonment are shipping costs, pricing, separate logging accounts, complicated checkout process, etc.

    1. Psychological pricing

Most times when consumers buy anything it is the brands who have sold out to them through the means of tiered pricing. SaaS platforms use this method most times that is highly beneficial. Listing too many expensive and non-expensive items does it, there by making customers choose item exactly that brands want you to select. It is psychological pricing.


A MIT study and University of Chicago tested similar tactic with women’s clothing found that most consumers select the products in the middle price point.

    1. Build social sharing offline

Social shares are the fastest means to help you do word of mouth marketing, make the maximum use of this opportunity. As soon as the customers open their new purchases, prompt them to share their new buys online with hashtags and share their experiences on the brand page with relevant hashtags by incentivizing them.

Incentivize your audiences with a number of options like promotion codes, discount, using custom hashtags, etc. this will help to create User generated content that helps to do brand promotion.

    1. Referral programs

This is another great way to create branding at its best. A study from Texas Tech University found that 83% of customers are willing to refer friends and family to brand if they have positive experience with the brand. In reality, only 29% makes a referral. Customers would not share by themselves; the idea of this campaign is to ask for a Referral and to so wisely. According to University of Chicago studies, non-cash incentives are more effective as compared to cash incentives by 24%.

    1. Retargeting strategies

Retargeting is an essential part of any marketing program; the research by AdRoll stated that 2% of customers actually convert in their first visit. The experience of a customer on its purchase journey is the implication how further it is going to be. Consumers buy their purchase across different devices. They select from one device and purchase from the other.


Retargeting helps to gain your customers back by 27% of lost prospects and gain 70% back with help of retargeting for customers who were shown relevant ads.

    1. Segmented Email campaigns

Email Marketing is one of the main channels to boost your Ecommerce growth. 77% consumers rely on email communications for doing permission-based communications as compared to any other mediums. Over 80% of retail professionals feel that email marketing is the biggest driving factors for customer retention. Drip campaigns can be designed on the basis of customer triggers.


Always follow 80/20 rules for content sent to your subscribers and be cautious about the number of emails that you are sending out to your customers.

Most of the businesses today heavily rely on acquiring new customers to boost their business growth. But retention is also one far-sighted element to continue the profits of your business. There are several ways to hack your business growth by engaging your customers more.

11 Cost Effective growth hacking for Ecommerce


Introducing an inter-organisational business incubation event focused on enhancing our team’s entrepreneurial spirit’s and ambitions.
Binary Entrepreneur League is designed in such a way that its character targets to give a new lease to Binarians thought patterns, help in developing their creative thinking element and get their innermost entrepreneur desires up and running.
Here are our 5 final teams:

1. Dresskart

Introduction: Every color says your mood and reflects your personality,Dresskart provides all the shades and patterns for enhancing your beauty.Vision: Our vision to be the No. 1 retailer for dress materials in India
Our Mission: To expand our business both offline and online and have a powerful presence on both fronts.
Our Value: Integrity, Respect and Passion for excellence, working together.

2.Happy Feet

Happy Feet
Happy Feet brings to you a wide range of ladies footwear ranging from trendy Chappals to cool Sandals.
If you are looking for happiness for your feet as well as to your wallet, this is where your hunt ends!!!
Vision: To bring happiness to ladies who wish to buy comfortable and trendy footwear at economical prices.
Mission: To help ladies who wish to buy comfortable and trendy footwear at economical prices find their fitting pairs of Chappals & Sandals

3. Fashion Hub & Crafts

Fashion Hub & Crafts
Fashion Hub & Crafts is our Fashion idea of giving our esteemed customers the best in terms of Design, Style and Quality.
We keenly look forward tying up with prominent designer houses to add value to our on-going business.
Vision:To bring exclusive designer pieces that are one of a kind having best quality at its core.
Mission: to churn out the best design pieces directly from manufacturers and bring it to final consumers at very affordable rates.

4. Masala Makers:

Masala Makers
Mission: We ensure to deliver high quality premium spices with the right mix of health and taste
Vision: To make Spices and Mix “Taste Like Never Before”

5. Classy Desis

Classy Desis
Classy Desis, is a fashion brand that brings to you, meticulously chosen contemporary as well as traditional jewelry.
Vision: We envision ourselves as people’s choice of the go to brand, when it comes to artificial jewelry.
Mission: The mission of Classy Desis is to have something in store for ever



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Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Indore, Canada



Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Indore, Canada



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